Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

1st of Cylus 725

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Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

Roster: Rebirth 725
Message from the Mod

Welcome to Yaralon, where the grass is green- or yellow... or red.... depends on the occasion. Please fill out the code below before posting in Yaralon this season.

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[b]Character Name:[/b] 
[b]Any NPCs?[/b]
[b]Reason For Being In Yaralon:[/b] 
[b]How did you arrive?[/b] (The Run/ By Land/ By Sea)
[b]Blessings and/or Curses:[/b]
[b]Character Likes & Dislikes:[/b]
[b]Character Goals:[/b]
[b]Open to random mod intervention in your threads?[/b] [size=50](Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary)[/size].
[b] "Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"[/b] or [b]"If I want to thread, I'll put it in the OOC"[/b] (delete one)
[b]What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season?[/b]
Returning PC or been here before? This one!

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[b]How did you arrive? (if applicable)[/b]
[b]What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc)[/b]
[b]Open to random mod intervention in your threads? [/b][size=50](Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary)[/size].
[b]What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season?[/b]
word count: 317
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Re: Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

Character Name: Rakvald
Race: Uhhh, Emperor bat and Avriel gestalt. He was a chimera and beceomer, but he's form locked and lost his graft spark for now (his graft spark is running rampant in its own body)
Any NPCs? no
Reason For Being In Yaralon: He's here to learn to fight, so he can beat the Inheritor and get his mojo back.
How did you arrive? (The Run/ By Land/ By Sea) Air maybe. Land.
Blessings and/or Curses: Unity Favored.
Character Likes & Dislikes: Likes chaos and fun. Dislikes party poopers.
Character Goals: Learn to fight in the short term. Get back at the Inheritor in the long term.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yes.
"Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"
What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season? Learn some karate weapons training. Build his other magic skills than Becoming and Graft.
word count: 177

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Re: Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

How did you arrive? (if applicable) Probably flying on a dragonling or his own wings.
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc) Not a lot.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yeah
What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season? Not totally sure, maybe some character development.
word count: 79
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Re: Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

How did you arrive? By ship
What's new for your PC since last you were here (events, blessings, curses etc): Turns out he is Edasha's son. Syroa marked him. Syroa died. He has a diri of thirst bound to his wrist. He has awoken his mortalborn powers and expanded them. He captains a ship filled with spirits that look like problins from Rharne.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? Yep
What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season? Find snazzy things.
word count: 87

Sesser Mark

  • Transformer's Toolbox [Minor]: Azrael can make superficial changes to his appearance (hair, nails, skin, eye, and voice.)
  • Ever Alluring I: Azrael seems to endure harsh conditions better than others and everyone, despite sexual orientation, is just a bit curious what he would be like in bed.

Spirit Impact

  • Darksight: Azrael's perception of light and dark have been flipped, allowing him to see more clearly in an absence of light than in the day.
  • Crow's Embla: So long as he doesn't mention proper names of people, either his own or that of others, he will be able to fit into any setting that he visits in Melrath. Once he uses a proper name of any person (even if it's made up) within another's hearing range, the effect is null until the next trial.

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Re: Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

Character Name: Rhiannon Ffion Prosser
Race: Hyludin
Any NPCs? Nope
Reason For Being In Yaralon: Treasure Hunt
How did you arrive? Air or Sea
Blessings and/or Curses: Nope
Character Likes & Dislikes: Rhiannon like treasures, especially ones with history, polite company, and adventure. She doesn't like grifters, rudeness, thieves, or con artists.
Character Goals: Find a treasure and actually get played this cycle.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yep
"Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"
What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season? Find the treasure she's looking for.
word count: 123
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Re: Yaralon Roster - Rebirth Cycle 725

Character Name: Zunylanih
Race: Yludih
Any NPCs? Yes Omesintihlih.
Reason For Being In Yaralon: visit carnival.
How did you arrive? Not sure, Maybe he was already here?
Blessings and/or Curses: Sesser full favored.
Character Likes & Dislikes: Bread and Circuses.
Character Goals: Chaos and Profit.
Open to random mod intervention in your threads? (Please note this is for "modbombs" ~ all prophets reserve the right to post an intervention in a thread if necessary). Yes please.
"Feel free to drop me a pm or contact me for a thread"
What would you like to achieve in Yaralon this season? Party Pooping.
word count: 100
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