Daia's Cubs
Hello Vega!! This is your tracker for the Lion Cub hunt in Scalvoris, for which you're seeking tier 2 hunting skil.
Once you've completed any of the tasks here, please fill out the pro-forma at the bottom and post here in this plot tracker.
- Explore the Golden Cliffs - hunt some grizzly bees and bumble bears.
- Come across Lion tracks - track lion down to a cave in the golden cliff
- Lion is in a difficult-to-reach place, needs careful hunting - other dangers in there.
- Learn about the cub's mate, who is rumored to be in Egilrun.
- The cub's mate is a merchant, hawking wares. They will be intractable in any attempt Vega makes to convince them that they are a cub of Daia. Everytime they approach them or ask them a question, they'll turn it around on them or try to sell them off-brand knock off merchandise.
- Explore Ishallr above ground - be searching for resources for Sweetsong, maybe.
- End up finding some lion tracks in Gambits Gate here's the write up and fight a lot of things, have to survive there for a while - eventually find a lion cub.
- Learn about the cub's mate, who is rumored to be in Scalvoristown.
- The cub's mate is an investigator, working for the Scribe.
- Make her way into Scaltoth.
- Explore a bit.
- Find her way to Dead Wood and find that the lion cub has been held captive by Couriers of Lissira. Splat em. Save the cub (like the cheerleader, see) and save the world.
- Learn about the cub's mate, who is rumored to be in Almund.
- The cub's mate is a smuggler, avoiding tariffs and customs at the port in order to deliver cheap food to the poor.
- Make her way to Faldrass
- Explore a bit
- Find her way to the Broiling Lagoon, where the cub has gotten lost in the midst of the Fracture at the end of the Cycle.
- Learn about the cub's mate, who is rumored to also be on a spot of civilization on Faldrass.
- The cub's mate is a student/teacher at Saoire's School.
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[b]How was hunting used and pushed in this plot?:[/b]