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Navyri gets acquainted with two of creepiest twins around.

83rd of Ymiden 717

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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Race: Naerikk
Profession: Thief
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Double Trouble

Common Rakahi Euthic Sign Grovokian
83rd of Ymiden, 717

Hunched over a stream, Navyri had stripped her dirty clothes and was scrubbing her temporary skin furiously with a stone, watching as grime and dried blood swirled and dispersed in the water. She dunked her head briefly in the liquid and raked her sharpened nails along the tender flesh of her scalp and felt the layer of gunk free itself and wash away. She shivered, despite the warmth of midday, and glanced in paranoia at the trees, listening for any changes around her. The Naerikk appeared jumpy and tired, and felt that way - having been on the run for days with little sleep, and even less to eat.

Her faithful partner, Curio, was still flying and without him on the lookout, she felt lonely and... well, naked. The familiar's consciousness often pressed gently against hers - a reminder of her debt to the immortal Delroth, but more pleasantly, a constant feeling of companionship. With him absent, she had to rely on her own senses and realized how much the barred owl had kept her sane during her days living in a cage.

The birds that she saw now, mostly robins, hopped about, paying little interest to her as they sang in the trees. Navyri caught the attention of one and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Since her miraculous meeting with Delroth, she wasn't wholly convinced the Immortal didn't use his birds as spies - eyes everywhere, and so innocent in appearance. She snatched her clothes from the branch on which they had been hung to dry and began yanking them on, all the while glaring at the tiny bird. The tattooed Naer had begun to ring out her dark hair when she heard the familiar screech.

Curio was back. A grin split across her face, brightening her features, and she sprinted towards the sound. She could feel him before she could see him, but soon his wings were emerging from the treetops and she noticed the strange mass clutched between his talons. He soared above her and released it, and with practiced fluidity and trust, she caught the furry mass and sent a wave of approval through their bond.

A dead rabbit. The fur was red with blood and its neck was at an odd angle, but she already began appraising the cost of it pelt if she could make it to town. The mammal was small, perhaps still of juvenile age, but it was better than nothing, and without hesitation, Navyri turned it over in her hand and with one of her pointed claws, began to slice open the skin of its belly, exposing fresh meat beneath.

Like many of her meals before, she settled down and felt the blood coat her fingertips. It was messy and unrefined, but she had no fire, nor time to build one as her stomach raged on. Navyri continued her work, and glanced skyward, "Praise Delroth," and with little more to say, she brought the raw meat to her lips.

It was lunch time.
Last edited by Navyri on Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 511
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            "At last. It has been too long since I have walked the face of this world. Too long have I been locked there, awaiting my champion to release me. My champion... This is you, daughter of Audrae. You have, whether knowingly or not, released me from my self imprisonment, and are here to fulfill the destiny I have seen written in the tapestry of nature. You, daughter of Audrae's daughter, will be my foothold in this world." - Belaera to The Nightingale, after the 600 arc imprisonment
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            Double Trouble

            i am screeching in the trees i am the crack of twigs behind you
            i am watching and i am ready for blood
            A sound like garbled bird song echoed through the forest. That is, if the bird in particular had never heard another bird. Rain darted through the forest, her rags catching and ripping on brambles as she passed them, but she paid no mind. As she ran, she sang - a bird song. Or at least, she tried. It was more like a wrenching cry, almost as if it were a bird in its death throes. But to Rain, she thought she sounded very pretty indeed.

            Her sister was somewhere behind her, stalking. Catch rabbit catch, she signed to herself as she ducked behind a large boulder not too far from their camp, and then giggled at the idea that she could be something as innocent as a rabbit. Immediately after, she shhhed herself. River couldn't know where she was - that would spoil the game. Rain crouched down and waited, trying not to laugh, her fingers dancing as she waited but not in words.

            Rabbit catch snake, Rain thought, and grinned. When her sister found her, she'd get such a fright! Rain would come running and tackle, and BITE. She had tasted her sister's blood before, and it was delicious. In the victories of their tussles, often blood would be drawn, and Rain couldn't wait for that deathly metallic taste of victory in her mouth.

            And then - a bird cry from behind her. A real one. It was not a bird she recognised, by the sound. Rain whirled, suddenly tense, her pale eyes narrowed in the direction it had come from. By the river, then. Not too far. But that was their land. With an unconscious pout on her face, Rain silently stepped out from behind the boulder. She could see River, and before River could laugh in victory at having found her, Rain signed shh shh rapidly.

            New bird new sound. Near river, she signed rapidly, her brows furrowed. We go see. New sounds were never good in the forest. That meant change, and change meant threat to their survival. And - Rain realised - she had left her bow and arrows at their home. Resisting the urge to stamp her foot, instead Rain silently (as possible) moved through the undergrowth.

            Hiding behind a tree, Rain could see - a woman. Rain bit down hard on her lip. It was not that they never saw people - in fact they often raided their homes - but it was strange to see a woman as bloodied and savage as them, eating from a split open raw rabbit.

            What we do? Rain signed to her sister. River was the more creative one among them. Rain knew what to do with situations she understood. When it came to adapting to new situations, that was all River's expertise - clever little crazy that she was.
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