• Graded • One Oath Too Many

Faith's own words come back to haunt her

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One Oath Too Many

One Oath Too Many
83 Ymiden, 717, mid-trial
The developing trial took on new meaning for the dark-haired woman, as her natural tendency toward humility prevented her from skipping down the street in joy. She had left the porch of her home to tend to newly realized preparations needing to be seen to. As the sun grew in the sky, warming the city around her, it was a microcosm of the new spark of life that she now knew was growing within her body.

The pride and delight in her voice as she gave greetings back to those that offered them, left them with a smile beyond that which was generated by simple courtesy. Faith glowed. She had just realized she was pregnant, and that the father was the man she loved more than any in Idalos. Like her mood, as well as her hopes and dreams, the sun was at its apex. It was all she could do not to sing.

Cycles do not stay at an apex for long, however. And from that glorious moment, there is only down...

A young boy hurried through the streets toward her home. Perhaps the extremity of his double-take caught her eye, as he, in turn, noticed her and came to clumsy skidding halt. As he turned on his heel to hurry her way, a sinking feeling grew in Faith's gut; a vastly different one than the morning sickness she'd experienced that morning.

She could not yet know the impact her newly confirmed condition would have on what awaited her, but there was little doubt the message was important. Grown-ups did not give gold nel to children to deliver a message unless it was of crisis level. The boy was visibly palming the coin as he approached.

The lad could not be faulted for his eagerness to deliver the news. He had a second gold awaiting him upon Faith's arrival. "Are you Faith?" the boy asked in excitement. He hardly waited to verify that the nod of her head was nothing more than the need to lower her gaze to him before he continued. "I was told to tell you it's Tina. They said you'd know who that is and where she lives. Please come. They said they'd give me another gold when you got there. The other man said he couldn't get you. Had to stay. Something about a...'hemmer-ridge'? He said you'd know what that is."

Assuming that Faith dropped what she was doing and went with him, she would be bombarded with accounts of the poverty in which this boy lived with his mother, and the number of ways 'two whole gold' would help them. When they got there, an obviously overtaxed and elderly neighbor, who the boy had referred to as 'Mr. Pete', wheezed a relieved sigh and motioned Faith to a spot outside of the room where an obviously pregnant young woman moaned deliriously on a thrashed and bloodstained bed.

"I knew who 'Faith' was when the girl said it." the old fellow said, with a sad smile, which quickly sank into a look of lost hope. "She's not mine or anything, but I know what the loss of child does to a girl, and I don't see any way to save this'un without losin' her instead. But she might choose that in the end."

Faith could tell that the old fellow was only trying to be helpful, and the fact that he did not immediately leave upon her arrival indicated further willingness as well. It would up to her to decide if a hand that in all likelihood lacked any real medical experience could be of any use to her. But she did not need to be told that death awaited one or the other.

In the corner of the room, looming over the young woman's bed, unseen by the neighbor, hovered Famula. Where her expression was normally stoic and unemotional, there was an oddly critical look on her face, as though what should have been a simple passing, was greatly complicated, and that it was somehow, through some action of Faith's, that this was so.

But her face soon softened to its usual inexpressiveness. Famula was not one that actively sought the death of mortals. She sought only to smoothly conduct them to their rebirth. As such, she did not begrudge the attempts of healers to save the lives that nearly fell to her charge. Were they fated to die, they would; regardless of any healer's efforts. And she did not now wish to hinder Faith's attempt with distracting recriminations. But clearly there was some as-yet-unspoken issue.
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One Oath Too Many

She was pregnant.

Faith had realised that morning, her and Padraig, Cyrus, Katie and Luna sitting together on the porch and the young woman was still reeling from it a little. It was what she wanted, there was no doubt in Faith's mind but there was that niggling fear about what had happened last time. About Aelig and his illusions, about doubts about whether she'd been pregnant at all, yet the certainty that Rose had a soul; she knew that because she believed that Vri had told her. But here, now, she was pregnant and there was no doubt, not about how wanted this child was.

She was pregnant.

Not being messed with by an Immortal but a baby made from her and Padraig's love for each other. She felt happiness overwhelming her as a smile lifted her lips even as she walked down the street towards the Order of the Adunih where she was going to tell Galena about the pregnancy and ask for a check up in light of it. She knew that she was grinning like a loon, but she could not help it. This baby was her and Padraigs, it was wanted and loved and she could sing her thanks to Vri for the love they shared, to Moseke for the life they shared and to Famula for the souls they were. Faith believed, without doubt or pause, that her soul and Padraig's had danced together before and would again. They stepped the same steps, they were not two halves of a whole but they were made of the same substance and they had to be together in order to be complete.

It wasn't science. It wasn't logic. It was two souls who existed for and with and because of each other.

It was them

The boy caught her eye and Faith turned her beaming smile on him and then she felt it. Dread. It hit her in the pit of the stomach and she looked at him and knew, somehow, she knew that something was wrong. "Yes, I am. Tina? What?"

At the word 'hemmer-ridge', Faith turned and she ran.

The boy spoke to her as he ran alongside her and when they got to Tina's house, Faith turned and grabbed a handful of gold coins from her pouch. "Here. Take it from me and use it. Please, go to the Order of the Adunih, ask for them to send help. Please?" She moved over then to Tina and her eyes widened.

"Tina? Tina, it's Faith. Why didn't you tell me?" She looked at the man and she nodded. "Thank you. Thank you so much. Please, would you get me some warm water?" She didn't need it, but she needed time to think, to examine Tina. She bowed before Famula, who had stood in this house before. "Your servant," she said, moving over to Tina as she did.

"Faith?" Tina's eyes fluttered and she smiled. Faith smiled back to her friend, her hand moving to Tina's stomach. "I... you'd be sad. Rose. I didn't want to make you sad." Faith looked at Tina as she deposited her healer's kit on the bed, pulled from her Domain Bag which she carried with her whenever she went to the Order, rolled up her sleeves and began to examine her friend.

"Well, that's silly nonsense," she said and she looked at Tina with a smile. Oh, by all the Immortals, this was not good. "I am your friend and I am here to help you. Tina? This is going to hurt a little, alright?"

Tina screamed as Faith examined her and she realised that there was just so much blood and this was not good. "Alright then. Alright, we're going to fix this. Now then, first thing, here we go." Faith focused on what she was doing, but she asked the man to give Tina a specific tincture which would help with the pain, the analgesic and relaxant making sure that she was in less pain, hopefully, although how much it would help, Faith did not know.

As she examined TIna, she realised that, quite simply, she was faced with a choice. One of the two people on that bed were going to die. Faith had lost patients, one did not get to be a doctor without it. Normally, she would try everything she could to save them both, but there was not time and Faith had to make a decision. There was no question for her, not at all, but Tina's voice was just like usual when she spoke.

"You save my baby, Faith. You save him. I don't care the cost."

Faith's silver eyes looked at Tina and she spoke, calmly, "Shush, now, let me do my best. I'll do my best, I promise you." The young woman looked up at Famula and spoke directly to the Immortal. "What did I do wrong?" She was elbow deep in blood and had spent what time she could ascertaining the situation, trying to stem the flow of the hemorrhage and, thus far, failing. It didn't stop her from continuing to try, though and she looked to her Immortal even as she kept working. "What is your will?"

For the first time, Faith dreaded the answer.
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One Oath Too Many

The Immortal looked down at the suffering woman on the bed and sighed. It may have struck Faith that she had never actually seen the Immortal display a sign of discontent in such a circumstance. Hers was not a domain that led to emotional displays in such situations. Those that died were simply tended to; those that lived were not an issue.

Famula looked up at her servant's troubled questions and gave just the slightest shake of the head, "Wrong, child? Nothing deliberate, I know. But you have bound yourself in conflicting directions, and it impacts both our duties. My will? It is nothing different here then it ever is. But I am going to require you to make the choice in this case."

She extended her upraised hand to explain, "I know that it is often in the hands of healers to make the final choice of who passes and who remains. And I have no issue with that. You know I play no favorites. It is often their duty to make that very choice. And I suspect it is not easy for them. Will it be easy for you? My experience is that it is tradition to allow the mother to pass in favor of the child's life. Even now she begs you to follow this road."

She gestured to Tina, who even now was demanding a promise from Faith to save the baby, no matter the impact on her own life. "I have no doubt you will keep your promise to me, child. But how will you keep your other promises? Remember that you have promised Tina to protect her, and help her. And remember that you have promised her father, Aeron, to watch over her; to ensure that she lives a long life."

She paused a moment to let her servant respond to the desperate girl, then continued, "You have also your oath to your medical community. Does this oath require you to settle for the easiest one to save, since striving for the more difficult success puts both at risk? I truly do not know which is the easiest in such a case. But there is one more thing you need to know..."

It was only an outburst of pain and tears that caused her to pause, not being a deity inclined to value dramatic pauses, "...This infant is the reborn soul of her father, Aeron."
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One Oath Too Many

It all stopped, just for a few trill, as Famula spoke. That was how Faith experienced it, anyhow, like time itself stood still. She knew, of course and immediately what Famula spoke of. The promise she had made to Aeron, Tina's father. It wasn't until Famula's final words that Faith realised just what situation she was in.

The baby was the reborn soul of Tina's father? A choice between the two of them?

Faith had promised. She had vowed to Aeron and to Tina. Now, the Immortal who had witnessed those vows, the Immortal Faith adored and revered, she stood and told Faith how it was. She had a choice. The choice that she had faced many times before; save one, save the other? Her heart beat in her chest and yet she continued to work. Continued to explore and ensure that she knew exactly what she was facing. Famula had told her. "I have to choose?" Faith looked at Famula and for a moment she looked lost. Terrified and alone, thoughts and memories fell into her, one after another and she saw them, saw them, like jigsaw pieces.

When the glowing bugs had come first to get her, to come to Tina to this house, she had been in a class and her thoughts had been following a very specific train of thought. In the body of the Immortal Treid, she had seen it. Thoughts, memories, ideas and a desperate feeling of hopelessness all swirled together. She had to choose? Famula commanded it, she had to choose.

"No," Faith said. To Famula. She paled at the word as it came from her mouth. "I'm going to stop this hemorrhage, then I'm going to save them both." There was not an either or choice here, she would not accept it. "That's what I do. I serve. I serve you, I worship you, but you did not bless me until I was free and I chose to serve. This is what I choose. I'm going to save them both."

Faith didn't think that she should add the request that Famula didn't fry her where she stood in that moment. The earnest young woman raised her eyes and looked at the Immortal. "She needs blood. Blood I can give her, so can he," she motioned to the older man. "But blood has parts, and I need to separate it out. The clear stuff, that's what she needs. Will you help me?"

First, before anything, Faith had to work to staunch the flow of this blood. She did that, stitching where she had to, using the Raft to cover and heal where she could. With calm hands and a frenzied heart, Faith worked to save both mother and child. She directed the older man with clear directions, instructing him what to pass her, what to give her, where to put pressure. As she did it, she did what she always did as she worked, usually in her head, but now it seemed unnecessary. "Moseke, Vri, Famula. Life and death and the inbetween. Your humble servant begs you, grant me the strength to serve, to do what needs to be done."

If she could, then Faith would stop the bloodflow and then grab what she needed, the needle and the pipes from her bag. "Blood. My blood. Can I do this myself?" Faith, thanks to Famula's blessing, had control of her blood in a way that was way beyond mortal comprehension. She could warm herself, cool herself, turn her blood into creatures or objects. Could she separate it out into blood and plasma? She didn't know, but she tried and she did so by virtue of cooling it down, hopeful that the two parts had different freezing points. That, she did because she had seen Padraig do the same.

If it worked, if she could, if Famula would help her (or frankly, if she wouldn't) that was what Faith worked for. As Famula's servant she cared for the souls who had passed on, but her job was so much more than that. This baby deserved to be born and it deserved to have a mother. She served all souls, Tina's, Aeron's and every one she could. Famula, Vri, Moseke, they all demanded the same thing as far as Faith was concerned.

To serve life, death and all souls to the very best of her ability. Sometimes, that meant not taking the options offered to her, but instead making her own. Staunch the bleeding, transfuse the blood. That was her choice.
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One Oath Too Many

Immortal eyes narrowed in disbelief. The Immortal jaw gaped in mute shock at her follower's defiance, trying to find words to express a hope for misunderstanding that simply did not exist. She had heard right. Her follower, one in whom she had seen perhaps the greatest potential in an hundred arcs, had told her "No", right to her face.

Like so many others that had ultimately failed her, a follower had let an emotional tie misguide them into a foolish risk. Testing this precise potential failing had been the entire reason she had seen to it that Faith attended this particular death. Did this Faith suddenly display that she had not understood her Mistress' purpose this whole time?

Famula's calling was not to come to ensure a death, nor to play favorites in who was taken. If it was the time for an infant to be called free of a body in order to cycle again through rebirth, so it must be. Now her alleged devotee, in her emotionally unfocused state, was causing unnecessary risk to the mother who was not, as yet, upon her ledger of souls to be claimed this trial.

She was just in the process of collating the mental event horizon of this trial's "page", to see if Faith's actions were going to add Tina's soul, when she realized Faith was now speaking to the old gentleman. Famula paused, her cross-checking incomplete, as she considered that perhaps Faith had been speaking to him all along. Hope that Faith had not meant her denial to be directed at her sprang into her heart.

But it was short lived. Her had hung in distress and a profound dense of defeat as she realized her investment in this woman had all been for naught. Despite Faith's potential, her actions now clearly demonstrated that she was unable to separate what must be done from what she hoped to be done. It was true that steps could be taken by an Immortal to intervene in a calling such as this. But it was also true that such an intervention violated the very tenets of her domain.

A mortal could take such course, it was true, not being bound by the same divine strictures as an immortal. It was the very reason there were healers. But no mortal, healer or otherwise, had the capability or the knowledge of what would be needed to succeed in a situation such as this.

Tears of disappointed resignation began to sparkle upon the Immortal's cheeks, as she sighed, "So now...in your refusal to accept...you will drag this elderly man into your heresy as well." Old Pete, of course, could neither see nor hear the divine being present in the room. A sad smile graced Famula's features as she acknowledged his willingness to aid her apostate servant in this doomed effort.

"Do not do this, Faith. Live up to your name, child. Accept the inevitable. I have not explained the nature of blood to you. I have not explained it to any, for there is no use to be made of it. Neither your blood nor his will benefit the child or his mother. Abandon this recklessness and I will not dismiss you completely."

The Immortal sighed again, absently acknowledging to herself that she had not paid strict attention to all that the mortals had said to each other in the last few bits. A few fragments of comments stubbornly stuck in her mind though, as she looked on, deciding to let her follower carry on with this failed endeavor. Perhaps the lesson would be successful after all; through the pain of the guilt the woman would now carry for having killed the mother as well as the child. But Faith would never now join the company of her most blessed servants.
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One Oath Too Many

Faith looked up at Famula, just for a moment. She looked at her and she felt confusion, utter confusion pour into her very soul. Famula was disappointed in her? Faith looked at the Immortal she adored and she felt her own heart start to pound in her chest. But she played back the conversation, the directive. Famula had told her that she had to be the one to make the choice, Famula had told her that she was here for the same reason she always was.

"I accept what is inevitable. It is inevitable that I serve you," she said, but her hands did not stop working. "You said that it was my choice and that I must make the choice as best I can. I serve. I have always served and I..." She looked at Famula for a brief trill, saw the tears on the Immortal's cheek and when Faith spoke, she sounded like a child. She felt like one. "I would do anything you want from me. If I lose them both, I will have failed you and I know of nothing worse except for one thing." Faith wasn't doing what she hoped, she wasn't letting emotion get in the way and she was clear about that. "If I do not attempt this, then I am not giving you my best, my absolute best. I have to do that, you deserve, no, you demand nothing less."

If this meant that Famula rejected her, then Faith's heart would break. But her worship would not cease, her love would not lessen. "I promised you my best. Always." She had her head lowered now, looking back to the patient who was no longer her friend but were two souls who she served. Two souls who she served in Famula's name. Always. "If I don't give you my best, then I fail you. Please, my lady, don't ask me to fail you. People think I'm strong, but I'm not." Faith knew this, as truly as she knew anything, "I have to do my best. I can do this." She had to.

So, she needed to get the blood separated. She enlisted the help of the elderly man and she set up the equipment. "Here. The blood will split into two types. There is the clear substance," she said to him and she hoped he understood, she really did, "that must go in to her. Only that. Anything else will harm her. Keep your eyes peeled, alright?" Then, with a hand on Tina, Faith put the needle into herself, one into her friend. In between those two needles was a set up of tubes, with a jar. As an Adored of Famula, Faith could already control her blood and she instructed the spirit companion she had within her blood to help her.

In Treid, the blood had separated when it was vibrating really fast, she realised, and so that was what she did. Using the spirit in her blood combined with her own control over it, Faith used the spirit to get the blood to vibrate in the way it had on the ice shard in Treid. Then, she prayed, it would separate and when it did she used the gear she had to give the clearer liquid to Tina. It was that liquid, after all, which had sunk into Treid when the red stuff had been rejected. If the spirit in her blood could do it, she would see how much was needed. If she needed some from Old Pete, then she would try and mix it, but only if it was needed.

The aim remained the same. On the surface, the aim was to save both mother and child. She had stemmed the blood flow, now this had to work. But at it's heart, the aim remained the same too.

Every breath. Every action. Nothing but her best.
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One Oath Too Many

It was perhaps fortunate that Faith's eyes were on her handiwork, as the scowl growing on Famula's face may have unraveled her determination. The Immortal took a deep breath, exasperated not only in the seeming defiance of one she'd grown to have high hopes for, but also in the fact that this same defiance was forcing her to deal with having to control her own emotions.

She steadied her voice to allow only a hint of the anger burning in her breast, "Do you truly think I consider this...behavior...to BE your best, when it displays nothing more to me than a rejection of my purpose? You refuse to accept what is to be, and risk additional lives through this rejection! It is your place to know what can be saved and what can not, and to accept this without this indefensible foolishness."

It was probably inevitable that this very speech was what prevented Famula from listening in on what her servant was telling the old man. But there was a compartment of her awareness that wanted to give honor to the old fellow for his obedience in such a crisis situation, even as she was disgusted with Faith's determination towards apparent futility.

She could see that there was some perplexity in the eyes of the man. It seemed he could perceive that there was some unseen source of distraction affecting the woman he was currently assisting. Famula could see that he too, did not believe any good would come from this effort, yet he persevered.

She sighed heavily, already running practice declarations of dismissal through her mind, to be laid upon Faith when her pointless effort had finally run its disappointing course. 'I know that emotional connection served a large part in this departure from my expectations...nay,demands...from those who purport to serve me with uncompromising devotion and obedience. But I can not be served by one that will not obey me any time there is some grief involved for them.'

This was not stated aloud, but was simply being stored to administer as a tongue lashing upon Faith when she finally accepted the inevitable...failure? Now that she'd decided to remain quiet for the duration, she started to truly assess what it was Faith was attempting.

She watched as the blood was treated, and how it responded by conveniently separating into compatible and incompatible elements. Watched as Faith correctly identified which elements were which, and set up what array she could improvise to reintroduce the base plasma into the desperately depleted body of the mother, knowing this enrichment would be extended to the fetus as well.

The Immortal's jaw hung slightly open as she realized what instruction her servant had been giving to the elderly assistant. And where some might have felt vindication in seeing that a last obstacle hung in the way of Faith's success, likely to show that Famula had been right all along, the Immortal could only feel both marvel and shame.

She had never imagined that any mortal could have come to understand the nature of blood; its two separate elements, nor given any thought to the possibility of that compatible part being returned to a body. She had been wrong! Inasmuch as Faith may have not taken the stoic emotionless approach to a mortal's death and acceptance of being recycled through rebirth, she had instead now shown an understanding of blood itself, another of her domains.

She was giving the best of her devotion to her mistress. How truly named was this servant! What risk she was taking in the attempt to accomplish an honor no previous servant had ever given her; an innate understanding of blood, the very essence of life. While resurrection was her domain, death itself was not. Preventing a death that could be saved through the understanding of blood's nature, was no indication of any rejection of her spheres of influence. It embraced them!

So many thought of her as connected to death, it had almost begun to make her hold herself in that light as well. Her servant's actions had now reminded her that this was not so! There was nothing wrong with the attempt to save a life. It was not anathema to her purpose. And to use an unprecedented knowledge of blood's nature was even an honor.

But now, her heart sunk at the realization that the blood's cooled temperature was making it thick and sluggish; ill-fit to pass through the tubes Faith had arrayed for that function. Tears came to her eyes at the crushed desperation in Faith's eyes as she too realized the unexpected obstacle. So close, such near perfection in her understanding. The Immortal could not bear to see such a minor concern as temperature bring ruin to an otherwise well-conceived solution.

NO!...She would not see this effort fail!

Joy at the knowledge that she could enable success for her beloved servant surged through the Immortal's heart. Stern confidence rang true as she removed the insufficient tubes from donor and recipient, "Be at ease Faith, Allow me to atone for my closed mind." She immediately generated tubes of ectoplasmic vacuum in their place. The blood surged through these new tubes in the direction Famula willed, for what blood could deny its mistress?

Satisfied that Faith's array was now working properly, she turned soft eyes in her servant's direction. "Forgive me, Faith. Your allegiance to my purpose is beyond reproach. I was wrong to give such distraction to such a delicate operation. I had not even conceived of this approach ever being taken by a mortal. Had I allowed myself to truly listen to what you were trying to do, with no presumption of belligerency, I would never have become cross. You do me honor with this skill. Where did you ever gain the concept of this possibility? I have never even tried to grant such knowledge to a mortal; assuming none would ever be clever enough to understand it."

She manifested as she spoke now, giving a warmly amused smile to Old Pete, who started visibly and staggered back to flop into one of the chairs. "Fear not, good sir. You too have served admirably."
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One Oath Too Many

It wasn't indefensible. Faith knew that it wasn't indefensible. She had studied blood and studied it, she had looked at it in Famula's name and she had to serve. She had to serve. Servitude, the service of others, to work to their best interests. Souls. These souls, both of them. Resurrection. The soul of Tina's father was being reborn here, with his daughter once again. Blood. Blood would save them. She knew it.

As a slave, Faith had always known that she would disobey her owner for Famula, in Famula's name and in service to the Immortal. That had never been in doubt. But here? Here she was faced with a choice. The real choice of doing what Famula told her, and keeping as much of the Immortal's favour as she could, of obeying the Immortal for her own sake, for her own gain and safety. Taking the easy path. Or, there was true service. Doing what she knew she should, what she knew was what a true servant of Famula would do, but risking the Immortal's wrath on her.

It was no choice.

When she had been a slave, more than once she had told her owners of things which she knew they would punish her for, because it was what she should do as a slave. It was not, it had never been, it never would be about her comfort. It wasn't about her, it was about serving Famula with the best that she could provide and so, Faith worked.

It took every ounce of discipline she had not to stop and beg the Immortal. Beg the being she adored to love her again, to approve of her. To please, just tell her what to do and she would do it. But that would not be service, it would be blind obedience and that was not what Famula was about, it was not what Famula wanted or deserved. She deserved so much more and this? This would either be good enough, or it would not.

And as she worked, she realised that it would not.

She had failed, for some reason the blood was congealing, thickening and she didn't know what to do to stop it. Would an anti-coagulant work? She didn't know and she couldn't risk it because there was still a chance to save one of them at the cost of the other. She had failed and Faith felt the weight of that failure weigh on her like bricks on her heart. She had done her best and it had not been enough, not enough. Traitorous tears prickled against her eyes as she realised that she had failed and she opened her mouth to speak, to tell Old Pete that this wasn't working.

Famula moved, removing the tubes from Tina and Faith looked up at the Immortal to apologise, to try to explain and to tell her that she had failed. Then Famula's voice rang out, strong and clear and Faith's eyes widened as the Immortal replaced the tubes with tubes of ectoplasm, allowing the blood to flow and maybe even insisting on it. Faith watched as it happened and her eyes showed a range of emotions. As the Immortal manifested, Faith dropped an immediate and low curtsy, her eyes to the ground. Famula's words, though, caused Faith to look up and she spoke.

"In Oscillus, my Lady. In the body of Treid, blood spilled and some was taken into him, yet some rejected. It is what Padraig used to get us out of there, by putting our blood onto one of the shards. It made me think about blood and it's chemical make up. It is your Domain and so I had to study it, to understand it. I do not, my Lady," understand it, that was, "but I am beginning to. I have arranged for samples from all races, genders and ages, across three places to try and ascertain similarities and differences between the two parts for each, if they exist for all." Faith looked at the Immortal and she spoke in a soft, shaken voice. "I would have failed you." Had Famula not helped her, she would have failed. There was no doubt. "I try never to fail you, my Lady."

However, a low groan from Tina meant that Faith turned her attention back to her patient. Service. Always in service to her Immortal. Souls. The souls who lay on this bed, her friend and the father, they would live. Both of them. Resurrection. The soul of the father resurrected in the child. Blood. The strange clear blood which seemed to be able to move from one person to another. Was it only when they were the same race? Faith didn't know yet. But she would.

"I'm pregnant," she said, raising her head and looking at Famula. "You can see the soul, the blood supply, I am sure, so my apologies for telling you what you know. I'm....we found out to-trial." Faith looked at Tina and sighed. "She didn't tell me because of what Aelig did. I still don't know what he did. Was the pregnancy ever real last time?" She was chatting, she realised, with the Immortal and she really probably shouldn't be, but the blood loss made her feel a little woozy and she shook her head slightly. She had to focus and so, focus she did. "Thank you, my Lady." Faith said to Famula. "It's working. Thank you."
word count: 934
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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One Oath Too Many

It took just a moment before the Immortal's face registered a new realization of the interactions of fate. Her eyes looked off to an undefined location, seeing memory in reality's place. "Oscillus!...Ziell! I see now. He came to me, before the journey to battle the hostile forces mustering at Treid's Tomb."

Now she turned her ageless gaze upon Faith with a smile, "It was He that told me that I must send you to Oscillus. He never did say why. Here I thought I was relinquishing your service for a short time just to be a healer instead. I did not know of what event involving Treid's actual body and blood would be taking place. To be honest, I do not think Ziell himself even knew. I was naturally quite busy at the time."

Tina moaned on the bedding and Famula turned a warm smile at the exchange between the two human women, "Look at her, so much at ease now. Her faith in you was unshakable, where mine was too stifled by misguided inflexibility."

She took hold of her servant's hands, "You did not fail me, child. You have given me a new look at myself. Perhaps it's true that your crude array was not up to the task, but your interpretation of my domain was better even than my own. It would have been I who failed had I not let you open my eyes."

She shook her head in wonder, "It's remarkable really, isn't it. The interconnections of everyone's actions, and the results. Even the malicious conniving of Aelig, Syroa and Lisirra played a part in this. Now Audrae's original treachery against Treid leads ultimately to the possible savings of uncounted lives in the future. In the oddest sense, this young woman owes her life to their schemes."

Then her eyes sank a bit, as her head drooped, shaking sadly, "And I would have stood in the way of this positive end with my narrow focus on blind obedience." She looked again into Faith's eyes, finding respite from her self-recrimination. "Oh Faith, how well I chose when I chose you! I have felt pride in my devotees before, when they have come to greater understanding of what I show them and teach them. But to have one help me understand myself better, my own purpose, brings me such pride as I have not known for centuries."

Then the Immortal actually drew her devotee into a hug and kissed her forehead, "You have given me nothing but your best, always. And I would see this made known to all." Famula's hands slid from Faith's cheeks to the sides of her neck and as they held there, Faith would note an oddly familiar heat generate on the skin beneath. It was the same as when the first two sets of marks were granted. Noticeable, but not uncomfortable, it matched the cool burning of her wrists when the first two marks of Zuuda had been bestowed.

The warm red glow that would now grace Faith's eyes was not immediately known to her, though Old Pete seemed to note something of the sort, shown as it was by the hesitant curiosity in his eyes when he looked at her. "I call you my most loyal, my exalted, my dearest Faith." Famula said as she moved to the door. "You have taught me a lesson this trial. Go now and learn more, teach more, and do me proud."
word count: 592
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One Oath Too Many

Famula spoke and Faith listened, all of her attention on the Immortal. Ziell had told Famula to send her? The Immortal of prophecy? Had she been wrapped up in some much larger thing than she realised? Famula spoke of Aelig, Syroa and Lisirra and how their actions had led to this. Faith considered it and she realised that, had Aelig not done what he had, she and Padraig would never have come to Scalvoris. She would never have attended the university in Rynmere, she was known as a slave there and would not have had the courage to even sit the entrance exam. Yet, because of what Aelig had done, she now was able to do this. Looking down at Tina, Faith wondered if this child, this baby of Tina's would somehow make a difference to the world. Was he the reason for all of these actions? Or was it something else? It seemed far too fatalistic for her, but equally she could not deny Famula's words.

As Famula's arms wrapped around her, Faith wondered that her heart did not beat out of her chest. The feeling of the Immortal planting a kiss on her forehead caused her to almost buckle at the knees, but she looked up at Famula and she smiled, "My Lady, my service to you is a great honour." There was no doubting it, the serving itself was all that Faith had ever sought and, as she had illustrated here, she would lose everything to serve Famula properly and correctly. However, at the feel of the Immortal hands on her neck, Faith realised that Famula was marking her, blessing her again and she whispered heartfelt words, "I will try never to make you regret the faith you have shown in me, my Lady. Thank you."

Learn more, teach more and go forward? Faith nodded her head and swore that she would do just that. It was her honour, her duty and her privilege to do so, after all. As she dropped into another deep curtsy, Faith spoke her promise to Famula as she had since she could speak. "Unto my final breath and beyond, my Lady."

Tina, and the baby, required medical care and Faith made sure that she did not allow her own sense of self to get in the way of what she had to do. Each trill in the presence of Famula was like gold dust to her, but yet she knew that she had to keep functioning and perform her duty. So she would and so she did, making sure that Tina was comfortable and cleaned up, that the baby's heart was strong and that the rest of this pregnancy for her friend would be something which could progress.

To the old man, she smiled and then gave him a hug. "Thank you. I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude. If there is anything I can do for you, ever, please do not hesitate." She meant it, most wholeheartedly. "If it is within my power then please, find me." With her hand on Tina's forehead, she looked at Old Pete and smiled. "They're going to be alright. Thank you so much." Looking at the door through which Famula had left Faith smiled and breathed out a deep shuddering sigh.
word count: 554
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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