3rd Day of Ashan
717th Arc
717th Arc
The duties of the Ouroboros Guard were many and varied. Most often, they depended on the needs of the Sovereign and, to a lesser extent, the mood of the Kingdom. With Cassander on the throne, it appeared that the Ouroboros did function as a protection force. The prestige gained from being a member of the Guard in modern society was mirrored by the respect given from the general common peoples of Rynmere.
An invitation to join the Guard was not given lightly: none but the King or Queen of Rynmere could invite or promote its members. it was for this reason that, of all factions, it was arguably the most exclusive. Just like invitations were not offered out lightly, acceptances were also not to be made lightly. The Oath to join, which was made in blood, was binding. Whilst not necessarily made for life, it was not easy for a Guard to retire from his duties to the Sovereign. There was no higher honour and it was assumed that no one would want to leave anyway.
The most recent person to be invited to join the elite ranks of the Ouroboros Guard was a nobleman and knight by the name of Andráska Venora. He was a younger son of a Baron and had, up until Vhalar the arc previously, not been noticed by King Cassander. The young knight had saved his King’s life without a moment’s hesitation. It was the kind of loyalty and bravery that Cassander could not ignore… and there was the added bonus that, with his cousin just recently well-placed too, House Venora’s loyalty would forever be tied to that of the Royal Renault line.
In hindsight, the way it had worked out was a stroke of strategic brilliance on the part of Cassander. At the time, he had not thought that thoroughly about it; his decision to offer Andráska a position within his personal guard was impulsive, and his gift to Tristan was one of friendship. But he did not regret either of his decisions, and he did not think he would.
The King of Rynmere waited with his Commander of the Ouroboros Guard for the knight to be escorted into the main hall of the palace. The pair stood in the centre of the room, where a dais had been erected, with a small table rested on top. Upon the table was a small, sharp blade and a scroll of parchment. Around the walls of the hall, silent and sombre, stood the entire guard of the Ouroboros, waiting to welcome their new brother. “Welcome, Andráska Venora.” The Commander of the Guard spoke kindly but his demeanour, too, was relatively reserved, given the serious circumstances. “When you are ready, please join us.”
An invitation to join the Guard was not given lightly: none but the King or Queen of Rynmere could invite or promote its members. it was for this reason that, of all factions, it was arguably the most exclusive. Just like invitations were not offered out lightly, acceptances were also not to be made lightly. The Oath to join, which was made in blood, was binding. Whilst not necessarily made for life, it was not easy for a Guard to retire from his duties to the Sovereign. There was no higher honour and it was assumed that no one would want to leave anyway.
The most recent person to be invited to join the elite ranks of the Ouroboros Guard was a nobleman and knight by the name of Andráska Venora. He was a younger son of a Baron and had, up until Vhalar the arc previously, not been noticed by King Cassander. The young knight had saved his King’s life without a moment’s hesitation. It was the kind of loyalty and bravery that Cassander could not ignore… and there was the added bonus that, with his cousin just recently well-placed too, House Venora’s loyalty would forever be tied to that of the Royal Renault line.
In hindsight, the way it had worked out was a stroke of strategic brilliance on the part of Cassander. At the time, he had not thought that thoroughly about it; his decision to offer Andráska a position within his personal guard was impulsive, and his gift to Tristan was one of friendship. But he did not regret either of his decisions, and he did not think he would.
The King of Rynmere waited with his Commander of the Ouroboros Guard for the knight to be escorted into the main hall of the palace. The pair stood in the centre of the room, where a dais had been erected, with a small table rested on top. Upon the table was a small, sharp blade and a scroll of parchment. Around the walls of the hall, silent and sombre, stood the entire guard of the Ouroboros, waiting to welcome their new brother. “Welcome, Andráska Venora.” The Commander of the Guard spoke kindly but his demeanour, too, was relatively reserved, given the serious circumstances. “When you are ready, please join us.”