• Graded • [Mature] Acquiring the Totem: ...Goose??

Making totems.

10th of Ashan 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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[Mature] Acquiring the Totem: ...Goose??

10th Ashan 717

Previously that trial...

A goose. Fridgar's second ever totem since losing everything was a freaking goose. Excluding his self totem of course. He carried the 'beast' in his arms, strange enough, he wasn't hungry anymore. Still though, he felt a strong desire to consume the bird. Thankfully, he would get that opportunity. Not wanting to mess up the living quarters Vuda had provided him, Fridgar walked for the Inn while carrying the goose. Despite all the weird looks cast his way for carrying a live goose, he was given a room for the night and Fridgar immediately let himself in after paying the fee.

No time to lose, he set the goose down on the table provided and slung his bag into the floor. He took his clamp, hand drill, bowl, hand saw, crafter's glue and precision scissors from the bag and lined the neatly on the table beside the goose. The creature looked to him uncertain with its bulging googly eyes, to make matters worse for itself it honked as loud as it could in his face. Fridgar snapped suddenly and bit into the creature's neck and pressed, decapitating it in an instant. He discarded the head by throwing it somewhere behind him and got to work on the main body.

First, he opened it up with the precision scissors and set its skin to one side. Then, to sate the hunger he'd picked up, he sunk his fangs into the animal's guts - still warm. He tore chunk after chunk from the creature's skeleton, but put aside some blood in the bowl. Once the skeleton was bare, he was more than satisfied and laid down the bones. The frame was far lighter that most skeletons due to its avian nature, he knew from past totems that the bones were hollow to make flight more achievable for the bird in question. He cut off a strip of the beast's skin and set it on the windowsill with the sun beating down on it.

Meanwhile, he selected the bird's humerus and checked it over - still in good condition! He put it on the table and took hold of his hand saw, then sawed through the end of the bone carefully. It gave way far easier than other bones, which Fridgar appreciated; he didn't want to spend too much time on this project. Once ready, he set the bone in the clamp with the sawn-off end pointing up. He then poured the blood into the hollow bone, just above halfway. Shaking his bloodied head, he took hold of a brush from his bag and used it to apply the glue to the rim of the sawn-off end of the bone. Then, he pressed the part of the bone he'd removed into the glue and held it there while he adjusted the clamp.

Once the clamp had applied properly and held the bone in place, he turned his attention to the strip of skin. He'd needed something to do while the glue dried, so he got to plucking the reddened feathers from the dry piece of skin.
A tedious task, but Fridgar managed. By the time he was finished, the glue had dried on the bone. Taking hold of the brush once more, he painted the length of the bone with glue then wrapped the bone in the naturally-waterproof strip of dried skin, sealing the deal with the final sovereign substance. The totem was ready for dedication, he could feel it.
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[Mature] Acquiring the Totem: ...Goose??

Begrudgingly, Fridgar surrendered his pride and stole himself. Hesitantly, he began to meditate on the pieces of bone, blood and skin and channelled his being through them. Even his spark hesitated, it had become evident that no part of him had any interest in becoming a prey animal - an interesting development. The last prey totem he dedicated was a boat early Cylus and he'd had no trouble, but the goose totem felt hard and cold; as though his spark didn't want anything to do with it.

The Lothar pushed his mind anyway, if nothing else he could force the dedication. Finally, he broke through the weird blocking force and his energy filled the bone, skin and blood. The meditation felt timeless, bits flew by the dozen without an inch of movement from Fridgar. He would blink very occasionally, but not enough to break his focus. Without even realising it, he fell into a state of which, no sound could stir him. The rest of the world faded to black, only he and the goose totem existed in the void. With his pride and dignity aside, the meditation went on for breaks on end.
Some time later, Fridgar was still at it. Completely unaware, he sat with all his focus on the totem. He was more than halfway done with the dedication process and his head was pounding from both the effects of an empty stomach and the excessive amount of concentration he fed into the ever-hungry totem. Breaks continued to pass by and the Lotharro remained unaware of his surroundings or the time as it flew steadily by.
11th Ashan 717

Nearly finished, Fridgar persisted. Very soon, he would be brought back from the void his mind had gone to and dropped into his exhausted, hungry body. His eye was red around his large brown Iris and his skin had paled slightly. His skin had greased and he smelled pretty bad. Suffice to say that he looked to be in bad shape after a 24 break meditation session.
word count: 341
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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[Mature] Acquiring the Totem: ...Goose??

When at last he awoke from his meditation, he was in a real state. His scarred skin had greased, so had his hair. His existence felt grimy, disgusting. Waking up from a dedication was always the worst. Moving his eyeballs shot a horrific pain through his skull, the sensation only forced a reflex blink which, in turn, burned through his eye sockets. Immediately, Fridgar threw his paw into his eyelids and spoke "Fuck!" and expressed his distaste. A groan escaped the Lothar before forming a low growl. Dedication was the absolute worst. Worse yet, he'd gone and done it for a damn goose totem?

When at last feeling returned to his limbs, Fridgar stretched in his chair. His limbs all shot out straight, or as straight as possible given his enormous size. All the muscles in his arms and legs tensed for a few trills as life returned to them, all the while, Fridgar groaned with satisfaction. It felt good to stretch. When at last he finished, he put his paws on the table before him and lifted himself by pressing into his palms. His groans became even more dramatic while forcing himself to move.

When at last he stood, he threw his arms into the air and stretched further, reaching behind him. Pleasant popping in his back relieved him of most of the discomfort in his torso. When he finished, he rolled his arms forward a few strokes, then backward. The motion popped pockets of air in his shoulders, freeing up his range of movement a little. A sigh escaped him once he was finished, though as much as he stretched, he was still a grimy disgusting mess. Fridgar looked over the totem he'd dedicated and shrugged. He would need to meet Paplo in the form, what better time to change than now?

His weakened spark was a pain in the ass, but he could work around it. Transforming now would give him time to recharge before perhaps needing to do it again. Once he was ready, he focused his being on the totem and initiated a full transformation. His whole body immediately began to warp. Bones would snap from their places, shrink, change shape, realign and reform. All the while, his flesh and organs changed shape, shrunk to fit the new skeleton and found their respectable places. His skin thinned a little before sprouting feathers in place of his hair. The clothing he wore had become a part of him via assimilation.

When at last he opened his eyes, he had become a goose. Not only that, but a female goose. His spark felt... uneasy. Far more displeased than before. Something about the vulnerability of the form he'd assumed disagreed with his ever-growing power. Very soon, he would grow into a master of his craft, with that growth came new transformations, awakenings, abilities. Somehow, Fridgar could already tell that the goose totem would be leaving the family very soon.
word count: 495
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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[Mature] Acquiring the Totem: ...Goose??

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)

FRIDGAR, the Goose of Eternal Peril:

  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +0 (solo)
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Animal Husbandry: Birds Have Hollow Bones
  • Becoming: Feral Spark Rejects Prey's Totem
  • Becoming: Totem: Goose of Eternal Peril
  • Endurance: Long Dedications are Exhausting
  • Meditation: Pushing Through the Spark's Resistance
  • Psychology: First Time as a Female
  • Surgery: Comparative Anatomies of Many Different Creatures
  • Surgery: Delicate Work with Small Bones, Blood and Skin
  • Surgery: Sawing Bones

Loss, Injuries and Devotion:

Nothing to speak of


Goose Totem

Fame: -2

Folks did double-takes as you strolled through town with your goose


As per convo, figured you needed some magic more grand to break legendary tier.
Loved the story though, as you well know :lol:
I think that Goose shot could have been taken when you bit its head off.
PM me with any comments or concerns :D
word count: 162
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