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Faith and Kali have some one-on-one time

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Saun 3rd, Mid-morning

It was hot, disgustingly hot, as Kali moved quickly through the streets of Scalvoris Town with bare feet warming dangerously on the cobblestones. In her hand she held an envelope, delicate in its fine design and fancy paper. There was beautiful cursive script on the front, far to elegant to be something scrawled by an uneducated hand. Curiously, perhaps even more curious than the fact it had been hand delivered to The Muse, it was addressed to her. Inside there had been even more fanciful things. Expensive paper and even more expensive ink scrolled down in an invitation, to her, for a type of soirée at some rather pompous sounding estate.

Her first reaction had been to throw it away, utterly uncaring for silly wasteful flights of fancy. Then she'd seen Pash had one too, and it had become a little more interesting. Firstly, how in Moseke's name did the host know who she was? Secondly, how had they known she would be on the Biqaj's sloop rather than at say, The Four In Hand or Cally's? To say she wanted to find out the answers to these things was an understatement, and so she decided quite soundly that she would attend this...event. The problem with this decision is that it left Kali'rial with a question that whilst Pash could have probably helped her with, it was maybe better answered by someone her own gender. Someone who had the right look and feel of a person wise beyond their years with a great many things.

And so it was, she had slipped away from the Biqaj's sloop with some comment about molerat harvesting and made her way to find Faith.

Reaching the Order, the young Sev'ryn politely stepped inside, allowing her feet to cool for a moment once out of the sun and looking for the nearest person. A young boy wearing a green cloak looked at her with a smile. He'd been the same boy that had brought her tea when they'd come with Mero.

"Well met young one. I am hoping you might be able to help me, I need to speak with Faith." She said with a quiet respectful tone. The little gentleman smiled at her with a face that could probably convince any woman to give him all the sweets they could find.

"Certainly miss, if you wait here, I can find her. Is it a matter of urgency?" The huntress frowned, looking down at the invite with a slightly sheepish expression before shrugging.

"I don't know. I don't think so? It's...urgent to me, but not so urgent that I can't come back if she is busy." To be honest, Kali felt that if she left now, she would probably talk herself out of the whole thing and never come back. She hoped the young woman would have time to see her.
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"Yes miss, I'll go get 'er. She's gettin' her gold cloak today. There's gunna be a party," the boy said and turned to run off to get Faith, but the young woman happened to be walking out of a door and into the reception area as he did, so he didn't have far to run. Faith came in, wearing her blue cloak showing her rank here and carrying a box with, presumably, medical supplies in it. She looked down at the young man as he spoke to her, just out of Kali's earshot and Faith nodded, handed him the box and watched him as he ran off with it.

Faith then made her way over to where Kali was and smiled in greeting. The young human woman had her hair tied back and cool clothes on beneath her blue cloak, a pale blue skirt and a white blouse. "Hello Kali, are you alright?" Faith asked, unable to resist the urge to look her over with a critical medical eye. As she did, she saw the letter in her hand and a look of surprise and recognition crossed her gaze.

"Did you get one of those too? It was odd," Faith said and gave a slightly rueful smile, "it came to our house, but was addressed to us sort of, formally. Associate Professor Augustin and Associate Professor Faith," she pulled a slight face, not really approving of the titles but then she smiled at Kali. In truth, Faith was nervous as it was possible to be about the graduation that afternoon, so she was more than happy to see Kali there.

"Are you going to go?" Faith wondered and then shook her head. "I'm sorry, you probably came here with a serious need, rather than my frivolous nonsense. Is everything alright?" She gestured as they spoke, leading Kali into a side room where they could talk privately. There was a medical bed, a desk and a few chairs, one of which Faith sat on and she looked at Kali expectantly.
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Kali held out a hand too late as the boy left to fetch Faith. A gold cloak? A party? Immortal's, the brunette felt like she was possibly the most inconsiderate person in Scalvtown right now. How self absorbed had she been this past handful of ten trials to not know more about Faith? It was a reflection on herself as a very poor friend - if she could even apply that word.

Glancing up at the sound of a familiar voice, she smiled at the raven haired woman, nodding her head to indicate she was fine. Well, physically. Tapping the letter as Faith mentioned it, the Sev'ryn chuckled with a raised eyebrow.

"Associate Professor? I'm sorry Faith I had no idea. I've been so caught up with...well with Pash, that I've neglected to even check in with you. You must be so proud, congratulations." She blushed with embarrassment before pressing on.

"I agree, the notes are peculiar to say the least. Mine is addressed to me, and I mean not just to me but to 'Kali'rial; Hunter Of Beasts, Daughter of Moseke, and Traveller Of Desnind.' Like they tried to make me sound more important than I really am. They hand delivered it to The Muse. They even wrote my name in Xanthean." Following the younger woman into the room, Kali didn't sit at first, pacing slowly instead and shaking her head with a frown.

"I'm here for...well quite the opposite of serious, I am in fact here for this nonsense and Moseke save me, I have no idea why!" She sank into the chair beside Faith with a heavy sigh, propping her elbow on the arm rest and resting her head on her hand. Sitting still for a moment before shifting again, the brunette lent forward and looked at Faith with a crease marring her brow.

"Pash says I need to think more with my heart, not just my head, and I'm trying but..." Fluttering the invite she shook her head before sighing again and looking down at her hands, worrying the corner of the expensive paper nervously. So far, she'd only opened up to the bard about all these things, maybe not even all of them. Faith was perhaps the closet Kali had to a 'gal-pal' to talk to, whether she was ready for that or not.

"How do you do that, without feeling like it's just a colossal waste of time? I feel...happier. I do. But when I think of my grandfather I wonder, how do I look him in the eye one day and say 'I partied and I danced and I loved, instead of doing my duty and finding my
The huntress said quietly, not sure if she'd actually given any context to why she was here in the first place with a single thing she had said so far. Taking a deep breath in through her nose, and releasing it slowly through her mouth, Kali looked at the silver eyed healer and answered both her questions at once.

"Yes, I am thinking of going, no I'm not sure if I'm alright." She offered up a weak smile then, unable to muster the disciplined and focused woman that Faith had met in the glass temple. Her head and her heart were arguing with each other, and it was leaving the Sev'ryn struggling.
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"Oh, no, we were both associate professors when I met you, it isn't a new thing." Faith said and she smiled. Padraig and she were both busy constantly and the two jobs were at least one reason why. "We're both studying and working at the University and have been since we got here. Him physics, me medicine. I just meant that the letters were very formal."

Kali''rial then told her why she was here and Faith listened, paying attention to what the Sev'ryn said to her and what she explained. Pash told her to be or think more in a certain way, her grandfather would think what? Faith watched Kali and considered for a moment what her words were. What she was asking. Pressing together the pads of her fingers, Faith looked down at her hands for a few trill and thought about it.

"Padraig is my first boyfriend," Faith said, then, with a smile. "I am very shoddy at relationships, so please keep that in mind. I find talking about my feelings hard, especially my feelings for him." In fairness, feelings generally were something which she found difficult to talk about but then, the reality of her life before Padraig meant that emotions had not been allowed, were a thing which provoked nothing except punishment. Did Kali'rial know that she had been a slave? Faith didn't know one way or the other if Pash had told the woman so she did not raise the issue. Kali'rial would if she felt it was necessary and she knew.

"However," she said with a shrug, "I'd say that it doesn't matter what Pash or anyone tells you they think you should do or feel. To love someone is to accept them for who they are, completely." Faith smiled slightly and shrugged, "Or so I believe." Trying to fit oneself into what someone else thought was, fundamentally, what Faith had spent her whole life doing before meeting Padraig. "All any of us can do is live our lives being the best version of ourselves we can be. If that fits in with another, if they love you unconditionally then they accept you without seeking to change you, or you them."

Faith looked at the Sev'ryn woman and gave a grin, "But damn, it's scary. It's out of control and impossible to predict. It terrifies me." She smiled and glanced at the wall where the calendar hung. Next season, she would be getting married and it delighted her, yet Padraig knew that she spent a lot of her time worrying about meeting other people's expectations. He was the one person who had none, because she was already perfectly herself and everything he wanted. She hoped that Kali found the same, or already had. "Love makes you crazy," she considered and then looked at the Sev'ryn with a rather ironic expression.

"I don't know if I'm answering anything you've asked," she admitted and shook her head."I'm sorry. I am, most genuinely, shoddy at this kind of thing."
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Whatever level of advice Faith could provide, shoddy or not, it was more than anything Kali had so far. She hadn't meant to unload on the woman, it just came bubbling out. The silver eyed healer was easy to talk to. As for Faith's slavery background, the Sev'ryn hadn't been involved in any conversations about it, and so to date, the knowledge was not hers to reflect on.

The brunette smiled, raising an eyebrow in an almost contrite expression.

"It seems we share something in common. How long have you known him, if you don't mind me asking?" Looking at her hands with a blush, Kali continued.

"Pash is my first...boyfriend? Is that what you call it? He's my first...everything. My first friend, my first partner..." She left the other firsts to the young woman's own imagination to figure out. Listening to Faith talk about being accepted for who she was, Kali'rial nodded.

"It's not...well...it isn't that he doesn't accept me for what I am. He's trying to help me let go of my past, and open myself to the world. You mention it's hard to talk about your feelings, especially for Padraig. I know this...struggle. I wasn't raised to explore feelings or flights of fancy. My grandparents would say all of this frivolity is just a path that leads to lots of pain and people getting hurt." Her brow furrowed, recalling the vivid memories her nightmare had pulled forth of her parents, and the anger that still burned at her grandparents way of dealing with it all. Glancing up, she caught Faith's grin and couple help but smile back with a small laugh.

"Immortal's yes! It's all so...impulsive and uncontrolled. Nothing seems to be planned. Sometimes he makes me so confused. I feel like one minute I am drowning in all these thoughts and feelings, and then the next minute I'm flying and so in love it actually hurts my heart to imagine loosing him." Catching the raven haired woman glance at the calendar, Kali'rial smiled almost knowingly.

"Crazy. That is absolutely a perfect description." Slapping the invite on her hand again, the huntress chuckled.

"I think that was my fault. Pulled us way off the reason I came here in the first place." Holding the invite up, she pointed at it with a suddenly serious frown.

"I am going to this, hang whatever my head says, and I don't have any idea what one is supposed to wear to a 'fancy' event. I was hoping, since you're always so properly dressed, you might have time to help me look for something. Or if not, maybe some advice on...this." She gestured at the whole of her head in a general manner, nose wrinkling slightly as she did so.
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How long had she known Padraig? "We met on the third of Vhalar last arc. He was my tutor," Faith explained, her gaze wistful. "So, nearly an arc. We've had so many adventures, so many experiences together, sometimes it feels like I've known him my whole life." Other times, it was like he had just come into her life.

Kali explained how Pash wasn't being controlling, but was helping her to be free of her past, to let it go. Faith made no comment on that, she had made her point and it remained, yet there was not anything there which was her concern or business. She had no need to make Kali think the way she did, how the Sev'ryn ran her relationship was up to her. So, Faith smiled and kept her peace there, glad that Kali moved on. If there was one thing guaranteed, Faith thought, to ruin a perfectly nice moment, it was the continuation of a point beyond which it was necessary. Boundaries were important to the young human woman and in her speech she tended to show that. Really, it was about understanding and rules and learning and knowing, but so few people here knew her or who she had been; Faith had considered that she probably seemed just rather odd.

The description Kali gave, though, of things changing from moment to moment caused a smile from Faith and a nod of the head. She understood that feeling of out of control, of each moment bringing about a new challenge and different emotion. It was like a tidal wave, Faith thought, being in love. It was all encompassing and it was too massive to stand against.

Somehow, for her and Padraig, it fitted into an eyebath or a key.

Then, however, Kali told her why it was that she was here and Faith's eyebrow raised slightly. Properly dressed? Her? The irony of that hit the former slave with some force but she was far too disciplined to show such. Instead, she nodded. "I'd be happy to help you. When I lived in Rynmere, I worked as a seamstress for a number of seasons," Faith smiled, getting past the irony of a freeborn woman who was older than her, almost certainly, asking her for advice and just recognising that Kali'rial had no clue of the situation she was in. "So, I can help with clothes, I make all my own, I can try and whip something up for you, or come shopping with you."

As Kali'rial motioned to herself, her head and face and hair, Faith supposed, she tilted her head and looked at her. "Of course. We can try a few styles for your hair, see what you like. I am not trained in that sort of thing, but I have some experience of helping others and doing my own," both were true, it was just the context which was missing. "I think, though, that the most important thing is that you're comfortable and feel like you look good. If those two things are true, then your natural beauty will shine out." Faith's shoulders lifted in a shrug and she smiled. "If you'd like, I'd be happy to."
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Kali released a tension in her shoulders she hadn't realised she'd been holding, nerves or anxiousness maybe that Faith would laugh at her or just say no. She shot the younger woman another smile of gratitude.

"A seamstress, a professor, a cook, a healer and a business owner? For someone so young, you have an amazing range of talents. I can...shoot a bow and tan a hide." Chuckling at the comparison, the Sev'ryn continued.

"I couldn't ask you to make something. That's a lot of work for one evening, and you've got other more pressing things to worry about." The brunette tilted her head at the calendar with a smile.

"It would be most valuable if you could accompany me shopping. I don't know what to look for. At home, we make our clothing from hide and furs. All this...fabric and trinkets and bows and shoes and such. I fear that if I try and make a choice I'll look silly." Explaining it to the poised Faith, Kali'rial felt suddenly extremely foreign. Scalvoris wasn't the height of noble society, but it was quite far removed from living in the trees or walking the trade routes.

"I would very much like that, thankyou. I was going to just leave my hair out but again...I feel so...out of place." Thumbing the invite, she shook her head a little.

"You don't need to show me anything difficult or intricate. I just wanted to see if you had any suggestions." Again, she shot Faith another smile, feeling her cheeks colouring slightly as she spoke. It wasn't just embarrassing to admit to someone younger than you that you weren't remotely equipped to 'gussy up', but it was intimidating under the raven haired woman's silvery gaze. Faith had more discipline than Kali, maybe it was different in the Glass Temple, but the Sev'ryn huntress had changed.

She had changed and this was ok.

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Kali's comment on her life thus far caused a slightly wry smile to lift Faith's lips. "I suppose I had a strict upbringing and couple that with a need to feel useful. As for what to wear?" The young human woman shrugged slightly, considering her own experiences. On the trial that she and Padraig got married, it would be a whole arc that she had been able to choose her own clothes. Just the one arc. Yet, Faith considered, she must be managing it alright if people who were obviously older and more experienced than her came to her for advice.

Still, when Kali'rial explained why she wanted help, Faith couldn't help but smile slightly. "I feel nervous all the time. Meeting new people, I don't like crowds, I want to hide in crowds." There was no dishonesty in what she said, it was absolutely true. "I feel like I look out of place, all the time." She shrugged slightly, gestured around the Order and admitted. "Everyone seems to know what they're doing. What's expected of them." Faith genuinely spent most of her time admiring that in other people, not recognising it for a moment in herself.

As for Kali'rial's hair, Faith smiled. "Small details can make a big difference. I'm happy to have a play with it, you can practice on mine if you want, if there's a style you'd like. Even just very simple things can make a massive difference." Most genuinely, Faith considered a very simple truth. "You have to feel comfortable, otherwise it will show." Better to have a slightly less intricate style of hair or touch of make up and feel comfortable and content, as far as Faith was concerned. But then, even though she was very short, Faith never wore high heels, rarely wore make up and usually kept her hair just tied back in a ponytail.

"So, when would you like to do this? I've got time now, we could spend some time on hair and make up?" The young human woman grinned, a very genuine expression of delight. "It will be nice to have a girl friend to discuss it with. We could help each other plan hair dos?"
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Kali felt a sense of surprise as Faith admitted to feeling nervous in crowds or meeting new people. It was like a mirror of herself, in ways. Meeting new people, she was much better at that now. The Biqaj was a terribly social creature, and they were currently an item. A two for one.

A couple.

The crowds though. They were still too much. She had, to date, not yet been able to do a crowd without some sort of liquid courage. The anxiety gnawed at her like a persistent bug, turning her stomach and making her hands sweat. It was irrational, and yet, uncontrollable. So far, the girl before her had seemed so confident that the huntress would never have picked it as something they shared.

Faith out of place? She was the most 'in this place' person the Sev'ryn could think of. It gave Kali'rial a moments pause. There was a story behind Faith's words, a reason that the words she spoke were different to the person she portrayed. The brunette knew her own reasons, conveyed them openly with those she trusted. Even though they made her so angry now, they were still her Elders words and therefore, law.

"You are, in my view, very together. More so than myself, or almost anyone else I've met in Scalvoris." The blue eyed huntress chewed her lip for a second, considering her next words carefully in the hope she didn't offend.

"Sometimes the past can sour what could be in the future. I'm not sure what your past is Faith, but I feel like your future could be bright, even more than it is now, and I hope you can see that." Offering the younger woman a smile, she listened and looked at the girls raven tresses as she spoke and back again to her crisp silvery eyes. Faith's past indeed was not known to Kali, and she wouldn't pry for information. If the healer chose to share or not, she could do so without judgement.

At her last comment, the brunette couldn't help but grin back.

"I've never had someone to talk to about...girly things. Hair. Clothing. Boys." She chuckled at the ridiculousness of it, but was also delighted. Pash was, well he was her everything, but he was him. It didn't feel right to talk to him about this stuff. About himself.

"Now would be perfect." Kali'rial said with a nod, perhaps not quite realising she more excited to have found something in Faith she didn't realise she was searching for, then the prospect of hair styles and formal wear.
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Faith smiled in response to Kali's reassurance that she was 'together', or seemed to be; she understood that she seemed to be, that was what she portrayed every trial. It had been how she had needed to be, what she had been trained to be all of her life. Quiet, composed, able to function and attend to the needs of others. Not that Kali'rial knew that (as far as Faith was aware, anyhow) and the huntress' words seemed to indicate the truth of it.

When Kali said that Faith seemed together, the young human woman smiled, "Good. That's good to know since I'm trying to seem that way." She had no qualms about such, it was her duty to. As a medic, as a professor, there were people who relied on her and who needed to trust her. Moreso now than when she was a slave, Faith did not have the luxury of allowing her insecurities to show.

It was unacceptable and so, she did not do it.

When Kali spoke about the future, though, it caused a slight double-take from Faith. Not in a negative way, just a glance with some surprise in it. "I am the happiest I have ever been and I have more than I ever dreamed it was possible to have." She meant it in terms of having happiness, freedom, security, love. Things were of no interest to her, transitory objects of limited relevance, although she had developed an emotional attachment to a few items. "Whatever the future holds, that seems to be a good place to face it from." It all turned in a trill, Faith knew that, but that was a simple and clear truth to her. Whatever it was, they could face it together and that was all Faith needed and wanted.

But, Kali spoke of not ever having someone to speak of what she dubbed 'girlie things' and Faith smiled, nodding in understanding. When she said that she was ready now, Faith beamed and showed her to where they could go and sit together, "When I think about a dress I'd love to wear, but wouldn't dare to, it's short and full, flouncy. No sleeves or shoulders to it, just a sweetheart neckline and it's a deep, deep red. If you could, what would you wear? If you close your eyes and imagine it, what would it look like?" she asked. In that moment, in those words, Faith looked the nineteen arcs she was, excitement and delight shining in her silver eyes.
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