• Mature • [Krome] Decisions

Rita making a choice between staying in krome or heading to Andaris

1st of Saun 716

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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Rita Fenyo
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[Krome] Decisions

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1st Saun 716

“Ms Rita, I do appreciate your curiosity into local events but I do not believe that war is something you should take interest in. Maybe something more lady like, gardening for instance. Much safer.” Eoghan’s rich voice filled with sarcasm, knowing Rita was anything but lady like.
“I’d rather face a horde of dragons than face Mrs Molihan for stepping in on her Pansy game.” Replying with sarcasm and leaning in closer.
“Ha! Well, I think the horde of dragons would rather dive into the sea than face her wrath. In all seriousness though I really hope you aren’t thinking of charging into battle being a hero and all.” He eyed her up accusingly.
“Immortals no, I’ll be ripped to pieces. I’ll admit the thought crossed my mind but I’m no warrior. I’d be much more use heading to Andaris before all… uhh… “ struggling to find the idiom in common.
“You know before it turns to chaos. That way I can work in the hospital for a season, hone my skills and treat the wounded coming in from the battlefields.” Eoghan tapping the bar top was rather distracting, taking a moment to notice his anxiety.
“Outback young one” Taking a look around at the other patrons before making his way out to the back room. Rita going over the bar and following him out to the back room. Inside he stood against the wall arms crossed.

She closed the door and sat opposite him, he let the silence hang, the room was strong with the smell of herbs and spices.
“There’s a saying that walls have ears. What that means is, if you talk openly about something secret, someone is likely to hear. This whole war business, in all honesty, it’s just some Duke making a power grab for the throne of Rynmere. Take it from someone that’s seen and understands it. War is not all colourful banners and glory. So the Krome family supported this Duke, however, this will not last long neither will the rest of his allies. For reasons I don’t know they will cut their support. The queen was wounded by an assassin and most likely won’t last the season. With his plans falling apart and losing support, the Duke will go for the head, marching his army straight for Andaris break down the gates and kill the king himself. So if you want to go to Andaris, I suggest you don’t.” The silence hung between the pair as Rita processed this all, I must pay attention to current events more often
“Look young one it don’t take a blind man to tell you war is terrible. When two opponents meet some poor bastard is gonna end up with his guts strewn across the grass whimpering for ‘is mother. People do horrible things to each other for some imaginary concept the fucker in power decides he wants to pursue. There is no glory, no gaining of manhood or any of that crap. All you’ll ever find on a battlefield is blood, death and imaginary hate. It isn’t all colourful banners and glory Rita. War is rape, pillaging and outright murder and to think anything else is foolish. You my girl, will be right in the middle of it all.” She understood most of this already.
“I understand but I feel like I have to help the people. That it’s my job as a healer to save people.” She sat up, looking her friend in the eye, displaying compassion.
“An’ you do that just fine here las. The people here are stubborn and Saun is always the time people hurt themselves most, whilst Andaris has a large number of healers that are more capable than you. They frankly don’t need you. Look why not take today and think about what you want to do. I’d prefer you stay but it isn’t critical that you stay. On another note your lover is back in town so why not spend time with her.” Rita found herself blushing, looking up at the Eoghan in surprise.
“She is not my lover.”
“Fine romantic interest.” He chuckled at her embarrassment. “It doesn’t matter to me what you two are, just be careful as some aren’t as accepting as me. Given Esha’s social position and all.” She nodded.
“Thanks Eoghan, I’ll think things over and see what she thinks.” With that she left out the back door.
It was bright and warm outside, a moderate westerly keeping the temperature down bringing with it a slight hint of salt to the dry almost odorless air that hung around this time of year. The streets were busy with activity, canvas strung about to provide shade from the two suns. Bards played music as the people moved around the market place. The smell of flowers and produce mixing together to create an inviting warmth, stalls skillfully placed to provide a good flow of people through the busy streets. Rita recognised a few faces, people she had become close to over the last season, contemplating whether or not to make conversation. Eventually she decided on solitude to work things over, putting up her hood and taking a back route to avoid being recognised. A signature whistle caught her attention, looking to her left was a woman slightly older than her in dyed leather armour a bow on her back and quiver at her hip, Rita knowing of the tooth dagger hidden at her back. Under the armour were a number of scars from dangerous encounters, an old burn scar on the left side of her torso and navel, knowing this from professional and personal experience. The woman bit into a fresh apple, juices running down her soft red lips and down her throat.
“Need to work on that disguise sweetie-pie. Maybe learn to use stilts.’ She joked, a voice as sweet as the apple she was chewing on.
“Eoghan told me you were looking for me. Was half hoping you wouldn’t only for the pleasure of jesting you.” Smiling as Esha laughed.
“Well Ithecal is quite a big game to hunt. But then again I did miss a Griffin that one time. Harmoney?” Tossing Rita a fresh apple. She considered the offer, deciding that company was a good thing.
“Sure, let’s go”

Esha was very familiar with the forests surrounding Krome. She knew about the best places to get away from things and think. The sounds of birds, a trickling stream and the gentle breathing of the couple was all that could be heard. RIta had coiled up, sitting on her tail and meditating.
”He’s Right you know?” The hunter finally breaking the silence with broken Ithecal. Rita breaking out of her trance and looking back at the other woman, taking a moment to admire her, gently smiling.
“ Go on sweetie” Uncoiling and ‘crawling’ over to rest her head on Esha’s chest, to which she smiled and brushed the hair out of the Ithecals face.
“ Well it is going to be incredibly dangerous, we need you here but most of all I don’t want you to get hurt. You don’t know how to fight and if worst comes to worst… well you’re a vulnerable healer and some uhhh individuals take enjoyment out of killing others, not caring whether they are innocent or not.” Her Ithecal was poor but understandable. All Rita did in reply was mumble and wrap into the warm embrace of her friend.
“Besides you’re too damn cute and I don’t want you to go for a whole season” Rita giggled and blushed, propping herself upright.
“ Yeah I have thought about that. Tell you what why don’t we let chance decide on this then.” Producing a coin from her pouch. “ King I go to Andaris, tails I stay here. Deal?” To which Esha shrugged smiling.
“Deal, then we get breakfast. “
Rita flipped the coin into air, letting it flip, deftly catching it and flipping the coin onto the back of her other hand. She revealed the face, the face of a king cast in copper.
“ So that’s that then… Well then, I know a good fishing spot, can teach you how to catch and prepare salmon. “ She got up, putting on a shirt and shorts, grabbing Rita’s stave and tying her knife to the end. Almost as if nothing had happened, Rita noted.
“ Come on, put on something and then we’ll head to the stream. “ A false smile as she waited.
“What’s wrong? “ Esha paused trying to find the words.
“ I fucking Care about you Rita… A… a lot. I just don’t want you… “ She went very quiet, looking down, looking almost. Rita stood slowly and moved over, holding her head against Esha soothingly.
“ I love you” Rita’s heart beat faster, shaking ever so slightly at the sound of those words. She hadn’t heard those words in such a long time, as long as since she last felt love. Blushing and holding Esha closer. Her skin rough and scarred but not unpleasant, quite beautiful.
“You know what Esha… I kinda love you back.” They locked eyes, smiling at each other.
The pairs reflection in the water broken up by a slim red fish swimming past. The spray from the brock giving the surrounding scrub a glistening skin. Esha still, spear ready, waiting patiently.
“ See how I’m aiming off from the image. The fish appears closer because of how the light flows in water. It takes a lot of experience to gather on how to adjust the aim, however, the most important part is to have patience. “ She went quiet for a moment, waiting for one of the fish to go still, “And Strike. “ She lobbed the spear into the water, causing a splash and grabbing it as the fish on the end thrashed and splashed.
“Haha they put up quite a fight, for longer distances you want to make sure to tie your spear down or you could lose it. “ Pulling it out the water and smashing its head with a rock, “there, breakfast. So this is a salmon, it can be eaten raw and pretty much anyway. Smoked is the best but that takes time, so just cooked over a fire is good. You remember how to make a cooking fire. “ Rita confirmed she did, collecting stones and making a clear area to start the blaze. It was very dry this day so extra caution was taken, though dry wood and moss for kindling was easy to find. Soon she had the fire set up. The fish placed over the heat on a spit to cook.
It was well past midday when they headed back to town, bidding goodbye before heading in different directions. Rita went back to her house, it was bright and comfortably warm inside. It was decided, she was to head to Andaris at the next dawn. It was at all possible that this would be the last time she made the journey. She packed her things and went about her normal day, not thinking on tomorrow's journey.
Template made by Aelius for Rita
word count: 1934
"Ithecal" Thoughts
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[Krome] Decisions



Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/ 5 (solo thread)
Structure: 4/ 5

Eoghan: Doesn't think you're ladylike
Eoghan: Has clear ideas about what's happening in Andaris
Esha: Doesn't want you to go to Andaris
Esha: Loves you
Deception: Walls have ears
Fishing: Basic technique for spearing fish

These points may NOT be used for arcana


General comments. Thank you for amending your CS as requested. Hopefully, now that's all done you'll be able to keep it all up to date and that'll make life much easier for you!
Story An interesting story of chance determining Rita's fate. Short and sweet.
Structure There were a number of times when I found it hard to determine who was talking. This was especially true when Rita and Esha were talking, as when Rita was talking to Eoghan I could determine more by the use of gendered pronouns. One example of this is
“ So that’s that then… Well then, I know a good fishing spot, can teach you how to catch and prepare salmon. “ She got up, putting on a shirt and shorts, grabbing Rita’s stave and tying her knife to the end. Almost as if nothing had happened, Rita noted.
“ Come on, put on something and then we’ll head to the stream. “ A false smile as she waited.
“What’s wrong? “ Esha paused trying to find the words.
The first words I believe are Esha's, but I am unclear if the "come on, put on something" is Esha or Rita - and the "what's wrong" is Rita speaking, but you talk of Esha in that line. So, although you have started each new person speaking on a new line, which is great thank you, could you please make sure that you are also clear about who is speaking? I have deducted one point of structure as it made me unclear for quite a bit of this post. Other than that, it was a fun thread, thanks!

Please do PM me if you've got any questions
word count: 353
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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