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The Buried City

The Buried City

Forum This Location Appears In Rharne, Stormlakes
IC / RPG Forums where these NPCs / Flora / Fauna may be used in RP Any fauna, flora or NPC found in this location belong only to this location. Unless they are transplanted topside or convinced to go topside.

Description: Not much is known about the Buried City since its location is not widely known. It is still more a rumour than a researched place, but those who believe in rumours, or claim to have been there and survived, will tell you this - the Buried City should have stayed buried.

Accounts of the place vary widely, but there is a common thread at least in terms of its looks. Where the light from the outside world doesn't fall, whatever plant grows inside the ruins, it shines. And due to the fact that the ruins were buried for who knows how many hundreds of arcs, they are covered in bioluminescent flora, locking the area in perpetual state of gloomy twilight. The reports can also agree on certain creepy crawlies having the same attribute and the place having copious amounts of glow worms. Outside of that, which as a matter of fact is all that can be gleaned from looking into the ruins, not necessarily having visited them, the accounts of the Buried City vary drastically.

Some say there are large halls with status and fountains with still dead water. Others say there are inscriptions on walls and crypts of those long gone. In essence, no one really knows what's inside the Buried City because no one has been brave enough to venture in. This is due to a simple fact - unnatural sounds are coming from the ruins. Bouncing off the walls and echoing in the collapsed dome, these sounds are anything between howls and shrieks. Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter but never clear where they're coming from and certainly not what, or who, is making them.

NPC Name



Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Elowen
Submitted for Development: 23/7/2024
Developed by: Elowen
word count: 355
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose cotton shirts and pants that do not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
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Pig Boy
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Re: The Buried City

The Buried City

Forum This Location Appears In Rharne, Stormlakes
IC / RPG Forums where these NPCs / Flora / Fauna may be used in RP Any fauna, flora or NPC found in this location belong only to this location. Unless they are transplanted topside or convinced to go topside.

Description: Not much is known about the Buried City since its location is not widely known. It is still more a rumour than a researched place, but those who believe in rumours, or claim to have been there and survived, will tell you this - the Buried City should have stayed buried.

Accounts of the place vary widely, but there is a common thread at least in terms of its looks. Where the light from the outside world doesn't fall, whatever plant grows inside the ruins, it shines. And due to the fact that the ruins were buried for who knows how many hundreds of arcs, they are covered in bioluminescent flora, locking the area in perpetual state of gloomy twilight. The reports can also agree on certain creepy crawlies having the same attribute and the place having copious amounts of glow worms. Outside of that, which as a matter of fact is all that can be gleaned from looking into the ruins, not necessarily having visited them, the accounts of the Buried City vary drastically.

Some say there are large halls with status and fountains with still dead water. Others say there are inscriptions on walls and crypts of those long gone. In essence, no one really knows what's inside the Buried City because no one has been brave enough to venture in. This is due to a simple fact - unnatural sounds are coming from the ruins. Bouncing off the walls and echoing in the collapsed dome, these sounds are anything between howls and shrieks. Sometimes louder, sometimes quieter but never clear where they're coming from and certainly not what, or who, is making them.

The city can only be accessed by strange, metal-encrusted artifacts found throughout Rharne, called oathstones. The Shrine of Protection in the Stormwastes acts as a doorway to this Buried City, through which one may only pass by presenting an oathstone.
Off Topic
Note about Collabs vs Solos:

Collabs may follow the same rules, with one exception. Instead of facing only one encounter, navigational threat, or reward, collabs double (or triple depending on the number of players involved). Otherwise, going to the Manor in a collab necessarily counts as one of each member's incursion into the Manor.

Rules & Stuff

  • Each season, you may undertake one individual expedition into the adventure zone. This can be extended into several, if you opt to find an oathstone that opens the way, leading further into the zone.
  • For each venture into the adventure zone, you must undertake one navigational threat, one encounter threat, and then work out what kinds of injuries you get from it based on skill use/story/difficulty of each threat.
  • You may forgo a reward at the end of the adventure with an acquisition of an oathstone that opens the way, leading further into the zone. How far these oathstones allow you to venture, is detailed in the rewards section of this article.
    • Once found in the cycle, an oathstone may not be found again for another cycle, limiting by necessity the number of times you can delve into the adventure zone.
  • For each other venture into the adventure zone, you may claim one reward set, congruent with the lowest Encounter or Navigational threat you undertook.
Navigational Threat
For added fun, challenge, and randomness, feel free to roll dice for results. Otherwise, proceed through the Manor as you wish. Navigational threats are curtailed and dealt with generally with survival and or movement skills. Rupturing/fieldcraft/hunting/logistics, depending on story and how you approach the challenges, and how well your approach matches up to the challenge.

Novice: Least dangerous area of adventure zone, weak traps, weak alarms. minor obstacles. weak environmental hazards. Easy puzzles and locks.
Competent: Average danger areas of adventure zone, average traps, average alarms, more encounters for those who fail these navigational alarms and traps. Average barriers and obstacles that bar passage to deeper levels of the adventure zone. Average environmental hazards. Moderately difficult puzzles and locks.
Expert: Dangerous areas of the adventure zone, loud alarms that attract many encounters when triggered, dangerous traps inflicting serious wounds, significant barriesr that bar passage to deeper levels of the adventure zone dangerous environmental hazards. Complex puzzles and locks.
Master: An oppressively deadly area of the adventure zone. Hair-trigger alarms and deadly traps.nigh insurmountable obstacles. Deadly environmental hazards. Nigh impossible locks. Inscrutable puzzles.
Encounter Threat
For added fun, challenge, and randomness, feel free to roll dice for results. Otherwise, proceed through the encounters as you wish. Encounter threats are curtailed and dealt with generally with combat and combat support skills (such as magic, strength, athletics, etc.). Which skills will help most depend on story and how you approach the challenges, and how well your approach matches up to the challenge.

Novice: Mild enemies, novice combatants, and fewer or incapacitated enemies. A handful of problins. A small slime. Small necromancer fetches.
Competent: Moderate enemies. competent combatants, enemies traveling in pairs, that are somewhat alert. A horde of problins. Weak undead thralls.
Expert: Dangerous enemies, expert combatants, enemies traveling in small groups that are on the lookout. Strong undead thralls. Golems.
Master: Deadly enemies, master combatants, enemies traveling in large groups that are actively seeking intruders. Greater golems (metalborn, flesh golems, larger bone golems).
Apply injuries with varying severity as determined by your skill level, the story, and the level of the threat faced.

No Injuries: Going to underskilled areas with underskilled threats will generally result in fewer or no injuries.
Light Injuries: Injuries including but not limited to paper-cuts, sprained ankles, exhaustion, or dizziness or disorientation.The least you can expect in an adventure into the adventure zone. For each aspect encountered that matches your skill level, you can expect to get one of these.
Moderate Injuries: Injuries including but not limited to temporary disability, hurts needing immediate medical attention, major exhaustion, hunger, or thirst, and minor twists of bad luck. You can expect an adventure into the adventure zone to result in one of these if the threat exceeds your skill level by one or more.
Serious Injuries: Injuries including but not limited to life-threatening hurts, trauma, broken bones, starvation, dehydration, or unconsciousness, and minor curses. You can expect an adventure into the adventure zone to result in one of these if an encounter or navigation results in expert or higher level threats unless you are one or more skill levels higher than the associated threat.
Extreme injuries: Injuries including but not limited to death, permanent trauma, dismemberment, permanent maiming, or horrible curses. You can expect an adventure into the adventure zone to result in one of these if an encounter or navigation results in master level threats or if you are underskilled by two or more levels.
Rewards should be appropriate to the risk involved and the level of threats encountered. You may choose one set of rewards, not to exceed the lowest navigational or encounter threat level you undertake. Please do not abuse this system.

Novice: Small household items and trophies. 1 Basic-quality weapon set or armor find. 1 basic-quality tool kit. tier 1-4 materials or resources. , a copper oathstone to the Buried City (good to open the way for onemore trips to the Buried City). Treasure worth 1 wp. A small well found in an undead thrall.
Competent: Masterwork household items and trophies. 1 average-quality weapon or armor find. 1 average-quality tool kit. Tier 5-6 materials or resources. A silver oathstone to the Buried City, in order to make 2 more forays into the the adventure zone (good to open the way for two more trips to the Buried City), Treasure worth 2 wp. A couple of wells found in an undead thrall.
Expert: Precious household items made from uncommon materials, and rare trophies. 1 good-quality weapon set or armor find. 1 good-qualtiy tool kit. Tier 7 materials or resources. Class 1 wells that can be found in or near the foyer of minor fractures. A gold oathstone to the Buried City, in order to make 3 more forays into the adventure zone (good to open the way for three more trips to the Buried City), Treasure worth 3 wp.
Master (mod input required for these rewards): Incomparable household items and artwork, made from uncommon materials or of unsurpassed quality. Rare trophies and artifacts (nothing magical). 1 masterwork-quality weapon set or piece of armor. 1 masterwork tool-kit. Tier 8 Resources. Raw wells (quantity determined by appropriately assigned gathering skill)which are appropriate to find deep around minor fractures. An onyx oathstone to the Buried City (good to open the way for four more trips to the Buried City), Treasure worth 4 wp.


Any / all Flora identified in Rharne Lore may be used or found where appropriate.


Any / all Fauna identified in Rharne Lore may be used or found where appropriate.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
There are secrets to uncover here!


Credits to: Elowen
Submitted for Development: August/ 17/ 2024
Added Adventure Zone: August 31st 2024

Developed by: Elowen
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Please note> If you are using this location then you MUST be sure to link everything you need to in your Review Request - your Peer Reviewer will need the information.
word count: 1600
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