4th Ashan 717
The skyrider wasn’t entirely sure of the rules regarding animals and children in the University grounds, but so far no one had stopped her. She wondered if it was the way she had dressed. Trading in her usual rough breaches and layers of shirts and tunics for a more dignified dress. It had been her Mother’s idea, to spend the morning working with less fortunate members of the citizenship. Elyna would have preferred to wear her usual clothes, but Caelan had insisted. After all, who would believe that Lady Burhan was a competent seamstress if she was so badly outfitted? It had turned out, that she enjoyed the morning, mending and repairing clothes and sketching out patterns for fast growing children, whose mothers couldn’t afford to keep them out of rags. The skyrider had an entire basket of stitching to do. Elsie had enjoyed the morning as well, sat with other children of a similar ability to and Vara, always close to the child’s grasping hand. The puppy had a sweet temperament and Elyna would have sworn, was a far more protective third parent to the baby. As ever, the Skyrider had bene eager to escape her Mother’s influence and she had bundled Elsie up in a woollen blanket and put Vara on a leather leash. It was too early to return to the house on the hill, and she’d wondered, if just maybe she would find Malcolm at the University.
She was aware that teaching was due to resume. The dress was a deep, forest green that sat nicely against her shape. It also had enough give in the wool to remain comfortable. Elsie was heavy on her hip as she stood, scanning the parchment notices for familiar words. Malcolm, or Krome. The woman behind the desk had smiled at her but had then been, fussing over Elsie instead of answering Elyna’s questions.
“Which room?” Was he even teaching today?
“Oh just down the third corridor, turn right, left and look out for the sign-”
Elyna was lost already, unable to keep a clear picture in her mind. The University was a beautiful place and she’d been known to visit the library on a rare occasion, but the grandeur was a little frightening. The bustle of busy students passing in the corridor, made the hairs rise on the back of her neck. Cheeks turning pink as she desperately tried to make sense of the listings of classes and professor’s timetables. It was a foreign world. Academia was a dangerous and unknown place. She had made a mistake to come here. Who knew if Malcolm would want to see her anyway. What was she thinking, bringing a baby and a puppy?
The skyrider smiled at the receptionist, “thank you.” Backing away she turned to scan the corridors, losing any intention to follow through with her plan. Vara let out a soft bark and darted, trying to wrap the leash around the young woman’s leg.
“Vara,” Elyna hissed, “Vara, stop!” She bent, trying to untangle the leather, Elise balanced precarious and choosing that moment to delve her chubby fingers into her Mother’s hair and start pulling it from it’s pins.