[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

Drink it up, you might as well!

9th of Cylus 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

9th Cylus 717

The Smith's Arms tavern

It was later that trial and Fridgar had been sat by himself for most the night. He couldn't muster the nerve to have a good time and socialise with the other patrons of the bar - not after the events of that trial. He rolled the last of the tankards contents in his paw while leaning his head on his claws. It was there and then that the Lothar decided, 'Fuck this' before downing the rest of the tankard and standing up. Instead of being miserable all night, he would use this night to give Ilaren the worship she deserved.

With his new resolve, he approached the bar where Rufus stood. "Drunk already are we, Fridgar?" The bartender asked, to which Fridgar raised an eyebrow. "Do I look drunk, Roof?" The smaller male looked at him for a bit before commenting. "Nah, you're way more pissy when you're hammered. What can I get you?" Pre-emptively, the older male set a tankard on the bar. Fridgar held out his palm and brought it up and down in a quick motion, as if to indicate 'more', Rufus looked at him confused.

"More tankards, I'm going to buy some lucky fellas a drink. Four total, please." The Lothar nodded with closed eyes, unable to see the further look of confusion on Rufus's face. "Oh," The man spoke with realisation "Doing some Ilaren praise again, are you? Just don't end it in a brawl, please?". Fridgar looked to him with a tilted head before nodding "Nah, not in the mood to scrap. Don't worry." the Lothar assured.

With the drinks in hand, Fridgar sat at an occupied table and set out the drinks "Mind if I join in? I brought booze." he spoke casually before sliding a tankard over to the other occupier.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

Walking into the bar, Kiro came in with a longsword on his back, and a thin block of wood attached to his calf, the chain attached wrapping around his leg. The chain doubled as extra armour atop his leather, the only things unarmoured were the rugged face and thick arms attached to the chest piece, arms on display, and for good reason. The same reason his face was visible, cockiness and a display. He certainly was easy to stare at as he walked in with confidence, holding himself high as he surveyed the bar for his destination.

Kiro walked over to a table of strangers and sat down chuckling as he looked back to the patrons seated at the table he'd decided to sit at. "So, you've angered some guys, you slapped his sister, she skinned your cat, you killed her sibling, blah blah." Shrugging, he leaned back in his chair looking to the hairy giant now glaring at him with clenched fists. The introduction was abrupt and passive-aggressive, but it was with purpose. After all, he had come here for a reason. One of the man reached for the knife at his side beneath the table, but Kiro pulled the folding Kusarigama from his calf, flicking the blade out and holding the tip to the mans testicles, whilst the man on the right of Kiro pointed a dagger to his rib cage, the giant of a man still staring at him. "Well. As I was saying, I've been hired to kill you.." He jutted a finger at the giant, then to each of the men around him. "And you. and you. Anddddd you." With a final point at the man who held a dagger to his ribs he finished his statement.

It was a standoff, the slightest raising in tension would sent the whole table into anarchy, and blood would certainly be shed, each man glared at Kiro, who maintained his complacent smirk, watching the giant with keen eyes. "So, what was your cat called? Mittens?" The wordplay wasn't lost on the group as one of the men tried to suppress laughter, and the giant scowled, reaching for his axe as a sudden voice sounded. '"Mind if I join in? I brought booze." All eyes turned to him, weapons hidden beneath the table and the occupants all just seeming a tad odd with their hands beneath the table and looks that could burn holes in steel. And Kiro who had begun leaning back on the rear chair legs with a creak. He finally slammed the feet down and kicked the spare chair out from under the table slightly, a seat precariously close to the giant man. "Sure thing buddy, we were just telling stories. Hey, Gav, tell that one about your cat again."
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

The seven foot tall Lothar had surprisingly fit in the tavern, Rufus had a high ceiling. He'd otherwise be ducking and bending his knees to fit into any other establishment. That alone would have been enough to scare off most people, but not only that. His muscles showed through his leather jacket, well defined and impossibly full to compliment his tall, broad frame. All over his body was littered with scars, fierce animal bites on his head, acid burns all over his arm, various stab and slash wounds all over his body. This was Fridgar, the stuff of nightmares - and he was buying people drinks.

It was because of his appearance that he didn't bother bringing up the odd skittish behaviour of the men in front of him and instead slid the tankards to each of them. "Ilaren has blessed you this night, lads." He spoke with a grin and reddening cheeks. There were two ways he could go about worshipping his immortal, buy people drinks, drink with them and have a laugh - the good stuff. Or they refuse to drink with him, Fridgar drinks their drink then beats them senseless before throwing them out of his domain. Tonight, he was in the mood for a laugh, but could just as easily beat a couple of dumbasses to the brink of death. "Won't you drink with me? It's free!" he declared with a smile before raising his glass.

"To Ilaren! The most bad-ass immortal out there!" he spoke before raising his tankard and taking a hefty gulp before noticing at least one of the men wasn't drinking with him, and was talking about a cat of some sort. He would rather talk than drink to the most bad-ass immortal out there? That would not do. he set down the tankard before looking to the man with a patient smile. The male was unconscious before he could touch the floor. As fast as lightning, Fridgar had backhanded the man, sent him flying a few feet and put him to sleep. "I said 'won't you drink with me?'" the now furious looking Lothar spoke to the other two.

"To Ilaren! The most bad-ass immortal out there!" he toasted once more as if nothing had ever happened, ignoring the patrons of the bar that stared at the table now occupied by only three men. Uncertainty and fear curled in their faces, as though a sleeping dragon were in the building and they didn't know what to do about it. Rufus shook his head and returned to cleaning a glass, he'd seen it all before from the short-tempered Lothar.
word count: 447
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

"Kiro mention mah fookin cat aga-" his sentence was cut short by a quarter mile, the same distance he was thrown from his chair when a thunderous backhand clattered against his cheek. Kiro, already in progress in getting drunk, watched the action over the top of his tankard, the curved edges of his grin visible either side of the mug. "TO ILAREN!!" he called as he slammed the empty mug down. Infact, the order of faces went 'terrified, terrified, terrified, huge grin'. For Kiro, mixing with dangerous people was a thrill, same reason he liked having sex with psychopathic women. He wasnt sure if he'd die at the end of the night but it'd be fun until then.

Rubbing his jawline with his freehand, he kept his left beneath the table. Where it held the blade to his testicles still, Kiro not even acknowledging to blade to his gut from the man on his right. Nor to the man on his left. His gaze was on the curious giant infront of him, an amused look still plastered across his face. He was an intriguing sort, and almost all eyes were on him after the backhand. Kiro had no choice but to attempt to one-up his display, raising a knee to trap the knife between his leg and the table, he slammed the blade in his left hand into the wood of the mans chair to free up the hand. Then, grabbing the knife wrist with his left hand, he grabbed the back of his head with his right, slamming him nose first into the table, before lowering his hand to between his shoulder blades. Grabbing his shirt, he threw him over the table into his friend, the two tumbling to the ground groaning as Kiro sat back down. "THE MOST BADASS IMMORTAL THERE IS!"

He looked to the final man who drowned in booze as instructed, with fearful glances between Fridgar and Kiro, as if trying to determine which one is going to deal with him. Instead, Kiro slid over a mug. "Drink up, you'll need it if biggun decides to slap you next." He grinned, watching Fridgar. "I'm Kiro. You probably knew that already though." He probably did not. Kiro severely overestimates his fame. Amongst other things.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

The Lothar had already began to grin as two of the men drunk as instructed. His smile had only widened, followed by hearty laughter as the smaller male had gone and broken the face of the male sat next to him, mid drink and all. His empty tankard met with the steady flow of ale that had spilled on the table, saving as much of it as possible. No alcohol would be wasted if he could help it. A sigh came after his laughter, Ilaren truly was the most bad-ass immortal out there, he just wished she knew who he was.

"Kiro, huh?" The Towering Lothar asked, steadying his expression before looking to the other man. "Drink or fight me, cunt." by 'fight' he meant 'go to sleep'. Kiro evidently wasn't a friend of either of the three men, but the final man was a bit of a puss, he'd decided. He'd not fought to defend his friends at all, why else would he have let Fridgar and Kiro get away with knocking out his friends? He returned his gaze to the middle man with a confident grin. "It's Fridgar, I haven't seen you in this-" a cool splash of ale all over him interrupted his sentence, the punch to his cheek pissed him off further.

The man he'd threatened stood up and widened his stance - the mark of an experienced fighter. If Fridgar could be any more pissed off, the ale would have evaporated on contact with his skin. A shaky hand wiped the Ale from his brow before standing up. The prick had not chosen option 1 or 2, but option 3. He took his position opposite the male and widened a feral stance, a low growling rumbled from his chest as his fangs and claws appeared more prominent. Whether Kiro joined in or not, Fridgar would slash wildly for the male's throat in one massively explosive movement, sounding a heavy swoosh through the air as the male ducked and dived for Fridgar, punching him square in the gut.

The attack did little to stop him from swinging once more, a heavy hammer fist aimed for the human’s head, only to miss once more as the human zipped to his flank and punched him in the side of the head. To anyone looking, this appeared to be a fight between speed and strength. Fridgar couldn't land a hit on the man, no matter how hard he tried. The Human had landed plenty of hits of Fridgar, but failed to injure him. All the while, his aggression grew and his harnessed adrenaline turned all the wilder as the surrounding patrons of the bar watched in awe.

Finally, the male leaped up and kicked Fridgar across the face, sending him stumbling with blurred vision. He knelt while he recovered, looking up would reveal that the genius fighter had turned his attention to Kiro for reasons unknown to him. "What the fuck?" Fridgar muttered through his haze.
After he'd recovered, Kiro and the male had been at it for a few bits. A few bits were long enough, A heavy roar announced that Fridgar was royally pissed off, the sudden bounding charge only confirmed it to be true. Thanks to Kiro, the human was quite distracted until the very last second before impact, he'd only managed to block his face in the short time he'd been given. Fridgar slammed the male into the wall by the throat and lifted him from the floor, while he could easily pop the males head from his shoulders, he waited for other people’s reactions as him and Kiro were declared victors.
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Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

Watching the fight, he leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head. Feet up on the table, he enjoyed the spectacle with a smirk, looking at the judgemental eyes at him from the fight he'd just caused. His job was done, he'd get paid, this was nice and easy. He hadn't even had to beat up Gav, this 'Fridgar' had done it for him. Well, it certainly saved Kiro effort, and it provided a show to drink to. 'Aren't you going to stop this?!' A woman stood besides his seat with wide eyes and a heavy, disgusted scowl across her otherwise dainty lips. The barmaid was justifiably pissed. "Why would I? It's just a-" he whistled as the claws went overhead and the man punched Fridgar in the stomach. "That wasn't bad. Shame hes a bit out of his depth with the biggun. It'll be over soon anyways, then you can get to know me." He winked, and she groaned, with a broad gesture at the spectacle. Meanwhile Fridgar had suffered a kick in the face, sending him stumbling back whilst Kiro spoke with the lady. 'Fine, impress me! By defending your friend before he gets so annoyed he burns the bar down!' Kiro responded with a hesitant grunt, looking at the fighter as he approached Fridgar, standing up. "Your wish, is my command. Oi shit stack!" He called across to the fighter, the man turning his head just in time to duck under the incoming chair. As he came up from the duck, his eyes met with the knuckles of Kiro, the man ducking beneath the hook and pulling his foot forward behind the ankle, sending him flailing onto his back and through a nearby stool.

"Okay, surrender or-" the man responded with a kick in the chest, and Kiro finally shut his mouth, smirked and stared up at him, rolling backwards onto his feet. The assailant threw a roundhouse kick, this time Kiro was focused, instead of avoiding the kick he decreased its momentum by stepping in before it had chance to leave his hip, wrapping an arm around the knee and using the new leverage to pivot his body into the wall facefirst. The man lifted his other leg mid-spin, placing it onto the wall and kicking off it in a backflip that freed his leg from Kiros grasp. His perfect landing was followed up by a right straight towards the back of Kiros head, Kiro responding by craning his head to one side, grabbing the wrist and preforming a judo throw into the bar, his back landing on the corner of the counter with a heavy grunt of pain, landing and standing up ready to go again before the cocophany of a stampede of elephants sounded. That, or it was the charge of the mighty Fridgar.

Apparently the man had severe tinnitus after the throw, as even he wasn't expecting to be suddenly smashed into and be driven off of his feet by the enraged Fridgar. Kiro was stunned as well, still looking at the dust outline where his combatant was standing. Turning to Fridgar holding him up the wall, he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "That was my next move." He lied, whilst walking closer with a grin. "Hows your face Fridgar? Saw his stray kick catch you."
Kiro hadn't planned what to do now. He didn't do 'capturing' unless he was paid to. He was not paid to imprison this man, and they had started it. Killing an unarmed man infront of everyone may be unnecessary heat. Or maybe it was some due publicity for his mercenary work. Regardless, he didn't feel like prison time, as such if there was going to be killing, he'd let Fridgar take care of it. "He's all yours big guy." He remarked, walking over to the chair from earlier and pulling his blade free, folding the blade back into the shaft and wrapping the chain back around it, clipping it back to his thigh. "Drinks anyone?"

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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

Kiro had handled himself pretty well to be fair, better than Fridgar had, perhaps. This hadn't gone unnoticed by the crazed Lothar, it was in fact, due punishment. The paw gripped tightly around the human’s neck, sending the victim into a frenzied struggle, holding onto Fridgar's clenching claws for dear life. With his opportunity clear, the beast used his free hand to take hold of the struggling male's left arm. The human thrashed and kicked against Fridgar, only to succeed in contacting his rock-hard musculature.

By now, patrons of the bar had started getting up from their seats, talking in panicked whispers around him: 'What do we do?', 'Is that man going to be okay?', 'Why isn't anyone stopping him?' and the like. Fridgar pressed that little bit harder into the male and halted him completely, fixating his eyes on the tiny human's in his hand "I win." he declared before echoing the bite of the bear and chomping into the human's wrist. Horrified screams rang out from the human, followed by the rest of the bar when Fridgar pulled apart the fleshy tendons and snapping bones under his own strength, mixed with a bear’s powerful bite.

The taste of blood filled his senses, taste, smell, but not hearing. Instead, the rest of the Tavern's screams filled his ears with the final sharp rip of a twist of his head, severing the appendage completely. Fridgar swallowed the crimson that flooded his maw and dropped the hand to the floor, still twitching. The male in his grip went pale with both shock and horror at his bloodied stump. Rufus, too, he went pale - never had Fridgar resorted to this level of cruelty, at least not in public. The Lothar spat in the face of the ex-fighter before dropping him to the floor, a shaking broken mess.

A chair collided with his upper back, breaking on impact and sending him to his knee. A random patron of the bar had started to revolt, he was a boy, only eighteen in age or so. Where Fridgar wouldn't have hesitated to rip his head from his shoulders had it been anyone else, he couldn't harm a child. With a hateful glance and a brief growl, he shot to his feet and bounded for Kiro, gripping him by the back of the shirt and lifting him over his shoulders. He then kicked the door off its hinges and bolted from the tavern while it went up in screams.

The horror scene died down a little as they ran "We need to get out of here, you might be associated with me." he started while flailing his legs beneath him. The Lothar didn't seem to realise that by dragging Kiro away with him, he'd probably made it look as though they were accomplices. "If the guards catch us, there's gonna be a lot more than a night at the dungeon." Fridgar continued to run.
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Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

Kiros eyes widened and his mouth curved downwards in shock and disgust. "You just... bit his fuckin' arm off!" He backed away, turning to run before being heaved onto the bears shoulders. Flailing, he tried to reach for the kusarigama at his leg, unable to get it as he was pulled away, staring at the man bleeding out on the floor screaming. "Okay big guy I know you're hungry but I'm all muscles and bone, you don't want to eat me. Besides, I'm not worth the weight gain, I'd reccomend a small child or a midget." He beat uselessly at his back, in shock and not quite as effective at fighting as he was before the hand biting incident.

When he spoke, he hesitated. Oh, he was saving him. "Oh yeah. Think I convinced them im not associated with you when i was pretending to be scared." Laughing nervously he slipped out of his grasp, rolling as he hit the floor and running alongside him. Kiro had put enough people in dungeons to know he didn't want to be in one. He'd heard you gained a 'prolapse' in a cell by a giant double your size. Kiro didn't want to start running laps, nevermind some 'pro laps' which he assumed were some extreme running challenges. "Huh. Why would the guards want me? I did nothing-" he had flashes of events prior to this one, beating men up, sleeping with a guards wife. More than once. Stabbing a shopkeeper. Okay MAYBE hes done some things to get arrested for. "Okay, fair enough. So whats the plan? You turn into a bear and i ride you into battle against hundreds of soldiers?"

Kiro had a loose concept of reality. He was firmly confident he could fight hundreds of soldiers and win. He was good, but despite his own belief, he wasnt immortal. He was still young, still had wild expectations of his future. Still cocky, reckless and ridiculous. Still Kiro.

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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:

"Muscle is actually the most tender part of the animal." Fridgar spoke with certainty and a sickening grin to the male over his shoulders. as funny as he was being, it saddened him slightly to know that he wasn't going to be able to go back to the blacksmiths arms anytime soon. Kiro was capable of running by himself, so he set the man down while running as fast as possible in the opposite direction of the tavern. Sure enough, Kiro kept up.

The giant Lothar couldn't help but look down to the smaller male with a raised eyebrow. "How did you know I was a mage?" he spoke about the bear comment. After a couple of bits, Fridgar needed to slow down to a halt, his lungs threatened to give way. Fridgar leaned over, pressing his hands into his knees when his flailing finally came to stop. "There is no plan, we got away." He spoke through heavy breaths. "So, how does it feel to be an officia-" Fridgar was cut off as an arrow pierced his shoulder, pushing all the way through to the other side outside of his body and knocking him backward. Another arrow came through and pierced his thigh. "FUCK!!" The beast roared in pain before falling to his knee. In the distance, five mounted crossbow-men ran for them, reloading their weapons.

"What the fuck, how did they get here so fast?" The Lothar spoke through bared fangs. "Help me with these arrows and I'll get us out of here." He declared, snapping the end of the first bolt off and pulling it through, leaving a bloodied hole in its place. If Kiro had stayed to lend a hand, Fridgar would pick him up once more and begin to limp while quickening his ether, only to be shot in the lower back with another bolt, the other four missed in their general area.

With the guards gaining on them, Fridgar cast unleash with chrysalis and morphed into a horse, healing over his injuries while quickly shapeshifting into an equine. With renewed vigor, Fridgar bolted with kiro on his back. He was willing to bet that he'd been becoming a horse for far longer than those guards had even been in the hand. What is more? His specimen of horse was from Warrick, far superior than wherever they got their horses by default. The arrow that had lodged in his back had dropped out quickly when his flesh bubbled and reformed into the four-legged running machine, the wound there had healed quick enough too.

Fridgar continued to run, despite any protests that Kiro might have.
word count: 445
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[Mature] If you're gonna go to hell:


Kiros baffled expression revealed that the bear thing was a joke and not actually a guess about his ability. "You can actually do the bear thing?" He shook his head with a doubtful frown, before halting, putting a hand infront of him. "You hear that noise? Reminds of a..." Thunk "Crossbow." He turned, noticing he wasn't being shot at, bolts primarily hitting Fridgar. Huh, guess his shouting really had had an effect. "HELP HE GRABBED ME! SAVE ME OH HEROIC SOLDIER MEN." He ran over, reaching to his leg and pulling his blade free, feigning a nervous shiver. "Thank-" Bringing the kusarigama up he slammed it into the first mans exposed throat, pointing his crossbow at another guard as he squeezed out of reflex. The bolt pierced the mans chest and the other dropped, clutching his throat. The other three began turning, and Kiro threw the kusarigama, clutching one end of thr chain, the blade wrapping around one mans neck, and he fell the floor with a tug, Kiro unsheathing his sword with his offhand and stabbing it through a mans visor as he turned. Finally he turned to the last man.

Pulling his off-hand weapon free, he began spinning it to one side as he readied his sword in his right hand, his opponent drawing his own sword. Flicking his left wrist forwards, the chain wrapped around his opponents crossguard and hand, pulling him forwards and sending a backhand slash through the mans throat, lopping his head clean off. Coming back, he watched Fridgar pulling out the arrows, pausing. "Oh. When you said help with the arrows you meant..." he prodded a thumb back after sheathing his weapons. "...not kill everyone. My bad." Looking back to a new group that raced after he groaned, climbing aboard the recently formed horse. "Lets ride big guy."

Galloping out of the battle zone, the men on foot struggled to keep up, and as they passed into background scenery, he muttered. "So you chose a horse and not a unicorn or a dragon or something. Nice choice bud."

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