• Location • Ishallr: Eclipse Portals

Ancient relics providing modern transportation!

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Pegasus Pug!!!
City Moderator
City Moderator
Posts: 10497
Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
Race: Prophet
Renown: 666
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Ishallr: Eclipse Portals

Ishallr: Eclipse Portals
From Ashan 717, when an intrepid group of explorers came to map the ice caves, things on Scalvoris changed fundamentally. Now, there is a static cave on Ishallr in which sit two portals. High security and careful monitoring of these portals is round-the-clock and the secrets of using them is a very carefully kept secret.

The only people permitted entry to the Eclipse Portals are University employees with all appropriate paperwork showing that they have been granted use of these portals by the Chancellor, or those who survived the expedition to find the portals. Each University / Higher Education location has different means of / criteria for who is allowed to use these portals.
  • On Scalvoris, it's those with a specific reason given to them by the Chancellor, the Alberach or the Head of the Order of the Adunih on Scalvoris. Seasonal travel is not given, individual journeys only are authorised.
  • Travel starting in Viden must be authorised by the Chancellor of the Viden Academy. Professors have access to use the portals for official academy business. Students must have written permission from the chancellor before using the portals.
  • Travel starting in Rharne must be authorized by the Chancellor of The Institute for Innovation. Starting Arc 721, all prior traveling privileges are revoked, and only those who are Professors or given dispensation by a Professor at any of the Associated Academic institutions are given the privilege of travel by Eclipse Portals.
Upon entering the caves, inevitably with an escort, the visitor to the portals is led to the room where the two of them reside. In there is a sign on the wall.
In Memory of Jackson Eclipse
The brave explorer who lost his life in a valiant attempt to save others whilst exploring the ice caves. These portals are named Eclipse Portals in memory of him.
These portals can be used, but only those who work here can operate them. However, with the correct permissions, they allow immediate travel between Scalvoris and Rharne or Viden, and the same back.

No matter what the weather on the rest of Scalvoris is doing, here it is freezing. The floor outside is deep snow and inside is at a constant temperature of truly uncomfortable. The "reception" area once you step into the caves themselves is a place filled with coats and hats, scarves and gloves. Really -this place is like no other. The walls are ice, the floor is snow and, as much as it should be dark in here? Somehow, it's bright light.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
In order to use these portals to travel you must have permission from a Scalvoris prophet.
If you are arriving here from Viden or Rharne, then you will need to have permission from the prophets of those cities. Please confirm that you have in your "arrival post"
If you are using these portals, please post in this thread so that we can keep track (either arriving or leaving)
This thread is where we track all use of the portals in all three locations. All PCs using them are required to post here.

Any questions, please PM Peg. Thanks!

Code for Travel

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 400px; background: rgba(224,201,173, 0.8); margin: auto; margin-top: 20px; padding: 15px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px 1px #000000; border: solid 5px #000000; color: #000000][align=center][font size=200]Portals Used![/font][/align]
PC Name: 
Travel From & To:
Purpose of Travel:
Date of Travel:
Name of Mod Approving Use / Link to Thread: 
Any other information?


Posted here 1st August 2017: Pegasus
Code added 16th August 2017: Pegasus
Edited locations it travels to 11th Jan 2020: Pegasus
 ! Message from: Peg
If you use this location or NPCs in a significant way, please fill in the following form and post at the end of this thread. I will then update the location post with that information, so that we can keep NPCs consistent and so you can see the ongoing story in Scalvoris.

Code: Select all

Link to Thread:
Overview of what happened in relation to this location:
One I've updated the thread, your post will be deleted. Thanks for helping make Scalvoris fab!
word count: 706
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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