Petty Squabbles (Job Thread)

Avrae and Ailluin do a Merc job, and a stupid one at that.

91st of Zi'da 716

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Avrae Kyric
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Petty Squabbles (Job Thread)

Zi’da 91st - Zi’da 92nd, Arc 716

“Let me get this straight… you want me… to kill your brother… over a birthday cake he ate over twenty years ago?” Avrae couldn’t hold his astonishment out of his voice. This had to be the most ridiculous request he had ever gotten- and he had gotten a few. Zi’da was almost up, and- in need of cash- Avrae and Ailluin had looked for some merc jobs.

The innkeeper had told Avrae to come meet with a man named Tarlock, who had a job but had been unwilling to post it on the bounty board. Apparently it was sensitive. As Avrae had learned: This was a stupid job. Tarlock had told a long winded, dramatic story going back to his tenth birthday. The youngest son of a family with three kids, he had always gotten hand-me-downs. For his tenth birthday, however, his family saved up money and bought him a big chocolate cake- his favorite. Only, the day of his birthday, they had discovered the entire cake had been eaten overnight. Between his sister Verethia and his older brother, Gendrid, Tarlock had blamed Gendrick. Which made a feud that has lasted for the last twenty years. Now, Tarlock decided that for his thirtieth birthday, he wants to hire a mercenary to kill his brother so he can “finally put it behind him”.

Avrae gave Ailluin a glance, raising an eyebrow as if to say, ’Can you believe this guy?’ However, they were tight on money, and Avrae wasn’t about to turn down an easy job.

“That’s exactly it. Will you do it? I have all his information, right here.” Tarlock, a squirrelly looking human, asked. As he did so, his shaking hand held out a file to Avrae.

The Aukari took a pause, and a deep breath, before snatching the file out of his hand and standing up. Knowing that was enough of an answer, he made sure to pick Ailluin up from her perch on the man’s desk, setting her on his shoulder, before leaving the tiny office building.

Once he was out on the street, Avrae gave a long sigh. As he walked, he opened the folder, studying the picture of the man’s brother that he had been given. “This is ridiculous.” He grumbled to Ailluin as he moved in the direction of the guy’s house. “I don’t think I’ve ever been paid for something so…. Distasteful. But we need the money… Even so, I want to know the truth, Aill. You up for some recon?”

When he reached the little house, Avrae let himself climb a side gate into a small back yard. Grunting as he landed on the other side, he worked his way around the perimeter of the house until he found an open window- there was almost always one. Crouching beside it and keeping himself low, he scooped Ailluin into his hands, moving her to the windowsill.

His sharp amber gaze fell on her and he gave a small smile. “Willing to spend the night here and listen in for me?”
word count: 526
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Petty Squabbles (Job Thread)

Ailluin was glad that no one was really paying attention to her, because the look of sheer incredulity at how petty humans could be was ridiculous. She couldn't believe that this man wanted to kill his brother, his own flesh and blood, over a friggin slice of cake that was eaten years ago. She could understand now why the man had been loathe to post it on the bounty boards, it was by far the most ridiculous, most absurd thing, and if it wasn't for the fact that they were tight on money, she'd have given him a piece of her mind on how terrible he was for wanting to kill his own family for something as small as eating some cake.

But they needed the money, so she kept her mouth shut, and if someone seemed to look her way, she made sure to have a more solemn look and nod wisely, as if understanding exactly why he wanted to go to such lengths. Even though it was absolutely absurd. She glanced up at Avrae, knowing he probably thought like she did, but also knew an easy job like this was hard to pass up when you needed money. When they left the house, she sighed and said, “How can a person be so petty?” The question was rhetorical, of course, as it was none of her business in the end what this man wanted, it was only her business in the fact that Avrae was taking the job, which meant she had to perform whatever duties he needed of her flawlessly to complete it. Her own opinions on the matters were not important. It was a fact she had learned from her years as a slave before she was rescued by Avrae and became his companion, dare she say even friend despite the title she still held.

Ailluin peered down at the folder as Avrae opened it, figuring she’d end up needing to know what the guy looked like to pick him out from any potential family he had living with him. While she did not show it outwardly, inwardly she was relieved that he wanted to know the whole story, despite needing the money. At his question, she nodded and said, “My services are always available to you, Avrae.” She clung to him as he climbed the gate, just to ensure she wouldn’t tumble off, crouching in his hands when he found a place for her to enter the house. “I’ll let you know if I find anything worth mentioning.” she said after a moment, walking onto the windowsill before glancing back and adding, “To be honest though, I’m not expecting to hear anything unless his brother is just as petty as he is. It’s such a small slight that I’d be surprised to hear anything at all. But, I will listen.” She moved to enter the house, dropping down to the ground where she’d be less likely to be spotted and darting across the room when it was clear to hunker down behind a piece of furniture.
word count: 521
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