• Solo • Dinili, Part 1

20th of Vhalar 717

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Victor Amielle
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Dinili, Part 1

20th of Vhalar, Arc 717
From Victor Amielle's diary:

I first encountered one of those strange creatures that the islanders call ‚dinili‘ earlier that season, quite by chance. I have to admit, I was a bit scared back then as the creature was at least the size of a pony, but it did not seem to be interested in me at all. It only had eyes for the succulent grass that grew on the meadow where I stood. I made a decision then – to catch a dinili and put it on a ship that is bound for Lysoria. It has been a while since I have sent Stefan more than a letter. If he does not receive an impressive gift soon, he will probably begin to wonder if I have been exaggerating about my success and my skill as a researcher - and I cannot allow that to happen!

The book that was lying on Victor’s desk that stood in front of the small window of his room near the university was thick, bound in brown leather and titled “The Fauna of Scalvoris”. On the cover was a picture of a bizarre creature that looked like a cross between a white tiger and an owl or a similar kind of bird. Victor had already found out that it was called a ‘pantheon’ – a name that did not make any sense to him. He had learned that ‘pantheon’ was the term for the set of gods belonging to a particular religion, and there was nothing divine about that creature in his opinion, no matter how unique its appearance was. Was its name a homonym then – a word that was spelled alike, but had a different meaning? Or had the person that had discovered the pantheons of Scalvoris simply been uneducated and thought that the word sounded cool?

He pondered the question for a few moments, but eventually dismissed it as inconsequential in the long run and leafed through the book in front of him instead until he had found the chapter that he had been looking for. He realized that he could probably just have bought a Dinili and lied to his brother about where he had gotten it from, but he almost never took the easy way out. To catch a Dinili as he had planned he needed to research it first in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises though. It would not do if the animal that he believed to be a harmless herbivore suddenly decided to attack him and tried to take a bite out of him!

“Dinili”, he read. “are herbivorous four-legged creatures that can be found almost anywhere on Scalvoris. They are born in litters of up to ten, and they are comparatively small at birth, but they grow at an enormous rate until they have reached the size of a small pony. Dinili are docile, easily trained and unlikely to ever lose their temper. For that reason they are a popular family animal and a favourite with the farmers of the island. Their armored back forms a natural saddle. Some races, such as the Ithecal, drill holes into it in order to improve it. The Dinili do not seem to feel any pain from that. Dinili live for approximately twenty arcs and remain strong and in good health for the better part of that time.”

Beneath the text was a picture of a Dinili which looked almost as bizarre as a pantheon in his opinion. He tried to picture himself sitting on its back and riding it as one would normally ride a horse, but failed miserably. The Dinili would attract a fair amount of attention in Lysoria where such creatures did not exist though, and that was what was important. The rich and famous of Lysoria would probably talk about it for seasons to come!
Last edited by Victor Amielle on Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:56 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 643
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            Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.
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            Victor Amielle
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            In order to successfully catch a Dinili, he first needed to acquire supplies, and thus Victor made his way to The Spirit of Adventure, a most interesting shop that catered to adventurers, expeditions or people that simply wanted to go on a camping trip. When he had first arrived on Scalvoris, he had briefly considered asking Friell, the proprietor for a job as such would allow him cheap and easy access to the tools he would need for his research, but then an opening at the Institute of Metaphysics had come up – and that offer had been too tempting to pass it up!

            Still, he tried to be on friendly terms with Friell in spite of the man’s strange behavior. From the people that lived nearby he had heard that Friell supposedly never left his shop which suggested that he either suffered from a terrible case of social phobia or, possibly, agoraphobia or that he had been the victim of a curse. Since he appeared to be at ease when dealing with his customers, Victor had come to the conclusion that it was either agoraphobia or a curse.

            He hoped that it was a curse so that he would be able to find a cure and have Friell’s eternal gratitude even though wishing a curse on somebody was not a particularly nice thing to do.

            Since he had to catch a Dinili, he did not ponder the hypothetical cure to Friell’s equally hypothetical curse much longer than a few trills though as such would be counter-productive at the moment, but pushed the door open and stepped inside, smiling slightly as he did so as if he were meeting a dear old friend and not somebody that he simply wanted to do business with.

            “Friell!” he greeted him and removed a carefully folded piece of paper from a pocket of his fine dark wool coat. “How are you? I need to acquire several things to-trial. I’m going to try and catch a wild animal, and I thought I’d get my supplies from you since your wares are always of the highest quality, and I know that I can trust you.”

            Actually, he was not all that sure if he really could, but there was nothing wrong with a little flattery every now and then, especially if the person one was dealing with reacted like Friell did. The man smirked at him, took his shopping list and looked at it. “You’ve definitely come to the right place! Come here, come here. It will only take me a bit to find these items … Victor isn’t it?” Friell looked at him questioningly. Victor nodded and followed Friell around the shop as he gathered the items on his shopping list.

            From what he could tell it did not take the shopkeeper a bit, but closer to five bits which was still quite impressive considering the somewhat chaotic state of the Spirit of Adventure. In the end he left, carrying a large cardboard box containing fifty feet of hemp rope, a lead rope, a rope halter, a saddle, a compass (so that he did not get lost in the wilderness) and a bucket.

            Following his visit to The Spirit of Adventure, Victor went to another shop to buy some animal feed as he needed something to attract the Dinili’s attention with, and a bucket full of the most delicious feed seemed like his best bet as Dinili probably ate a lot. As he did not know whether Dinili liked fruit or grain best, he had decided to get both grain as well as a dozen apples.
            Last edited by Victor Amielle on Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:04 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 610
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                      Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.
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                      Victor Amielle
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                      The next morning Victor was sitting at his desk again and looking at a map of Scalvoris Town and the surrounding areas that was lying in front of him. This must be it, he thought, took his pen and marked a spot some distance to the west of his current position with a dot. This is the meadow where I last saw the dinili, I’m pretty sure of it. It doesn’t look like it’s very far from here. Let’s check if I’ll be able to make the trip there and return before sundown!

                      He took a ruler, measured the distance between Scalvoris and the meadow and then checked the scale at the bottom of his map. If he walked at an average speed of five kilometres per break, he estimated that he would to be able to reach his destination by noon which should leave him with enough spare time – unless the dinili had moved on in the meantime or he failed to catch one which was a possibility that he refused to consider.

                      He folded the map, put it into a pocket of his jacket and grabbed his backpack – and his sword, in case he ran into trouble. He also decided to put a bottle of water, a bit of bread and some dried meat into his backpack. His previous travels had taught him never to venture into the wilderness without a bit of food and something to drink, no matter how far he went.

                      A moment later he was already out of the door. He nodded at one of his colleagues that lived on the same floor, and then he went on his way. It would be best not to waste any more time.
                      Last edited by Victor Amielle on Tue May 08, 2018 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 291
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                                Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.
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                                Re: Dinili, Part 1

                                Dinili, Part 1
                                Points awarded: 10
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                                Research x1

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                                Skill Usage: Appropriate to level.
                                Word count: 1,572

                                I learned something new about Scalvoris fauna today – dinili are certainly odd creatures, and I can understand why Victor wanted to capture one and send it back to Lysoria. I liked the premise of this thread, and you kept it interesting in places where it could have gotten dull (such as buying the supplies).

                                I enjoyed, specifically, Victor's pondering on what makes Friell stay inside his store. It was rather telling that he was kind of hoping that it was a curse, if only so that he could fix it and earn Friell's eternal gratitude. I appreciated the look into his character and morality there.

                                Enjoy the rewards, and feel free to send me a PM with any questions or concerns.
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