Effigy Question (Kuvarakh) Send Shadow

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Effigy Question (Kuvarakh) Send Shadow

So, these two powers:

Solid Shadow ~ Solid Shadow allows the Bearer to have their shadow reach into the physical world as a solid being. While the shadow initially has a strictly mortal form, this still allows the Bearer to use their shadow to their benefit, even more so as their Effigy progresses and their shadow gains more Draconic traits. This power only allows the Bearer to manifest a single body part, and once manifested, that part will match their own body perfectly, and the manifestation must come from the shadow and will still be a shadow in terms of appearance.

Send Shadow ~ An ability that can greatly increase the Bearer's reach, Send Shadow allows the Bearer to detach their shadow from themselves and send it anywhere they can see. If their shadow leaves their vision for more than ten minutes, it will automatically return to them. The Bearer does not have a shadow by their feet when they use this.

Is it then possible, to detach a his shadow's eye in order to see further? Does it extend their sight? Does it defeat the requirement to keep an eye on their eye for more than ten minutes?

word count: 200
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain

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