[Saoire Event 723] Sylvaine to Rorom

Saoire's Realm. A place where worlds collide and dreams become reality.
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[Saoire Event 723] Sylvaine to Rorom


Some time before The Gifting

It was the beginning of a new trial as Sylvaine awoke after a long night of dreams. As the world came into focus and the light around them dispelled the shadowy corners of 'the Dream', you spotted something beside your bed.

It was placed delicately atop whatever was usually beside where you sleep and had a bow on top, with a little note that read...

"Me taught yuh might find dis 'elpful far de coming season. Jost make share yuh use dis far yuh gift an don't tell anyone dat dis did nat come fram yuhself. Et will always remain warm."

Included in the box was enough wool to knit one scarf. The ball of wool became warm when touched, regardless of the temperature around them.
The specifics of the item above
The wool/fabric used for the scarf is always warm. Even in the depts of the coldents storms, the material continues to radiate a gentle warmth, keeping the neck of those that ware it warm in all temperatures.

This is delivered at some time that would be convenient for you and the acquisition of the gift you are giving.

I know you might have powers that might prevent people sneaking up on you etc., so please assume that this gift appears in such a way that either it a) does not trigger defences as there's no ill intent or b) only serves to wake them to see the gift (as it's not there one moment but is the next).

Gifting Trial Arrives!

In the run-up to the Gifting, one Winston Millar had all but become a recluse as he spent his trials ferreting away at the preparations for what would come. A great many trials went by as his forge was operated by Cho as the Cadouri was nowhere to be seen.
"Yup, dere... Noh, jost to de right a lit... STAP!"
He commanded
with an excitable energy he could barely contain.

As the gifter and giftie both passed through the doorway they chose to use to get to the Gifting, a world of enchantment was revealed as they stepped into what appeared to be the grand, stone-walled hall of a castle. A kaleidoscope of colors greeted them. The air was thick with the sweet scent of their favorite foods and the gentle melody of ethereal music played by invisible musicians.

For those able to see them, Fairies (Spirits) fluttered all around, placing decorations and plucking at musical instruments in a way that made the music feel like it was coming from the walls themselves.

The banquet hall stretched out before them, a dazzling display of festive joy. Glistening crystal chandeliers made of green and gold leaves hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow upon the room from their luminescent bulbs. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of ancient legends and mythical creatures from Idalos and the Dreaming, making unleavable scenes of heroism and gift-giving.

A long, banquet table stood in the center, covered with a rich, emerald-green velvet cloth that cascaded to the floor. On the table, an array of dishes awaited them. Plates were made of delicate leaves, and glasses were of sparkling daffodil cups with an otherworldly iridescence. The air was filled with the tempting aroma of dishes both familiar and exotic – Glistening bowls held a cascade of ambrosial treats in the form of spun sugar crafted into delicate webs, crystallized petals that sparkled like fairy dust, and jewel-like fruits that exuded an enticing fragrance.

At the heart of the feast, a silvery platter bore the most exquisite dish – delicate fillets of enchanted fish, bathed in a lustrous lemon sauce that sparkled with the essence of moonlight. The citrusy aroma mingled with the sweetness of honeyed nectar, creating a harmonious dance of flavors that transported all who tasted it to realms beyond imagination.

Each bite was a journey through the realms of taste, a fusion of the sweet and the tangy, a culinary spell that left the diners satisfied, but looking for more.

At the head of the table, a ferret known to some as Winston stood, placing some finishing touches to one of the many dishes.

"Welcome, nobal guests, tuh de Gifting!"
he declared, his voice full of a thick accent of the tiny creature's upbringing.
"Com-com! Com en! Feast, dance, sit or talk. Dis place es yars totrial, as we celebrate de magic that binds us all and builds relashunships new an' old trough 'giving'."
He gestured to the room around them.
"Once yuh are done, yuh cun return 'ome, noooh prablem. Ontil den, yuh jost let meh know ef dere es anyting me cun doh tuh 'elp."

The words were undoubtedly practiced
, but delivered with the most genuine joy and intent. He was obviously uncontainable excited to be here, but with that, without leaving the room,
Winston adeptly made himself seem politely busy as his guests meet and greet each-other without his interference

Just then, the banquet hall erupted into a symphony of laughter and giggles. The fairies (should you be able to see them) gathered around the table, watching and listening as events unfolded. The air was alive with the fluttering of wings, the tinkling of laughter, and the soft susurrations of a great many playful beings.

As all of this sunk in, a figure made themselves apparent, a very finely dressed butler of impeccable manor bowed slightly to one side. They held a tray with daffodil glasses filled with delightful nectar and bowed.
gestured towards the tray to indicate that a drink could be taken, if so desired, after which he offered to unburden their guests of their coats or cloaks.

 ! Message from: Winston
Welcome to your Saiore Gifting Event thread for 2023! :-D

How does this work? - So, this is your thread (the two of you) and you can get here via the magic portal, from where-ever you are and will be returned there once you decide to leave (unless I say otherwise! SHOCK! Secrets! AAAAAAAH!).

This thread will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met.

It can be whatever you want, of course, but it is a modded event and so I control the surrounding and NPCs, so please don't assume control of them (unless, of course, they are yours).

You can bring anything with you that you could reasonably be assumed to carry or BE carrying and of course your gift comes with you :-)

You may bring with you any flavour NPCs if you wish, but please either avoid making these a 'mass' of actual physical people (if you have a child or someone that you really feel like bringing, please do). Diri's, Spirits, small creatures/pets on your person, etc. that usually hang around you are also all fine. A 13 foot dragonling or horse, not so much :-)

What should you do? - Please post your first post in two sections:

1) "Some time before The Gifting": A section that describes the making or acquisition of your Gift. This can be anything from "Jeoff picks up the gift he made." To a fully fledged description of the shopping/making process. This can/should be a creative and enjoyable writing experience. Write something you enjoy, in any style you enjoy, IF it's something you will enjoy! :-D

The emphasis is on FREEDOM not requirement. Don't feel required to make a lenthy section here, but certainly feel free to (rewards will be issued for creative or well crafted gift sections).

2) "Gifting Trial Arrives!": Post your arrival! If you post first, you are there first. If you post second, you can assume you spot your companion on entering and respond to anything they provide for you in their first post.

3) When you have completed this thread, please place it up for review as normal. Once it’s been reviewed, post here to claim your event medal!

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • There is no PC posting order. Feel free to post in whatever order between yourselves and change that as you see fit.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: This is not hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.
word count: 1508


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Sylvaine Luceran
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Sylvaine to Rorom


Zi'da 723

Some time before The Gifting…

Sylvaine’s eyes blinked open as she awoke out of her sleep. Her arms reached to the ceiling of her room as she stretched alive and peered around the room. What was that? Setting on top of the small wooden table next to her bed, was a gift. The young girl sat up and looked the box over with a tilted head before she reached out to grab it.

It was strange to have found a random gift box on her nightstand. No one else had access to her cottage except for her father. But even he would knock before entering - not just sneaking in while she slept and leaving it without a word. So who was the small box from?

Her hands took up the small gift, along with the note accompanied by it. Sylvaine’s eyes lit up as she read the note - the sender was still unknown. As she opened the box, she was met with a ball of yarn of a teal color. Her fingers gently ran across the soft yarn, and she was met with yet another pleasant surprise.

A gasp escaped Sylvaine’s lips as she held the ball in her hands and felt the constant warmth radiating from it. She immediately knew the perfect use for such a thing.

Gifting Trial Arrives…

Sylvaine walked through the small shop peering over the shelves of endless items for sale. She needed just one more thing for the small wicker basket that hung from her arm. So far it had a warm meal and a handmade clothing item, but it just needed one last item. Mugs, vases, weapons. No. None of those would do. She had made her way around the entire shop but could not decide on the last item to add.

The young Melrathi woman was just about to walk out the doors when she spotted the perfect thing to add, causing her to pause in her tracks.
“That’s it!”
With haste, Sylvaine paid for the bracelet and arranged it neatly within the gift basket.

Perfect. The basket was finally ready to be gifted to its chosen person. With everything placed settled within the wicker basket, her next stop would be home. But as she walked through the door of the small shop, instead of meeting the streets of Raelia, she was met with a bright and colorful decorated room. Her head swished behind her, but the door had closed.

A surge of concern overtook her briefly, but the more she looked around, the more excitement built up within her. She was confident that this impeccably decorated room was where she would find the one this gift was meant for.

Her attention was snapped to the small Cadouri that welcomed the lot of strangers, all seemingly holding gifts of their own. After his warming speech, Sylvaine wandered over towards the feating table and removed her cloak As Shinwa approached her, she would hand over her cloak with a warm smile and take a cup. With the basket still hanging on her arm, she examined the room for anyone who may be the receiver of her gift.
“This is utterly magical…”

word count: 535
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Sylvaine to Rorom


Before the Gifting

Rorom had received word that since he was giving to someone on Saoire's behalf in one instance, he'd also be eligible to receive one from someone similarly sworn to act on Saoire's Wish.

Rorom was pleased enough with this proposition. The last time he'd enlisted in the gifting of Saoire, he'd received quite an interesting and useful book, on the various sea creatures. A large catalogue. Not that he was picky when it came to gifts, but that had been a kingly one.

Still, he was content to receive anything however much practical value or sentimental value it had. And in truth, Rorom much preferred the gifting to receiving anyway.

Which prompted him to put his head to the crafting of another gift with the left over gold and silver from his other gift, the one he'd made for Seira. There was just barely enouogh for making a pair of earrings. Or in the case that the person he'd give them to didn't wear earrings, they'd serve as nice decorations or keepsakes.

Either way, Rorom got to work immediately at his humble, cobbled-together forge in Havadr.

Each little piece was interesting to put together. He had planned to make a reticulated fish, with its scales linked together so that they could flex and bend, like real fish would.

His brow earned a few more lines as he worried over the accuracy and fit of the various scales and links, but after at least a few trials of trial and error, he managed a serviceable pair of fish-scale fish earrings. The eyes were fitted with faldrass clam shell, which were red and pearlescent. The hook was large enough that it could fit through an ear comfortably (if it was pierced), or else hang from the bought of a festive wreath.

This finished, he set to polishing the fish carefully with oil and varnish.

He kept them in a small box, until the gifting day came, which it soon would.

On the Day of the Gifting

Rorom knew by his prior experience that the space he'd be entering into would be comfortable, so he left behind his cloak of sea wolf hide, giving it to someone he trusted in his crew, to borrow.

Instead, he arrived wearing a gray merwool sweater and leather pants tucked into leather boots that rose halfway up his shins.

He held only the small box as he entered, and saluted Winston as he came into the space. "Hello again, there Sir. This is quite the set up, once again. Your fairy folk have ooutdone themselves, truly."

That said, he looked around until he found the one that was to share in the gifting. She held a basket of parcels, which were carefully concealed from view. Rorom smiled gently at her. He enjoyed surprises, so could appreciate her protectiveness and secrecy of the object she was imparting.

So as not to put too much emphasis on the gifting itself, as this was about more than just that Rorom pulled out a seat for her near the banquet table, and then took one on the opposite side. "So... you have the look of a Melrathi. Did you know I've visited there once? But then I've been lots of places."

"Melrath is truly a blessed country, among all the places I've been."

word count: 570
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Sylvaine to Rorom


At Sylvaine's comment, the Cadouri simply smiled. He didn't feel like it was really directed at him. It might not have been directed at anyone, but the remake made him very happy. Happy that she was happy. He'd managed to overwhelm a few people with the arrangement to date and that had been an oversight. Not everyone liked being so assaulted by things... He would remedy this in his future planning with better research up-front.

When Rorom (someone Winston decided he liked a lot) entered the room and made his greeting, the ferret replied with joy.
"Oh bot haven't dey jost?"
He placed a hand beside his mouth in mockery of making the next statement secret.
"Dem might 'ave been usin' the punch an de far left as a swimmin' pool... Just so yuh know."
He winked at both his guests.

Then Rorom did something that caused Winston more joy that he could put into words... He sat and started a conversation with Sylvaine. Inside his head he let out a fist pump and a cry of victory as the man set about the true nature of a gift... Relationships! He failed to hide his joy, but manage to avoid letting it interrupt their conversation as he set about making himself very happily busy.

As he continued to prepare food, he eaves-dropped politely in case they needed anything... and in case they said interesting things he needed to know. 'Needed' might have been a little strong, but there was only so much self-control inside this ferret and a balance had to be truck if objective were to be achieved.
 ! Message from: Winston
Yay! Nice posts!

Please feel free to interact directly and assume things you would enjoy to eat and drink are there for you to have. Anything up to Tier 10 but not extraordinarily rare is up for grabs. Though Winston is more likely to have cooked an inexpensive dish from your fondest memory as a super-expensive dish packed with expensive ingredients. Whatever it is, it would be immaculately well prepared however.

Please consider marking up 3 (or more) knowledges in your next post.

The fairies around the room are equally as likely to interfere as they are to wait and watch with bated breath. Please feel free to include some inconsequential encounters should you wish to.

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • There is no PC posting order. Feel free to post in whatever order between yourselves and change that as you see fit.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: This is not hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.
word count: 562


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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