
27th of Zi'da 716

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The Breakers of Order
(Umaya language)
First surfaced within Zi'da of the 716th arc, the Al'Angyryl is what some individuals consider a group of nefarious and power-hungry scaremongers based in and around the City of Etzos. Not much is known about their objectives, nor of their members, yet assault, robbery, and murder are common crimes associated with this group.

Leader & Founder

Noth is a vile and violent creature, tempered by intense grief and burning with the rage of a thousand stars. He despises the Immortals and their puppets, and seeks to enact his own reign... a perfect reign.
Walking with a deathly aura, and a calm smile, Neronin presides over the necromantic and dark aspects of Al'Angyryl, ensuring that the group has a steady retinue of undead soldiers to fuel their conquests, and to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Co-Founder & Officer(Defunct)

Aerlan Mavarium

Cold and quiet, Aerlan is a man that thrives amidst knowledge. Fighting not with swords but with words, the Aberrant often works from the shadows, biding his time whilst he selects new souls for consumption.


Half-monster and half-actor, Kovic's divine heritage plunged his life into chaos from an early age. Haunted by inhuman hunger, the young Mortalborn's smile often gleams in both faked sympathy and vicious appetite.


Faction Timeline
27th of Zi'da, 716:

Noth and Kovic meet for the first time.
27th of Zi'da, 716:

Noth and Kovic form a companionship.
30th of Zi'da, 716:

Aerlan and Kovic meet for the first time. 55th of Zi'da, 716:

Noth and Aerlan are introduced.
Noth plans raiding a caravan heading to Hiladrith. 55-59th of Zi'da, 716:

The group travels towards the caravan.
59th of Zi'da, 716:

The group attacks the caravan, officially becoming Al'Angyryl.



For the moment, the Al’Angyryl has established it's base of operations in a cavernous system outside the City of Etzos. It is not a very cozy location, obviously, and equipment within it is rather scarce. However, it is an isolated location, and the tales of Noth's grim adventures in the territory keep any curious creatures from approaching. Furthermore, various traps have been set around its perimeter (and within it).

Inside, the presence of mystery meat, stolen goods, and bloodstains is as common as the rocks the caves are made of.

  • Spiked Log at Entryway
  • Watchers in Trees
  • Undead/Members Inside
  • Assorted traps

Ledger & Inventory

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Fame Ledger

MemberFameDate (Updated Monthly)
Noth -223 -
Neronin -93 -
Group Exploits -500 -
Kovic -69-
Ryder 0 -
Navyri -84 -
TOTAL -969 Cylus 718
Last edited by Noth on Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:58 pm, edited 16 times in total. word count: 548

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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Approved by Maltruism
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Faction NPCs and Property
1.) Name: Carlos
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 18th Trial of Saun, 685th Arc.
Skills: Defiance 45, Unarmed Combat 30, Stealth 30, Lock Picking 30, Seduction 10
Appearance: Carlos is a man toughened by the streets, and rough looking because of it. While he has a sort of natural ruggedness, he is also quite handsome. With a square jaw and a shaved head Carlos maintains a small beard on his chin and wears a hooded grey cloak.
Personality: Slow to anger and slow to speak, Carlos is nevertheless an apt listener who rarely needs to be told twice to do something. His moods are as immovable and rigid as his favored element of stone.
Relationship to PC: Al’Angyryl faction NPC
Other: PM Neronin for Permission to Use.
2.) Name: Divinya
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 30th Trial of Cylus, 687th Arc.
Skills: Necromancy 45, Surgery 30, Chemistry 30, Alchemy 30, Writing 10
Appearance: Blonde and beautiful, Divinya is sharp and her features mimic this. She is expressive in the face and able to manipulate that expression, which makes her all the more dangerous.
Personality: Eager to learn, Divinya is power hungry. Her brash attitude and open crudeness clash with her seemingly delicate beauty, no doubt a product of working in a criminal world dominated by men who would look down on her.
Relation to PC: Al’Angyryl faction NPC
Other: PM Neronin for Permission to Use.

3.) Name: Don Paul Race: Lotharro
Date of Birth: Saun 1, 672
Blades(Sword): 30
Leadership: 25
Business Management: 30
Strength: 15

Appearance: A plump man with black hair, green eyes, and a powerful stance, the Don often commands the attention of a room, dressed in casual clothes with his signature red necktie. He wears a 'brace' upon his back which constantly makes metallic noise whenever he bends or stretches, though its true nature as a hardy piece of scale mail seems to go otherwise unknown to most.

Personality: The Don is an authoritative figure, expecting respect from those under him, but remaining loyal to those who stick with him. He often reminisces about the old trials wherein he was the boss of an entire crime family which ran the streets of Etzos, but those trials have since passed. He is both meticulous and hardy in his work, and becomes a vicious combatant in battle; unwilling to surrender, even at threat of death.

Relationship to Faction: The Don's criminal enterprises were assimilated following a harsh attack by the Black Guard, and the Al'Angyryl have provided a safe haven for those who have decided to bend the knee to them. In return, they are given pay and work as befits their status. The Don, seeking the best for what remains of his shattered family, often seeks out those fragments, encouraging them to work with the rising power and its darkly-feathered leader. He now acts as the manager of the smuggling operations occurring in Foster's Landing, enjoying the position of power that it grants, though readily aware that it can be snatched away from him in a moment should he falter.

Other: PM Noth to Use.

All three NPCs obtained from City of Villains and Lies
Neronin's Warehouse - Foster's Landing
2000 Square Foot
"Below Average" - Drafty, leaky, poor quality
Has Basement

Cost: 1755 (Paid by Neronin)
Maintenance: 100 Gn per Season for Bribery purposes.
Last edited by Noth on Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 591

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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Al’Angyryl Business write-up:

Al’Angyryl Smuggling Ring

Character Names/Roles: Noth - Leader/ Bandit, Neronin - Sorcerer/Investor?, Navyri - Smuggler/Thief, Rocan - Mercenary/Bandit
Wages: To Be Determined by Maltruism per Person
Business Management Skill: ?
Business Name: Al’Angyryl
Business Location: Etzos, Neronin’s warehouse
Business Description: Al’Angyryl will raid caravans around Etzos and bring the loot from there to the riverside where they will coordinate with Navyri to load the loot onto her boat. She will smuggle it into the city. From there they will smuggle the loot to Neronin’s warehouse and use the Don’s connections to the criminal underworld to fence the goods for a profit.

The Don
All Al’Angyryl NPCs

Warehouse Details: The area and cost of this is still being determined. We would use Navyri’s sloop as our boat and the recently acquired wagon and horse for our interior smuggling operation. I think it would be prudent to also purchase a small stable adjoining the warehouse for the horse.

Inventory: This would be dependent on the inventory taken from caravans and army troops that had been attacked. We thought it would primarily be weapons, armor, drugs, poisons, luxury clothes, etc.

Our factions possessions are:
Warehouse (Purchased by Neronin)
x4 Shelves, Large (2 ea.) (Purchased by Neronin)
x2 Locks (Door and Chest) (Purchased by Neronin)
Chest (Purchased by Neronin)
word count: 230

Credit to Pegasus

As a note: Noth is a Grandmaster in Intimidation. That means that he's at least as scary as the Count from Sesame Street. Beware.

"The tyrant confuses those he can't convince, corrupts those he can't confuse, and crushes those he can't corrupt." - Anonymous
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I figured these had better be copy/pasted into this forum as well.
Personal NPCs approved: here

Name: Thane Greyfield
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Cylus 15, 692
Blades (Longsword): 25
Leadership: 30
Gambling: 20
Logistics: 10
Unarmed Combat: 15


Thane stands at a height of about 6’2, and weighs roughly 170 pounds. He has long black hair which hangs down the side of his head, and a light beard and mustache which cover the bottom portions of his face. He has piercing yellow eyes, and relatively fair skin which is marred only by the presence of a pair of scars going across his right eyebrow and cheek, and on his left forehead. He walks with a fairly confident step, and holds a commanding presence in his gaze.

Personality: Thane is a natural leader of criminals. He’s relatively amoral; a fact that assists him greatly in mercenary work, but treats those who follow him with respect and kindness. Remarkably, he has a fierce honor code about him, and is unlikely to turn down a direct challenge, nor betray those who’ve hired him. He genuinely cares for those allied to him, and especially of his younger sister. He has a penchant for drinking or scouring local brothels for companionship, but can otherwise be found preparing for his next adventure.

Relationship to PC: Thane was met in a tavern, and assisted Noth in removing a hustler who was causing issue. Though they had only just met, Thane and the remainder of his crew were intrigued by the possibility of work from the Avriel, and are now on call if he requires their services.
Name: Oxen ‘Oxy’ Flux
Race: Aukari
Date of Birth: Ymiden 33, 690
Axes and Bludgeons: 25
Medicine: 10
Caregiving: 10
Resistance: 10
Discipline: 15
Strength: 30


A giant of a man, Oxy stands at 7’0 and appears to weigh about as much as his namesake. He is bristled with muscle wrought from striking at stones and hauling them about the mines, and his fingers are filled with dust, grime, and calluses from his hard labor. Oxy has a brilliant red beard which covers a majority of his face, and he takes special care to keep it groomed and clean. His eyes are an auburn color.

Personality: A jovial fellow, Oxy; unlike many others, enjoys his work, and invents little games to keep him occupied whilst he performs the monotonous task of striking and then lifting stones. He is extremely protective of his friends, and has been known to accidentally self-ignite when under lots of stress which is why he typically tries to keep himself calm, even when fighting. Despite his criminal associations, Oxy is genuinely a friendly person, and has trouble performing crimes against those he doesn’t perceive as deserving which means that he typically requires an explanation as to why someone is being assailed or robbed.

Relationship to PC: Oxy was met within the same bar as Thane and the others. Whilst having only just met, she and the crew are now on call in case the Avriel ever requires their services.

Anything: Time in the mines have both made Oxy strong, and taught him to deal with accidental injuries and wounds, making him the closest thing any of the gang have to a doctor. This couples well with his compassionate attitude.
Name: Cere ‘Slip’ Greyfield
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Vhalar 10, 697
Blade (Dagger): 10
Unarmed: 5
Climbing: 20
Deception: 20
Acrobatics: 10
Acting: 10
Persuasion: 25


Slip is fairly small, standing only at a height of 5’2. She is petite, and nimble on her feet; a trait which causes her to walk quite quickly. She possesses long black hair like her brother, with a part down the middle. She is fair skinned and apparently unblemished. Her eyes are a gentle green.

Personality: Snarky and carefree, Slip is easily one of the most jovial of the band under Thane, and is eager to adventure and explore. Her eagerness lends itself well to her activities, and if she is assigned work, she completes it with remarkable expediency, though it is reasonable to expect several sarcastic remarks. While not as drawn to drinking and brothels as her brother, Slip is always happy to spend time with her friends at the local taverns and to listen to tall-tales about distant places. Her silver tongue and quick wits also make her quite good at deceiving and persuading others.

Relationship to PC: Slip was met within the same bar as Thane and the others. Whilst having only just met, she and the crew are now on call in case the Avriel ever requires their services.
Name: Starn ‘Ears’ Memen.
Race: Human
Date of Birth: Zi’da 12, 697
Detection: 30
Stealth: 20
Pickpocketing: 20
Investigation: 20
Intelligence: 10

A wiry fellow standing at 5’6. He has blonde hair which darkens as it travels down his face, eventually becoming a brown beard and mustache. His eyes are a greyish color, as though their color has been sapped away. His ears possess the ability to swivel in different directions, which may give him a somewhat lopsided or ‘off’ appearance at times.

Ears is twitchy. Very twitchy. Even the slightest movements near him will cause him to recoil slightly, which makes him essentially worthless in a fight. There’s little doubt that he is paranoid, as evidenced by the near constant glances over his shoulder. He typically acts as a lookout, preferring the quiet detection as opposed to the action-heaviness of actually performing a crime. He is slow to trust, and is a coward in the face of danger, but he would never abandon his friends.

Relationship to PC: Ears was met within the same bar as Thane and the others. Whilst having only just met, she and the crew are now on call in case the Avriel ever requires their services.

Anything: Ears suffers from the mutation plague started by Padfoot throughout Etzos. It is implied that these mutations granted him the ability to swivel his ears, which have increased his ability to hear immensely. The downside is that they have also transformed him into a paranoid and nervous wreck.
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As a result of This thread:

Al'Angyryl gains 15 nameless thugs, that are really not much more than Neronin's risen thralls as far as identity goes.
They do not contribute to your Fame level, they have no skill level to speak of, so it can not be raised by seasonal use.
They are simply the background muscle that will help intimidate your victims with their numbers.
They can be part of a big fight and be responsible for the general mayhem necessary to further a plot.
They are assumed to do menial labor like carry away loot, or round up horses, or set fire to evidence.
But they are unnamed thugs, unlike the NPCs you pay for or have due to your Fame.
Think of them as Star Trek red shirts :lol: .

EDIT (as of 2/4/18): There have been a number since then, encompassing the takeover of small street gangs, killing those that do not join, moving on to slightly bigger and bigger gangs as they grow. In recognition of this, I am giving Al'Angyryl another 35 such thugs as those described above, for a total of an even 50.
word count: 194
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