Plots! All the Plots!!

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Plots! All the Plots!!

Hey there!

As the thread title implies I've got big plans. Big big, big, big, biiiiiiiig- okay not all that big, but seriously I've got several deeply rooted plots I'm planning out. A couple which already have great/astounding potential and can be of interest to many. I usually keep tabs on this stuff in my Plotnotes link under my profile, alas for the sake of time saving and general discussion, I've migrated such plots here to be presented so that anybody can decide if they've one to partake in. Below in each spoiler is the alleged plots I've got cooked up as well as their progress, as I like to tackle these things objectively for sake of fun and mayhem.
Brother's Keeper
First plot I put together when I joined up on ST, its been a hot and cold plot that's still ripe with possibility. Patrick's older brother was slain by an informant for the Aukari, who is later exposed by Patrick for the traitor he is. This ended with the spy, named Kar, getting away to carefully plan out his next move. Its been since Vhalar 716 since this plot happened, therefore it is my intention to get on this plot soon to wrap up the second act...
if not the plot itself!

Act Two: With the following days spent in hiding Kar is hellbent on getting his revenge, hopeful to conspire a demise fitting to the ones that ruined his career.
-Potential Involvement: Rei (Wendell even), Open for whoever to tag alone
-Black Book- Left with Rei, Priority of retrieval (high)
Emean Jewel
Imagine finding the lost city of Atlantis! No? How about the lost bastion of Orimar, a hallowed and forgotten city nobody has been able to discover? With two key items that are part of the puzzle, this ancient civilization can be discovered and maybe its secrets left intact. Maybe there's riches involved? Maybe the mystery behind this tribe will be revealed? There's so much adventure and potential with this plot I can't express how exciting it is!

Act Three:
Use the chalice to figure out the location of Orimar (requires eclipses)
Discover the entrance to the lost bastion of the Orimatsu
Seek out the fabled treasure "The Jewel of the Emea"
Make it back out alive with a story to tell

Act Two: Current
Research more about the Orimatsu tribe
Figure out what happened to Crowley
Follow a cleverly made bread crumb trail to Viden
Obtain the chalice as intended before
Redemption and Regret
Due to being cursed from Syroa in Ashan 717 Patrick now has to deal with the perks, and drawbacks, of being one of her Sessfiends. There's quite a few possible ways to approach this plot and each has their own result, so the options available already present many great ways to partner up!

Act One:
Discover a possible means of breaking the curse.
A. Pursue Syroa in an effort to either garner favor/chance for removal
B. Seek another Immortal such as Ymiden for answers on breaking the curse
C. Go your own way to find a tool or artifact that can either alleviate or completely break the curse.
Dirty Deeds
This is a huge undertaking for Patrick as he is becoming interested in the aspect of building a vast network from spies to scholars all across Idalos. The ultimate goal is to be able to send and receive information anywhere, even within the most far flung reaches of the world. Why? To play in part as an info breaker and earn both money and influence through this vast network, which definitely requires a large amount of people (PC's especially) to make this a reality. This will also involve not just traveling but forming pacts/alliances with groups along the way, so you can bet there'll be plenty of fun in this action packed cloak and dagger pot!

Act Two:

Act One:
Establish partnerships with at least two businesses
Start your own business to serve as a hub for intel
Meet questionable people with questionable influence (from poverty to noble)
Make contact with the Shadow Quarter
Expand reach of social influence beyond Rharne
Obviously me posting these here means that all plots are available for discussion, everybody please feel free to post your thoughts/interest here; or even nudge me via pm! I want to make these plots all the more fun and exciting for others to join, pitch in, add whatever they'd like to!
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Plots! All the Plots!!

When I get Lena up and running, I'm super happy to be involved in his "redemption and regret" plot!
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Sweet! That's actually the priority one plot right now, of course I'm not pressing any urgency for it really. When it comes to plots like this one, I like to discover and even try to explore all possibilities. :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that this plot, much like the Emean Jewel, is a travelling plot. Therefore Patrick is bound to roam around in search of his 'cure,' or whatever he has to do in order to lift the curse.
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Traveling? I'm your boat. Any time.

Info/intel network? I'm a social butterfly. I'm always game. <3
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Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Omg, yas! Totes would be on board with having a personal show fur. ;) Kidding in that aspect, but serious having Pash involved in all this somehow!
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Patrick wrote:Omg, yas! Totes would be on board with having a personal show fur. ;) Kidding in that aspect, but serious having Pash involved in all this somehow!
Information gathering is kind of easy for an Empath and a minstrel. So. I'm game. Extra coin? Sure. I'll take it.

What kind of fur is showing?
word count: 57
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Haha, the show fur thing was more or less a joke regarding hitching a ride on Pash's boat. ;) Though there could come a time where he'd make great eye candy for another idea I'm constructing, you'll definitely have to keep me in the loop for when Pash is within Rharne sometime!

Speaking of keeping in the loop, to everybody who's shown interest and anybody who wants to; I've skype available as well so just nudge me via pm or chat (when I'm on) and we can discuss things that way too! I generally try to keep myself accessible the majority of the day.
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Thanks to everyone so far who's mentioned their interest in one of the several plots I've shared! :D You're all awesome and I'm making sure I'm jotting down your names, so that I can keep track of who to meet for threads in the coming future! You'll find that those who are wanting to chime in on the spy/informant network are eventually going to be 'partners' for Patrick, which means they'll be primary contacts he relies on for information at any given time. Which means with a bit of favors and a lot of leeway for your characters, you can definitely add more to this by branching out and creating your own form of a social network!

Information is a powerful tool and comes in many forms, so whatever you pursue is bound to serve interest for Pat!
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Plots! All the Plots!!

If you are ever in Ne'haer, I would love for Robin to be involved with any one of these plots!
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Plots! All the Plots!!

Sweet! Ne'haer is one of many places Pat will visit, though it'll be a revisit in his case, to establish a network there. So naturally Robin can help with that and any other plots available. :)
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