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The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Tristan and the King

Cylus 25, Arc 717

King Cassander had said that he could have anything for saving his life during the premiere of his play (which he had done by throwing himself on top of him and shielding him with his body – he had been sore for trials afterwards). He hadn’t been able to make up his mind back then and asked him if he could have some time to think about it.

He had considered asking for the duchy (Alistair was mean, and he sucked, and he probably didn’t only have a few skeletons, but a whole graveyard in his closet.) or at least a duchy (Being rich and powerful was fun!). He’d also considered asking for a bunch of exotic kittens, a lifetime supply of wine and chocolate, a house – or absolutely nothing because the king’s friendship was more important than material goods, and he didn’t want to seem like one of those people that only kept the king company and were nice to him so that they could get free stuff.

He had also decided to give Cassander something to help him cope with the shock of nearly being assassinated. He knew from experience that pets were a great comfort when something bad happened to you. Mistral had helped him get over the loss of Faith and the terrible events in Treidhart (he had fallen over a dead body and lost consciousness, and his memories were still hazy at the best of times).

Since time was ticking, and he was worried that Cassander would refuse to give him anything if he waited too long, he eventually sat down and started to write a letter to him under the watchful eyes of his cat Mistral and his (hopefully) temporary guest that he had picked up a few breaks earlier. That letter turned out a bit different from what he’d originally planned:

Your Royal Majesty,

When I helped save your life during the premiere of “A Royal Tragedy”, you told me that I could have anything. I asked that you give me some time because I didn’t know what I wanted and wasn’t sure if I should ask for some sort of reward. I would have done the same if you had been a common citizen instead of the king of Rynmere. I still don’t know what I want, to be honest.

Most men that come from a secondary branch of a noble family, with no hope of ever inheriting the duchy or gaining any sort of meaningful political power would probably ask for land and a title so that they can serve their king better. It would probably be the reasonable thing to do, but I’m not entirely sure if I want to be reasonable.

I also considered asking for a rare and exotic pet, a little villa on the beach where I can create my art in peace or maybe a collection of fine wine and sweets from all around Idalos. But then I realized that I’d feel strange if I demanded something for saving a man’s life, even if the man in question is the king. So I decided to leave it all up to you. Whatever you are willing to give me, be it land, titles, political influence, a pet or wine and sweets, will be enough. In the end I care more about Your Royal Majesty’s friendship than any material goods.

I realize that a man in your position is probably very lonely and has few people that he can really trust. For that reason I also decided to give something to you. At first I considered gifting you a cat, but cats don’t always obey, so I decided to acquire a puppy from Andaris’ best pet store. He is trained, and he will always be there for Your Royal Majesty and defend you with his life so that you’ll never have to worry about somebody jumping at you and trying to stab you again.

Your friend,

Tristan Venora

P.S.: If you don’t want the puppy, feel free to return him to me. I will find a good new home for him.

It was only after he had put the letter into an envelope and sealed it that Tristan realized that entrusting a random messenger with it might not be a good idea. Cassander probably had a lot of enemies. Somebody might steal the letter and read it – or worse yet, tamper with it, put poison into it and then blame the deed on him. So he put on his coat, placed the puppy into a wooden basket with a blanket in it so that the little animal would be warm and decided to walk to the palace to deliver the letter in person.


“Lord Tristan Venora”, he introduced himself to the guards. “I have a letter and a gift for His Royal Majesty. I realize that he’s probably very busy, so if he doesn’t have time to talk to me, could please just give both to him?” He showed them both the letter and the basket with the puppy that shyly looked at them from under the blanket. “Feel free to verify my identity to make sure that I’m not some sort of criminal that wants to hurt the king!” he added, realizing that people probably tried to get into the palace under false pretenses all the time.
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Tristan and the King

King Cassander of Rynmere was having a stressful trial. Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred: no long-lost older brother had threatened to unseat him; no nursemaid was forcing him to mind his manners; no peasants were revolting. Even his councillors (the Dukes surrounding him) had not overburdened him with affairs of the state today. If anything… this trial was a relatively easy trial, compared to the majority that Cassander had to stand.

So why did he feel like all of his muscles were tight? No matter how much he wiggled, he could not get comfortable on the soft, cushioned throne upon which he sat. Even the enticement of girls providing cheese and wine would not relax him, as it often did, following his final meal of the day.

It finally occurred to him when a servant handed him a letter on a silver tray, which he took and read. Initially he was disinterested, but he had noticed the elegant scrawl of his friend, Tristan Venora, and his excitement rose. Tension left his shoulders and he slumped back. Only then did he realise: Cassander was lonely. The King spent his days surrounded by people from all walks of life, and he discussed many various matters with them. But he had found no true companionship among them. A few seasons ago, Cassander had spent much time around a young lordling, one whom seemed to have genuine interest in Cassander, and whom the King genuinely liked in return.

They had even shared a little adventure, and bonded more because of it. Kingly duties had kept him away from the man, and sometimes the lordling had been forgotten, but every so often Cassander would find himself wistfully remembering. Finishing the letter, he raised a brow and looked over to the servant, who was now standing nervously. Glancing down, he saw the puppy.

Is he here?” The Kind demanded, swinging his legs off of the throne armrest and sitting properly in his chair. The servant shifted, glancing down at the black puppy, whose tail was wagging furiously as it sniffed the ground and attempted to jump up on his chair. The servant yanked the canine’s leash back and Cassander instantly jumped to his feet, backhanding the man in a moment of red anger, “That is a gift, you imbecile.” He all but screamed, as the servant cowered.

The King scooped up the puppy, anger dissipating as she licked the man’s cheek happily. “Is he here?!” He repeated, and finally received a response in the affirmative. “Bring him here, then, you fool!” He stood tall as he watched the servant scurrying away, gaze dark. It instantly brightened when he was alone, and he murmured sweet nothings to the excitable puppy, who was wriggling away in his arms. “Okay! Okay!” He laughed, “Give me a moment.” He returned to his seat and placed the puppy on his lap, happily playing until his unexpected visitor was announced. “Tristan!” His voice was full of joy and his eyes lit up further at the sight of his friend, “Please join me. I am enjoying the fruity wines of some exotic southern land, and cheese to accompany it. Would you care for some?
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Tristan and the King

Tristan mentally prepared himself for a thorough examination of himself, the puppy and the letter. He was also prepared to leave and spend the following couple of trials at home, impatiently awaiting Cassander’s reply. Finally, a part of him was worried that one of the guards would just kill his gift because it might have been manipulated so that its bite would be poisonous – or worse yet, because it might be a Becomer in disguise. Normally his overactive imagination was one of his greatest strengths, but right now it only made him come up with of all kinds of crazy scenarios. Well, he thought, at least it kept him from getting bored while he waited for somebody to come back outside and tell him what he was supposed to do.

When the servant appeared and informed him that the king wanted to see him, Tristan just looked at him incredulously for a moment before he smiled and followed him into the throne room. All the doubts that he had had abruptly disappeared. Of course the king wanted to see him! Cassander had probably just been waiting for an excuse to leave the schemers and lickspittles that he had to put up with all trial long and do something that might actually be a little fun and wouldn’t possibly impact the future of the kingdom negatively.

The smile on his face grew even wider as he entered the throne room and noticed that Cassander had the puppy on his lap. “Your Royal Majesty”, he exclaimed. “How are you? I see that you are enjoying my gift. Did you already give it a name?” As he posed that question, he realized that he wasn’t completely sure what the puppy’s sex was. He had never asked the pet store clerk and never bothered to check either. He’d just wanted a dog that would grow big, but not too big and that would be good at protecting its owner one trial.

He didn’t hesitate as Cassander asked him to join him. “Yes, please”, he replied enthusiastically. Normally he didn’t always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, but Cassander wasn’t only his friend, but also the most powerful man in Rynmere, and thus he decided that being polite and behaving (to some extent at least) would not be amiss. “You know how much I love good wine. Have I ever told you that I met the Immortal of Alcohol once?”
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Tristan and the King

Rynmere’s Sovereign nodded, a wide smile still plastered on his face, and, for the first time in a long while, he looked every bit the sixteen-year-old he was. He gestured to the seat on his right as he sat more upright in his own chair. A simple snap of his fingers alerted servants to take note of the scene, who were trained well enough to lay a table-setting for the King’s guest and pour a generous helping of wine before quickly disappearing to the corners of the hall.

She’s a bitch, Tristan,” Cassander laughed amicably, “You own animals, don’t you? Surely you know how to check for the sex?” There was no malice of genuine incredulity in his tone, merely light-hearted ribbing much like one might do with a friend. The King doubted that Tristan would ever feel comfortable doing the same in return, but he strove to create an environment where one day he might.

Perhaps his gift to Tristan would be equally-well received… perhaps it would inspire that bond of friendship between them. “No, I have yet to name her… she’s been in my presence for no more than 5 bits!” Removing a hand from the puppy, Cassander reached forward and grasped his wine goblet. Doing the remaining drink, he returned it to the table and once again summoned a servant to approach and refill it for him. “Don’t let present circumstance fool you, Tristan. The day of a King is busy enough that I do not have the luxury of filling it with creating names for fictional pets. You must help me in this endeavour… once you have tried the cheese. It is delightful.

The cheese, which was not imported but prepared in Rynmere, was brand new: very mature and flavoursome. The dog, it became quickly apparent, agreed with Cassander’s opinion. The King was not prepared for the lightning-fast movements of the puppy, who took advantage of Cassander’s loose grip to wriggle free and jump onto the table in order to sample the chess herself.

The King could not help but laugh more, already falling in love with the spirited dog. “Trained, you say?” He tried to sound stern, but the dancing light of his eyes gave him away as he regarded Tristan, “As what?” He grabbed the puppy by the scruff of her neck and sat back down on his cushioned seat. “The Immortal Ilaren?” The King’s eyes went wide in awe of the man before him. He became more sure of his own gift to his loyal subject; to meet one Immortal was an honour… but to meet two… “How did you come by her?
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Tristan and the King

“Well, I have a cat“, Tristan replied. “But if I tried to take a look at that part of his body, he’d scratch me and bite me. He’s very protective of it, you know?” As he said that, he wondered if Mistral really was male, but he had never been in heat, done weird stuff with his hindquarters and yowled, so he probably was. Besides, there had been that one incident where a woman had claimed that Mistral had gotten her prized long-haired cat pregnant and demanded compensation because her cat was now ruined forever.

Having come to that comforting conclusion, he drained his glass as well and asked the servant to refill it before he tried some of the cheese. “It’s indeed delightful”, he remarked and took another bite because it was just so good. Kings had very few real friends and constantly had to worry about assassins and such, but this was definitely one of the perks!

“Where did you get it? As for creating names for fictional pets, that’s something I do a lot, to be honest. Well, not only pets, but also people and places. It’s an important part of the writing process. I don’t think my plays would be as successful if my characters were called something stupid – unless I wrote comedies, I suppose.”

Having said that, he cleared his throat, took a sip from his glass of wine and continued, “Anyway, may I suggest that you observe her behaviour? It may give you a clue as to what would be a good name for her.” Just as he had finished speaking, the puppy jumped onto the table and tried some of the cheese herself. Tristan’s eyes widened until they threatened to just drop out of their sockets, and he froze for a moment, and then he joined the king and laughed out loud.

“Well …” he replied and shook his head. “She was supposed to become your protector, but maybe she’d make a better court jester. Do you already have a court jester?”

He quite enjoyed the look of surprise on the king’s face as he mentioned his meeting with Ilaren. Cassander probably didn’t get surprised very often anymore. “I was in a tavern and decided to do some charity work by paying for everybody’s drinks when she suddenly came in. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. While the other patrons eventually left, we got drunk together, and then we went for a walk together and were almost mugged, and then she accompanied me home, and we kissed.”

He broke off there and looked at Cassander. “You believe me, right, Your Royal Majesty?” he asked hopefully, realizing that his story had probably sounded a bit crazy. Most people probably never got the attention of one Immortal, let alone two!
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Tristan and the King

She is a bit of a rascal, isn’t she?” Cassander laughed as the puppy whined, scrambling to return to the table. He leant forward and grabbed a few pieced of cheese, “sit…” he commanded as he held out the cheese in his closed palm. The dog obeyed, though perhaps out of instinct than real training (Cassander doubted Tristan’s words somewhat, though only time would tell). He cooed and praised the puppy as he held out his hand, offering her a single piece of cheese.

I do have a court jester, of course! Are you telling me you have never enjoyed the entertainments of my Fool?” The King looked upset by this; his jester was another of his favourite companions. “But you do have a point, a little double act could easily be arranged with this little harlequin.” He lifted the puppy up to eye level and stared at it before turning to look at Tristan, “Harley. What do you think?

Tristan’s tale of meeting Ilaren was… well it was unbelievable. One couldn’t write it, but then, the King remembered, he was sitting opposite an accomplished playwright. He narrowed his eyes for a moment and examined his subject. “What is it about you, Tristan, that you attract the attentions of so many powerful people?” Cassander counted himself in that number; he was no commoner, after all.

The cheese?” Cassander asked as he took another sip of his wine, swilling it about on his palate. “Burhan, of all places. Cook ordered some in… it wasn’t until after I tried it and approved that she told me where it was from!” The King laughed; even though he was now ultimate ruler of Rynmere, his head-chef still treated him like a naughty little toddler, sneaking into the kitchens for sweet treats between meals. It was refreshing, being around her… the same feeling he was starting to get around Tristan.

The wine is from Rharne, of course. I do find the most delightful aspects of life come from there.” Cassander paused for a moment, considering, “though I will have you tried for treason if you ever repeat that! Can’t have the people thinking I do not enjoy pleasures from my own beautiful nation, after all.” He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, as he watched the young Lord. The King was nervous. That last utterance had been a test - either Tristan would take him seriously and swear never to disobey his sovereign, or he would understand the jest and return banter in kind. Knowingly for the King and unwillingly for the Lord, they were about to discover if they truly were compatible as friends.

That was his biggest concern. He needed to know - and truly know - what type of man Tristan was, if he was to bestow such responsibility and honour upon the man.
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Tristan and the King

Once he had left the palace, Tristan decided, he would have a word with the guy at the pet shop who had sold him the puppy. She was cute and lively and she almost made him reconsider his preference for cats, but it didn’t look like she had been taught a lot, apart from entertaining people (which was a great skill, but not what he had asked for). He did at least hope that she would grow up to be a big dog and not stay dachshund-sized!

“No, I regret to inform you, I have never done so”, he replied with a twinkle in his eyes as the king spoke about his fool. “That’s something that should eventually be corrected of course. I’d love to meet your Fool. But …” he said and looked at the puppy who was enjoying the cheese far too much. “… two fools would be better than one, Your Royal Majesty! Harley would be a good name for her. In fact it would be perfect!”

“As for what it is that attracts the attention of so many powerful people …”
He shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t have any idea. Maybe it’s my charming smile or my beautiful blue eyes – or maybe they just like my art? I’ve often wondered what I did to get so much attention myself. I’m not doing anything special. I’m just being myself!”

He laughed as he said that and grabbed another piece of cheese. “Burhan, huh? Say what you want about them, but they make amazing cheese!” he remarked and put it into his mouth. Even though he had no idea why he received so much attention most of the time, he sure enjoyed it!

And then Cassander said something about trying him for treason, and Tristan looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before he remarked in a thoroughly conspiratorial tone, “I won’t tell if you don’t, Your Royal Majesty!” Having said that, he raised his glass in a toast and exclaimed, “To wine and cheese and all the other things that make life so delightful!”
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Tristan and the King

The King smiled as he plucked a grape from the bushel of greenery that adorned the cheese palate. The grapes, strictly speaking, were for decoration, rather than to be eaten, but Cassander enjoyed the sweetness mixing with the savoury. And he was the King - who was going to rebuke him for not being quite proper in his afternoon enjoyments? “It must be the smile,” he returned, grinning despite himself. “Definitely the smile.

For these few moments, it was pleasant. He wasn’t a sovereign speaking to his subject, he was a young man jesting with a peer. This, he imagined, was what it would be like if he were not royal… maybe even common. Though, of course, he would have to give up the wine, and cheese, and grapes, and gifts of puppies. There were many positive things to being poorer than he was now, but just as many negatives. Win and lose, it seemed.

To wine and cheese!” Cassander, too, raised his glass, leaning forward to chink his gentle against the lordling’s before bringing it to his lips and taking a large sip. When done, he placed it back down on the table and stroked the puppy, who was beginning to calm a little. Maybe there was hope for her yet. “Tristan… do you remember the premier to your play, in Vhalar the arc just gone?

Stupid question; of course the man remembered! It had been the highlight of his year, no doubt. Excellent script and players, a blessing from an Immortal… and they had even done away with an assassin during the interval. “What I mean specifically… you protected me. You went above and beyond to risk yourself when my own Ouroboros fell short.” Cassander, for all of his training, was only a teen, and was nervous. He was struggling to find the words he wanted, and present them in an eloquent manner.

I have left it far too long, and I fear you may have think your risk forgotten by me, especially given the honour I bestowed upon your cousin immediately, there in the auditorium.” Cassander took another sig of his wine. “Please do not think me so callous as to forget. But you deserved more than… a litter of kittens, after all.

It had taken many trials of debating, bargaining and negotiating with the seven Dukes of Rynmere to finally come to a conclusion that was finally acceptable. Cassander had stood fast, barely allowing for such manoeuvring, but allows the Dukes to think that they had a modicum of control over the situation. Finally, he allowed them to see the financial and civil benefits of officially bringing the Eastern Settlements under the constitution of the Kingdom of Rynmere. The division of the Settlement into three new Duchies, of which… “I would like to offer you a Dukedom, Tristan.
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Tristan and the King

“Of course I remember“, Tristan replied. “I don’t think I could ever forget!” The young man that had been so cheerful before was suddenly all serious and attentive. This was it. This was the moment where he would find out whether he would be getting a house, a title, a pat on the back or nothing at all for his part in saving Cassander’s life. He hadn’t thought that he would be capable of it anymore after spending the night with one Immortal and being blessed by another one, but he was just as nervous as the king now, and he gripped his wine glass a little more tightly as if he needed something to hold onto.

“Kittens are great”, he insisted, but broke off abruptly as Cassander said that he would like to offer him a Dukedom. A duke? He? What would his parents say? What would Granny Ebony and Aunt Willow say? What about Alistair and Andráska (Zvezdana, wherever she was, didn’t count anymore)? He didn’t care much about Alistair – he wouldn’t care at all if he left Rynmere and never came back – but Andráska was a great guy. It also didn’t make sense that Cassander would ignore his cousin after honoring him in such a way and just give the duchy to him!

It was only after a few moments that he realized that the king hadn’t offered him the Dukedom, but a Dukedom. It didn’t have anything to do with Venora. He wouldn’t have to put up with an angry family that might quite possible use that occasion as an excuse to start yet another civil war and get rid of the king – and murder him, Tristan, in his sleep.

“But a Dukedom is much better of course”, he continued and grinned before he became a little more serious again as the situation kind of seemed to call for it. “I accept your offer, your Royal Majesty, and I will do my best to act in a way that finds your approval.” He paused for a moment and drank from his wine again, and then he asked another very important question, “Which duchy is it though, if you don’t mind the question?”

A duke? He? Hell, yes! He didn’t even care much that he would probably have to move and change his name (as long as it wasn’t to something embarrassing). He couldn’t wait to find out how his family reacted to the news - and he sincerely hoped that his new subjects didn’t mind too much that they would have to put up with him from now on!
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Tristan and the King

The tentative smile that had sat on the King’s face grew larger and more relaxed and genuine as Tristan, apparently as animated as ever, excitedly accepted his offer of a Dukedom. The was no doubt in the King’s mind that he trusted Tristan with such a hefty burden; the Venoran lordling would not let Rynmere down, he knew it. This was only the beginning of a great and profitable relationship… a true ally at the King’s side.

Of course I don’t mind!” The King laughed in response, “If anything, I would be more concerned had you not wanted to know what lands you would soon possess! What would that say about a new Duke if he couldn’t find a care for those under his domain?

As you know, there are seven Duchies on the island proper of Rynmere. These are historical strongholds, having existed for centuries. However Rynmere also occupies some land to the east, on the eastern Idalosian mainland. This ‘Eastern Settlement’ we have divided into three, and I would like for you to rule over one of the three new Duchies.” With a click of his fingers, Cassander summoned another servant, who hurried over, unfurling a large scroll, which was laid out on the table.

The King stood, puppy resting neatly in his arm, and leaned over the map, indicating the three divided areas of the Eastern Settlement. “The choice of which land you would prefer is your own. The three new Duchies, you will hopefully be aware, are Berwick, Oakleigh and Welles… if not today, then make your choice known in writing following this meeting” He paused for a moment, wondering what Tristan actually knew about the Eastern Settlements. Would he know enough to select a third of the land that he would be interested in nurturing?

You will, of course, be granted the right to elevate three Barons of your choice,within reason Cassander thought, but did not say, “However these will only be temporary Baronies, for I assume your future offspring will take these roles when they come of an age.” In his words were carried a thinly veiled directive to marry and procreate soon. There would be enough outrage at such an elevation for one so young, and the apparent strengthening of the Venoran line. Tristan’s new line needed security.

Tristan…” silence dragged for a moment, as Cassander tried to find the words, “I am not asking you to move east permanently. Your Barons should support you enough to manage lands in your absence. But if you take this, you cannot shun your duties. Being a Duke is nothing like holding the title of Lord.

The Map:
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