All updates regarding the city of Uthaldria are posted here.
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In here the Prophets of Uthaldria will post any important announcements. These announcements will take two forms:
-Either they will share news about the city which is In Character... sometimes your PC will not know about these events, but the announcement will be clear on what is public knowledge and what isn't.
-Or the post will be relating to Out Of Character information, such as the appointment of a new staff member to the city, or a rant about rules which aren't being obeyed.
Please pay attention to this thread and if you see a new post, please read it carefully, as the information will almost always affect your RP within this city.
Uthaldria, in all of its hypermasculine splendor, will be opening soon. I do not, of yet, have an opening date (and shouldn't since I'm moving in 3 days, haha), but it will likely open by Apr 1st. All that is left to finish is the Paths, which will operate loosely rank-wise at first, the Cylus calendar, and the locations. There are other things, but they are not really necessary for the city to open.
If anyone is interested in helping the city open more promptly, or carving some of their own ideas into the lore, please PM me! We can talk about it in detail - I could give you things to do, if you'd like.
When the city opens, I will be announcing a method of quick (though not instant) travel for those who wish to come to the city from Ne'haer. Stay tuned for more updates!
Uthaldria, as of April 1st, 2017, is now open (for the UK/etc at least teehee). I would appreciate PMs if anyone wishes to smooth into the city now that it's open, and will help anyone with plot in getting started within the city, including transportation. Let it be known that despite the hegemonic control of authority by the Lothar, Uthaldria is fairly equal opportunist when it comes to merit, and so any race and sex can achieve greatness in the city - so don't be afraid to try it out.
Any PCs who wished to begin in Uthaldria but instead located in Ne'haer temporarily shall be pleased to know that I'll be running an easy plot for relocation. PM me for details! Thanks guys, hope to see some players~
Hey! I'm recruiting up to four players to do a modded thread on the 81st of Ymiden, relating to the sack of Argos right after the walls of the city come down. This will be a very violent and brutal thread, but there's opportunity for growth and treasure in ripping through the city!
Please PM me if you are interested - I'll start the modded thread if two or more players want to join. In order to be applicable, you must be a part of a Path, regardless of your rank.
I am looking for up to 4 players for a limited time moderator run event. This event will take place across several threads and will likely take place within the seasons of Ymiden and Saun. In this event, the players will explore "The Black Tower" and its surroundings, a Grand Fracture located on the border between North Gauthrel and the Frozen Reaches that wrap around Sirothelle and the Heart of the World.
The goal of the event is for the players to uncover the weakness of a new danger in the North, known as the Obelisk of the Coming Frost. This Obelisk, seemingly released from the Maw of the Black Tower, has been terraforming the edges of North Gauthrel into a horrific and inhospitable frozen wasteland, where abominations never seen before roam freely. This questline will be given to the players by a concerned tribesman of the North, an arcanist of great age who promises each of them artifacts and secrets for their assistance in this mission.
This questline will effect the development of Gauthrel in the future, win or lose, and will open up a slew of stories in the future particularly regarding the Northern Region. I will be creating new monsters and enemies as we go along, and will also open up the story to new players if enough interest is accrued.
Please reply to this post in the OOC Forum if you wish to join. I will then set up a thread. This will not interfere with the Sack of Argos, as I've placed them on a separate time frame.