• Closed • [Scalvoris Mountains] Rough Landing.

Nir'wei arrives in Scalvoris with Scorn and the Jacadons.

7th of Saun 724

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[Scalvoris Mountains] Rough Landing.

In all his life, Nir'wei had never ridden something quite as big as Scorn. Even a single normal-sized Jacadon dwarfed Traveller, with a forty-foot wingspan to the average Sohr Khal's twenty-five. The Storm Rocs of their Lightning Knight escort had wingspans of a similar size, but packed onto a much smaller body that made them look lanky and disproportioned in comparison. Even Peace, his Sigh, looked to the Jacadons as a bird would to a human.

Scorn towered over them all. Five times their size.

They flew across Rharne, into the borders of Cahryst. There they took off north, near Korlasir, following the warmer air currents of the mountains and cutting clean across the winding roads of wagon-travel. Avaern and its snow-plains beyond became a brief stopping point, before the final stretch across the waters, to the island of Scalvoris. Their destination lay on the far edge, where mountains had pushed up from the eastern coastline. Three stood tall among the rest, but smaller hills and lesser mountains had lifted up around them, creating a near-inhospitable landscape that had remained untouched. Far from human civilisation, at least as far as they could hope. High ground that the Jacadon could take better advantage of, as they had once in the Sunset Isles.

It was perfect, of course. Ever since his last discussion with Kura about 'the Jacadons', and since Scorn's declaration that he begin a new brood upon the island, Nir'wei had been mulling it over. He couldn't imagine Kura would have many objections. It was already far from humans, unused and practically inhospitable to anyone else. He'd thought that just a few Jacadon, a pair or two, wouldn't even cause a scare! It wouldn't be the first time exotic creatures from other lands had arrived, and they'd be directly under his care, where he could keep an eye on them!

Well, admittedly. He was now bringing a little more than 'a few'.

The moment they hit the southern border of Scalvoris, Air Elements flew out to meet them. An entire contingent, Enormowls bristling at the horde of creatures, each double their size, and vastly outnumbering them. They held sharpened pikes, light crossbows, and he swore he could spot a few with bolas' and slings ready to draw. Nir'wei - reluctantly - dismounted from Scorn at once to meet them on Traveller, whom he hoped would be a familiar sight to many while he flew down with arms raised. "Everyone, lower your weapons, by orders of the Scalvoris Council!" It still felt odd to flaunt any amount of authority at Elements already aiming arrows at him, but terrified though they must be by the Jacadons, he knew trained and capable soldiers - they wouldn't dare shoot down a Council Member themselves.

"I need an escort, East, to the Scalvoris Mountains. These Jacadon are under my protection and are not to be threatened or harmed under any circumstances, you DO NOT PISS THEM OFF, understand? Or it's all our damn heads." They just looked at him confused. He wasn't very good at raising his voice like this, but he hoped the threat of the huge flying lizards was the kind that made them sooner fly away and hide, than reach for a pike when they flew too close.

One of the Air Elements frowned and nudged his Enormowl closer, looking Nir'wei over critically. "We'll need to send word to the Alberach about this," he said with a nod towards the Jacadons still heading east, now with flanking clouds of the closely-observing Elements. "And the Militant. You're going to cause a right scare with this. And you can't fly them over the villages or settlements, tell them to divert around and keep to the coastline instead." Sound and reasonable advice. Nir'wei nodded.

"Send for them. In fact, tell Kura and Vega that the Natural Affairs Councillor is requesting to meet immediately at Windward Haven." The Element seemed surprised that he was so eager to face their judgement. Perhaps he thought that this wasn't how things normally went, and to be fair, it wasn't what he'd intended on either.

With their leave, he quickly returned to Scorn, anxious to be far from the giant Jacadon for even a moment, and guiding Scorn to fly at their left flank while Peace glided along the right. Though it would make their trip longer, flying around the outside of the island instead of simply cutting straight across, their supporting flanks made the journey just a little less stressful, and promised less concerned citizens looking into the sky to see the great shadows of the entire Jacadon brood migrating overhead.

It wasn't as though they'd be lacking opportunities to peek. Breaks passed, slowly rounding the island while using the warm coastal updrafts to glide as often as possible and propel them along without landing until the mountains were at least in sight. Because of their angle, they soared directly over Egilrun, and Nir'wei guided Scorn into raising higher still for the final stretch, just in case the locals began to stir. Beyond, from up high, he could already see the fortress built into the edge of the lower mountains further north, and Nir'wei led Scorn just shy, to a tall cluster of hills that bunched up around the mountains like a poorly-laid carpet. Other Jacadon flocked to him without needing further orders, and he dismounted shortly afterwards, already aware of Windhaven eyes landing on the unexpected tourists. "We'll wait here, for Kura. It wouldn't do well to avoid introducing ourselves, if we plan on maintaining good relationships," Nir'wei explained.
Last edited by Nir'wei on Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 964
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Re: [Scalvoris Mountains] Rough Landing.

When Kura got the word that Nir'wei wanted to meet her at Windward Havens, and he apparently had a lot of draconic looking animals called Jacadons with him, she had simply nodded. "Here's hopin' he didn't do anythin' drastic and I don't have smooth over relationships with Rharne." she said, mostly to Phelan as the messenger had already left the room. Phelan just gave an amused laugh at that as Kura finished reading the paperwork she was going through, then stood up and put on her coat before heading outside. She considered for a moment how she was going to get to Windward Haven in a reasonable amount of time, then shrugged slightly and used the Gateway Bracelet. It let her teleport to any part of the island she wanted and back once a day, and while she usually used it to get home quickly after work, she'd just have to ride Speck home later that night. Her owl familiars newfound ability to turn into an Enormowl was definitely a big help in getting around, but she wasn't used to long flights yet and the trip from Scalvoris Town to Sweetwine was much shorter than the trip to Windward Havens. She held out an arm as Speck flew down from the top of the building, then used the Gateway Bracelet once the owl landed on her.

Consequently, it wasn't long between when Nir'wei arrived and when Kura appeared at Windward Havens. She hadn't known exactly where to meet him, but she was able to follow the stares of the local Elements to the small heard of Jacadons that Nir'wei had brought to Scalvoris. "All right, then. Least he didn't park them right on top of the base." she said as Speck, who had come with her, hopped off her arm and transformed into an Enormowl. The transformation got a more than a few surprised jumps from the crowd, and Kura spent a minute explaining that the strange animals were with the Councilor of Natural Affairs and that they weren't any sort of immediate threat. Once that was settled, Kura climbed on top of Speck and the owl took off towards where Kura suspected that Nir'wei wanted to meet.

Kura wasn't any real good at handling a flying mount, but since she and Speck could speak psychically to each other, the owl was able to tell Kura what she was doing so that Kura could keep from falling off. After a bit, the saw Nir'wei surrounded by Jacadons and flew down to land next to him, Kura hopping off Speck before the owl returned to normal size and flapped back up to perch on Kura's shoulder. "Hello, Nir'wei. I see you've been busy. Lately. Care to explain what's goin' on?" she asked, her tone more relaxed than it probably should be, given they were surrounded by large, flying, steam-breathing reptiles. But while Nir'wei had a history of being reckless and impulsive, he wasn't stupid. If he had asked her to meet him, she was reasonably certain it wasn't have her eaten or steamed.
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Re: [Scalvoris Mountains] Rough Landing.


There was, as to be expected, a moment of strained and suspicion. So Daia kept her hand tethered to the long silken strand that tied all the jacadons together, the same strand that had protected them throughout their sojourn from Rharne. She whispered reassurances to Scorn, once and only once it was clear that the Scalvorites and Elements didn't mean harm toward the Jacadons. Then she drew the strand into a voluminous silken scarf, of gray-blue color. This she handed to Nir'wei with a smile. "A token to remember your little adventure."

Then she nodded to Kura, and waited for Vega to arrive as she wished to have words with the militant of Scalvoris, and one of her favorite companions, in truth.

Scorn turned his eye toward Kura and the Elements with suspicion, and a great burden of exhaustion on his visage. It was plain to see for anyone who had seen a beast of burden, driven to its limit. He still had much healing to do, but his death had been forestalled by the grace of Daia.

"Thank you." His voice rumbled like a echo across the mountainscape, moving like the wind over the crags, as if it was as natural a part of Scalvoris as any of the Induks that dwelt there. "I will always remember your companionship, Daia, and Nir'wei."

And then, he lowered his head to the bank of the hill, and slept. The jacadons worried over him, some landing and keeping him warm, while the others flew on the air and frolicked in their new environs.

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Re: [Scalvoris Mountains] Rough Landing.

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Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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