Heart of Mistral Topic is solved

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Heart of Mistral


Developed by Elowen
RPG Background: OOC idea to introduce another myth surrounding the Mistral Woods and reinforcing the idea of it as a living forest just a branch short of having living and breathing tree ents.

Details: There are many myths and legends surrounding the Mistral Woods and how it can do what it does. That is - to change, to live, to survive in its peace as long as it had done. This is one such myth that has strong following especially among the old generation or the very traditional folk. According to these, Mistral Woods is not just a forest, it is a living thing. And as a living thing it has a heart that beats. A heart whose veins spread through the ground and into each living plant. Those who consume what grows in the Mistral Woods become connected to that heart in proportion to how much they have ingested.

It is believed that finding that heart and drawing its lifeblood gives the possessor eternal life or the ability to revive the dead. As such there have been reports of alchemists seeking the heart to find the fabled substance.

Yet, no one knows where the heart could be. Some say it is deep underground in the Creeksong Caverns. Other say that it is in the deepest parts of the forest guarded by the Eldwyn themselves.

There is also no specific agreement on how the Heart of Mistral looks. Is it a globe? Is it a tree? Is it a crystal? There are many variations across the telling which makes it difficult to determine where the truth lies.

Forum Location /Regional Specifics: Rharne
word count: 275
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Pig Boy
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Re: Heart of Mistral

Love it, I have ideas for this, but will keep them close to my chest for the time being. For now this remains a fanciful tall tale.
word count: 28
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