• Information • Rharne State of Play: Hot Cycle 724

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Pig Boy
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Rharne State of Play: Hot Cycle 724

State of Play Rebirth Cycle 724

Eastern: Central: Rharne


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Three's CompanyFor winning a fight.10
Step Four: We Stop Tracking The StepsFighting in public makes people notice you.5
Step Three: Drink The CauldronFor earning another tavern token from the Stone Cauldron5
Step One: Don't LoseFor actually winning a tavern token, and beating two brawlers one after another5
Ten Steps ProgramFor earning a tavern token in the Copper Prince and publicly brawling5
Freedom of Expression: InsideFor being part of the problem.10


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
[Rosebay] On the RoofFor laying the ground work for a new pub in Rharne's territory.5
[Rosebay] ReturnFor giving an accurate and no-frills explanation to Rosebay villagers of the Fire of Rharne5
[Rosebay] Down by the LakesideFor saving a drowning child.5

Elijah Lamoreaux

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Freedom of Expression: InsideFor being part of the problem.10

Eliza Soule

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Return and RememberFor attending the Remembrance of Faith15

Gennadiya Lyosha

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Fever on the BrainA small diversion from ordinary duties can endear you to people.5
The Return of the EggAlthough it's a mighty deed, to retreive the stolen egg, not many were witness to it.5
Freedom of Expression: OutsideFor being part of the solution.10


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Freedom of Expression: InsideFor being part of the problem.10


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
The Court of Jacadons.Holding court with a mythical creature will get out, even in isolation in the Mire.20

Perdita Westcott

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Freedom of Expression: InsideFor being part of the problem.10

Tristan Venora

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Rharnean Jatorrizkoa, Part 2For giving an Igelak a walk through the city. And eventually offering them a home.5
Rharnean Jatorrizkoa, Part 1For being seen socializing with one of them 'Igelak'5
Return and RememberFor attending the Remembrance of Faith15
Freedom of Expression: OutsideFor being part of the solution.10


Vivian Shiryu

Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Return and RememberFor attending the Remembrance of Faith15
The Court of Jacadons.Holding court with a mythical creature will get out, even in isolation in the Mire.20
Freedom of Expression: OutsideFor being part of the solution.10


Name of Thread Famous For Amount
Return and RememberFor attending the Remembrance of Faith15

New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
A Real killer in the pit-fights: Someone is spreading rumours that those who take up Azrael in brawling matches end up dead in the gutter shortly after. This is actually substantiated when one of his tavern brawl opponents turns up dead a few nights later. Subsequently after this incident, nobody will agree to fight him, and the Lightning Knights have taken to keeping a closer eye on his activities.

New Accolade Hot Cycle 724:
River Cruise Maître d': Several taverns hear about the floating bar that Azrael owns, and more than a few offer him a similar proposition. If he'll agree to carry their signature brew in his boat, and host parties on a regular basis, they will give him the signature brew at a discount. If he chooses to play them against each other in negotiation, he can cut down the cost of the booze by about 25% per level of Socialization he has.

New Rumour Hot cycle 724:
Sappy Ale: A rumour emerges, as Rosebay's signature drinks hit the market in Rharne. That Dandelion, the settlement owner is keeping a captive Qi'ora and draining some of their sap/blood in the fermentation process of his beer. As an odd twist of fate, this rumor causes many strange researchers to purchase samples of his brews. Should he be present during these exchanges, they will often offer to trade strange ingredients, some rare ones native to places other than Rharne.

Elijah Lamareaux:
New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
Elijah is rumored to be hiding an invention that can allow one to travel through time! Don't you know that's how they explained the explosion and non-explosion of Scalvoris. People could've sworn it was destroyed, but Elijah has a time machine that made it possible to thwart!

Eliza Soule:
New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
Eliza is rumoured to impersonate Ymiden himself, using just a life-sized portrait to speak through to followers. This is how Gennadiya got the idea to build the Shrine! It was actually Eliza's idea.

Gennadiya Lyosha:
New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
Eggcellent Taste: A rumour emerges that Gennadiya, who was renown for returning a set of the Jacadon Eggs to safety in the Induk of the Lake, has squirreled away a note detailing the location of these eggs, and the Jacadons incubating them in a decorative egg in a curio shop somewhere in Rharne. Many people take to buying, and in some cases stealing, these eggs in an effort to find the note.

New Accolade Hot Cycle 724:
When Gennadiya establishes the Ymiden Shrine, she finds a ready and willing congregation eager to attend the first services held there, and will retain a following so long as she maintains it.

New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
The Druggist that was Leander's former boss puts out a missing person's notice for Leander, presuming him to be abducted, or even worse.

New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
Nir'wei's escapade with the Jacadons doesn't go unnoticed, and a rumour rises to meet his reputation as a wrangler of all manner of beasts and monsters. It's said that he is both a Champion of Karem, and also a Sesserfiend hound, and that the dreadful howling at the Umbral Caverns last season was his own call to the fell-beasts of his kind.

New Accolade Hot Cycle 724:
Things are not necessarily improving for the security of Rharne and indeed things go from bad to worse at every turn. This has not escaped Scorn's notice, and he is willing to expedite an exodus to the greater safety of a place of Nir'wei's choosing, whether that be Scalvoris or elsewhere.

Perdita Westcott:
New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
The Book of Palenon: Perdita is rumoured by many in the Thunder Priesthood, to be hard at work at a holy book for Ilaren. This is why she's been so quiet, even more than usual!

Tristan Venora:
New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
Tristan has been seem among the Igelak population of Rharne, which is growing by the cycle since the Memorial for Faith Augustin. It's even rumoured that he's disguised a coterie of former Rynmerish nobles in remarkably convincing Igelak 'suits' or 'costumes'. Does his Froggy court pose a threat to the established order of Rharne?!

New Accolade Hot Cycle 724:
Tristan is offered a chance to settle the former ruins of Westwind, whose population has grown restless in the lack of direction lately. They await their leader, if Tristan wishes to pursue the settlement of that area on behalf of refugees from elsewhere.

New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
After being seen about town, a new person riding through Rhrane's Dust Quarter, many speculate on the curious girl who is often seen to be writing in her journal after every experience. It's speculated that she's the daughter of Ralaith by some of the wilder claims, or else perhaps a spy. If she's seen to be writing near any establishment, she'll often find herself confronted by the proprietor, or even passersby.

Vivian Shiryu:
New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
Vivian is thought to be hiding something, or someone. She will often find herself approached by people who are more or less subtly trying to fineagle their way inside their home, ostensibly so they can investigate these rumours for themselves.

New Accolade Hot Cycle 724:
Many fighters, impressed and jealous of Vivian's performance during the All-Taverns Tournament, will take to challenging her to fights. Since she was one of the finalists, she'll be able to squeeze double the tavern tokens out of these challenges, such is the challengers' desperation to prove themsleves against her.

New Rumour Hot Cycle 724:
There's a rumour that Winston has been handing out food in the streets of Rharne. Emboldened by this rumour, the Rharnean Igelak activate. They miss their spirit food! Many of them take to looking under rocks, accosting local neighborhood pets, and also every cadouri they can find, presuming it to be Winston or else related to him. All this in an effort to beg a meal out of them such as they received at Faith's Memorial. What's a ferret to do in a case of so many mistaken identities?


Image Abrogation: Generally positive attitude.

ImageAttunement Generally positive attitude

Image Becoming Some suspicion, slight negativity.

Image Defiance Largely positive - Defiers helped in the defense against the Flameborn and Rhaum.

Image Empathy Large amount of suspicion

Image Glamour Large amount of suspicion and skepticism that it exists.

Image Graft Neutral attitude. There haven't been many graft mages known in Rahrne.

Hone Lucis Runic Magic: Well regarded as being instrumental at the defence against the Flameborn and downfall of Rhaum. Umbral Rune Magic: Neutral.

ImageNecromancy Very negative attitude following the War of Death & Souls especially.

Image Rupturing Moderately negative, as it's learned that the opportunistic villain who abducted dozens of citizens was a Visitant, and the one behind the Westwind Ruins anomaly. Further, Rupturing has fallen out of favor as a magic, and is highly monitored among the Rharnean Populace. The Council is discussing countermeasures.

Sovereign Slightly Negative. Rumor has it that the Sky Suite in the Flying Moon was trashed by a Sovereign mage.

ImageTransmutation Largely positive
word count: 1657

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