The Coven of Ellasin

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The Coven of Ellasin

Arcanis. The great citadel was once a beacon of knowledge, illuminating a path to a higher understanding of Arcana. The fall of this great citadel was the trigger for a number of situations in the world of the arcane. The most prominent of these was the public dissolution of the Seekers, forcing the faction to revert to their more discrete ways. However, another consequence of the fall of Arcanis was a much more malevolent, subtle thing.

Ellasin. The great necromantress of the Seekers was no longer bound by any sort of constraint. There was nothing to stop the necromantress from beginning the true demonstration of her abilities and in this, the woman became a Lich. With eternity at her behest, the woman began to consolidate her influence. Talented sorcerers throughout the ranks of the Seekers were hunted down, twisted and turned to see Ellasin's ambition. But... what was this ambition? None but the Necromantress know for certain, yet even with veiled intentions, the former Seeker had little trouble attracting or otherwise coercing others to join her cause. Eternity was what the woman offered to those who caught her eye, and those that lived to acquire it entrenched themselves in Ellasin's ambitions.

Decades would pass as the Seekers began to re-establish themselves, moulding into the fabric of a changing world as the Coven grew in number. Constructs and liches alike bound to the Necromantress' will rose into being, denizens capable of bringing rise to their own undead constructs to command. However, the powerful beings that Ellasin had created were not enough for her. Discretion as her ally, necromancy as her tool, Ellasin began to utilize her constructs for a different purpose. The Coven.

After decades of utilizing subterfuge and deceit to acquire and further the knowledge Ellasin so desperately sought, the Necromantress shifted her intentions entirely. Young souls were acquired in droves, children stolen from families, mysterious disappearances and equally mysterious deaths rising through the world of Idalos. Ellasin began to build a following, using her proxies as her medium to paint a generation of necromancers... To what end, only she knows.
The goals of the Coven are simple, though the ways in which these goals are pursued are more nuanced and complex. The overlaying theme is power - power to surpass the Immortals, power to dominate others, power to perfect the self. Coven mages are proud and often arrogant individuals that wish to craft themselves into perfect beings. To this end the Coven brings on only those with talent and conviction, the weak ones winnowed through the intensive process of becoming an initiated member.

Ellasin herself wishes to become something greater than she is. Lichdom was only the first step. Many consider her - largely due to her experience, knowledge and artifacts - to be the most powerful mage in Idalos. The goalpost always moves forward for the Necromantress, and simply being the world's most powerful mage is not enough. She would be as an Immortal herself, domineering the political and magical climate to her will.

In truth, Ellasin wishes to cast down the Immortals from their thrones and give the world back to the mortals . . . but not quite for their benefit. Instead, it is structure that she strikes against. The structure the Immortals provide - and the adoration - is something she stands averse to. Political and religious hierarchies are a fool's game, and in her eyes only power can determine one's dominance, not blood or reverence. The Immortals strike against magic because they fear it, as a threat to their power. The only threat. Really, Ellasin is an ideologue and so are many of her companions. Her anarchist principles are the ends, and the means can be quite literally anything.

Words and deeds are only the faces of their desire. Everything the Coven does is for the interest of their empowerment. It is perhaps why they are so loathed; the benefit of civilization is not even an afterthought.


1. Power is Power
In all things, it is strength that shall rule mankind, not arbitrary characteristics. Bigotry of all forms should be disbanded. It matters not what someone is, but rather who someone is. As a Naerikk, Ellasin experienced many forms of bigotry, to herself and to others. Her own people discriminate against males, while others discriminated against her for being a Naerikk, a creature who is quite 'different' from others. It never quite bothered her, however, watching as an outsider or experiencing these things directly.

What she questioned was - why did these notions exist in others minds? The answer she discovered was that false power - such as political scheming - created tensions and hatred between individuals to cover for the weakness of the political body. The people do not question the lack of power in their rulers because they paint a perfect image of themselves, and provide distractions. Hate the Avriel, enslave the Tunawa, hate mages. These things are but diversions from the true enemy to the races of Idalos - political and theological hierarchies.

Political power is false power. It is an illusionary power. In truth, mages - the only ones with true power - should rule and all others should bow before them.

2. The Coven Is All
The Coven is your true family. All others are but outsiders who must be viewed as such. Members of the coven must be taught by those of rank to distance themselves from outsiders, to "other" them. Only the Coven will accept their true nature - as dark mages, Necromancers, demented psychopaths. Only the Coven understands their true desires, and those within the Coven must hold heart and give care to their charge. While many seek their own goals, and may use others within the Coven to pursue them, unnecessary cruelty towards another member or severe harm (especially murder) will result in severe punishment; the 'family' will converge upon you, and you shall be as anathema, free for them to flay.

3. Revere the Necromantress
While Ellasin keeps a distance from most members of the Coven, largely due to their gap in power and importance, it is expected to speak respectfully towards the Coven's exalted leader. After all, it is her Coven, and would not be possible without her. She is to be viewed as the prophet of the new world. Interestingly, those who wish to challenge her (whether for leadership or otherwise) can indeed do so... via a one-on-one battle to the death. To do otherwise would be to shame yourself to all of the Coven; plotting to assault her in numbers is seen as foolish and is likely to have the members turn on you, even those with distaste towards Ellasin. This - unseen by most - protects her from being overthrown as the Coven grows in size.

4. Abolish the Hierarchies
When the time comes, the Coven will seek repayment for their aid. You must be involved in Ellasin's goals - to gain more artifacts, to spread her dominion, to destroy hierarchies of religious and political nature. The time for the Coven's goals to become realized is near, as their power has grown to nearly eclipse that of the Seekers, mages who teach their apprentices slowly and with fear and caution. The Coven grows like wildfire, and will consume the land all the same.
Ellasin Dathlande

Title: The Necromantress
Race: Lich, formerly Naerrik
Date of Birth: 17th of Zi'da, 558th Arc
Birthplace: Augiery, Southern Idalos
Mark(s): Champion - Lethroda

Quote: "To place yourself above is to blind yourself to the happenings of below. And so I look to the world from the very bottom, always, from caverns and crypts onto the shining palaces of Kings, wanting but never having, chasing but never reaching. It is the life of unlife, cruel yet empowering. It is the life I chose."

Notable Mutations: Despite being a Legendary Necromancer, which is known for more alarming mutations and Revelations, Ellasin looks hardly different than any other Naerikk. The reasons for this are known only by members of the Coven.

Magics: 100 Necromancy
97 Attunement
77 Rupturing
68 Sovereign

Mundane: 98 Research
72 Teaching
31 Leadership
68 Politics
63 Surgery
52 Medicine
43 Proficiency: Scalpel

History: It all began with the Seekers and Taliesin Galline. Galline and his two colleagues, the three original masters of Attunement. With the founding of the Seekers and the arcane renaissance that followed, Ellasin predicted that the day would come when Arcana would be revealed to the world. Fearing this day and the spread of power to those who would in turn abuse it ignorantly, she formulated a plan. Manipulating the son of Taliesin, Ellasin began to touch at the child's mind at a young age. Moulding the desire to preserve the 'sanctity of Arcana' into his heart, Ellasin would rear Effren as a powerful sorcerer, turning him toward the power of Amplification, and personally teaching him Gravitation. Though all the while, her plans unfolded seamlessly, with Effren growing into a charismatic adult with a following of his own within the Seekers. Guiding him from the sidelines, she assembled a plot to sack Arcanis, the Seeker's 'floating castle', and with it, Taliesin's dreams of a world touched by Arcana. Successful in their plot, Arcanis fell, leaving Ellasin unbound and completely free to do as she pleased.

Decades passed in the privacy of the Seeker's new sanctum, Ellasin guiding new Acolytes and raising Wizards into being. Satisfied that the Seekers were no longer relevant to her plan, with new ideals of secrecy and knowledge instilled into them, she decided to die. Utilizing her knowledge of medicine and Necromancy, Ellasin created a body double of herself with an Acolyte to-be's body type, murdering the young woman and shifting her features before reanimating her. Again, Ellasin would manipulate those around her, staging an attack upon the sanctum of the Seekers. The woman's double was torn to shreds in the attack as the woman disappeared from the world, exiling herself from the Seekers. With her independence secured, Ellasin set through the process of becoming a Lich, though she was never seen after her apparent death.

From the shadows, Ellasin set forth, touching upon the remnants of battlegrounds for corpse fodder, creating servants from those who died of disease, weaving their features and removing traces of rot. Agents cast about the world as Ellasin turned herself into a figure of legend, fading into nothingness and continuing to monitor the arcane factions from afar. Though there were Masters within the Seekers that knew of Ellasin's skill with Necromancy, there was never presented proof of her survival, with the body double burnt beyond recognition and scattered.

Ages later, she returns to prominence, leaving the new generation of Seekers unmistakable signs of her return...

Note: Special permission (for the sake of unique plots) can be given by Incubus or Plague to use Ellasin as an NPC for members of the Coven of rank Sotrosei or above. The intention of using her as an NPC must be discussed. If it is merely an appearance or conversation however, anyone in the Coven of Sotrosei or higher can use Ellasin as an NPC.


There are only ever four Sae'a'fei - or 'Black Ones' - at a time. Each of them is meant to rival an Inquisitor of the Seekers, while Ellasin - stronger than all of them - exists at the top of the hierarchy, meant to assert dominance over their rival faction. Within the Black Ones there is a hierarchy, beginning with Ellasin's Second, all the way until her Fifth. The greatest of them - a man she shepherded a century ago - is known as Effren, a man who (as a Reborn Lothar) has served the Coven for three lifetimes.

The Black Ones are strongly respected by all of those beneath them, and serve as regional leaders for the organization. However, due to the Coven's importance on power and domination, their positions are readily available to be challenged. If a Sotrosei can defeat a Black One in a magical duel to the death, then they may take their place in the Coven hierarchy.


The Sae'a'fei perform all of the necessary duties to keep the Coven active and growing. Being that there are four Black Ones, they correspond with each of the Coven's four primary bases of operations: Murdoch an Keene in Venora, Rynmere, Sarkanis den Nogg in Ne'haer, Rosenthal van Nostra in Etzos, and Fort Ravenclaw in Rharne. Each base, led by a Black One, is left in charge with recruitment and protection of coven interests in the region. To lose prominence in a region - whatever the reason - is an unforgivable failure by the Sae'a'fei left in charge, one followed by disciplinary measures at the hand of the Necromantress.

The Sae'a'fei are also expected to take on at least one full-time student, and several part-time apprentices. When not working in the Coven's interests, their own magical experiments are often the source of much interest by Ellasin, and as a result these endeavors are essentially another full-time requirement.

Sotrosei for at least two seasons
90+ in at least one magic
50+ in at least one other
25+ in at least one other
At least two impact threads with the Coven since becoming Sotrosei
Must kill or defeat another Sae'a'fei in a moderated or peer moderated thread. This is a Coven-sanctioned fight to the death; you will not be penalized for killing the Sae'a'fei. In the case of Effren, however, you are not to destroy his organic materials; he may reincarnate.


Title: The Bishop of Yaralon
Race: Lich, formerly Human
Age: 103
Birthplace: Yaralon
Mark(s): None
Faction: The Coven of Ellasin
Faction Rank: Black One, Ellasin's Third
Base of Operations: Rynmere, Northern Idalos

Quote: "Evil is desire."

Notable Mutations: Unknown.

Magics: 100 Necromancy
66 Abrogation
53 Attunement
48 Transmutation

Mundane: 71 Philosophy
60 Teaching
54 Research
48 Writing
46 Medicine

In life, Damien was a follower and outspoken advocate of the Immortal Ymiden. Since the time of his youth, he had been known for many good things - his patience, practicality, and words of great wisdom. The only issue that underlined these notable qualities was his obsessive, fixating behavior. Even as he guided others through their ails and helped many to find peace, he could not stop himself from addictions of all kinds - addictions to sex, to alcohol, to gambling, even to the presence of danger. Midway through his life, a fixation was found that he could never quite move past. He had met the Lich Ellasin, who guided him into the path of Necromancy, a field he never managed to escape like his other limited addictions. With Ellasin's guidance, he became one of the most talented Necromancers in the known world, and before long he gained the knowledge of Lichdom from the Necromantress.

He was reluctant to surrender his life, but he recalled something that brought him to perspective. For all his life, Damien as a result of his addictions had known fear - he feared for his health, for his finances, for his life and the life of others close to him. Becoming an eternal being, one who did not need wealth to maintain freedom, one who was in and of himself a source of great power; this prospect was one of relaxation.

Of course, not long after indulging in the dark ritual and becoming a Lich, he had become changed by his transformation - indirectly by Ellasin, though she had rooted for his moral transformation. Not all Necromancers were evil, and Damien is evidence of that; he is a fairly ambivalent individual, and can often even be seen as benevolent. However, at the very least they are hungry for power, a gluttony augmented by the emergence of his newfound glory. Eternal life became not enough for Damien, who now sought power additionally; who came to look upon the mortal races as fledglings and sometimes, regrettably, as subjects. The power of Lichdom changed Damien forever, and his goals - which are known only to he and Alistair - require power amassed, and the climate of the Coven forever altered.

Note: Anyone in the coven of rank Sotrosei or above may utilize Damien for instruction or, with moderated approval, initiation.


Title: The Night Sky
Status: Alive
Location: Traveling
Race: Mixed Blood (Sev'ryn/Human)
Age: 41
Birthplace: Nashaki, Eastern Idalos
Mark(s): None - Despises the Immortals
Faction: The Coven of Ellasin
Faction Rank: Black One, Ellasin's Fourth
Base of Operations: Etzos, Central Idalos

Quote: "Come, midnight."

Notable Mutations: Unknown.

Magics: 94 Transmutation
85 Dustforge
68 Attunement

Mundane: 98 Ensorcelling
78 Alchemy
69 Herbalism
58 Teaching

History: Talia Eisenwald, born to a Sev'ryn mother and a human father, had always been lost among her flock. Pulled from the natural atmosphere of Desnind before birth, to the bustling metropolis of Nashaki, she was raised with a strict set of guidelines and the task to succeed her father in his lucrative business practices. She would take over the entirety of his market enterprise, and in doing so become unimaginably wealthy, as Talia's father - Richard Eisenwald - was one of the richest men in Nashaki, and for that matter all of Eastern Idalos.

But Talia, in her deep connection to spirituality and energy, cared not for wealth. In fact, it was never her talent to oversee wealth; time and time again she proved her father's expectations to be placed falsely, and so in desperation he created a second child to inherit his name. This time, it was a son, but unlike Talia the boy had a natural talent for wealth and numbers; he was everything she wasn't, and in her father's eyes, that made him much better. A healthier investment. She was given her allowance and her villas in the hills, and she and her mother enjoyed much luxury, but her relationship with Richard grew ever more empty.

In the void of the attention and love she once knew, a jealousy grew; eventually, this jealousy would consume her feelings for her young brother, and the boy ultimately became the symbol of Talia's induction into the Coven. When Ellasin first encountered Talia, singing alone overlooking the desert from a rocky cliff, she could immediately feel her wroth as much as she could her potential. The anger - if handled - could become a source of power. With the sacrifice of her brother's life, the symbol of her relegation to that of a failed financial investment, she could realize her potential. All Ellasin asked for was the boy's skull, and she would craft Talia a necklace of exceptional arcane power.

And she did - and with their exchange, she found herself venturing into the darkness as she never had before.

Note: Anyone in the coven of rank Sotrosei or above may utilize Talia for instruction or, with moderated approval, initiation.


Title: The Mindrender
Status: Alive
Location: Traveling
Race: Biqaj
Age: 33
Birthplace: Ne'haer, Western Idalos
Mark(s): None - Despises the Immortals
Faction: The Coven of Ellasin
Faction Rank: Black One, Ellasin's Fifth
Base of Operations: Rharne, Central Idalos

Quote: "Yield to me, your lifeline; ether, the thing I seek."

Notable Mutations: Unknown.

Magics: 93 Aberration
83 Becoming
68 Schism

Mundane: 84 Stealth
67 Psychology
62 Poisoncrafting
53 Deception

History: Unknown.

Note: Anyone in the coven of rank Sotrosei or above may utilize Vincent for instruction or, with moderated approval, initiation.


Title: The Fist of Arcanis
Status: Alive
Location: Traveling
Race: Lotharro
Age: 38
Birthplace: Uthaldria, Western Idalos
Mark(s): None - Despises the Immortals
Faction: The Coven of Ellasin
Faction Rank: Black One, Ellasin's Second
Base of Operations: Ne'haer, Western Idalos

Quote: "Lead me into darkness."

Notable Mutations: Most of Effren's basic mutations are fairly inconsequential, largely due to the fact that his Aberration awakening - in its randomness - actually undid most of his other witchmarks and brands. His amplification awakenings all have led to an empowerment of his physical form, whether legs, arms or his endurance. His revelation - spawned from his full mastery of Defiance - has effected his body in a particularly odd way. When channeling energy, his skin appears cindered, as if burnt by a strong flame. His eyes - at all times - appear as if on fire, with the bright ember shade of flame emanating from him at all times. He is nearly immune to fire if utilizing his energy, and can manipulate the element of fire more freely.

Magics: 100 Defiance
78 Amplification
65 Aberration

Mundane: 84 Strength
68 Endurance
56 Running
52 Unarmed Combat
48 Acrobatics
46 Research
43 Teaching

History: To be discovered IRP.

Note: Permission must be given by Incubus to employ Effren into a plot, but any member of the Coven of rank Sotrosei or above may utilize him for basic stories and conversations.


The Sotrosei, or Corrupted, are the middle-of-the-line in terms of Coven rankings. They perform the less basic tasks around the Coven bases of operations (such as treasury and inventory management), as well as being given the imperative of discovering new magical techniques and expanding upon the knowledge of their schools of magic. All Sotrosei are mages, unlike Naxos.


Most importantly, their primary goal is to instruct other mages while expanding on their own ability, creating a circulation of talent and knowledge that ultimately jump-starts the Coven. Many of their directives from directly from the Sae'a'fei, while some Sotrosei are guided - on occassion - directly by Ellasin. Sotrosei are given their own room within the Coven strongholds, unlike Naxos who - if they do intend to live within the Coven - must lay on bedrolls alongside many of their fellow apprentices. They are considered the "big brothers" and "big sisters" of the Coven, respected by others though expected to garner brilliance from their "siblings".

Naxos for at least a season
60+ in at least one magic
35+ in at least one other
At least one impact thread with the Coven since becoming a Naxos
Must perform a thread where the Naxos is given their rank-up imperative.


Title: The Wilted Rose
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 13th of Ashan, Arc 689
Birthplace: Venora, Rynmere
Mark(s): None

Primary Skills: Medicine
Business Management

Link to CS


Title: The Incubus
Status: Alive
Location: Rharne, Central Idalos
Race: Biqaj
Age: 48
Birthplace: Nashaki, Eastern Idalos
Mark(s): Elithem (Adored)
Faction: The Coven of Ellasin
Faction Rank: Corrupted One (Sotrosei)

Quote: "It's called sexual therapy."

Notable Mutations: Unknown.

Magics: 73 Empathy
49 Mirage
46 Dustforge

Mundane: 58 Seduction
53 Ensorcellment
39 Deception

History: To be discovered IRP.

Note: Self moderation is allowed, though not for initiation.


Title: The Bloodletter
Status: Alive
Location: Rynmere, Northern Idalos
Race: Human
Age: 26
Birthplace: Rharne, Central Idalos
Mark(s): None - Despises the Immortals
Faction: The Coven of Ellasin
Faction Rank: Corrupted One (Sotrosei)

Quote: "Dancing in the ashes of Empires."

Notable Mutations: Unknown.

Magics: 74 Graft
46 Attunement
38 Necromancy

Mundane: 60 Torture
51 Interrogation
34 Medicine

History: To be discovered IRP.

Note: Self moderation is allowed, though not for initiation.


The Naxos, or Orphaned, are the new or talentless members of the Coven. They are not necessarily required to be mages, but they are required to be useful. Anyone can join the Coven, regardless of their talents, but those without particular talents or skillsets will very often and eagerly be placed into roles that fit the needs of the Coven. Whether one is to create alchemical reagents for the biologists, or merely mop the hallways for five trials a week, a Naxos is always a busybody. It is within this rank, however, that many magical opportunities and choices of instructors are offered. Despite only being a member of the Coven for a short time, a Naxos of the Coven is given the opportunity to rise quickly if they reveal their dedication and their talent in the arcane arts.


A Naxos' role can be anything, from magical practices to cleaning to cooking. In fact, as an example of the role's diversity, there have even been career prostitutes in the rank.
Bases of Operations
Murdoch an Keene, in Venora, Rynmere - presided over by Damien Noch
Sarkanis den Nogg, in Ne'haer - presided over by Vincent Esperos and Ellasin Dathlande
Rosenthal van Nostra, in Etzos - presided over by Talia Eisenwald
Fort Ravenclaw, in Rharne - presided over by Effren Galien


You don't need special permission to join the Coven, but please post here if you've joined!


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[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Living At The Compound:[/b] (Yes/No)
[b]Magics (Domain or Practice):[/b]

New Rank

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[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Magics (Domain or Practice):[/b]
[b]New Rank:[/b]
[b]Achievements:[/b] (Such as impact threads, and threads done for the Coven.)
word count: 4253
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The Coven of Ellasin

Character Name:Leo
City:Krome, Rynmere
Living At The Compound: No
Magics (Domain or Practice):25 Defiance, 10 Empathy
word count: 19
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Posts: 65
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:44 am
Race: Human
Profession: Ambassador
Renown: 30
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



The Coven of Ellasin

Character Name: Hans
City: Lysoria (Ne'haer)
Living At The Compound: No.
Magics (Domain or Practice): Empathy
word count: 17
Due to his Competency in Empathy, Hans can 'taste' emotions.

While these tastes always stay the same, Hans is either repulsed or attracted
to certain tastes due to his own current emotional states.

While happiness might be delicious to him at one time, this could be disgusting to him
if he is in a troubled personal state.
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Race: Human
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The Coven of Ellasin

Character Name: Alexander
City: Scalvoris
Living At The Compound: No
Magics (Domain or Practice): Aberration - 15
word count: 16
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Race: Naerikk
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The Coven of Ellasin

Character Name: Mal Fjorunn
City: Etzos (Rynmere next Season)
Living At The Compound: No
Magics (Domain or Practice): Becoming - 88
Note: Though a member of the Coven, Mal does not support the nefarious activities of said Coven and is trying to escape its clutches.
word count: 44
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