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15th of Cylus 725

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[Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)

When Cylus came to its halfway point, there was a moment the people of the Eternal Empire grew spiteful of the dark. They could not control the moon, but they could control themselves, and their wish for sunlight took form in bonfires and hearths stoked to burn as hot as possible.

The Imperial Medical Headquarters, in its way, was a constellation of stars rooted to the ground. Each window flickered, and its doors were thrown open in welcome. A hundred little lights twinkled in the night, both in comfort and defiance of the cruel season. Most of those who attended the Empress’ Feast already lived inside, so it was often a symbolic gesture, but there were those in the dark who could take shelter in this warmth.

Jinyel preferred food to the dark.

Celebrations were still a foreign idea to him, like feather beds and flying mounts. Tables piled high with food belonged to other people, while game meat and forage belonged to him. Most of the year, Jinyel found comfort in a life lived alone, but Cylus was a time of hunger. Of starvation, if he wasn’t careful. And so he slipped from the dark toward those yawning doors, to the roar of a festival and the hope that Cylus would be less cruel afterward.

The scent hit him first, coursing out of the castle in rivers of steam. A great deal of meat, from the smell of it, punctuated with the vinegar of pickled vegetables and fruits. So long into the cold season, plants had to be preserved to be eaten.

Jinyel had never used the front door before, and so kept to the side as he entered. He was used to side doors, unremarkable doors, and to generally being ignored when he conducted business. Time would tell if tonight could be the same; the reception hall was filled with tables and people, all burdened with some sort of food. Some simply ate, while others empty jars and sacks to fill. Jinyel had an empty sack of his own, but hesitated to do the same. He knew, logically, that he was free to take what he needed. He’d heard as much. He was seeing as much with his own eyes. But still he tensed at the thought, as if the guards might fall upon him specifically if he dared take what wasn’t his. Everytime he mustered the courage, his hands curled into fists. His heart rate always spiked as if he’d have to defend himself.

He wanted this. He needed this. He was allowed this. But every time he got close, there was that old, panicked whisper in the back of his mind: This doesn’t belong to you.
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Re: [Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)


Walking into the banquet hall, Lorogh had a long face as he considered the celebration. With him, Warrant Woodwauken, his left-hand woman and personal medic strode beside him in plain clothes, while he wore the uniform and jingled with the glittering chains of Imperial military service. She wasn't there to partake of the festivities as such, but to gather some raw foodstuffs for brewing her own stews, at her home in the Sacred Forest, with her clan. Lorogh took it to understand that she had several wives within this clan, and a few shared husbands, and more than a few children among them. Lorogh was happy for her, that she had family to attend to during a festive season.

Lorogh for his own part felt the fabric of the tartan cloth around his neck, his merwool scarf from his parents before he'd set out to explore the world, before he'd settled in the Empire and the military. He'd received a missive from them, that they would be happy to receive him when he left the service of the Empire. The meaning was distinct, and severe. He was not welcome with them as a man of violence, as long as he remained under the service of the army. It was a cutting feeling, being disconnected from his own kind. Lorogh believed in his mission, to support a government he thought was the best hope for mortalkind. And he'd tried to make them understand, but they wouldn't listen. So he was left to celebrate with the family he had left, his family in the Imperial Army.

"You know you can come with us, and meet the family?" Jos said to Lorogh, and then laughed, "That's not an invitation to marry, by the way. You're not my type."

Lorogh couldn't suppress the chuckle, despite his dark mood. "No, that's very good Jos. You enjoy your family time." Between his teeth, he chewed a happy hunting spear. A small twig of wood that settled his nerves. He'd become quite dependent on them during field missions, and enjoyed them even in off time.

Jos elbowed his shoulder, "You ought to slow down on those happy hunting spears. They're only for times when you really need them, not for pleasure. You might get your gut stopped up if you chew too many..."

Lorogh promptly took it out, nd nodded to Jos. "Doctor's orders?"

She laughed as she departed from his side, to gather the rest of what she'd want for the family stew. And that was where the Sergeant and his warrant parted ways during this festival.

Lorogh was glad for the relative solitude now, as he went to fetch a bowl of stew from the shared larder of the place. He smiled at everyone he saw, despite his mood, and walked up to the front gates that led into the HQ. After exiting, he took seat by the front steps, and began dipping his snout into the stew, to take a taste.

After the fact, he noticed a young hunter-type lingering by the entrance, balling his fists. After taking a few sips of his stew. Lorogh straightened up, standing up and walked over toward him. He looked up at the hunter, and extended a hand, "Sergeant Lorogh Lerake. How do you do, citizen? Are you here to join the sharing of the stew? Or gather provision?"

He cast a look at the guards, who looked tense at the idea of letting the vagrant-looking man into the hall. Lorogh was ready to throw his rank around to make the man feel welcome. Afterall, even the poor and indentured were allowed to take their fill on this day, of all days for free.

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Re: [Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)


The Empress's Feast. Jinyel had told him about it a few trials prior, and he figured it would be good to make some connections there or at least spend the time with his new friend. Wearing his white tunic and brown leather pants and shoes, he'd make his way towards the front entrance, the smell filling his nostrils. That does smell good, he thought as he looked around to see if he could find Jinyel. His dark gaze turned from side to side, until he saw Jinyel by a side entrance, with what looked like a bundle of fur speaking to him. Well, it was standing fur that is, and Rickith wasn't sure he had seen something quite like it yet in his experiences.

And then it spoke to Jinyel, and Rickith gave a surprised gasp a bit. What in the world was this creature? Was this one of those Cadouri he had heard of over the past few arcs when traveling to find a cure for his mother's disease? He had never actually met one in person but had been told of them in passing as they began appearing around Idalos a few arcs ago. A bit of excitement filled Rickith as the chance to meet someone new happened upon him, someone other than Jinyel, that perhaps could help him make it back to Scalvoris at some point in time.

Making his way over towards where Jinyel was standing, he called out, "Jinyel! There you are, I was wondering if I'd see you here as you mentioned it a few trials ago. Who's your friend?" As he asked the question, he turned his gaze down towards the fluff of fur that he just had the urge to reach out and cuddle with, but he'd keep himself composed, even though the fuzziness was ever so tempting. Oh, but introductions were probably in order, "My name is Rickith..." he then said to the furry cadouri before him, and then motioned towards Jinyel, "This is Jinyel, he's a hunter that kind of rescued me in the Sacred Forest, you could say..." Hoping he wasn't stepping on Jinyel's toes by introducing him to the fuzzy cadouri, but he knew that Jinyel was a bit anti-social, so this could provide an opening for him to speak to the critter...
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Re: [Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)

The guards had begun to take notice of Jinyel, which was the terrible catch of his situation. In order to blend in, he had to already believe he was allowed to take food. The more he doubted, the more suspicious he looked. None of the guards made a move ― yet ― but Jinyel felt their eyes like physical weights on his back. Even when this was meant to be taken freely, behaving like a thief still earned the treatment of a thief.

The tension eased, or at least turned to confusion, when the cadouri made a move instead.

Cadouri. Jinyel had learned their proper name after his first encounter, seasons ago when he scouted for a military platoon. Jinyel could forget human faces in a season and never spare a second thought, but walking, talking animals were much more distinctive. The first time a person encountered a talking otter, they were bound to remember it for a very long time.

Jinyel was relieved the cadouri didn’t recognize him in return, partially because he didn’t like being recognized at all, and partially because he had forgotten the soldier’s name. That proved no issue, though, as Sergeant Lorough introduced himself again, his paw extended for a handshake.

Handshake. Yes. That was the correct greeting for this situation. Physical contact. Um.

Hello, Jinyel gestured in Common Sign, followed by a verbal, “Hhhhello.”

He grasped the sergeant’s… paw. Hand. Digits on the end of the front limb. Which had fur and claws, which Jinyel had seen upfront, but seeing was much different than feeling. He had never learned the delicacies of a ‘proper’ greeting, so he didn’t actually shake the hand, just grabbed it, gave a quick, soft squeeze, and dropped it.

“Hmm. I’m. Alright,” Jinyel said in answer to the question. “I’m… this.” He grabbed his empty sack. “Here for this. Food. Provisions.”


Yes good perfect wonderful. Out of the crowd came Rickith, the scholar, who knew all sorts of things like herbs and alchemy and how to say “Hello” in an easy manner. The Scalvorian transplant slipped into the conversation with friendly warmth, which seemed his usual way of conversation, and Jinyel was all too happy to let someone else take the lead.

“Rickith.” He tried not to sigh in too much relief. “Hello. Good to see you. This is Sergeant Lorough. Soldier.”
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Re: [Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)


Jinyel... the name sounded familiar. Sometimes it was hard to distinguish one smoothskin from another for a new cadouri, but Lorogh had been living among them for so long he learned to distinguish between the ones he knew. Even so, he missed that he'd actually met this hunter before. Well no matter, "Ah yes, I believe we've met!" He turned to look at Rickith as he appeared, and seemed to know of Jinyel. Apparently Jinyel had saved him from a perilous situation.

"Is that so?" Lorogh said to Rickith, after extending his hand to him to shake. "Well it's good to meet you, and quite heroic of Jinyel to help you out in the forest."

Whether he answered, Lorogh would welcome them into the hall itself, and gesture for the guards to part ways from the gates. Lorogh for his part wore a tartan scarf over his imperial uniform, which included a black longcoat, a kilt, and tunic and boots. Bronze chains joined the waist of his long coat, as well as his ankles, and silver chains at his wrists which signified his sergeant rank.

He outranked most of the guardsmen standing at attention, so they were obliged to move aside. "Thank you." He said, nonetheless, as everyone's service was of value in the Empire, from the lowliest Private to the highest Marshal.

"You're here for provision." Lorogh said to Jinyel. "Well, you're certainly free to take what you want from what's good, and I'm sure those around will let you know what's best to take for a long winter. As for that. Now, I highly recommend since you're here, taking some stew from the cauldron. It's really good, and it'd be a wasted opportunity to turn it up even while you're here for just provision."

While Jinyel and possibly Rickith helped themselves to the produce that was on offer, sacks were distributed for the carrying of these, while Lorogh went to the cauldron, to refill his own stew bowl. He'd call them over when they seemed to make some headway to filling their sacks with provision. He smiled up at them, "Take care, it's hot!" He said, as he set his own bowl aside, and handed them a couple of fresh ones.

"So, where did you say you were from, Mister Rickith?"

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Re: [Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)


As Rickith took Lorogh's hand, and shook it, Jinyel introduced him to the cadouri. Smiling, he said, "It's good to see you again Jinyel, and nice to meet you as well, Sargeant..." And then it came time to head into the feast. Rickith would make his way in, letting Jinyel and Lorogh lead the way into the feast, looking to see what types of foods they had within it. Taking a sack, he'd begin to fill it with the various food stocks they had there, as he still wasn't sure how much longer he would be staying at the Imperial Medical Headquarters, before returning to Scalvoris. Once he had filled up his sack sufficiently with a variety of the food, he'd hear Sargeant Lorogh call them over there again and would make his way over to him in order to see what it was he wanted.

On his way over, he'd grab a bowl of the stew as well, eager to try it, and see what it tasted like.

When Sargeant Lorogh asked him where he said he was from again, Rickith thought for a moment, and then said, "I didn't say where I was from, my apologies, I'm from Scalvoris, but was born and raised in Viden..." He realized he had never really stated where he was from, and that was his own fault for not doing so. Learning to socialize better was something he'd ought to do, so in this instance he'd explain to Lorogh what happened, and how he got into the Sacred Forest. "I was out looking for alchemical reagents on the beaches of Scalvoris, and found what looked like a rainbow-colored stone. When I went to examine it, I felt a rush of wind around me, heard a popping noise, and when I looked up, I was in the Sacred Forest about to be accosted by a warthog. That's when Jinyel had stepped in to save me," he said, explaining how he came to be within the Sacred Forest. It seemed an unbelievable story when he recited it out loud, but there were probably more crazier things that had happened in this world....
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Re: [Medical HQ] A Feast In The Dark (Rickith)

Jinyel had a quick panic at the word “heroic.” Mostly because he’d never heard someone apply it to him before, and it felt like an awfully weighty word that came with attention. He tended to panic when people called him weighty words, especially ones that came with attention.

Luckily, both Rickith and the sergeant passed the attention away from Jinyel. This was a feast, after all, and the point of a feast was to eat. The wariness of the guards had eased with the sight of those sergeant chains, or at least the guards had decided that staring too much might invite more disciplinary action than it was worth. For Jinyel, it was also much easier to get food if he wasn’t the first one to do it.

He trailed behind both the scholar and the cadouri, and for the first few moments, he took what Rickith took. Rickith was more accustomed to people in general, and so Jinyel watched him as a measure of safety. If Rickith was comfortable, then it was safe for Jinyel to also be comfortable.

Once he had a few potatoes in his sack, Jinyel struck out toward new things. Clever gardening had produced a few winter vegetables, but Jiyel knew those would spoil unless eaten quickly. Now relaxed, he focused on provisions that were less tasteful, but easier to keep, like dried fruit, hardtack wafers, and nuts. There were even jars of pickled eggs. Could he take those? A whole jar? The eggs would last, yes, but he’d also have a jar at the end of it. Was he expected to return it later?

Other people took jars of eggs. The sergeant had promised it was fine. Jinyel took a jar of eggs, and no one spared him a second glance.

As the cadouri engaged Rickith in conversation, Jinyel began to head over to them. He was hungry, and a bowl of stew would feed him now instead of later. Halfway to them, he stopped. On one of the tables was a bowl of crushed brown wax. Few people had taken it, because it looked like mashed dirt, but Jinyel had seen that mash before. He twisted off a piece and popped it into his mouth. It was chewy and tooth-achingly sweet. Honeycomb, which had been crushed and strained and crushed and strained to extract all liquid. What remained was a sugary mash of wax and crystallized honey, which could be chewed down until there was only wax.

“Rickith. Sergeant.” Jinyel cut a chunk and went over to the other two, perhaps butting into the conversation without realizing it. He held out half a chunk to both of them and said, “Here. This. Looks strange, but good. Honey.”
word count: 458
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