Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

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Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Melrath Roster

Rebirth 723

Welcome to the Nation Valley of Melrath. Home of the Ancient Induks, proof that Mortals can make it with out the Immortals. In this land of struggle we would like to know which pc are here so that all may reach out to each other and see craft our stories together. Please sign in here first.

Thank you

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[style=margins: auto; padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;  color: #ffffff; opacity: .8;]  
[align=center][size=300][googlefont=Tangerine]Roster Sign-Up[/googlefont][/size][/align]
[hr][googlefont=IM Fell Great Primer]

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Resident or Visiting:[/b]
[b]If visiting about when:[/b]
[b]Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses:[/b]
[b]Likes to Thread About:[/b]
[b]Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?):[/b]
[b]Character Goals:[/b]  What does your character want most this season and long term?
[b]Mod Bombs?:[/b] Are you open to having a mod drop into your thread without warning?  Should I ask first?
[b]Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: [/b] 
[b]Anything the Mod can help you with?:[/b]

[style=margin: auto 20px auto; max-width: 1000px; height: 25%][/style]

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name: Sam Rasvima
Race: Aukari
Resident or Visiting: Visiting for now
If visiting about when: Arriving on Ashan 104 along with the Aukari refugees
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: None at the moment!
Profession: Priest
Likes to Thread About: Philosophy, Politics, Romance, and most anything
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): None at the moment!
Character Goals: Help establish the Aukari community in Melrath. Decide if he wants to stay or return to Sirothelle to help those left behind
Mod Bombs?: Mod bombs always welcome! No need to ask, just pop right in!
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Political maneuvering/public facing positions up for grabs
Anything the Mod can help you with?: Nothing I can think of, but I'll let you know if that changes.

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name: Lykla Gofrith
Race: Biqaj
Resident or Visiting: Resident
If visiting about when: N/A
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: Not yet.
Profession: Gentleman don't work. Soon to become an Aesir possibly.
Likes to Thread About: Adventure, treasure, exploration.
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): Not really.
Character Goals: He wants to find the Starblade (his starter quest) and also to follow some other leads and riddles that were provided by the wonderful Brent Forrester.
Mod Bombs?: Yes don't feel like you need to ask.
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Shelly Gofrith and interaction with other players.
Anything the Mod can help you with?: The calendar looks great, and thanks for all the the help you've already given!

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Brent Forrester
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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name: Brent Forrester
Race: Human
Resident or Visiting: Returning Resident
If visiting about when:
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: N/A - Slight affinity to Svariella (a cosmetic mutation of iridescent/rainbow skin on chest when wet)
Profession: Cartographer / Engineer
Likes to Thread About: Exploration and creation
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): "Meet & Greets" and excessive fighting
Character Goals: Brent's themes for this season are: Longing, Family, and Exploration. I haven't yet figured out how to accommodate my roleplay hiatus in terms of Brent's story on ST but these will definitely be general themes for him.
Mod Bombs?: Ask please. Since my roleplay availability is somewhat limited, I'd like to have a sense of whether I can manage to write a significant plot arc / twist.
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: I really like your calendar and at the moment I don't have anything to add.
Anything the Mod can help you with?: I may need help figuring out how to bridge the gap regarding my roleplay hiatus.

Aside: If I'm cautious about starting threads, it's nothing about your character or not wanting to roleplay with you. I'm just quite aware of my limited time availability and I don't want to make the mistake of overextending myself. I would also have a preference in helping out the site in other ways, like city development, because I like the idea of having a lasting impact rather than focusing as much on my PC.

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

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Character Name: Rey'na
Race: Mortalborn of Lisirra
Resident or Visiting: Resident (As of a few years ago)
If visiting about when:
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: Favored Celarion, Favored Bellinos, Novice Hone
Profession: Skadiri
Likes to Thread About: Working in the military, anything involving spirits, combat is always a win
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): Nothing in particular
Character Goals: Move past her past, progress with her new life. Maybe meet the Dark Mother
Mod Bombs?: Any time!
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Nothing in particular
Anything the Mod can help you with?: Potentially a new magic, we shall see

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name: Shure
Race: Mer
Resident or Visiting: Resident
If visiting about when:
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: None for now (We shall see with PSF)
Profession: Crab Trapper
Likes to Thread About: Anything really as long as it's somewhat planned though preference for exploration or something actiony since social will be difficult
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): I think meet and greets since not sure where those proceed
Character Goals: What does your character want most this season and long term? Short term learn to talk maybe read. Maybe if time permits, find a place to call home
Mod Bombs?: Are you open to having a mod drop into your thread without warning? Should I ask first? Yes no need to ask.
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Can't think of anything right now
Anything the Mod can help you with?: I think events if I choose to take em. Calendar seems interesting we'll see where this goes

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name: Astruviel
Race: Cadouri Ghost (Echo)
Resident or Visiting: Resident, Anchored to a locket belonging to his Ex-Husband, an Aesir Shaman
If visiting about when:
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses:
Profession: Dreamsayer, someone who helps people experience dreams - Unpaid, RIP Ghost Doubloons!
Likes to Thread About: Anything and everything!
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): Nope. Novelty and chaos help me to explore more frames of mind and being.
Character Goals: Astruviel has forgotten his husband and is trying to figure out why the locket - one of his Anchors - belongs to another fox. Other than this, he is motivated by dreams, enjoys spirits and nature, and he's concerned with his own survival when it comes to ghost hunters and other ghosts.
Mod Bombs?: I have a 'mood' for most stories I write. Ask me about that mood before mod bombing, unless it's an Open Thread, then go wild.
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Sure. Spirits. Lots and lots and lots of spirits.
Anything the Mod can help you with?: Anything I can help you with?

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name:Saevar
Race: Sev'ryn
Resident or Visiting: What do you mean, Outlander? Native and never leaving.
If visiting about when: Myrkvior's Forest and Fensalir most often.
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: He has a familiar from his Sev'rynness.
Profession: Witch Hunter
Likes to Thread About: Hunting, wilderness adventures, combat, action, investigation, supernatural stuff etc.
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): Not really
Character Goals: This season, to survive. Long-term to purge the Outlander scum from Melrath.
Mod Bombs?: Yes
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Looking good.
Anything the Mod can help you with?: I'll let you know.

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Re: Rebirth 723 PC Roaster

Roster Sign-Up

Character Name: Irkall Krome
Race: Phantom (Mortalborn, Vri x Human)
Resident or Visiting: Visiting, but my anchor is stuck here
If visiting about when: Until I got my life back, I'm not going anywhere
Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: Necromancy but I can't use it coz I'm a ghost
Profession: Professional bad guy - they don't hire ghosts elsewhere sadly :(
Likes to Thread About: Basically anything tbh!
Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): Not much emotional stuff for Irkall. Not coz I dislike it, just coz he's not the emotional sort
Character Goals: Come back to life some day, learn all the ghosty skills, perhaps spread some evil influence while I'm here
Mod Bombs?: Mod bomb away!
Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Nope! Some opportunity for villains maybe but I'm sure I can work stuff out
Anything the Mod can help you with?: Not as of now!

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