• Closed • Finders Keepers

Gar'rek and Furia.

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Finders Keepers


Date: 14 Ashan 717

"Here," Mara said, dropping the wards unceremoniously onto the kitchen table. She waited for Gar'rek and Furia to come and look at the medallions, the three magical talismans sitting like refuse in the middle of the table. Mara had no interest in such shenanigans; in her opinion, magic was for the weak. It was an easy way out. For Mara, she needed only her poisons, her hands, and her Lady to do what needed to be done.

Mara spoke in Grovokian, not wishing to speak the Common tongue. Furia could explain to Gar'rek later; Mara knew how her sister liked to gab on and on with the savage, though Mara did not understand why. Not only was he a man, a Sev'ryn they would have and should have enslaved as their own, he was a savage, and Mara had no time for him. Though she could not deny that the savage had certain ... tastes which came in handy.

"The man did not know anything," Mara scoffed, gesturing at the trinkets on the table. "No leads. Nothing. Just these pendants. And only three!" Mara shook her head at the things, before turning to fetch some water. She spoke over her shoulder as she went. "They think it was magicians that stole the books on magic. As for the ones on the Immortals, they do not know." Mara came back to the table, looking at the medallions, a finger on her lips.

"They ward against domains. Which means they obviously think it was a practitioner of those arts. Necromancy, Empathy, Defiance and Aberration. We should start there." Realising she was rambling, she looked to the pair, with disgust at Gar'rek, and with fondness at her sister. "Oh. And the reward is 500 gold nels."

Switching to Common, she mocked Gar'rek. "We find books. You eat mages. Happy little Gar'rek?"
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            Finders Keepers


            Garr sat in the chair, head lolled back, tongue pressed hard into the roof of his mouth. His head pounded, and it was made all the worse by the fact that he hadn't eaten anything real in two trials. His mouth watered thinking about the Etzori, but he needed to be careful. The city was awash with spies and brigands, all of which would capture him and turn him over for half a gold nel and a look at Mara's unwashed twat. Bile rose in Garr's throat.

            As the bitch threw the medallions on the table, Gar'rek's disgusting reverie was broken. He dropped the legs of the chair forward, slamming them into the floor with a crash. He winced as his head swam, but quickly regained his composure. The medallions sat there, and the three of them eyed them with suspicion. Like Mara, Garr did not see the necessity of magic, though he was not as opposed to it as she was. To him, it was a tool, and one that he obviously did not need. But still, the idea intrigued him. Though he could not understand the Whore Tongue, Garr could sense the medallions had some sort of magical quality.

            And so he sat there, listening as Mara spouted her gibberish to her sister. Gar'rek knew that Furia would try to explain it to him, though even the two of them had an issue communicating. For Garr, it seemed simple. Books were gone, someone stole them. Medallions would help somehow. In any case, Garr would get the chance to eviscerate someone. He was in.

            As Mara finished and spoke in her shaky grasp of the Common tongue, Garr listened. Stolen books. He gets to eat the bodies. That was all the motivation he'd needed. He grinned, toothier than a shark's. Behind his teeth, his tongue moved like a mantis, swaying in anticipation as a hiss of pleasure escaped his open mouth. His eyes, glowing slightly, narrowed on Mara. He nodded slowly.

            "Kaltxì osise eo, tafi eja." He grinned at her again, malice in his eyes. Works for me, whore. In Common, though...

            "Yes. Garr happy." That was all the assurance they needed. His stomach rumbled, anticipating the oncoming meal.

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                      Finders Keepers


                      Furia was grinning, her full lips pulled wide, and her eye's cunning and intent as she gazed across the table at their savage companion. He was staring of into nothingness, no doubt thinking about marking his territory, or rolling in puddles of blood, or some other animalistic past time. Furia on the other hand, was toying with the idea of reaching a lean leg out to give the chair a little shove as he rocked on it, and see how he reacted when the chair tipped back. Mara interrupted instead, tossing a small pile of metal onto the table between them.

                      A put upon sigh, and Furia twisted in her chair to gaze up at her younger sister, smirking lightly with amusement. Mara was clearly irritated, or at least frustrated, which Furia found rather endearing and enjoyable, watching as the other Naer moved around their small kitchen.

                      Furia knew very little about magics, and didn't particularly have any motivation to change that, and so showed very little interest in the wards that Mara had brought. The Naer shrugged reaching up to adjust one of the colourful shawls draped over her shoulders, speaking in an eclectic mix of Common and Grovokian. "As always darling, tell me what you want done and I will do it for you. Garr will follow of course, he has nothing better in his life than us, after all." Furia laughed, gaze cutting across to Garr, knowing that the Sev'ryn would be unable to really understand exactly what she was saying. "Do we know where to start looking at least?"

                      Garr happy. Furia snorted, head tilting as she considered him. "400 for us, 100 for him?" Furia suggested in Grovokian, and with a nasty smirk, her bare foot lifting under the table to trail up Gar'rek's calf teasingly, pushing up to his lap and relaxing there. "Or better yet, Beastie, tell Marmar; you don't need money, hmm? You're happy with other rewards." She chuckled in common now, head tilted curiously as she did her best to goad the man into reacting.

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                                "The night ain't on your side,
                                and come to think of it,
                                neither am I."

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                                Finders Keepers


                                Mara rolled her eyes fondly at her sister; in fact, it was only when she interacted with Furia that Mara seemed most human. The fondness for her sister knew no bounds, even as silly as Furia could sometimes be. She wished that Furia would apply herself more diligently, more seriously sometimes, but it was impossible to change. After all, Mara had tried for many trials. It was better to accept Furia as she was, and leave the rationality to Mara.

                                Mara ignored the beast's words, knowing he more than likely spat out an insult in his heathen tongue, and found that she did not care. Instead, she inclined her head to her sister, a small smile on her usually neutral face. "Of course, sister," Mara murmured in Grovokian. "What does the beast need that we do not already provide?" But the antics of her sister and Gar'rek wore thin, and she rounded in, picking up the medallions and observing their magical thrum through the air.

                                "We should go to the library," she decided, looking between the two. "See if there are any leads there. I can go in, ask the librarians what they saw - my job affords me some legitimacy," she spat the word, "to these Etzori fools. Gar'rek and you, sister, can patrol the area, see if there are any clues leading anywhere else. We need to find the books or we won't get the reward." Her eyes gleamed for a moment. It was not the monetary reward she was thinking of, but if books on the Immortals had been stolen, surely there would be some on the Lady in the pile. Mara could take them, say they had simply not been found...

                                "Any other ideas, sister? Otherwise, explain to the savage. I am not feeling like dealing with his harsh tongue today." Mara would wait to see what her sister had to say, before turning and gathering the medallions and slipping them into her cloak. She would not bring anything with her; she needed only her fists, and poisons would be of no use here without a blow dart. Her sister and Gar'rek could, however, gather what they needed.

                                When they were ready, Mara would wait by the door, ready to usher them toward the Etzori library, hot on the tail of the thieves.
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