• Completed • Calm Waters

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Ashira Ward
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Calm Waters

Zi'da 1, morning

Banking is a very treacherous business because you don't realize it is risky until it is too late. It is like calm waters that deliver huge storms.

Ashira was quite pleased with the amount of coin she'd brought into the household in Vhalar. It still wasn't nearly enough to have them living they way they'd become accustomed to back in the Eastern Settlements, but it was enough to start purchasing a few little luxuries. Her new undergarments were proof enough of that. She doubted Everett would find fault in their purchase either. Perhaps they weren't necessary, but a life stripped down to only what was necessary hardly seemed worth living. Besides, sometimes a woman just wanted to feel silk against her skin rather than the rougher, and much cheaper, fabrics. Not all of her purchases were quite as self-indulgent however. Desks for the children so they could better attend their studies, a dresser for their clothes. A chemistry set so her potions and tonics would be better and more precisely made.

Ashira knew herself though, and knew that if she kept the coins on her person, or even within the house, she would spend them. And she had bigger dreams than just a few pairs of silky panties thank you very much. Which meant the coins had to go somewhere safe. And that meant the bank. If she'd had enough coin of her own to worry about it back home, she'd likely have used Endors bank, but here it was more convenient to bank with the Mer. Besides, having looked into it, the interest rates were insane. Seven only knew how they were making any money, but then they were Mer. Not exactly known for ebing geniuses. Perhaps they weren't. Or perhaps they were because your average citizen was an idiot, far more likely to take out a loan than to deposit coin. It didn't matter, the foolishness on either the Mer or the average bank account holders part meant an opportunity for her. Deposit at least two-hundred and fifty coins per season and don't make any withdrawals. Well, the shorter seasons she might feel that two hundred and fifty more, but as long as she kept working at the rates she had been, it should be no problem.

The initial cost of opening a bank account, ten gold was also negligible. She supposed it kept them from having to do all that swimming for a peasant few thin copper nel. That at least was smart. High enough to deter the people who would cost them more in effort than they'd make in coin, and low enough that the middle class didn't write off their entire operation as a scam.

After turning it over in her mind, Ashira had decided to make a deposit this season of five hundred gold nel. She had to admit to feeling rather exposed as she made her way to the bank, extremely aware of the weight at her side. She was very glad the bank was in Midtown and not Lowtown or she'd likely not have gone alone at all.

The bank itself was honestly not very large, for all that it had the prerequisite columns and carvings in the lintels and such. She supposed this made sense, after all, the money wasn't kept there, or at least not for any significant length of time. She entered the largely silent building, there were a few other people there, one clutching his hat in hand clearly looking for a loan, another handing a small bag to Mer waiting at the edge of a pool of water before standing to leave. It was almost uncanny, and it took her a moment to realise why. Most of those within the bank were Mer, and they of course did not speak. Ashira had honestly had nothing to do with the water-bound race, so for all that she'd heard of them, she had no first hand knowledge. They were a bit intimidating honestly, especially the particularly large, scarred one who gave her a very dark look and a thorough going over before clearly dismissing her and turning his attention to the rest of the goings-on.

Guard, she mentally labelled him.

Don't mind Finn, can I help you?
word count: 732
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Ashira Ward
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Calm Waters

Ashira froze, eyes widening as this thought inserted itself into her mind. It wasn't a sentence precisely, although that was how she assembled it. It was more.. Agreement that the large Mer, identified as Finn, was a guard, and that as she was not a threat to the bank, he was not a threat to her, and then an inquiry as to purpose. Looking around, eyes still wide, Ashira saw a Mer giving her a brief wave. Less friendly and more that she was clearly used to dealing with races who couldn't tell who was sending thoughts into their heads. Ashira approached the woman, kneeling on a pillow set near the lip of the pool for that express purpose. Curiosity had her briefly studying the other before she spoke. To her surprise, she judged the other to be around her own age, with long blonde hair, plastered to her skull by water and blue skin with yellow patterning.

"My name is Ashira Ward, and I would like to open a bank account for myself and my husband."

Opal, Manger. One account or two?

"One please, a shared account. I'd like my husband to have full access, just as I do."

His name?

"Everett Ward."

Should it become necessary in the future, you may have individual accounts as well, just so you are aware. You know of the ten gold opening fee?

"Yes, I have it here." She took ten gold from the amount that still felt far too heavy at her side, and set them on the lip of the pool.

Opal took the coins, and with a flash of her tail was gone, diving down to the depths of the pool and disappearing through a small opening. A few bits later and she was back, this time with a wax tablet and a stylus.

We will transfer your details to stone later of course. Are you literate?

"Yes, of course."

Lovely, if you could write both you and your husbands names, where you live, and then sign the bottom. We'll get your husbands signature the first time he comes in.

Ashira did as directed, taking special care to make her marks clearly, not being used to writing in wax. When done she handed the tablet back. Opal examined it for a moment.

Good, this will be easy to copy over with accuracy. You have a finer hand than most.

"Ah, thank you. I do some work as a Scrivener, but not as much as I'd like, my penmanship could still be far better than it is." Opal flashed her a disconcertingly toothy grin.
word count: 439
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Ashira Ward
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Calm Waters

Would you be surprised to know some of my Mer are among the best forgers? This way we can copy your signature accurately onto your stone tablet, ensuring that any major withdrawal or loans are indeed made by you. And it helps to spot fakes. you have a saying no? Takes a thief to catch a thief? I have found this to be equally true of forgers. For the more regular side of their job though, it makes their lives easier when they are copying a steady and regular hand.

"What do you do with people who aren't literate?" Ashira asked, curious.

Guess the spelling of their names as well as we can and take whatever mark they use to sign their name. We have more X's than I care to think of, but at the very least they hardly have enough to tempt anyone into trying for. That after all, if why we have Finn, and who would dare him for a mere handful of coin? If it is death they are after, there are far easier ways. Back to you however, for I am sure you have other things to do, I know that I do. Did you have coins to deposit today or were you merely opening the account?

"No, I did want to make a deposit. Ashira withdrew her bulging coin purse, pushing it forward. "There should be five hundred gold nel there."

Opal dumped it out unceremoniously, and with fingers almost too fast to keep track of sorted the coins into piles. Far quicker than it had taken Ashira to count them in the first place, she seemed satisfied. With no gesture that Ashira could see, but then she didn't need them did she? Another Mer, likely more junior was over with another bag and swept the coins into it, careful not to miss a single one. When they were all tidied away, this Mer dove as Opal had, exiting the pool through that small opening deep in it's depths, but this one did not return.

I assume you know our rates? You seem like the sort of woman who would.

This was flavoured with approval, so Ashira took it as a compliment and offered the woman a quick smile. "Yes, two percent interest per season if I make withdrawals, seven if I don't, and a bonus if I deposit at least two hundred and fifty per season for one arc."

Just so. Was there anything else?

"No, that was all. Do you need anything more from me?"

No. A pleasure doing business with you Ashira Ward. We look forward to your continued business.

"Thank you, I hope the rest of your trial goes well." Ashira said, rising from her knees.

And yours.

Ashira went over the encounter in her mind as she exited the building, decidedly lighter. That had been.. Interesting. To her surprise she felt rather as though Opal was the sort of woman she'd quite like to go out for brunch with, if the other woman wasn't confined to the water and by the look of her teeth didn't likely eat ghastly things. Who would have guessed? The trial was young though, and there was much to do, she lengthened her stride and headed for home.
word count: 552
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Calm Waters

Name: Ashira Ward

Location: Rynmere Bank
Rynmere Bank: The cost of opening a bank account
Rynmere Bank: Some of the employed mer are excellent forgers
Finn: Mer Guard at the Andaris Bank
Opal: Mer Manager at the Andaris Bank
Race: Mer
Mer: Water-bound
Mer: Telepathic
Mer: Not particularly pleasant to look at
Discipline: The value of saving money instead of spending it
Mathematics: How to calculate interest
Business Management: The importance of knowing one’s target market
Psychology: How to deduce basic traits from someone’s appearance
Forgery: The art of copying another’s writing
Forgery: A good forger can help catch a forgery

Loot: Congrats! You’ve opened a bank account at the Rynmere Bank! Thank you for making the deductions from your ledger.
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5
- - -
Comments: A nice, light read! I quite liked this peek into Ashira's day-to-day life. I thought it gave some insight into her thought process, accomplished her goal of depositing money, and gave her some knowledge about mer! I also really enjoyed the way you brought the Rynmere Bank and the mer who are employed there to life. I hope to have an opportunity to read more of your writing in future. Well done!

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!
word count: 247

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