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Andráska Venora joins the Ouroboros Guard!

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

3rd Day of Ashan
717th Arc
The duties of the Ouroboros Guard were many and varied. Most often, they depended on the needs of the Sovereign and, to a lesser extent, the mood of the Kingdom. With Cassander on the throne, it appeared that the Ouroboros did function as a protection force. The prestige gained from being a member of the Guard in modern society was mirrored by the respect given from the general common peoples of Rynmere.

An invitation to join the Guard was not given lightly: none but the King or Queen of Rynmere could invite or promote its members. it was for this reason that, of all factions, it was arguably the most exclusive. Just like invitations were not offered out lightly, acceptances were also not to be made lightly. The Oath to join, which was made in blood, was binding. Whilst not necessarily made for life, it was not easy for a Guard to retire from his duties to the Sovereign. There was no higher honour and it was assumed that no one would want to leave anyway.

The most recent person to be invited to join the elite ranks of the Ouroboros Guard was a nobleman and knight by the name of Andráska Venora. He was a younger son of a Baron and had, up until Vhalar the arc previously, not been noticed by King Cassander. The young knight had saved his King’s life without a moment’s hesitation. It was the kind of loyalty and bravery that Cassander could not ignore… and there was the added bonus that, with his cousin just recently well-placed too, House Venora’s loyalty would forever be tied to that of the Royal Renault line.

In hindsight, the way it had worked out was a stroke of strategic brilliance on the part of Cassander. At the time, he had not thought that thoroughly about it; his decision to offer Andráska a position within his personal guard was impulsive, and his gift to Tristan was one of friendship. But he did not regret either of his decisions, and he did not think he would.

The King of Rynmere waited with his Commander of the Ouroboros Guard for the knight to be escorted into the main hall of the palace. The pair stood in the centre of the room, where a dais had been erected, with a small table rested on top. Upon the table was a small, sharp blade and a scroll of parchment. Around the walls of the hall, silent and sombre, stood the entire guard of the Ouroboros, waiting to welcome their new brother. “Welcome, Andráska Venora.” The Commander of the Guard spoke kindly but his demeanour, too, was relatively reserved, given the serious circumstances. “When you are ready, please join us.
word count: 469
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

3rd of Ashan, 717
The sound of boots pacing faded down the palace hallway, and Andráska Venora leaned over, putting his hands on his knees and exhaled a deep breath. All around him were symbols of nobility and he was dressed in his black Iron Hand armor – the only representation of his current rank now on his form. He felt that coming in adorned as a noble would be too flippant, yet there was an addition that he didn't normally have while on patrol... A pink cape symbolizing the Venora house was attached to the black leather on his shoulders and when he looked to the door of the main hall he could feel his stomach drop.

In the next room the king, the limited Renault family and the rest of guard would be waiting and he could feel the pressure to move forward pushing him onward and simultaneously weighing down his legs like lead. He knew what this meant – he had been hearing about it all week.

He was to sign a contract with blood. His blood. He was ultimately pledging his... entire being to doing the will of the King. Was he ready for that? From his little he knew of the guard, he knew they protected the royal household. They went were he willed, and worked as personal company...advisers... flesh shields. That part didn't upset him. It was following orders forever, when he had no idea what kind of man Cassander would become that put stress on his morality. Could he kill, torture, hurt people just because another man said so?

Andráska shook head head and the thoughts fell away. “It'll be fine,” he whispered, “Right?” he swallowed and thought to the immortals that he had always went to when faced with making tough choices, and stared at the ornate handles.

Pier and Pre.

'Is this the right choice?' Andráska pushed his shoulders back and stopped chewing on his lip, using his silent prayer to hide his emotions, 'I hope so... I mean, if things don't work out... no one's ever asked to leave... maybe I'll be the first?' He almost laughed at the idea. Could anyone imagine the sort of scandal that would follow? Or would they skip the talk altogether and he would be branded as a traitor? He could be hung or...beheaded....

Cassander wasn't that type of person... was he?

'I can do this. It's Nora's birthday,' Andras thought, hoping to convince himself. Was there ever a better day to join the Ouroboros than on a celebration for the first queen of Rynmere – a fellow Venora?

I'll do this, he finally decided, For Pier and Pre... For Ethelynda... For The Seven... For my house. And finally, he would do it for his country, in hopes that he could finally make his family proud and save a young king with potential. It was time people knew he was so much more than a noble boy who liked to party... He was Andráska Venora, and it was time he made his mark.

With a new found confidence, the noble pushed open the doors before his escorts could reach for the handles and met the eyes of the king. Beside him stood the head of the guard and in recognition, he nodded solemnly, and walked the length of the hall. Recalling the acting lesson he received from Alex the Yludih, he tried to imitate a man who had been born to lead and to protect. Curbing his nervous smile and stopping beside the dais, Andras took a knee and bowed his head deeply in respect. “Your Highness,” he greeted with a calm whisper and cocked his ear, resting his attention at the base of the structure beside him.

“Welcome Andráska Venora,” the Commander of the Guard said, and he knew it was time. “When you are ready, please join us.”

His mouth felt dry, and he nodded, rising to his feet, and sliding before the blade and binding contract. He reached out, resting a hand on either side of the dais and looking down at the parchment. The words were muddling in his anxiousness, but he swallowed and read them, speaking before he could stop himself, “I can think of no greater honor,” he began, forcing his words to strengthen, “Truly... Thank you.”

In so many ways, this teenager was giving him more than his family ever had, always keeping secrets from him. Now he was wanted, even after all the times his father called his nothing... And a great pride swelled within him. Andráska was grateful, because in a curious way, the king was saving him.

Taking a deep breath, he listened and looked around the room – at those he would now be working alongside, and began to recite the vows, picking up the blade and proceeding to slice open his thumb.

"Blood in.” he pressed his thumb to the paper, the sting of the new wound throbbing as he bleed upon the page and dragged his skin across it to sign his name, “Blood out.”
word count: 858
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

The Commander of the Ouroboros was pleased to see an appropriate amount of hesitation in Andráska Venora’s eyes as he approached the dais. He wanted to ensure that anyone who joined his ranks had truly and thoroughly considered what they were about to join. A light-hearted, spur-of-the-moment impulse would not inspire great confidence within him, the current guards, nor even the King, despite his desire for the Venora Lord.

Despite the small hesitation, Andráska still strode forward confidently, which was something else the Commander was pleased to see. Perhaps his Liege had made the right choice after all. “Lord Venora,” the Commander began speaking solemnly, in a deep, rumbling voice, “You have been called here with the offer to join the King’s Own.

This is not a decision to be made lightly for, once sworn in, it is hard to end. The Brotherhood of the Ouroboros Guard is built upon honour, integrity and loyalty. you have proven yourself to be all of these things and more, with a personal recommendation for our own Sovereign.” The Commander paused, allowing the words to sink in. There was not much longer for the man to back out, and the gravity of his oath needed to fully settle.

When they did, he handed the initiate the knife, who promptly slit his thumb and crudely placed it upon the paper, confirming his life as belonging to the King. “Your blood serves as a reminder that nothing is too great a sacrifice for the Sovereign of Rynmere. Above all else, your duty is to King Cassander and his family. Any order is to be obeyed without question, any risk to be removed efficiently. Blood in Blood out.

The paper was returned to the dais and the King, who had been watching but had not yet spoken, stepped forward, a smile appearing on his face. The atmosphere, which had been overwhelmingly serious, instantly grew a little lighter. “András,” he greeted, offering his hand, “You’ve heard it all before from me, but I feel this is the perfect opportunity to reiterate my faith in you. With you on my protection detail, looking over my family, I shall never have to fear going to the theatre again!

The King laughed, but the Commander’s expression grew slightly darker, his eyes pinning two members of the Ouroboros in the corner of the room, who shrunk in on themselves. “Tomorrow you will be re-measured,” the Commander spoke as he waved his hand - other members relaxed, some leaving, some approaching the dais to great their newest brother. “Your new armour should be ready in approximately… 15 trials. Until then, you may continue to wear your current armour on active duty.
word count: 459
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

3rd of Ashan, 717
The Commander stressed the importance of his role and Andras listened carefully, nodding. Eliminate threats. Do as he was told, live with integrity and loyalty. He could do these things and he glanced at the sovereign. All his life he had found these things easiest done for his siblings, but perhaps he could extend the same courtesy to the teenager. He would have to – he had already taken the vow, and he tried to convince himself that Cassander was a member of his own house. It made serving him for life feel less oppressive, and his demeanor brightened a bit more.

The king offered his hand. The tension in the room seemed to immediately lighten and Andras smiled, offering the fingers that weren't bleeding. It seemed the king has a sense of humor, and the older noble smiled, “I hope fear is not something you have to experience often, your Majesty.” He briefly thought of the riots and anti-noble sentiments that had been arising. How was it that every time shit started to hit the fan, Andráska was diving right into the middle of it? Join the military and a war starts. Join the king, and commoners were ready to burn down a palace. He looked to the Commander, who was drilling daggers into two other guards and he turned, spotting the ones from the theater and looked away when the man spoke.

“Tomorrow you will be remeasured,” Andras' eyes rose and he looked to the armor around him. It was shiny steel, embellished with the sigil of the Ouroboros guard and many were wearing silver capes with an image of a Jacadon eating its own tail. Each outfit was customized for the man wearing it, some broad and some narrow to fit the body it protected. There was one thing for certain – each one was fitted well and the quality was quite extravagant. While not the most superficial Venora in his family, it would be a lie to say that Andráska Venora was not the slightest bit excited to look even more dashing.

“Understood,” he said with a quick nod. A few of his fellow brothers approached and introduced themselves, Andráska taking their hands and offering a respectable shake, “Thank you.”

Finally, his eyes returned to the king, and remembered the announcement that had been made at the masquerade. He was marrying the Empress. For a teenager, he was pulling in some pretty hot women, and while Andraska had never looked the woman in the face out of respect and the possibility of being cursed, he remembered glimpses of past outfits – one of which was particularly... sultry for a religious figure.

And if he remembered correctly, the late queen had been gorgeous in her own right. Would that mean his services would extend to Empress Sands as well? The more Andras thought about it, the more it made sense – she would become the family of the crown and the noble sighed. It would be very hard to protect and simultaneously avoid looking at her. What were the rules?

“Your Majesty,” Andras began after taking a small bandage offered to him for his thumb by another member, “What... Or... Is there anything in particular I can do for you?” He motioned to the commander, inviting him to step into the conversation if he wished, “Can I expect to be taking orders directly from you, or will the Commander relay your wishes? I am more familiar with the set up for the Iron Hand, so I want to be clear on my instructions.”
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

King Cassander’s smile lessened slightly, the light in his eyes dimming at his newest Guard’s reply. The smile was still there, though now it was a little forced and evidently sad. “Yes. I hope not…” was all he replied as he released the other’s hand after a brief shake. Such were the times that they lived in; no nobleman could escape the pressures of society today, the King least of all. They were but small cogs in a much larger cog… which itself made up a gargantuan structure that none of them could possibly understand.

Sometimes… Cassander wondered what their purposes were, and how much of their will was truly their own. Maybe raving prophets were right, maybe they were all pawns, and the fear was pointless anyway. Nevertheless, fear was a strong predisposition among all men.

The structure of the Ouroboros Guard is very minimalist,” the Commander of, completely unaware of the shift in his liege’s mood, replied to the newest recruit. “With such a heavy duty, we do not wish to further burden ourselves with the petty politics that come hand-n-hand with competition and ambition for the next promotion. Such cunning is a valued skill, but it has no place within the Ouroboros itself. You would do well to remember that.

The Commander, regarded the Venora lordling for a few moments. It was not that he did not have faith in the boy, but he, as yet, had no true reason to trust him explicitly. “The King commands me, and I command the Guard. You may expect orders from either of us, depending on demand and availability. On similar grounds of need, although the Guard is nigh rankless, it is necessary at times for a peer to command. At such times, the situation may be evident and for true cohesion of a unit, all orders are to be obeyed without question.

He waited for an affirmation that the young guard understood his meaning. After a short sidelong glance to King Cassander, the Commander signalled his other hand, a silent order for the remaining guards to leave, save one. “Once your new armour is ready, you are to leave for the city of Rharne, where there are rumours of your sister being harboured. The King has decided that, given your kinship, she is most likely to trust you.” He indicated to the single remaining guard, “Ser Arynn will provide you with further details as to what the King requires from you.
word count: 418
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

3rd of Ashan, 717
The King’s faltering smile did not go unnoticed by the young lord who now was trying to figure out exactly what he had said wrong or what he should say next to brighten the darkened mood. Opening his mouth to try and give words of encouragement – as Andraska always did – he was stopped by the voice of the Commander.

Andraska’s hand had lifted slightly, but now it fell, and he paid careful attention to the tone the man used, brows furrowing slightly. Was he being scolded? For what? Green eyes flashing, he gave a slow nod, “Forgive me, Commander.” His voice was soft but firm. “I did not intend for it to seem like I was… undermining you. I simple meant it as a question as to whether or not I would be seeing the King more days than naught, or if I would be stationed elsewhere. Rest assured, I have little interest in deviousness as I was never much of a liar, but I’ll always do my best to fufill what is asked of me. “

In truth, the idea of trickery was complicated. He did not know what kind of person the king would be, but if he had to use manipulation, he hoped his presence would inspire compassionate, honest actions. In that way, he did not just join the Ourorboros for the king and country, but also for Pier and Pre. As a result, he sent a small mental wink to the female immortals and retrieved a small bandage to clean up his cut thumb.

He smiled slightly then, feeling that sometimes talking was as tricky as sword fighting. It was times like this he really wished he had paid more attention in etiquette class and once he was cleaned up, he could feel the Commander’s eyes upon him but he held his resolve – watching each and every one of the guard’s save for a single one leave. He looked around, suddenly cautious.

...Was this…a trap for a member of the Venora family? Had one of his kin wronged the royal family yet again? Stepping back, he received his first command.

“Once your new armor is ready, you are to leave for the city of Rharne…”

Andraska’s mental shields went up. Did they know-

“…where there are rumors of your sister being harbored. The King has decided that, given your kinship, she is most likely to trust you.”

His throat went dry and he stood very still. Did they know of his visit towards her? No… surely not. His next words were coarse, unscripted and fitting for the context, “She’s alive?” Nothing he said was a lie, and he looked at the king., trying to read the teenager’s expression. Was he really sending the brother of the fallen rebel queen to investigate her? Was he to kill her? Find out if she was preparing a future move against Rynmere and Andaris?

Despite his own feelings towards the matter, it was… a good political move. Perhaps better than he had been expecting from the youth. Good for him, bad for Andraska. 'Politics is about choosing your allies very carefully.'

“My brother said she was dead,” Another truth, except Andras had known her to still be living and breathing. He released a quiet breath, “This is… surprising.” That they knew. Were they aware of Alzorn too? The thoughts had his mind reeling.

Had he been recruited to be a spy, or because of his actual bravery? Or both? He steeled his expression to void it of any emotion. Blood in, blood out. Take orders without question…. Was he ready?

“Very well,” Andraska conceeded, turning to Ser Arynn, who stood patiently, “What must I do?”
word count: 627
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Morality of Superior Men (Andráska)

Andráska Venora

Awarded Points

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5
These points can/cannot be spent in magic

Awarded Knowledge

Mission: Find Zvezdana
Politics: Ambition vs Competition
Ouroboros Guard: “Blood In, Blood Out”
Ouroboros Guard: Initiation Ceremony
Ouroboros Guard: Minimal Structure
Ouroboros Guard: The King’s Own
Zvezdana: In Rharne?

Awarded Extras

Loot & Losses Injuries
+1 New Armour None
Fame Devotion
None None


Yay! Promotion! Congrats!!

As to the armour, you know the drill about what it is. Any questions about it, please speak to one of the City Moderators in Rynmere (as I'm not one any more!)

If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 130
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