28th Cylus 717
Elyna stood at the window with Elsie balanced on her hip. She’d pulled her hair up and out of the babies grasping fingers. The child was curled up against her shoulders, red cheeks damp with angry tears but at least, thank the immortals, she was asleep. It had taken over a break of work and wrestling with flailing fists but finally she’d succumbed. Elyna wasn’t sure that her ears were ever going to stop ringing, her head pounded and tears threatened behind her own dark eyes. In thick woollen socks she padded across the small room and bent, laying Elsie down in the cradle. Elyna hardly dared to breath, air held tight in her chest as slowly she extracted her fingers from beneath the child’s back and withdrew. Creeping across the room in the shadows of Cylus. The floor was strewn with discarded wooden toys and the Skyrider held back a shout of pain as her foot landed on an unforgiving block of wood, lovingly carved into a triangle. Fists clenched she knelt and collected the toy, palming it before stretching out and slipping out of the door. Breath still held she turned and pulled the portal shut, lifted the catch and finally let out a sigh of relief as it closed fast behind her. The young mother waited, ear pressed to the frame and counted to ten.
No sound, she sagged with relief and turned the toy over between her fingers. If she ever managed to get out of the room, Elsie would usually sleep through a few breaks at least. Satisfied that Jesanine had cast a loving blanket over her daughters dreams, Elyna opened the front door of the house and hurled the offending block outside, as far as she could throw. A rush of cold air blasted against her and she was quick to shut the door again.
The skyrider and noblewoman turned and surveyed the devastation that a mobile baby and young puppy could cause. Sweet potato had been smushed into the table top. A stack of books pulled off the bookshelves and lay tangled on the floor like defeated soldiers. Pages torn and chewed. Vara, the pup looked up from her bed beside the fireplace, whip-like tail beating from side to side with excitement before she whined, dark eyes accusing. The puppy wanted to go out, but Elyna wouldn’t risk simply letting her bound around free, not while she was so young and unlikely to come when called.
Elyna fussed the creature though, as she knelt, stacking wood for a fresh fire, the old one had burnt out and left the room cold, even before the blast of wind had robbed the last whisper of heat. Vara bounced up from her bed and leapt around her as she worked, setting the wood and sparking the flame. She coaxed the flame into life and sat back, waiting for water to boil. When had her life become this? Legs crossed the young woman pulled Vara into her lap and the puppy curled up, head resting against her thigh as Elyna bent. She told herself it was because she was tired, that everything seemed so much worse. Elsie wasn’t giving her much time to sleep. The demands of being a Colonel were overwhelming and she wasn’t sure how she could carry on with her commission. Not now. There was a hundred things that needed to be done. Clothes to be mended and washed. The room to be cleaned, table to be wiped and waxed again. Elsie was weaning and Elyna had run out of the small packages of food she’d managed to prepare for her. So there were vegetables to wash and shop and boil and mash. Now?
A soft wail started in the guest room. Something had woken Elsie.
The first tears came despite her attempts to stop them.
“I’m just tired,” she promised Vara but she bent, wrapped her arm over the dog and pulled the blanket down from the chair, pulling it over her shoulders and attempting, unsuccessfully, to hide from the world. Just five bits, just one. Just the time to count to a hundred and she could fetch her daughter.