• PM To Join • [Cally’s] Food for the Heart

Just a little date with Kali'rial, perhaps with a bit of modbombing for fun.

4th of Ymiden 717

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Pash Raj'oriq
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

4th Ymiden, 717

In the handful of ten-trials Pash had been playing music at Cally’s, he’d never once been nervous. It was simple, really, in his opinion—fading into the background and providing a musically pleasing dining experience for anyone who wanted to spend new and taste Jo’get’s creative delights. He was there to make atmosphere, and as much as it was new to him (who was used to being center stage), it felt, well, nice to simply sit and play for a few breaks. He had the opportunity to watch people, to feed his insatiable curiosity by observing (mostly) the upper crust of Scalvoris Town society—what they talked about, how they dressed, who they sat with, how they spoke to each other, and what they really felt under the surface of it all (when he couldn’t help but let his equally insatiable spark have its way). It was, compared to the unpredictable life of busking and playing at taverns, a comfortable, ideal job. Perhaps even his discerning mother, Ilynn, would be proud, though Pash still struggled to sit still through it all, even when his hands were occupied by his own instrument.

That said, tonight, the seafaring musician was nervous—a flutter of the unusual feeling in the hull of his chest. He may have fussed longer than usual over the unavoidable wrinkles in his crisp white shirt. He tied his long, sun-kissed hair back more than once until it felt comfortable, until it looked right. This was far out of the ordinary for Pash, who normally inhabited his sea-built body with more than just an air of casual acceptance, knowing full well his looks were above average and confidently using such knowledge to his advantage. He still knew these things to-trial, but he just felt like it all took more effort than usual to pull off effectively.

At Cally’s, he had his typical warm smile and greetings for the staff. His nervousness was not outwardly apparent, calloused fingers worrying at the woven strap of his lute as he paused to get Trudi’s attention, to let her know that for his break this evening, he’d be needing a table for two. Pash didn’t give any details he knew she probably wanted, however, preferring instead to tease her with a mysterious, lopsided grin. Yes, he’d have a guest. Yes, they’d need a meal on his coin.

Finally settling into his comfortable chair by the window, the tall Biqaj spent more time than usual tuning his lute, focusing, dismissing the strange distraction that tickled the back of his mind with the fleeing smile of Kali’rial. Closing his eyes briefly, he paused to pray to Zanik as he usually did, asking the Immortal to find favor in his offering of music and song but also, this trial, to be pleased by his time spent with a dark-haired Sev’ryn, no matter where their conversation may go. He’d enjoyed more than just her conversational company already, it was true, their words turning intimate and exciting after the World’s End Festival quite to his surprise. He didn’t need to seduce her, again, and he had to admit to himself in his quiet moment before playing that the lithe huntress was more than an enjoyable conquest, but someone who stirred and inspired him in different ways.

This, this made him nervous.

Pash sat up and let his fingers find their familiar places on the frets of his lute, playing quiet melodies of invitation and welcome, notes set to a slow, warm tempo as the first customers of the evening came to sit and dine and listen. If he glanced out of his window more than usual, if he had to remind himself to slow down with his strumming more than once, well, he hoped no one noticed. He just sought to watch and play until Kali arrived and he could take his break, excited to share such a fine meal and conversation with someone instead of eating alone.
word count: 684
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

"Hello, nice night for a date! No, no. Uh....heyyy theereee, great to see you...urgh, no!" Kali groaned, throwing her wolf mantle off her shoulders and into the tent. Wriggling out of her hide dress, the brunette looked at the one folded neatly on her bedroll. She'd purchased it earlier in the day, a sudden purchase that was not a necessity or a need. It was pure whim, sheer want, and now that it was time to wear it the young Sev'ryn found herself unsure. Vanity?

Since when was she prone to caring about fashion over function?

Since Pash had asked her to come to Cally's. Not for work, not for plotting or planning. For dinner. Dinner. A meal she often ate at her camp out of a plate on her lap. Moseke, save me, she thought. When have I ever even eaten a meal anywhere else? She was nervous, about everything. The invite, the place of choice, the company, everyone else who might be there. Kali didn't fit in with the finer customers that tended to frequent Faith's place of business. As such, almost directly after accepting the huntress had scoured the markets for something a bit nicer than her hide dress. At first, the young brunette had no idea what she was doing, spending bits wandering around and observing the other woman as they walked past. Some of them wore simple linen garments, others wore things that were sheer or lacy or beaded. Eventually, she'd settled on a long thin cotton dress with a split from just above the knee down in the hope that she wouldn't get tangled in the skirt. It was black, and a little sheer but not immodestly so, with simple thin straps and something the merchant referred to as a 'sweetheart neckline'. That should have been it, but then there'd been some smart sales talk from the vendor and somehow Kali had also walked away with a white-beaded black sheer chiffon shawl, a stick of kohl and a hand mirror.

Immortals, what have I become?

Picking up the delicate dress with gentle hands she slipped it on carefully, making sure the whole thing sat properly. Taking to her thick black tresses with her brush, the Sev'ryn mumbled to herself as she went along.

"Good evening Pash, lovely night yes?" Pausing for a moment, she shook her head with a curse.

"Oh for the love of Moseke, that sounds ridiculous." Throwing the brush on her bedroll, she picked up the shawl and threw it over her shoulders. She straightened it, before moving to grab the mirror and the kohl, in doing so the shawl fell off centre and down one shoulder. Frowning, the young woman straightened it again, before looking at herself in the mirror to carefully apply the stick of black make up around her eyes just a little. Holding the mirror back, she turned her head left and right, the shawl slipping again.

"I don't know how they do this all the time." She muttered, putting the stick down and using a finger to smudge the harsh black liner so it was much softer. Sighing, she threw the mirror onto the bedroll and straightened the shawl again, whilst reaching up to touch her grandmothers necklace. The beaded heirloom didn't match the black of her dress, shawl, hair or eyes. Really? She scoffed at herself for the inner monologue yet still removed the jewellery. Looking down at it fondly, she stroked a thumb over the beads before carefully placing it in her rucksack, feeling the shawl slip again.

Stepping out of the tent, she took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth. And again. It sort of kind of quelled the butterflies in her belly. Sort of. Kind of.

Not really.

Heading through the town, bare feet padding along the cobblestone walkways, Kali tried to calm herself. It was dinner, not like herself and the sunkissed bard hadn't been more intimate. World End had ended up in his boat. First full moon of the season had ended up in her tent. This was in a well to do public venue and they were going to do things like eat. And drink. And talk. The Sev'ryn stopped dead in the street, now able to see Cally's up ahead, almost confused by how quickly she'd arrived. Another deep, slow breath, before she finally moved towards the building. Reaching the door, she opened it and immediately was met by overwhelming crisp white tables and shining cutlery and glassware. It was simple in design, but elegantly beautiful.

And she felt utterly out of place.

The sweet familiar tones of her now favourite instrument lightly danced through the air, causing the brunette huntress to turn and look with butterflies swirling to escape her insides. There of course was Pash, sitting in an overstuffed chair in a quiet corner near one of the windows, dressed up in his neat white dress shirt and gold touched hair tied back in just the right way that complemented the line of his jaw and his wonderfully expressive eyes. The Sev'ryn looked at him for a moment, waiting for him to finish his musical interlude, nervously straightening the shawl again - which defiantly slipped off the shoulder as soon as she moved her hand.
word count: 903
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

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Location: Cally's
"A table for two? Pash!" Trudi clutched at her chest and sighed dramatically. "And here, I thought that you and I had a special relationship." The waitress sighed again, "yet here, you flaunt your new woman in front of me. What a beast of a man you are." She flounced off in flurry of huffing, swaying hips and a wicked grin behind her. Yet, of course, Pash had seen her with Padraig. So, maybe he knew before Kali arrived.

As far as Trudi was concerned, the more unattainable, the more attractive.

Pash just got an upgrade.

So, when Kali'rial arrived, she was greeted by a red haired waitress with blue eyes and a knack for dressing well. Faith had a dress code for the waiting staff; black skirt or trousers, white shirt. Trudi filled that white shirt more than well and the waistband of her black skirt was tight. She greeted Kali with a smile.

"Good evening, welcome to Cally's. My name's Trudi, I'll be your server for this evening. Do you have a table booked?"

Blue eyes watched the young woman who looked a little out of place but also, familiar. Was this the woman who brought the meat to the restaurant so regularly? Trudi thought so and tilted her head to the side. She kept the smile on her face, though, since the two of them hadn't interacted thus far.
word count: 248
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Pash Raj'oriq
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

Pash had watched her through the window, catching a glimpse of Kali’rial he would not soon—if ever—forget as she walked by in the edge of his view. His fingers may have slipped on the frets of his lute, a sharp inhale of surprise and delight that paused the quiet tempo of his last song for a long trill that surely did not go unnoticed by the patrons and left him to scramble to recover like a blushing fool, lagoon blue eyes quickly washing to his instrument instead of the vision he was about to receive for dinner.

Damn it all, it took just that one look of her—already lovely but now far better dressed than him—to fluster the tall Biqaj and yet here he’d have to keep up with Trudi for their entire meal.

They were doomed.

He may have finished his song a bar or two early, though he still found a natural place in the tune to let it fade instead of just ending abruptly, leaving a few notes to hang in the air just a bit or too sooner than he would have. Setting his lute down against the chair and stretching, resisting the urge his calloused fingers felt to fuss with the crisp lines of his shirt, he only paused a moment in order to wrestle with the nervousness that bubbled into the hull of his chest one more time. It was unnecessary he told himself, and yet there it was. Kali’s expression as she walked in the door and watched him was not like his own when he’d first arrived for an interview with Faith—wide-eyed and wildly out of place. He knew how that felt, this fancy venue far out of his normal comfort zone of bars and beaches, drunks and sailors and whores. Feral for different, nearly opposite reasons, the two of them were not entirely townsfolk, were they? He smiled at her when she looked at him, a reassuring expression in the warmth of his tide pool gaze, though he was forced to ignore the rush of his pulse in his ears to do so.

Pash crossed the room and brushed past Trudi, unable to help himself from pinching her side at her question, just a playful nudge because he could get away with it,

“O’aye, she does. This lady be mine.”

His grin was wide as he stepped to admire his date for dinner, hands moving to take hers like an anchor, wanting to make sure the dark-haired Sev’ryn felt assured in this place so far from her comfort zone. While he didn’t make a show of it, the tall Biqaj made a point to kiss her warmly, aware of a pair of blue eyes most likely boring into his back that would with ruthless flirtatiousness make sure he regretted such a blatant display of affection later. For now, though, he could not bring himself to care in the least, “So, this be th’ part o’ th’ restaurant y’ don’ see much ‘f, Kali. Though, I should say it jus’ hasn’t been lucky enough to see much o’ you, lovely—” he resisted the urge to blurt out more words about how she looked, if only because while her dress this trial did compliment her, he was already terribly biased— “as y’ are this evenin’.”

Then with a smile that was not without caution, Pash would wait and allow Trudi to take them to their table, making sure to seat Kali in the gentlemanly fashion his aunt had once told him that those noble, fancy folks did for their noble, fancy dates. He’d watched enough patrons come and go over the trials playing music at Cally’s that he could pretty well imitate what he’d seen, offering her a chair and making sure she was tucked nicely in before seating himself.

He had no idea.

He was winging it, though at least he had his natural charm to help that out just a little.

He’d already slept in her tent and her in his boat (if by sleeping one euphemistically meant not, out of order on this date thing for all the obvious reasons), the boundaries of nobility so far out of his reach for his entire seafaring musician life. But he gave it a go because it seemed like he should, what with the fancy restaurant atmosphere and everything. Pash figured he should look like he knew what he was doing.
word count: 757
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

Turning on her heel with wide eyes, Kali blinked at Trudi for a moment, before nervously fiddling with her shawl. She'd seen the redhead, maybe in passing, on the occasions she had dropped in hauls for Faith. A pretty woman, with a very ample cleavage and clothing that maybe needed to be let out a smidge.

"Good evening Trudi. I..uh...I'm not..." The huntress wasn't sure what to say, not entirely clear on the ask. Did she have a table booked? Was she meant to? Immortal's, this was already complicated. The music had ended, and with a sigh of relief Kali saw the sunkissed bard make his way over, brushing past Trudi with a casual familiarity.

Maybe overly casual. Where had that come from? The Sev'ryn surprised herself at the thought, shaking it off with a smile at Pash as he took her hands. Now that he was standing, she could admire the simple yet eye catching work attire he wore before it was crumpled and pulled out of being all prim and proper. The inked minstrel just effortlessly seemed to look good, regardless of his clothing and hair style. Tonight though, he looked...suave. It was nice.

Mine. The word gave her a whirl of butterflies that made her feel...shuddery. Like having fingers drawn up your back softly, or a cool breeze sweep across too hot skin. Quite unexpectedly, the Biqaj drew Kali out of her internal contemplations with a warm kiss that was something between a greeting peck and an inappropriate public display of affection. Kali breathed in surprise through her nose, before returning the kiss and pulling back to glance at the redhead with an awkward blush. Looking back at Pash with flushed cheeks and a shy smile, she laughed and glanced around.

"It's beautiful actually. I've never been inside before, only walked past it." Turning to face him again, she blushed and looked at their joined hands at the compliment. It was terribly vain, but the young Sev'ryn felt a sense of delight as his remarks, making her feel...well...special.

"Thankyou. You look lovely too. I mean handsome! You look..uh..handsome." The brunette huntress said with an awkward laugh, cringing inside at her words. The nervousness was steadily rising as they moved to take a seat, Kali taking a deep breath to calm herself as she watched Pash pull a chair out. Glancing at the chair, the Sev'ryn hesitated for a moment, until she realised that he was presenting it for her. Moving with a quickstep, she slipped into the seat and made a small sound of surprise as she was pushed in. Looking up, she watched the oceanic musician take the seat across from her, smiling shyly. The irony wasn't lost on her, the fact she was feeling shy and awkward when she'd already been extremely intimate with the Biqaj, and yet Kali couldn't help it. Being with him in this setting, was almost more so, strangely enough. There on the boat, in her tent, it was all raw and physical. Here, in Cally's it was far more personal and they could talk more.

The brunette looked at him, smiling like an idiot and reaching up nervously to adjust the shawl again, almost unconsciously used to the fact that as soon as she let go it slipped down off her shoulder again.

Immortals, say something! She berated herself. Good evening Pash. So lovely to see you. Wonderful night isn't it? This is so beautiful and I feel so happy to be here. That's what she wanted to say, with a confident tone and warm smile that would impress him with her worldly calm in the environment. Clearing her throat a little, Kali found her voice.

It's what she wanted to say.

"Uh...hi. Nice...er...night." The huntress said with a deep blush, all the words she wanted to say flitting away like so much chaff in the breeze, her mind suddenly drawing blanks.
word count: 679
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

Guest modding as location owner: playing NPCs only
Somehow, at Pash's gentle nudge Trudi managed to react in such a way that it seemed that the gesture was common, very welcome and, somehow, intimate. She grinned at Pash and shook her head. "Another lady? Why Pash, you are incorrigible. Everyone here adores him, of course." Trudi beamed at Kali as she said that and then she fussed around them, getting them to their table and so on. "Does Faith know you've got a special date? I'll be sure to let her know to put a little extra love in the food."

Trudi saw them seated, unfolded the napkins and placed them on their laps (if they didn't do it themselves), and made sure they both had the menus in front of them. As a staff member, Pash got a meal but it was normally one course and was a duplicate of something already going out. So, as Trudi handed them the menu, she asked.

"Will you both be ordering from the menu tonight? And what can I get you to drink?"

Then, notepad and pencil in hand, standing close to Pash and with a curve of her hips which might be entirely subconscious, Trudi looked at the two of them and waited to see what they wanted. She was, she assured them both, available to give recommendations if they were at all unsure.
word count: 237
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

The dark-haired huntress was so nervous, and yet so very distracting, flustered but smiling. Pash did his best to ignore how the red-haired waitress over-reacted to his teasing, aware that his staking any claim at all on anyone, especially a woman far prettier than herself, well, he was inviting all the trouble he could imagine. He’d just have to keep up, to make sure Kali’rial didn’t get swept up in the taunting too much because he actually wanted to talk to her, to enjoy dinner with her, not simply defend himself all evening,

When Trudi said another and lady together, Pash managed not to wince, rolling his eyes as if to dismiss her comment as nonsense and moving onto her next question instead, “Aye, Faith knows.” The tall Biqaj wore his whole self on his sleeve, not just his heart. Even if he hadn’t mentioned it in passing—and he had—he wasn’t normally so fluttery and distractible.

Napkins in their laps (what were they for, again?), Pash was prepared to spend the pretty nel on them both, aware of the prices and the menu. He didn’t even open his, having had plenty of time to consider his choices for them both every evening since the first of Ymiden. The seafaring minstrel smiled, sliding his menu back toward Trudi, not in need of suggestion after all his ten-trials of playing music and watching what others ate, drank, and enjoyed,

“Nah. I’ve got some ideas,” He reached a calloused hand across the table, fingers brushing Kali’s unopened menu, “I can order for us both if y’ want. I promise, it’s all delicious.” Pash grinned warmly, the baritone of his voice serious instead of coy. If she didn’t want to decide for herself, if she agreed, then he’d speak up again and look to Trudi: “We’ll both have th’ Onyx Out with th’ New an’ a bottle o’ Moseke’s Harvest ‘tween us, please.”

However, if she wanted to pick her own meal, that was fine, too. He was aware, and admittedly taken by, the boldness he new lay hidden beneath her shy and timid exterior. Pash was more than curious to see how the evening unfolded and had no interest in taking away her choice with his offer so much as giving them more freedom to talk with each other instead of fuss over the meal itself, which was already quite fussy enough in its fanciness.

The tall Biqaj would look from Trudi back to Kali again, his lagoon blue eyes washing emerald in his warm, assuring sense of mischief. If she had opened her menu and glanced at it all, she would now be aware of just how fancy Cally’s was and the price paid for it, but to Pash, expensive fun was still fun, and his entire purpose to-trial was to spoil his company here in this restaurant far out of their comfort zones. It was worth the nel for the atmosphere and conversation, and while some nights it was entertaining to play Trudi’s games, tonight he longed to give as much of his focus as possible to the dark-haired Sev’ryn.
word count: 543
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

Looking at the way the redhead responded to Pash was both amusing and confusing. Kali had not yet had any reason to believe that she and the Biqaj sailor weren't 'exclusive' as such, in fact he'd said on the first that he wasn't seeing anyone else.

That didn't really mean just that one particular night did it?

The brunette's smile faded just a little as Trudi referred to her as 'another lady', now planting the seed that this was a pretty regular occurrence for the bard even more so than before. Turning her gaze back to Pash she caught his eye roll with a mildly raised eyebrow, before turning her smile up again.

"And here I thought I was special." She said, with a mostly playful tone. The concept of being jealous was new to the Sev'ryn, and it seemed as ridiculous to even entertain it. What purpose did it serve, really? That was the bottom line.

And yet, her brow may have crawled just a fraction higher as the waitress all but shoved her hip out in a sultry sort of stance - subliminal or not.

As napkins were settled on their laps and menu's set on the table, the huntress looked altogether uncomfortable. She wasn't entirely sure what the napkin was for, hoping quite desperately she didn't do anything culturally unacceptable with it, and the menu was just as foreign. Watching the seafaring musician slide his away and reach for hers with a smile, the young woman picked it up suddenly to have a look at the items he was ordering.

By Faldrun's fiery ass, what kind of price was that?! Closing the menu again, she smiled and handed the menu back to Trudi.

"I'll just have to trust you with those choices. I have no idea where to even begin. Although the name of that wine appeals to me for some reason." The Sev'ryn said with a laugh, unsure she was comfortable with just how much that whole order cost. Still, she knew well enough to not point that out. Everyone's finances were their own. Taking a deep breath, she tucked a loose strand behind her ear and smiled

The emerald in his eyes made her feel a little thrill, unable to ignore how delightful watching them change was. Realising she was staring, the huntress tried to make small talk.

"Uh...it occurs to me that whilst we've...known each other...we've never really just sat down and got to...know each other." Kali'rial said with a blush, hoping he understood what she was referring to as she straightened her back a little and pressed on.

"So, Pash Vy'ryn. What's a girl need to know about you, the charming sailing bard from distant shores? What's your story? I mean I already know you're a sailor, a bard and a Biqaj. You're from Ne'Haer, and you built your boat with your...father? You like to ambush strangers who drink alone and seem to be keen on making sure they have as much fun as you, even if they're not entirely sure what your brand of 'fun' is." The brunette huntress said with a wry grin, listing things on her fingers that she could recall about the sun kissed man, squinting as she tried to recall who he'd built his boat with and hoping she got it right.
Last edited by Kali'rial on Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 582
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

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Trudi watched the two of them together and she smiled; there were rules as far as Trudi was concerned and Pash might have noticed them in her relentless pursuit of Padraig. The more unattainable, the more attractive was definitely rule number one. However, Trudi flirted. She didn't destroy or seek to purposely harm, but she did love to flirt.

"How adorably domestic, the gentleman ordering for the lady," Trudi purred and she nodded, "two out with the new, onyx menu with a bottle of Moseke's harvest." She turned to Kali and checked, "will that be everything?" Assuming that it was, Trudi didn't leave, she explained a few things first.

"So, the meal you've order is three courses. The tasting entree for the Out with the New menu is different than the usual one, it contains mini-selections of tastes which compliment each other but showcase the variety of food on offer." She made sure that they had a jug of water and then left them to it.

Quickly, the bottle of wine was in a bucket of ice next to them, their glasses half filled and they were left to it for a little while, while Faith and Jo'get cooked behind the closed doors. That gave them a little time before Trudi came out with a tray and put down the entree in front of them. Somehow, during that time, their water glasses (there was a jug of iced water on the table) and wine glasses were refilled and Trudi did her best to remain inconspicuous as she did so.

"Your entree," she said, as she placed them down, a variety of small and beautiful dishes which were arranged with the sure knowledge that the first bite was with the eye. "This consists of comfit of whale, spiced flunny, cerviche of chrythiam fish on mini-toast and vegetable parcels. Please, enjoy." The food was cooked by someone who was at the absolute peak of their skill, developing as a chef in ways which she could not have foreseen and Faith had put extra time and attention into it, knowing that she was cooking for two of her employees.
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I'll leave you two to it for a while. Let me know when you want the main course :P Trudi will be back!
word count: 395
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Pash Raj'oriq
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[Cally’s] Food for the Heart

Even though he was more familiar with Trudi and used to her teasing by now—and even if she hadn’t been teasing at all—the implication that he’d had other dates or been seen with other women did not at all fill the tall Biqaj with guilt. Chagrin, perhaps, only because of his current company, but nothing quite so heavy as guilt. Just a few trials ago and Kali had been avoiding him—practically for all of Ashan, if the two of them were honest—regardless of how they’d shared their bodies after the World’s End Festival. Pash was simply not the kind of creature to be easily shamed, especially when it came to enjoyment and pleasure. Then again, he would have been lying if there wasn’t something about the dark-haired huntress that had held his attention and wandered his thoughts through all the trials they hadn’t seen each other, all the trials she’d made sure to quickly end small talk and disappear from view.

Trudi was thorough in her explanation but also skilled in her waitressing, and he smiled his thanks at her before she disappeared to prepare things. Sure, she was flirtatious, but Pash was simply used to playing along—it was a game he liked to play, too, truth be told. They could, for the most part, keep up with each other and it was all in good fun. Though it was also a relief to see that the waitress had her limits, that her somewhat enthusiastic teasing was tempered by underlying respect in her own way.

So, as the seafaring minstrel heard Kali’s comment but noticed the subtle shift in her expression, he found himself more curious about her jealousy than worried.

Was she special?

It seemed so, yes.

The truth was that Pash hadn’t really seen or pursued or spent time with another woman since he’d met her, and while that was both unusual and not entirely intentional, it wasn’t something that went unnoticed by himself either. She’d caught his attention and then sailed just out of his reach, which was quite honestly, both enticing and frustrating. Then he’d finally managed to get a few words out of her and she’d simply gone and invited him home with her and into her tent. They’d talked then, too, and argued. But it seemed as though words had not been enough, and he wasn’t complaining. How could he say no? It wasn’t confusing so much as fascinating, and now that they were here, sitting together in a restaurant, about to make conversation instead of make love, Pash found himself just as excited, curious, insatiably interested to know more about the who the Sev’ryn whose body he already knew he enjoyed.

“Aye, I know what y’ mean.” The tall Biqaj agreed to her clever word play, grinning at her blush and doing his best not to drum fingers on the tabletop out of excited, hard-to-stay still habit, not boredom. Their wine arrived and he paused to allow them to be served, to give them both a bit or two to taste Moseke’s Harvest and savor the various flavors of the vintage, aware that the dark-haired huntress was not one for drinking. He hoped she enjoyed his choice, though he wanted to pace their consumption of the bottle because he, truly, was interested in talking.

Once they were alone again, Kali’rial in her attractive practicalness opened the doors to real conversation between them, “Y’ weren’t a stranger. I knew your name.”

He began in answer to her question, his smile warm as he thought back to both his morning in the Central Square as well as their evening at the World’s End Festival in Almund, “We met in th’ square trials b’fore. I recognized you an’ found it a real shame y’ were alone, aye. But, it’s true, I’m th’ son ‘f a shipwright, born ‘n’ raised in Ne’Haer. I’m th’ eldest o’ four, have a handful o’ aunts, uncles, cousins, an’ such. We’re a social bunch, y’ could say, us Biqaj. M’ da put me t’ work in th’ shipyard with him t’ keep me outta trouble as a boy—I needed it even then—but I learned music from m’ grandda, m’ mums father, an’ was never th’ same. I left home as soon as m’ folks ‘d let me, to see an’ taste an’ smell an’ touch an’ play music ‘round as much ‘f Idalos as I could.”

Pash chuckled at her accusations, arching a brow curiously as calloused fingers toyed with the stem of his wine glass, even as his lagoon blue gaze watched her count off her descriptives of his on her own, “Did I ambush you?”

The salty bard could be somewhat intrusive, his boundaries very few, and in his hedonistic enthusiasm, he’d trampled plenty of expectations in the past. While Kali had not entirely disagreed to his attentions, the thought that he’d made her so uncomfortable was far more a feeling he didn’t like than the thought of making her jealous, “It weren’t m’ intention t’ make it feel that way. An’, aye, I like t’ see folks enjoy themselves, whether that’s through song ‘r story, drinkin’ ‘r sailin’, a fine meal ‘r other pleasures.” Pash was anything if not shy, not even batting an eye at the suggestiveness of his words, comfortable in what he considered his preferred entertainments, “I s’pose sometimes I get carried away ‘r do things for selfish reasons. I’m jus’ a much a fool as th’ next person, o’ course, but I’d like t’ hope that most o’ th’ time, m’ life’s work is makin’ others happy by bein’ a good entertainer no matter where I am.”

He wanted what he did to matter, really, in the hearts of others and also to the Immortals he wished to honor. He enjoyed bringing enjoyment to others not just because of how that felt but also because of how it satisfied his insatiable curiosity to know and explore, to taste and touch, to see and do. What he left out was his initiation into magic, his Empathy, if only because they were in a restaurant and of all the reactions he couldn’t predict well, everyone’s reaction to magic was different. He wanted to tell her, he did, to share everything, but not tonight and not here,

Shifting in his seat and taking another sip of wine, Pash grinned, “M’ turn, right?”

Trudi brought their entree as if on queue—because it probably was—and he smiled at her, too. Thanking her and giving her a moment to explain as well as giving Kali and himself a moment to explore their first course. This was as much out of his element as it was hers, the fancy little foods all on one plate and the fancy words for them. While he’d been enjoying his free meal on the trials he worked and tried to taste a variety, this was certainly well beyond his normal allowance and everything was just as new to him as it was to the lovely Sev’ryn. It was fun, though, at least for the tall Biqaj who was always hungry for experience, not at all uncomfortable.

After a bit of tasting and curious appreciation, a sideways glance reminded him of what a napkin was for and he copied the fancy dabbing motions on his face before taking his go at some questions of his own, proving he’d listened and paid attention to more than just the way her body moved and the warmth of her tanned skin, “An’ you’re out in th’ world lookin’ for your familiar, on that quest o’ quests for your people, th’ Sev’ryn. Your grandparents raised y’ by boat an’ by wagon ‘cause they were merchants, tradin’ hides across th’ east an’ south o’ Idalos, though your home ‘s Desnind. Y’ like rules an’ bein’ serious—” Ah, Pash couldn’t help but tease, the baritone of his voice making his joking clear along with the emerald in his gaze,

“—but that’s jus’ somethin’ ‘bout your people I’m no’ good at understandin’. Otherwise, you’re bold an’ brave under it all—y’know that, right? That’s why you’re out on your own, far from home, eh? ‘Cause you’ve got a heart for it, I’d say. What’s a familiar for, can I ask? How d’ y’ find one?”
word count: 1449
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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