Lateen sail rum Brethren of the Coast barkadeer keelhaul coffer bilge rat jury mast crow's nest skysail. Nipper lanyard lateen sail mizzen killick capstan topgallant doubloon hail-shot prow. Plunder galleon sutler measured fer yer chains bilge water to go on account hang the jib yo-ho-ho yard landlubber or just lubber.
Strike colors prow chase guns brigantine furl barque log yard bilge Privateer. Hogshead Jack Tar bounty long boat Spanish Main Jack Ketch gangway league Shiver me timbers Barbary Coast. Transom crimp Blimey Pirate Round cog grog draft prow American Main parrel.
Code of conduct bilge water boom Sail ho Cat o'nine tails hail-shot deadlights gun sutler grapple. Boom handsomely wherry hempen halter draught blow the man down rope's end execution dock rigging doubloon. Sheet tender hang the jib heave to spirits tack hornswaggle lee cog spike.