• Completed • Dirty is Your Future

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Dirty is Your Future

40 Vhalar 716, 01:25
The winding streets of low-town reminded Lihobri of the porous cliffs at Widow's Point. Everything was dark, dingy and foul-smelling. The smells bothered her particularly, since she was used to the pleasant scent of the sea and took it for granted. Moreover, moving through air felt a lot more limiting and burdensome than moving through water. She couldn't fathom how humans endured this all their lives, and she was glad she only had to do it temporarily. Such as now, when she hid in an alley behind a fortune teller's parlor.

Breaking and entering was not something Lihobri had a lot of experience with. For most of her thieving time, she'd been content with just snatching food from fish traps and the like. Now that she was somewhat acclimated with the bottom rungs of the stuffy human city, it was time to raise the stakes a little bit. She's been staking out this parlor for around a week, and tonight was the time to strike. The proprietor, a middle-aged woman with massive hoop earrings and too much blue eyeshadow, had closed the place and left two breaks ago, just as usual. Considering the wealth level of this area, it was somewhat uncommon to have separate home and business properties, but this lady seemed to be getting by just fine. It was almost like fortune telling wasn't her only means of income... which is what got the Yludih interested.

As far as she could surmise from her observations, the parlor's only security feature were the large padlocks, one on the front door, and one on the back. During the entire week Lihobri's been shadowing the place, the back door hasn't been used a single time, and the rusty and dusty appearance of the backdoor padlock made it seem like it hasn't been opened in a long while. Lihobri wasn't sure if this was good or bad, but since breaking in from the front was out of the question, this was going to be her point of entry. The alley was empty and quiet, so coast looked as clear as it could be.

Lihobri examined the padlock, prodding it with her fingers a few times, and scratched her head in mild confusion. Picking locks was an endeavor way too complex for her. Fortunately, she had another way of getting past locks, even if it wasn't as full of clandestine elegance and finesse. Cupping the lock in her palms, the let her Aberrant sphere form inside of it, its deliberately small size obscured from view by the rusted metal. The lock began vibrating slightly, showing that something was indeed happening inside of it. Lihobri had no idea what, though. That was the annoying part about her powers, she never knew what exactly would happen. Fortunately, she seldom needed to. Her general needs involved messing things up, and the magic could deliver on that quite reliably. The exact ways in which the messing-ups manifested weren't that interesting to her.

After a short while of vibrating indecisively in her hands, the result finally came, though not in the most comfortable way. With a loud crunch, the padlock suddenly crumpled together like a piece of paper, sending torn flakes of rust flying everywhere. The noise sent chills down Lihobri's spine, as she half-expected a contingent of guards jump out of the around the corner and haul her away to the dungeons immediately. She froze, straining her ears to pick up any incoming footsteps. Every second of silence felt excruciatingly long as she pressed herself against the door and didn't dare to move a muscle, but eventually the apprehension subsided. Looks like she got away with that one. It was frustrating, though; her magic had a life of its own, and it cared about her as little as it cared about her opponents. The Harvester's invisible lips let out a short snicker behind her. How amusing, isn't this? Bastard.

In any case, the padlock was damaged enough to be removed from the door, even if not without some effort. The girl was hard-pressed to work the rusted-together metal with her skinny arms, being forced to lean on the contraption with her whole body to make it come off. Holding the scrunched lock gingerly, she lowered it down on the ground carefully to avoid another loud noise. The door was now unlocked, but of course that didn't mean Lihobri could actually enter yet. The iron hinges were as heavily rusted as the padlock and refused to budge no matter how hard the girl pulled the handle. Well, being weak sure was inconvenient. At this rate, she'd have to blast the entire door open to get inside, and that just wasn't feasible. Momentarily stumped, Lihobri idly rubbed her rust-covered hands together as she tried to come up with a way around this unaccounted obstacle.
Last edited by Lihobri on Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:23 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 837
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Dirty is Your Future

Image The one to come up with a creative solution was, unsurprisingly, not Lihobri herself.

Use your rag.

The Harvester found it in himself to give her a piece of advice. Her eyebrows furrowed as it took her a few moments to understand what he was talking about, but then rose halfway up her forehead. Of course, she had a method of leverage with her. On her, more accurately. The frayed sundress she nicked from someone's laundry line earlier would now realize its true potential as a burglar's tool. Quickly pulling off the garment, she wrung it into a rope, tying one end around the door handle and the other end around her wrists. This way, she could use her entire body weight and not just her arms. Fiddly, but you had to learn to manage your strength well when you had so little to work with.

After the third pull, the door finally budged, hinges creaking with strain as the rusty joints were forced to swivel. Another potentially noisy bit of business, but Lihobri only needed to open the door a little to fit through. Deeming the crack to be enough, she unraveled the abused sundress and pulled it on again. The dress was scrunched and the collar now had a large rust stain, but she didn't mind. It was still a lot less attention-pulling than walking around in the nude. Even homeless urchins among land dwellers felt the need to wear a lot of clothes, something Lihobri couldn't quite understand, but she would do what she had to do to blend in.

With a passage now open before her, the burglar squeezed through it, minding to avoid the crooked nails sticking out of the door at dangerous angles. Sheesh, it was like these back doors were never meant to be used to begin with. The space beyond the door was, of course, pitch black. Blindly sticking out her arms to feel around, Lihobri tried to determine what sort of room it was, so that she could find an exit and get to a better illuminated area. Her smug companion, for whom darkness was not an obstacle, found the benevolence to throw her another bone.

Two paces straight forward. Doorknob at your eye level. Watch out for the stair step.

Doing as he said, she edged forwards until her hands found the unusually high-seated doorknob, while her bare feet touched the short wall of a concrete elevation. If the Harvester hadn't said anything, she'd have stubbed her toes good on this thing, so she really owed him one. No, this whole endeavor would probably have ended early and badly if he wasn't here. She understood that ought to appreciate him more; she used to see him as something of a moocher, but in reality he was an invaluable companion, and could do many things she could not. She should spend more time on buttering up the fellow in the future.

Beyond this second door was the fortune-telling parlor itself, and here things would be easier. The small ventilation window near the ceiling let in just enough starlight to outline the shapes of the furniture, showing her the blue silhouettes of many loaded shelves and racks, with a quaint round table and two chairs in the middle of the room. Edging through the room while trying not to tip anything over, Lihobri began taking inventory of the various gubbins around her.

What a load of trash.

The Harvester was right. There was nothing really valuable kept here, and definitely not any money. Considering the shabby security, this was natural, and Lihobri expectations were low enough to be pleasantly surprised by a few things. The first thing was, of course, the crystal ball sitting right in the middle of the table and glimmering mystically in the sparse starlight. It was probably made of glass, or something equally cheap, but that didn't make it seem any less attractive in Lihobri's eyes. She was much like a crow or a cat in that she had a simple predisposition to shiny things, so there was no way she'd leave that one behind.

The other thing that immediately caught her attention was a small box of pearl-like orbs, looking just the like crystal ball but smaller. Reaching into the box, she scooped out a handful and shoved them into the pocket of her dress. Next was a deck of tarot cards, stacked neatly on a nearby shelf. She had no idea what they were for and how they were used, but she liked the pictures, so she grabbed them as well. Getting them to the underwater stash would probably be difficult, but she'd deal with that problem once she faced it.

The last interesting thing was a diamond-shaped vial with a thick, inky liquid inside. Probably some sort of quack 'elixir' sold by the fortune teller... or maybe it was something legit. From what Lihobri has observed of the woman who ran this place, this liquid was not something she would dare to drink, but maybe she could sell it as an 'elixir', just like the fortune teller herself did. The other baubles she took were not something the black market would be interested in, but she was fairly confident she could trade them for food to some human village kids. She knew they liked shiny things just as much as she herself did.

Now that her pockets were comfortably filled, Lihobri carefully picked up the crystal ball and moved to excuse herself from the premises. Navigating through the dark storage room without hands was tricky, not to say dangerous, but the starlight seeping through the crack at the exit was enough of a guideline. Moreover, when she was about to accidentally bump the crystal ball into a shelf, the Harvester was there with a collision warning once again. Solid! This fellow sure was a burglar's best friend.

Squeezing back out into the alley, Lihobri quickly hid the crystal ball underneath her hopelessly soiled dress and slipped along the shadows to make her escape from the scene. Madame fortune teller would be surprised in the morning, but Lihobri wasn't too worried about her. Most importantly, her own income and safety were secured.

For now.
word count: 1056
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Dirty is Your Future



Intelligence: Gather info by staking out your target
Aberration: Can be used to pick locks
Aberration: Doesn't work just the way you want it to
Aberration: Harvester: Can be helpful
Lock Picking: got a whole lot easier with magic
Lock Picking: Everything can be a tool, even a sundress
Rusty doors aren't very useful doors.

A bunch of junk - Cannot be sold
A shiny crystal ball - Can be sold for 5sn. 1gn if able to persuade someone it was magical.
A box of fake pearls - Can be sold for 5sn with the box. 3sn without it (if sold without it, keep Small Wooden Box item that can later be sold for 1sn)
A deck of tarot cards - Can be sold for 1sn.
A bottle of poisonous liquid - Can be sold for 5gn to a person that doesn't know what it is.

-2 for acts of magic, -2 for breaking a city law (no theft)
These points can be used for Aberration magic.

0/5 (Solo)

General Comment:
I liked the thread all in all, I'd just like to say that I was very close to not giving you the permission to put these points into magic, because of how little you actually wrote about Aberration. My advice, as a mage player with 0 experience, would be to, at least, use your desired magic two times in a thread. Beyond that, I really really enjoyed reading about the relationship between Harvy and Lihobri, it just seems to me like there's gonna be a lot more plot with the two of them happening soon!

Story: All good, over the word count, and the plot was nicely handled.
Collaboration: Solo
Structure: All good, no issues here.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns. Please don't forget to add the reviewed tag to your post in the Review Request thread!
word count: 332
"A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down"
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