Blind spy looking for a partner, rival, or lover

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Joined: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:39 am
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Profession: Spy
Renown: 10
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



Blind spy looking for a partner, rival, or lover

Hi! Thanks a lot for checking the post out.

Parham has just run away from his weird dad to Viden. He doesn't know anyone, is completely blind, and the only thing he knows how to do is to spy on people – and thwack them over the head with his stick if required.

But he doesn't have anyone to meaningfully interact with. So, if you think your character can be any of the following, PM me!:
  • Are you a lady in need of a romantic relationship? You see this guy going around blind, and you think he's an easy catch? or maybe you truly care about the strength of character that got him here?
  • Are you someone that sees this guy going around on his own and decide to aim for a meaningful relationship? Maybe you see that he'll be a useful asset and easy to manipulate. Maybe you want to help him simply because he can't survive in this harsh world alone. or maybe, you see the potential in him and think it compliments your own.
  • Are you someone who just hate Parham's guts? Maybe he stepped on your toes. Maybe you feel like he's acting like he's blind, but actually isn't. Maybe you feel like he just wants to get attention. Maybe you have something that you think his presence threatens.
Is your character any of the above? In that case, PM a newbie and help him ease into the world of Idalos!
word count: 253
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Kaladis Anar
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Blind spy looking for a partner, rival, or lover

So I noticed nobody responded to this. It's an open offer for spies, assassins, priests, mages etc to roleplay with Kaladis in Nashaki if you are ever feeling in the mood, as that is his main focus.
word count: 38
NPCs: Ralari - Alaya| Themes: Social - Dreams - Nightmares
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