Alchemy and how to rp it

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Alchemy and how to rp it

If I made a blood alchemy potion that granted domain magic powers like moving rocks or changing shape, would performing those actions cost the drinker his ether? It seems almost too good to be true for someone to get entire cycles of no-overstepping casting from a single potion but that's what I got out of what I read.

When making potions, do we need to name specific reagents? I've spent upwards of two hours reading and rereading the alchemy documentation but can't seem to put together how to make a potion. Is it possible to give me a simple example or point me to an alchemist's character so I can read some of their work?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Alchemy and how to rp it

Hi Goku - if you look on the wiki at the "Repository of PCs" - wiki/index.php/Category:Repository_of_PCs

You'll find all sorts of lists of PCs - including PCs with alchemy. Perhaps you could also ask on Discord (both Winston and Doran spring to mind).

Re: Ether - can I suggest that the thing to do there is to RP it as Goku not knowing as what you're asking is a very specific detail that he may well not know till he tries!


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