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Willow Tree Hospital

Willow Tree Hospital


Sitting outside Rharne, close to Lake Lovalus, is the Willow Tree Hospital. This is not one hospital but is, in fact, five full-sized large hospital buildings all connected together and, along with that there are many other areas. Created by Faith Augustin, this place was her legacy, the hope that there could be somewhere that would treat every ill, no matter who bore it.

Above each doorway is the willow tree symbol and everywhere is both very secure and very high standard. People from all over Idalos work here and it has the potential to become a thriving hub of commerce and activity, a haven for those who are hurt or injured in any sense of the words.

There are roads leading to Willow Tree from Rharne, but this is neutral ground. It does not owe allegiance to Rharne or any place, instead it is the property of the Order of the Adunih and Isonomia. It is theirs to provide support to all of Idalos and it gives no political allegiance to anyone other than those organisations.

  • The Hospitals
    • Central Building
      • Name: The Kura Building
      • Purpose of Building:
        • Labs, medical research
        • All arrivals will arrive in the central room (as marked on the planImage. This room is the green area. To those who arrive, each quarter of the wall will be a beautiful, soothing, glass mural that provides light and images. That glass will follow along in the corridors, providing a visual cue for those who can not read - each of the four hospitals will have its own colour.
        • The lavender colour is split into the four quarters as shown - these are - 2 x sleeping areas for security, 1 x mess hall, 1 x recreation area for security. In the latter 2, the glass mural is a transparent glass (so that security can see the arrivals at all times appropriate - but not while sleeping / resting). This was commissioned from Egilrun.
        • The remaining off-white sections are 2 x storage and 2 x training areas for security.
        • The remaining rooms are labs, libraries, lecture rooms, etc.
      • Notes
      • Top Left Hospital: (next to "A" retail area)
        • Name: The Pendleton Wing
        • Purpose of Building:
          • Treatment of Chronic, Long Term Conditions with Terminal / Long Term Life-Changing Prognosis.
        • Notes:
          • Placed here as both close to farms and temple, close to therapy and furthest away from the river.
      • Top Right Hospital (next to "C" retail area)
        • Name: The Tristan Building
        • Purpose of Building:
          • Treatment of Trauma (including long term abuse, magical mutations, etc).
          • This will be where former slaves are brought and treated.
        • Notes:
          • Placed here as both close to farms and closest to Rey'na's Dawn.
      • Bottom Left Hospital (next to "B" retail area)
        • Name: The Nir'wei Building
        • Purpose of Building:
          • Treatment of currently considered incurable diseases which are not terminal
          • Isolation area for those diseases which have high contagion
        • Notes:
          • Since the number of incurable diseases without terminal prognosis is relatively small, this hospital will also function as an isolation unit and spillover if needed
      • Bottom Right Hospital (next to "D" retail area)
        • Name: The Snootwing!
        • Purpose of Building:
          • Children's Hospital
        • Notes:
          • Nearest the river, this wing is the most self-contained.
          • Theme here is a "snootwing" which is a magical creature which heals children, helps them.
          • School here - Institute trains teachers - but not all patients are Rharnian - mixed curriculum.
  • Residences
    • Residences - Staff
      • A place to live for all staff, if they wish it.
      • High quality - a variety of options available - single rooms in a shared building, double rooms in a shared building, houses, apartments etc.
    • Notes
      • Staff can use the portals so not all staff will live here.
    • Residences - Relatives
      • A place to live for the families of those who are patients here.
      • High quality - a variety of options available - single rooms in a shared building, double rooms in a shared building, houses, apartments etc.
    • Notes
      • School here, links with school for Snootwing.
  • Therapy
    • Physical and Emotional Therapy provided here.
    • 1 in north, 1 in south - each provide therapy of both kinds to 2 hospitals.
    • Also, professionals from here will visit hospitals as needed
  • Farms
    • Growing produce
    • Raising livestock
    • Vineyard
    [*] Notes
    • Used by Rey'na's Dawn as part of the training provided.
    • Greenhouses with both warm and cold glass (ordered from Egilrun) in order to facilitate maximum variety
    • Gardens and cave-systems in Eureka also utilised here.
  • Rey'na's Dawn
    • A place for those slaves who have been freed (by Praetorum and via any other means)
    • A place for those who have been treated but do not yet wish to leave
    • Works on the same principles as Beacon - everyone contributes, etc.
    • Placed where the words "Willow Tree Hospital" is on the map above
  • River
    • Central place for import / export
    • Egilrun provides luxury vessels with the aim of having the option of a floating restaurant (like Cally's, but floating), floating crafters etc
    • This could be opened up to anyone willing to do it - good business opportunities
    • Work closely with the Therapy areas - and will provide entertainment and support for our patients and their families.
  • Temple
    • For all Immortals - as in Ne'haer, an all-temple
    • Morgue is housed (underneath) and the graveyard for those who wish to use it.
  • Mercantile Areas
    • A - D
    • Rharne, Scalvoris, EE have all claimed spaces..
  • Oases
    There are Brightgleam Oases near the farms, Rey'na's Dawn, in between each residential area.
The place is full of those who need healing in all its forms and those who provide it. It is worth noting that even the stones themselves add to thisWith this ability, when Faith finds a need she is able to awaken stone to the purpose it is being used for. So, the stone of a home will strive to serve that purposes to the fullest extent of their ability. Stones in a home will stay secured even through a disaster as it protects the people inside. In a hospital the stones themselves will stay clean and fight of germs to protect the lives of those there. A castle would be more difficult to destroy / breach, as the stone stands firm, a theatre or concert hall has exquisite acoustics, etc. The stones awoken in this way will not do anything to aid an attack, but will work to defend, or to heal, or to grow etc. This ability takes a full hour to use as Faith has to connect with the stone and dedicate it to Moseke. Once a season she can dedicate the stones of a contiguous stone structure. Anyone who is injured can come here from any area in Idalos where an Order of the Adunih outpost exists, for the are all connected thanks to Saoire.


Pricing as seen at the Shoppe. Treatment is funded by the Order of the Adunih, and generally covered by a patient's wealth tier.

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Re: Willow Tree Hospital

Approved! I've directed anyone for pricing purposes to the Shoppe, or else covered by wealth tier/donations.

Also directed anyone wishing to make NPCs to the Order Roster.

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