"You know, it's late. You should probably get some rest. Lots to do tomorrow and all that."
"Can't," Nir sighed back. "Not tired." His bare foot tapped out an old song against the fluff of the wolf's back. "And hungry. The snow rabbits are all scrawny and tough now, that last one felt like I was going to break a tooth on its leg. Not what I'd call a rich meal, you know." Greyhide rolled his eyes, but there was no hiding that the wolf agreed as well. Something a little more satisfying for the palette was long overdue, with scarce Cylus rations taking their toll not only on Nir'wei, but his ever-growing pack of feral companions. "Come on. Nobody's going to turn down a chance at something with a little more fat on the bone." Already tails were wagging from the fluffy pile at his back, and he could almost feel the reluctant sigh in Greyhide's tone when the wolf's head turned back and fixed him with a reproachful stare.
"We're going to find nothing and you're going to just make yourself tired and hungry." Grey was already rising to his paws however, and soon their surroundings echoed with the eager whines and shuffling of bodies as the other wolves rose after him, followed at last by Nir'wei himself.
"That's the point. Either I'll tire myself out in search of good food, or we'll find something tasty and I'll sleep easy with a full belly." Obviously he didn't actually intend to sleep on an empty stomach, but that hardly mattered. The wolves were on their feet and soon spreading out over what had once been known as the Badlands, grey and brown and black and pale fluffy shapes skipping through the undergrowth like a spread fan. "We'll leave the rest of our gear here while we're out, though. Arle and Bachu can watch over it, can't you?" The two Hyx bowed their heads as his hands stroked over their muzzles. "Traveller, you too." The Scalv Sohr Khal hadn't even risen from where it sat and didn't look particularly inclined to join them, with its gaze fixed on somewhere on the horizon. "Vabina, stretch if you need to, but I don't want you going far. You'll scare off all the good game." Zephyrus' needed wider plains to hunt in, such as the Stormlands - the forests of the Spirits Oasis gave too much cover for smaller prey to disappear under, and for larger prey to weave between and make it impossible for her to hunt without charging down entire trees. "You too, Nox." The Scython grunted in nonchalant agreement. "Excellent. We won't be long then, and don't worry, we'll have--"
Traveller made a strange growling sound in the back of his throat. "Hey, we'll have something for you too, don't worry." The growl came again, and this time Nir'wei looked back to the Sohr Khal to see his companion still staring over the horizon. "... What is it?" He'd picked a spot for the encampment more for the scenic view than for protection, mostly because his full contingent rarely needed to seriously consider it these days. At the top of a steep hill that dropped into a sharp rocky cliff face just a few paces away from his bedding, the shores of Faldrass stretched beneath him and out to either side, with dark waves twinkling with starlight as far as the eye could see before them. Waters that Traveller was intensely fixated on, and as Nir stared into them as well, keen eyesGrandmaster Observation enhanced by KaremVelduris, Enhanced Senses, dark shapes began to manifest, absent of that tell-tale starlight glow and the constant roil of the waves.
Boats. But that wasn't unusual, of course. Smaller fishing vessels, larger merchant ships, travelling barges, all sorts could be found at all breaks of the trial... but of the few that sailed at night, larger vessels were rarely painted black over their hulls, or travelled on black sails, without a single glimmer of light on their deck. It was almost as if they were doing everything in their power to not be seen - and of course there was no reason for them to be approaching the Northern Faldrass shoreline, with no lighthouse or tugboat to guide its arrival. "They could be arrivals from out of town," Archailist quipped from upon his shoulder. "Quacia, perhaps. They always seem like they have everything screwed a little too tight, don't they."
Delegations wouldn't arrive in the dead of night, certainly not to the Serenity Garden. Matter of fact, what was that symbol on their flags... and why did one have a different symbol from the rest, as though it was a flagship of some kind for the others?
"So, you're sure they're up to no good?" It was the reasonable assumption to make based on the circumstances. If it wasn't the case... he'd live with the consequences and pay the penance. "Excellent." Grey's breath washed over his shoulder. Apparently hunting for food was off the table, but hunting people was perfectly reasonable. "Absolutely not. But it's been a while since we've had a real chance to get wild. What's the plan?" Sadly, nothing as exciting as the wolf was imagining. Better to deal with the boats before they made it ashore.
It only took a few gestures before Traveller was beneath him and the Sohr Khal swept up into the air, both Hyx, the Zephyrus and Scython following behind in a stampede of horse-sized creatures to regroup with the wolves converging just behind the lower shoreline that made up the northern coastline of the Serenity Gardens. Nir'wei fiddled with the charm of knotted woodCharm of Detect Life at his chest, gradually thrumming louder the closer they pulled to the water's edge. His knees nudged gently to keep Traveller from soaring too far from the trees. Though under the cover of darkness, he could never trust that there was nobody aboard the ships with the same keen eyes he possessed. If he could see them, there was no reason they couldn't see him.
In that short time, he'd already picked out exactly what he needed, though. The charm had picked up something large on the glide down, four-legged and hidden at the edge of its fifty-foot radius. Serenity Gardens, with its sprawling trees and plentiful vegetation, offered almost the ideal environment for small herds of Red Cervus... but the roaming creatures, late at night, still occasionally ventured into the wider expanse of the midlands for new grazing on the new-grown shoots of the old ruins. They were skittish, nimble creatures, but Nir's pack was a seasoned team, with speed and cunning far above that of even the average pack. The weakest member of their herd's bloody remains filled Cold, Myrth, Squeak, Castile and Kin's jaws, and he made a mental note to give them all extra ear-scratches when all was done for their show of self-restraint not tucking in themselves as they met his landing spot and deposited full chunks of torn meat at his feet the moment he dismounted. "That should do, huh."
"That should do," Greyhide agreed, materialising at his side. "You know, I almost feel sorry for them."
Nir did, too. It didn't stop him from grabbing a fistful of the still-hot deer and throwing it into the water a short distance from the shoreline. By the second, the waters had begun to churn, and he swore he could make out dim lights swarming just beneath the surface - like a current beneath the current. Cutting chunks free with his knife and hurling them a little farther, new shapes began to appear. Moving up and down the coastline, depositing hot flesh and watching as the predators gathered obligingly to the feast, he thumbed the old wood charm again and felt just how many more were fifty feet out and drawing in, allowing him to intentionally direct them closer.
He didn't really need to direct them, though natural curiosity told him that he could, as long as he whistled at the same time he threw the remaining chunks of meat. He just needed them hungry - and though they'd eaten through an entire deer carcass, it was quite clear from how the swirls of partially-obscured creatures moved in response to his blood-soaked hands tracing the surface, they were definitely ready. Nothing but his natural control held them back from lashing. He could even see ghostly-pale hands reaching out above the water and grasping towards him, though the charm told him that absolutely nothing human hid beneath the black waves. Most alarming however were the huge shadows that lurked slightly deeper from the water's edge. Creatures that dwarfed the others, that he could almost mistake for crocodiles from how they surfaced to reveal mouths filled with huge, sharp teeth and squat, flat bodies. "Oh, I'm definitely coming back for some of you later."
However, his job was done. He stepped back, watching the swarm of Muter Fish, Drowners, and Sea Wolves reluctantly disperse, and he knew nothing on the Northern Faldrass coastline would be safe for the night. The large ships weren't moving closer and wouldn't beach themselves... but anyone looking to hit the water would find a frenzy waiting for them, capsizing their boats first and then feasting on whatever they found inside. They'd never see it coming.Tactics Capstone: Feral Insight
He'd take up his place back behind the treeline with the others and pick off the survivors, or handle any of the boats looking to reach the secure shores of Spirit's Oasis.
"Why not just storm the boats?" Cold grumbled as Nir'wei sighed and sat down amongst the pack, carefully stringing his bow and setting aside his quiver. Of course, Cold knew the answer already - he just didn't agree with it. As much as he would have loved to take the fight to the would-be invaders and confront them before they ever got the chance to interfere, the last time he'd been caught on a ship, it hadn't been a good time for anyone involved. He'd learned from that mistake, though. He'd only meet them head-on if they turned their boats aside and begun firing ship cannons or ballistae, like the last time. As long as he was absolutely confident he could head off an attack without exposing himself, he would.
It still nagged at the back of his head, however. Why attack at the north, where there was little but woodland and a solitary meditation garden? Because of the lack of security? But if that was the case, why did they need six boats.
"Glow." Kin's heckles were raised, and Nir'wei felt a phantom sensation of his own prickling as he followed Kin's gaze towards the southeast edge of their woodland brush. Far out in the distance, from almost anywhere someone stood, they could always make out two things. Saoire's Dream was one of them - a dizzying collection of towers and elaborate stone designs that spoke of something wonderful and whimsical, but at the same time distinguished and proud. Unlike many of the usual gaudy designs of such man-made buildings that Nir'wei often loathed thanks to his Desnind upbringing, Saoire had somehow found a perfect balance between practical and fantastical in her design that made it quite charming to look at.
Real shame it was on fire. Made it a lot harder to appreciate all that stuff.
There was one other thing though - the flickering amber flames steadily growing from Saoire's School made it much more apparent that there was a distinct lack coming from somewhere else. The second thing anyone with at least one functioning eye and a third of their higher brain functions would notice if they were anywhere near Faldrass Island. The volcano. Faldrass itself, embodied. Normally it should have been glowing with a faint light, thrumming in some alien way with life. It wasn't, though. The volcano was dark and silent like the night, almost as if whatever was inside had left entirely.
Nir'wei turned back to the ships, just to make sure that they were still there and nothing had left them yet. Was he too late - had they been circling around from the other side of the island and were preparing to depart? Or was he just seeing a very small part of a very big puzzle. That would explain why nothing made sense. "So, they're organised." The Serenity Gardens was a strange place to invade, but Saoire's Dream was a hell of a place to storm. The volcano, he would have said likewise of, except it was dark... that couldn't be good. His thoughts immediately moved elsewhere, to other obvious targets he couldn't make out from this distance. The Faldrass Barony, for one. The settlements of the island, Haven and Hopetoun, for two more. Those would make the most sense to attack, surely, since they had plenty of people?
Whatever was happening over the island, he needed eyes - and he needed presence, before he decided where to move.
"Greyhide, Cold, Vabina - Volcano. Sovar, Myrth, Nox - Saoire's Dream. Squeak, Barony. Castile, Arle, Haven. Kin, Bachu, Hopetoun."
They scattered into their teams and wasted no time, sprinting to their destinations at full pelt... with the exception of Sovar, Myrth, and Nox. Nir'wei's outstretched hand called upon his connectionTelka: School Gateway to the school to form a personal gateway and send them there immediately.
At that moment, he also felt a hum at his hip, and after fishing about for a few moments inside, he found an echo scroll. He didn't really remember shoving it in there... or, come to that matter, where he'd even picked it up from. Apparently though, his hunch had been right... and it was worse than he'd thought, too. They weren't just attacking Faldrass, they were attacking Sweetwine too. Did that mean they were at Almund? Scalvoris Town? What about Faith? ... Shit, what about Beacon?
They'd be fine. He had to assume they'd be fine, until he could handle Faldrass and ensure that it was safe. Then he'd head there immediately. Faith would probably sneeze and half the armada would crumble to dust... he just had to hold off until the other half surrendered and begged for mercy. That in mind, he pulled out a writing kit from his bag and hastily scrawled a reply - if nothing else since he had a spare moment. "Gaddwin, can you give me a little light here? ... and while you're out, tell me, can you still feel Faldrass?"
Six ships on Faldrass. They must like me more than you.
Setting fires too. Faldrass is cold. Watch out.
Please tell me if Faith is safe and Beacon is okay.
He really hoped they were okay. "Be ready, Traveller. We might be moving around a lot tonight." Spreading himself thin was dangerous... it made him less useful overall than just concentrating his abilities and carving around the shoreline of the island. But there was no telling just quite what they'd do next, or what they were already doing. Some wolves, two or even one, was better than nothing at all to have in place should it be necessary.
"Can't," Nir sighed back. "Not tired." His bare foot tapped out an old song against the fluff of the wolf's back. "And hungry. The snow rabbits are all scrawny and tough now, that last one felt like I was going to break a tooth on its leg. Not what I'd call a rich meal, you know." Greyhide rolled his eyes, but there was no hiding that the wolf agreed as well. Something a little more satisfying for the palette was long overdue, with scarce Cylus rations taking their toll not only on Nir'wei, but his ever-growing pack of feral companions. "Come on. Nobody's going to turn down a chance at something with a little more fat on the bone." Already tails were wagging from the fluffy pile at his back, and he could almost feel the reluctant sigh in Greyhide's tone when the wolf's head turned back and fixed him with a reproachful stare.
"We're going to find nothing and you're going to just make yourself tired and hungry." Grey was already rising to his paws however, and soon their surroundings echoed with the eager whines and shuffling of bodies as the other wolves rose after him, followed at last by Nir'wei himself.
"That's the point. Either I'll tire myself out in search of good food, or we'll find something tasty and I'll sleep easy with a full belly." Obviously he didn't actually intend to sleep on an empty stomach, but that hardly mattered. The wolves were on their feet and soon spreading out over what had once been known as the Badlands, grey and brown and black and pale fluffy shapes skipping through the undergrowth like a spread fan. "We'll leave the rest of our gear here while we're out, though. Arle and Bachu can watch over it, can't you?" The two Hyx bowed their heads as his hands stroked over their muzzles. "Traveller, you too." The Scalv Sohr Khal hadn't even risen from where it sat and didn't look particularly inclined to join them, with its gaze fixed on somewhere on the horizon. "Vabina, stretch if you need to, but I don't want you going far. You'll scare off all the good game." Zephyrus' needed wider plains to hunt in, such as the Stormlands - the forests of the Spirits Oasis gave too much cover for smaller prey to disappear under, and for larger prey to weave between and make it impossible for her to hunt without charging down entire trees. "You too, Nox." The Scython grunted in nonchalant agreement. "Excellent. We won't be long then, and don't worry, we'll have--"
Traveller made a strange growling sound in the back of his throat. "Hey, we'll have something for you too, don't worry." The growl came again, and this time Nir'wei looked back to the Sohr Khal to see his companion still staring over the horizon. "... What is it?" He'd picked a spot for the encampment more for the scenic view than for protection, mostly because his full contingent rarely needed to seriously consider it these days. At the top of a steep hill that dropped into a sharp rocky cliff face just a few paces away from his bedding, the shores of Faldrass stretched beneath him and out to either side, with dark waves twinkling with starlight as far as the eye could see before them. Waters that Traveller was intensely fixated on, and as Nir stared into them as well, keen eyesGrandmaster Observation enhanced by KaremVelduris, Enhanced Senses, dark shapes began to manifest, absent of that tell-tale starlight glow and the constant roil of the waves.
Boats. But that wasn't unusual, of course. Smaller fishing vessels, larger merchant ships, travelling barges, all sorts could be found at all breaks of the trial... but of the few that sailed at night, larger vessels were rarely painted black over their hulls, or travelled on black sails, without a single glimmer of light on their deck. It was almost as if they were doing everything in their power to not be seen - and of course there was no reason for them to be approaching the Northern Faldrass shoreline, with no lighthouse or tugboat to guide its arrival. "They could be arrivals from out of town," Archailist quipped from upon his shoulder. "Quacia, perhaps. They always seem like they have everything screwed a little too tight, don't they."
Delegations wouldn't arrive in the dead of night, certainly not to the Serenity Garden. Matter of fact, what was that symbol on their flags... and why did one have a different symbol from the rest, as though it was a flagship of some kind for the others?
"So, you're sure they're up to no good?" It was the reasonable assumption to make based on the circumstances. If it wasn't the case... he'd live with the consequences and pay the penance. "Excellent." Grey's breath washed over his shoulder. Apparently hunting for food was off the table, but hunting people was perfectly reasonable. "Absolutely not. But it's been a while since we've had a real chance to get wild. What's the plan?" Sadly, nothing as exciting as the wolf was imagining. Better to deal with the boats before they made it ashore.
It only took a few gestures before Traveller was beneath him and the Sohr Khal swept up into the air, both Hyx, the Zephyrus and Scython following behind in a stampede of horse-sized creatures to regroup with the wolves converging just behind the lower shoreline that made up the northern coastline of the Serenity Gardens. Nir'wei fiddled with the charm of knotted woodCharm of Detect Life at his chest, gradually thrumming louder the closer they pulled to the water's edge. His knees nudged gently to keep Traveller from soaring too far from the trees. Though under the cover of darkness, he could never trust that there was nobody aboard the ships with the same keen eyes he possessed. If he could see them, there was no reason they couldn't see him.
In that short time, he'd already picked out exactly what he needed, though. The charm had picked up something large on the glide down, four-legged and hidden at the edge of its fifty-foot radius. Serenity Gardens, with its sprawling trees and plentiful vegetation, offered almost the ideal environment for small herds of Red Cervus... but the roaming creatures, late at night, still occasionally ventured into the wider expanse of the midlands for new grazing on the new-grown shoots of the old ruins. They were skittish, nimble creatures, but Nir's pack was a seasoned team, with speed and cunning far above that of even the average pack. The weakest member of their herd's bloody remains filled Cold, Myrth, Squeak, Castile and Kin's jaws, and he made a mental note to give them all extra ear-scratches when all was done for their show of self-restraint not tucking in themselves as they met his landing spot and deposited full chunks of torn meat at his feet the moment he dismounted. "That should do, huh."
"That should do," Greyhide agreed, materialising at his side. "You know, I almost feel sorry for them."
Nir did, too. It didn't stop him from grabbing a fistful of the still-hot deer and throwing it into the water a short distance from the shoreline. By the second, the waters had begun to churn, and he swore he could make out dim lights swarming just beneath the surface - like a current beneath the current. Cutting chunks free with his knife and hurling them a little farther, new shapes began to appear. Moving up and down the coastline, depositing hot flesh and watching as the predators gathered obligingly to the feast, he thumbed the old wood charm again and felt just how many more were fifty feet out and drawing in, allowing him to intentionally direct them closer.
He didn't really need to direct them, though natural curiosity told him that he could, as long as he whistled at the same time he threw the remaining chunks of meat. He just needed them hungry - and though they'd eaten through an entire deer carcass, it was quite clear from how the swirls of partially-obscured creatures moved in response to his blood-soaked hands tracing the surface, they were definitely ready. Nothing but his natural control held them back from lashing. He could even see ghostly-pale hands reaching out above the water and grasping towards him, though the charm told him that absolutely nothing human hid beneath the black waves. Most alarming however were the huge shadows that lurked slightly deeper from the water's edge. Creatures that dwarfed the others, that he could almost mistake for crocodiles from how they surfaced to reveal mouths filled with huge, sharp teeth and squat, flat bodies. "Oh, I'm definitely coming back for some of you later."
However, his job was done. He stepped back, watching the swarm of Muter Fish, Drowners, and Sea Wolves reluctantly disperse, and he knew nothing on the Northern Faldrass coastline would be safe for the night. The large ships weren't moving closer and wouldn't beach themselves... but anyone looking to hit the water would find a frenzy waiting for them, capsizing their boats first and then feasting on whatever they found inside. They'd never see it coming.Tactics Capstone: Feral Insight
He'd take up his place back behind the treeline with the others and pick off the survivors, or handle any of the boats looking to reach the secure shores of Spirit's Oasis.
"Why not just storm the boats?" Cold grumbled as Nir'wei sighed and sat down amongst the pack, carefully stringing his bow and setting aside his quiver. Of course, Cold knew the answer already - he just didn't agree with it. As much as he would have loved to take the fight to the would-be invaders and confront them before they ever got the chance to interfere, the last time he'd been caught on a ship, it hadn't been a good time for anyone involved. He'd learned from that mistake, though. He'd only meet them head-on if they turned their boats aside and begun firing ship cannons or ballistae, like the last time. As long as he was absolutely confident he could head off an attack without exposing himself, he would.
It still nagged at the back of his head, however. Why attack at the north, where there was little but woodland and a solitary meditation garden? Because of the lack of security? But if that was the case, why did they need six boats.
"Glow." Kin's heckles were raised, and Nir'wei felt a phantom sensation of his own prickling as he followed Kin's gaze towards the southeast edge of their woodland brush. Far out in the distance, from almost anywhere someone stood, they could always make out two things. Saoire's Dream was one of them - a dizzying collection of towers and elaborate stone designs that spoke of something wonderful and whimsical, but at the same time distinguished and proud. Unlike many of the usual gaudy designs of such man-made buildings that Nir'wei often loathed thanks to his Desnind upbringing, Saoire had somehow found a perfect balance between practical and fantastical in her design that made it quite charming to look at.
Real shame it was on fire. Made it a lot harder to appreciate all that stuff.
There was one other thing though - the flickering amber flames steadily growing from Saoire's School made it much more apparent that there was a distinct lack coming from somewhere else. The second thing anyone with at least one functioning eye and a third of their higher brain functions would notice if they were anywhere near Faldrass Island. The volcano. Faldrass itself, embodied. Normally it should have been glowing with a faint light, thrumming in some alien way with life. It wasn't, though. The volcano was dark and silent like the night, almost as if whatever was inside had left entirely.
Nir'wei turned back to the ships, just to make sure that they were still there and nothing had left them yet. Was he too late - had they been circling around from the other side of the island and were preparing to depart? Or was he just seeing a very small part of a very big puzzle. That would explain why nothing made sense. "So, they're organised." The Serenity Gardens was a strange place to invade, but Saoire's Dream was a hell of a place to storm. The volcano, he would have said likewise of, except it was dark... that couldn't be good. His thoughts immediately moved elsewhere, to other obvious targets he couldn't make out from this distance. The Faldrass Barony, for one. The settlements of the island, Haven and Hopetoun, for two more. Those would make the most sense to attack, surely, since they had plenty of people?
Whatever was happening over the island, he needed eyes - and he needed presence, before he decided where to move.
"Greyhide, Cold, Vabina - Volcano. Sovar, Myrth, Nox - Saoire's Dream. Squeak, Barony. Castile, Arle, Haven. Kin, Bachu, Hopetoun."
They scattered into their teams and wasted no time, sprinting to their destinations at full pelt... with the exception of Sovar, Myrth, and Nox. Nir'wei's outstretched hand called upon his connectionTelka: School Gateway to the school to form a personal gateway and send them there immediately.
At that moment, he also felt a hum at his hip, and after fishing about for a few moments inside, he found an echo scroll. He didn't really remember shoving it in there... or, come to that matter, where he'd even picked it up from. Apparently though, his hunch had been right... and it was worse than he'd thought, too. They weren't just attacking Faldrass, they were attacking Sweetwine too. Did that mean they were at Almund? Scalvoris Town? What about Faith? ... Shit, what about Beacon?
They'd be fine. He had to assume they'd be fine, until he could handle Faldrass and ensure that it was safe. Then he'd head there immediately. Faith would probably sneeze and half the armada would crumble to dust... he just had to hold off until the other half surrendered and begged for mercy. That in mind, he pulled out a writing kit from his bag and hastily scrawled a reply - if nothing else since he had a spare moment. "Gaddwin, can you give me a little light here? ... and while you're out, tell me, can you still feel Faldrass?"
Six ships on Faldrass. They must like me more than you.
Setting fires too. Faldrass is cold. Watch out.
Please tell me if Faith is safe and Beacon is okay.
1. Nir'wei spots the ships.
2. He travels to the shoreline nearest to the boats - along the way he has his wolves hunt and kill a Red Cervan (local deer) and tear it into chunks so that by the time he lands, he has a ready supply of meat. He uses a Charm of Detect Life to spot them and his animals use Alpha Evolution, Dire Evolution and Heart of the Pack to make this possible.
3. Nir'wei uses this meat to befriend the local Muter Fish, Drowners, and Northern Sea Wolves at the shoreline using his capstone One Of Us. He works them into a feeding frenzy that they will then spread to all other animals within the area through One Of Us - setting a trap to ambush the pirates the moment they disembark.
4. He then sets up his bow and quiver, ready to snipe off anyone that avoids the ambush.
5. Nir'wei spots the two curveballs. Greyhide [Alpha Wolf], Cold [Beta Wolf] and Vabina [Zephyrus] go to the Faldrass Volcano. Sovar [Veldurs Wolf], Myrth [Beta Wolf] and Nox [Scython] go to Saoire's Dream through his Telka ability School Gateway. Squeak [Omega Wolf] is sent to the Faldrass Barony. Castile [Omega Wolf] and Arle [Hyx] go to Haven. Kin [Omega Wolf] and Bachu [Hyx] go to Hopetoun. Nir'wei uses the information relayed by each wolf telepathically to determine the condition of each location, while Traveller stands at the ready. Nir'wei remains behind with Traveller [Sohr Khal], Cyshe [Warden Spirit], Gaddwin [Forged Spirit] and Archailist [Sev'ryn Familiar] as company.
2. He travels to the shoreline nearest to the boats - along the way he has his wolves hunt and kill a Red Cervan (local deer) and tear it into chunks so that by the time he lands, he has a ready supply of meat. He uses a Charm of Detect Life to spot them and his animals use Alpha Evolution, Dire Evolution and Heart of the Pack to make this possible.
3. Nir'wei uses this meat to befriend the local Muter Fish, Drowners, and Northern Sea Wolves at the shoreline using his capstone One Of Us. He works them into a feeding frenzy that they will then spread to all other animals within the area through One Of Us - setting a trap to ambush the pirates the moment they disembark.
4. He then sets up his bow and quiver, ready to snipe off anyone that avoids the ambush.
5. Nir'wei spots the two curveballs. Greyhide [Alpha Wolf], Cold [Beta Wolf] and Vabina [Zephyrus] go to the Faldrass Volcano. Sovar [Veldurs Wolf], Myrth [Beta Wolf] and Nox [Scython] go to Saoire's Dream through his Telka ability School Gateway. Squeak [Omega Wolf] is sent to the Faldrass Barony. Castile [Omega Wolf] and Arle [Hyx] go to Haven. Kin [Omega Wolf] and Bachu [Hyx] go to Hopetoun. Nir'wei uses the information relayed by each wolf telepathically to determine the condition of each location, while Traveller stands at the ready. Nir'wei remains behind with Traveller [Sohr Khal], Cyshe [Warden Spirit], Gaddwin [Forged Spirit] and Archailist [Sev'ryn Familiar] as company.