• Solo • Who Better?

18th of Saun, 722

18th of Saun 722

With the escalation of hostilities between Etzos and Rhakros, a series of small walled towns is being established as a network of early warnings and defenses against Rhakros' reprisals. Only the very bravest and most formidable of characters should risk themselves on the Witches' Wilds frontier.

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Who Better?


18th of Saun, 722
Garrison, Westguard

They were tired and bruised. They dripped sweat and blood. They were doubled over, panting and bleary-eyed. But none of them were backing away. He would not allow it. He who was still standing straight, face shining with sweat... and smirking. The bastard.

"Again! With some fuckin' effort this time!"

The soldiers straightened back up. Chests heaving. Every breath burning. Suns merciless and mocking above the training yard. Across from them, the mage pointed at them with his training sword. His other arm was seemingly covered by an oval maybe three feet by two feet, making the flesh and blood behind it shimmer and cloud. He'd been maintaining it for about five solid bits now, and showed no signs of Overstepping.

As if reading their minds, the old man chuckled.

"Nah. You'll tire 'afore me Sparks, ladies. Y'ain't gonna wait 'em out. Gotta wear 'em down."

From across the yard, there was the subtle sound of china on china. What one would call a "distinguished gentleman" set down his saucer and continued to watch the display. Those were his personal guards out there, getting their arses tanned like raw recruits. Next to him, Flightmaster Nader sat almost to attention, for he was very much the sort of man who can manage that while sitting down. The older man with the clean-shaven faced grunted and frowned at the sight.

"Your man hardly fights like a warrior, do he?"

Nader couldn't suppress the snort of amusement. That word did not belong to Kasoria. Gifted as he was in all manner of death and pain, his expression was... far too pragmatic and unromantic to be that of a "warrior". At least the kind that he'd been raised almost from birth to aspire to. Then the moment passed, and his amusement vanished, as he reminded himself what Kasoria was instead.

"Whatever works, sir. I told you I would provide an accurate representation of a mage on the battlefield, using but two disciplines of magic-"

"We do have casters in the Army, Nader."

"Aye, sir. But our men don't know how to fight them. What's the standing order? 'Leave it to the casters', hmm? That won't always be good enough. Forewarned is forearmed, sir."

The Flightmaster gestured to the old man, lean and still and immovable. Four men younger, bigger, and stronger closed in on him. Yet to all who looked, it seemed like chickens rushing a dragon.

"Consider this our warning."
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Re: Who Better?

"You're sure you understand the parameters of this demonstration?"


"... are you sure?"

A black-eyed glance that could have frozen piss in mid-stream was all the answer Nader got that time. Lips curled up in distaste, he looked away rather than invite any more of it. Kasoria didn't push the issue, either. From a distance, one could almost think the two of them were on... professional, if frosty terms. In truth, they bloody hated each other and that wasn't about to change, but right now, Nader needed the Raggedy Man. For his part, Kasoria was... admittedly curious.

Change of pace, if nothing else.

"Those assembled, teeeeeeeen-SHUN!"

The sound of fifty heels slamming to the cobbles at once crashed around the courtyard. Two lines of uniformed militia came to smartly, spears held straight, shields lashed to their back, sword and dagger on their belts. In front of them, flanked by his personal bodyguard, a man nearly Kasoria's age swept his gaze across the assembly. Eventually, after an appropriate amount of time, he nodded.

"Fine assembly, Flightmaster," the visitor said, and Nader snapped a salute. "You do yourself and Etzos proud with this display." Then his eyes found Kasoria. "... for the most part."

Kasoria blinked at him with all the discomfort of a cat basking in the sun. He'd had nobs give him shit before and that one barely registered. He was doing his job and keeping his nose clean and that was what mattered. In fact, he was doing it so damn well that Nader had a "brilliant" idea. One that made Kasoria roll his eyes once he'd heard it and snort louder when the idea was floated to him "purely out of educational and patriotic purposes".

He'd been long a creature of shadow and coin, after all. Such lofty sentiments didn't come easily to him. And yet, once it was all revealed, all explained... he itched. He was intrigued. He saw the challenge.

"You've come a long way, Shieldarm. We didn't want it to be for nothing."

"Yes, the demonstration you promised me in your letters."

The man clasped his hands together and walked down the ranks. He took his time, inspecting each man in turn. Eyes bright and sharp, moving faster than Kasoria expected. He could see the calluses on his fingers. The scars on his cheek he wore proudly, no beard or chops to cover them. Kasoria allowed himself a half-smile. One thing about Lissira that he appreciated? It cast all the fighting forces of Etzos into the crucible. Competency and tenacity were the only things that saved a man; arse-kissing and politicking weren't enough. By the end of it, a man wearing an Army of Etzos uniform, at any rank, had fucking well proved himself. He'd stared down madmen and monsters and bandits and rebels and traitors and he had not broken. He might have lost a finger, a hand, a leg, an eye, but he'd rose to the challenge.

Shieldarm Cordys Henneheim. Thirteen-arc veteran. Born of the Citadel, to be sure, but no strings pulled as far as anyone could tell. Then commander of his own Shield during the invasion. Formation shattered. Reformed. Shattered again. Reformed a third time and marched to Rhakros. The Thrice-Formed of Etzos, they called themselves. Built around a hard core of thrice-lucky survivors who'd marched back from Rhakros... and Henneheim at the center of them.

Like Nader. Hard to hate the cunt.

"Casters are already a known and well-valued part of the Army, Flightmaster," Henneheim said airily, as if quoting a military treatise. "As force multipliers, more than anything else. Able to form shields for front line troops, transmute the ground under the enemy, even launch flame and water and wind at them. Not to mention bedazzling their minds and performing healing acts once the battle is over. And let's not forget those mages able to apply their ether to navigation and-"

"Beg your pardon, sir, but do you know how to fight one?"

The Shieldarm stopped. He blinked a few times at the brazen question. Kasoria had to stifle a smirk when he answered, "Not really, but I know how to kill one, Flightmaster."

"They're mortal men and women, sir, just like us. Killing them is just sticking the steel in the right place. But having the will and skill to face one without breaking, without freezing... some of our men know that. Casters were deployed against us by Lisirra, of course. But not enough. I want combat against mages to be part of the training for the Amy. I think... I know, it can serve our men well."

Henneheim stopped and rocked back on his heels briefly. He looked more amused than insulted. As if the idea was... promising, but more fantasy than reality. But Kasoria knew that expression. He was a man who wanted to be convinced... so long as the explanation was iron fucking solid.

"You said yourself, they're mortal creatures. As vulnerable to an arrow or a sword as anyone else. So if the men know how to swing steel and shoot, as a unit and not just a single soldier, why waste time teaching them anymore?"

"It's one thing to pretend, another to have your sparring partner start throwing spells around."

"Point... but you underestimate the number of Casters in service, Flightmaster. You may have a handful here you can coax into sparring sessions, but for what you suggest to work, we'd need to increase our numbers considerably. And elevate them to instructor level." The amusement left the old man's eyes. The cold, sober weight of politics was left instead. A filthy cancer eating at any honest military. "I need not tell you that certain interests in the higher reaches of Etzos would not allow that."

"Not so many as one would think, sir. I'm sure not enough to... cause any changes that would upset existing arrangements."

Kasoria made a soft little snorting sound that passed for laughter. More a politician than he thought, his boss. Henneheim shot him a quick, venomous look and worked his lips from side to side. Like he was trying to dislodge something between his teeth.

"You mentioned a demonstration, Flightmaster."

"Of what such training would resemble, sir. And why we need it."

"Who would be training?"

"Your personal guard, sir. All veterans of Rhakros. Seasoned and true."

Henneheim's eyebrows shot up and he smiled. "Bit of a rough go for your mage, though, what?"

"I think he'll handle himself."

"Oh? Whom be he?"

Nader jerked his thumb to his side. Kasoria smiled. Not at him. Not at Henneheim. At his men.

Aye. Me.
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He wasn't lying about understanding what was expected of him. The parameters and restrictions. He doubted Nader actually doubted he did, too. But there was that... uncertainty, in the man's voice. Like he was talking less to a man and more a trained animal who was liable to go berserk and just start eating people regardless. As annoying as that got, Kasoria had to admit he could understand his fears. Restraint wasn't something he'd been required to exert over the course of his "career". Quite the opposite.

Now you're a teacher, not a scratcher. So don't kill your students, and don't batter them so badly they hate you more than they remember the lesson.

"Mark Kasoria? How stand ye?"

Again, a fission of tension in the Flightmaster's tone. As if the question weren't just perfunctory, and was truly asking if he was ready not just to act, but to restrain himself. Kasoria slid his gaze over to the man and raised his training sword. A heavy, oak gladius that he made the recruits work with. The four men in front of him had no such scruples. They wielded swords and axes, two of them carrying shields. The courtyard was clear now, save for the five of them. Nader and Heinneheim had retired to the commander's balcony watching over the yard. The rest of the soldiers lined the walls, backs flush to them, both to escape the suns and whatever flailing metal, flying flesh, or lashing magicks that were to be seen.

Kasoria could sense their excitement. Most had never seen him do this. Just his skill with mundane brutality.

Well. Gonna get a show totrial.

He lowered he sword and looked at the men across from him. Hard-faced bastards all. Survivors of the Invasion, the Siege, and the Vengeance. Grim and unsmiling they were, but Kasoria couldn't see the usual disdain that dripped from the faces of professional soldiers when they spoke to him. These men were more... practical, he supposed. Informed by experience. And these men? Oh, he knew these men had seen him wield his Sparks. Slaughtering the defenders of Rhakros. Butchering Sintra's followers in the Crescent Arena. Just like them.

He nodded to the, adding just the hint of a bow in the gesture. To a man, they returned it.

"Right, lads," he said, willing his Abrogation into his free arm and whispering a simple command. "Let's 'ave it."

At the last word his ether burst from his arm like a fountain and immediately solidified into a large, round shield that covered his arm from hand to bicep. It looked like the round wood-and-leather jobs they'd seen others carry. His other hand flourished the training sword and by the time it stopped moving-

-his body had snapped low and on guard. He smiled, yet it was another, shadow intelligence that rumbled with pleasure inside him. Leashed and listless for so long, his Spark finally got out to play. That one of his that so relished protecting him.

"When yer ready."
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Re: Who Better?

There was no talk for some time, once it began. Not commentary or curses or questions. Just the grunt of exertion, the crack of metal and wood, the sizzle of bound ether being deployed, and the echoes of all bouncing off the stone walls. Nader and Heinneheim took their tea from an orderly, though Nader's was left cold after the first sip.

He'd heard tell of Kasoria's magic. But he'd yet to see it in person. Now that he was...

Fates. And this is him restraining himself...

The Shieldarm's guards came at him as one unit, front and flanks, with the fourth circling around even further. Kasoria threw up his arm and his Shield absorbed a blow from the left, gladius flashing to the side to ward off a thrust from the right, swayed and stepped sharply back-

-avoiding the blow from the front that sought to take his head off-

-no chance to retaliate, though. Not green, these men. They didn't overreach, didn't commit too much. They were cautious and canny fighters, and most of all, they knew his reputation. Only a fool would mix it up point blank with Kasoria and hope to survive it. Faces set in grim masks that matched his own, they made their strikes then stepped away, looking for another opening, but-

Always one on the attack. Forcing his attention. Keeping him occupied for a blow, a riposte, maybe another, before backing off and letting someone else take over.

Kasoria knew the dance, though. He shuffled and sidestepped, keeping his Shield up and protecting his side while he slid about the courtyard. Trying to keep at least two of them at his front all the time. Mage or man or Immortal, one was always most vulnerable from the back. His Spark hissed at him to start forming personal fields around him, layers of replicative ether that would armor him like shimmering, hardened air... but not yet. This part of the demonstration wasn't over yet.

An ax swung at him from the side and instead of blocking he took a long step into the guard, gladius shooting up and smacking it away-

-too close to disengage, the soldier yelped as Kasoria's riposte cracked into his shoulder and drove him back, ax hanging by his fingertips-


His Shield almost shattered as another ax hammered into it, beefy bastard behind it breathing heavy as he drove all his strength into it. Kasoria permitted himself a wolfish grin: the Shield held. Movement from his front sent him swaying back away from a short sword, wielder nearly invisible behind his own shield save for burning eyes. Kasoria feinted high, keeping the ax-man away with his Shield, then lunged-

-aiming low, gladius sweeping and pounding into the middle of the man's shin, under the protection of his shield-

-another yelp, but no curses. He wobbled, but did not fall, yet it was enough-

-for Kasoria to left up his leg and hammer a front kick into the shield, hips shooting forwards to lend yet more strength to the blow-

-sending the swordsman staggering and then falling back as that ax came at him again-


This time when the ax landed, it shattered the Shield into cascading, twinkling pieces of ether... but the force of it was sent straight back to the ax-man. With no time even to gasp, the man was thrown back as if kicked by a giant. Kasoria enjoyed that one. It cost him the Shield and made his arm tingle numbly for a few trills, but it was worth it. He spun to face the final man, who'd of course-

Managed to get behind you. That's the name of the game.

Kasoria braced himself as the shield crashed into him and nearly knocked him off his feet. This one wasn't going to risk going sword to sword: he wanted to hammer Kasoria down to the dirt and then take his chances with a blade. Smart boy. But not quite strong enough. Kasoria skittered and skidded across the ground but did not fall... although he did wave his sword arm around, making it look like he might, up on one foot...

C'mon... c'mon...

The soldier fell for it. Convinced Kasoria was on the edge of falling he charged, sword up, grinning in victory, sweeping at him diagonally-

Kasoria found his feet. Planted them squarely and leaped-


-willing a pulse of ether into the air next to him, absorbing the blow from the sword, his own wooden gladius hammering down-

-smacking into the forearm of the soldier, making him drop his sword, grabbing at his lip of his shield with his free hand and yanking-

-pulling the man closer-


-into a headbutt that was definitely not on the curriculum at most of the weapon instructors with the Army of Etzos. The man went stumbling back, nose bloody but not broken. Probably. Kasoria backed up again, willing a fresh Shield into life, hovering above his left arm as before. The four men panted and spat and nursed their wounds in front of him. He allowed himself a smile... and looked up to the balcony.

Flightmaster and Shieldarm was watching intently. Nader gave a short nod, and Kasoria returned it.

Time to ramp it up.

"Again! With some fuckin' effort this time!"

And on they came...
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One Spark growled and rejoiced within him; the other was silent, but sullen. Kasoria still hadn't the language to properly articulate what or even how the Sparks that spawned his magic interacted with him. All he knew was that they did. They were shadows of his own intellect, manifestations of his instincts. One was protective, paranoid, aggressive. The other was curious, courageous in its desire to know more, ever-questioning... but neither could ever voice these feelings. They were just that: feelings. Echoes of a consciousness that was, he suspected, jut his own. Magnified singled out, yet still ever-indistinct.

Yearning. The Transmutation wanted to come out and play. Kasoria beat it back down. No. Not yet.

Abrogation heard this (or felt it, or... whatever) and purred, like goosebumps under his flesh.

Aye. Time to show them more.

Heinneheim's guards came at him with redoubled fury. Casting off wounds and exhaustion, determined to overwhelm him. It was a good strategy: the best kind to use against a mage, in fact. All but the most frighteningly talented could be swamped by enemies. They needed time and space to cast their magic, even if it was just trills. Kasoria could see the brutal logic of their onslaught.

Some die. One or two live to put the steel in me.

Brave bastards.

With a yell, Kasoria raised his gladius high and slammed it into the ground. A theatrical touch, yes, but it served a purpose. This was a demonstration, after all. With a flash the air in front of him hardened, a Barrier the size of barn doors in their path. They didn't even try to get through it, and were wary of smashing steel into it, after that Backlash incident. So they did what they had to do, but hated to.

Split up.

They came at him two from each side, yelling all the way. Kasoria threw out his arm and the Shield above it faded and vanished like ice turned into steam. But the moment his focs moved away from that-

-the two men at his right yelped as the air around their feet turned to mud, then dirt, then iron. They fell like children tripped on the run, without any grace or warning. With them down, Kasoria turned and saw-

-an ax, spinning towards his chest-


He jumped back as he screamed he word in his head. The barrier was flung up an instant before the whirling weapon reached him. With a clang and an electric hiss it bounced away and now there was more noise. Heinneheim jerked up from his seat and barked something. Kasoria didn't hear it. They weren't playing now. They were trying to kill him. The former ax man yanked a couple of daggers from his back and flipped one, ready to throw. His eyes seeming to turn even blacker, Kasoria flicked, flicked his hand towards the man-

Fine. No holding back.

He tried to scream, but didn't have the time. The air around Knifeman's neck solidified and tightened like a noose. Next to him, his partner hesitated in his run, staring in horror at his friend's face changing color as he went higher and higher. Around them the air buzzed with noise, a score of voices raised in shock and horror. They knew the Raggedy Man was dangerous. But this?

"Mark Kasoria?! Stop this!"

There was noise behind him. The first two, tripped but not downed, trying to get back up. Without taking his eyes off the two in front of him, Kasoria swept his sword to the side-

-and the two soldiers were slammed back down to the ground, as if monsters sat on their backs. Shackle. He loved Shackle. Such a simple notion, but so many ways to use it. The last man standing turned away from his choking comrade and looked to him, Shield and sword raised-

-the air around him became like granite as Kasoria pointed at him with his gladius. His arms snapped to his sides as if chains were wrapped around him and with a furious slash to the side-

-he hurled Last Man away, sending him crashing into the wall with a cacophony of clattering metal and bruising flesh.


The words came to him from very far away. Nothing seemed to exist outside of this small space where he and the four of them existed. But now there was a world beyond. Now there were dozens of stunned, frightened, envious, and horrified eyes looking at him. Above them, men with stern eyes and unforgiving natures looked down... and he remembered that he still had his orders.

Cunts started it.

Since when does that matter?

Kasoria snapped his fingers, and all trace of his ether vanished from the yard. If one had the sight for it, they could see it dissipate log fog or retreat back into him. Either way, the effects on those suffering it were relieved in a instant. Knifeman fell to the dirt and started heaving in lungfuls of air. The Tripped Two started to get up groggily, backs sore and faces red. Only Kasoria was still standing... and he looked up at Nader and the one above them both without shame.

"Yeh won'an encore?"
Last edited by Kasoria on Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 881
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Re: Who Better?

Oooooh, someone's in trou-ble...

Kasoria rested his head back on the stone behind him and wished his brain would just shut the fuck up for a trill. He felt like a boy sent to the headmaster's office. He was even waiting outside one, sitting on a hard wooden stool, while raised voices volleyed back and forth beyond the door. Fates, but he'd been stupid. He'd risen to the damn bait. Allowed himself to be goaded until letting slip the full force of his Abrogation.

Well... not all of it. But I doubt they'll give a shit.

He sighed again, staring up at the ceiling. Nader would jump at this, he was sure of it. He'd come an inch away from killing those two wankers a break ago. Would have, too, had he not been stopped. A solid arc of work and effort and lessons and telling himself every trial not to make waves or provoke needlessly, and here he was. The only surprising thing was that he wasn't already in irons.

Then he dropped his head back down to stare at the face across the room from him. Also waiting.

Well... the second surprising thing.

The four guards that Heinneheim had put into the yard with him were arrayed along the opposite wall. Every one of them bore expressions that screamed savage murder. If thinking alone could conjure reality, the room would have been a torture chamber worthy of the most savage Immortal. Kasoria ignored them, and with little effort. He'd been stared down by scarier sorts. The only one he gave his true attention to was the ax-wielding prick who'd tried to kill him. And that's what it had been. No way to talk around that. You didn't hurl an ax into a man's back to knock him out.

Aye, he thought, locking eyes with the man and smirking slightly at the livid red ring around his neck. Come try that shite again when you're ready, cunt.


"-solutely not the bloody point, Nader!"

Heinneheim's roar was half-swallowed by the sound of his fist crashing into the desk of the office. Kasoria flicked a glance at the door, as if looking at it would improve his hearing. He could make out Nader, still calm and clipped, not rising to the bait of his superior's outrage and thinking (wrongly) that admitted him some of the same. He was too savvy an officer for that. Kasoria could picture him, standing to attention, absorbing the Shieldarm's anger and indignation and clinically making his points without hurry. Fates, but he was almost starting to consider admiring the man.

"Mark Kasoria? Enter!"

The former Raggedy Man lurched upright and gave a slow, deliberate wink at the Ax-Man. The man bared his teeth and started up but his friend held him back. Not now. Not with the bosses only a door away. Unable to stop himself, Kasoria gave them a grin by way of a final spit in the eye, then squared his shoulders and stepped inside.

The scene was much as he had expected. Heinneheim had annexed his subordinate's desk and as quietly fuming behind it. Nader stood ramrod straight in front of him. His only movement was a brief snap of his eyes, acknowledging Kasoria's entry, then going back to staring intently at a space half a foot above his superior's head. Kasoria walked up next to him and stood to attention. Which of course looked like a lax, louche, indifferent attempt next to Nader, but still... it was the thought that counted.

Heinneheim seemed to note the difference immediately. He scowled at Kasoria as if he were the core of all his worldly woes. But Kasoria sensed some... conflict, across his face. As if he weren't giving full vent to his disdain. Hiding it behind discipline and... reluctance?

"You could have easily killed those two men, Mark Kasoria. And I don't mean that you could have easily accidentally killed them. I know your reputation. It was only my personal intervention that stayed your hand."

Kasoria wasn't about to argue the minutiae of that statement. He stared ahead and kept his answers short: "Yessir."

"I would have thought a man of your... experience-" Oh, just say 'old', you tedious twat. "-would have learned well enough to restrain his abilities so such incidents did not-"

"Yer man tried to plant an ax in my back, sir."

The air turned yet more frosty. Heinneheim's jaw tightened. Kasoria met his gaze.

"Name me a liar if t'ain't so, sir."

There was a long silence. Broken only by the shouts of instructors and the exertions of recruits. Seven trials out of seven, the garrison trained boys and churned out soldiers. Kasoria could even make out certain names he recognized. Even there, in that office, in that moment, memories of their strengths and flaws came unbidden to him. This was his job, after all.

"... you are not, Mark Kasoria. Whatever else you are."

Couldn't help yourself, could you?

"My man will be reprimanded for his behavior totrial. This was to be a demonstration, a training session with a plot, as it were. Instead he turned it into something worthy of a court martial through his stupidity. I doubt it will go so far, given his distinguished record, but for what it is worth..."

Kasoria waited patiently for an apology. None came. Much as he had suspected. Because that man was of a "distinguished" background, a veteran of Rhakros, a hero of Etzos. He was just the Raggedy Man, and even a blatant act of attempted murder could be... overlooked, if the man attempting it was of the right sort. He ached to spew all these thoughts and more, but held his tongue. He took Nader's example, damn him, and let it go.

Because it isn't forgotten. It's remembered. Just like how you chose not to kick up a fuss is remembered. Nobs appreciate that shite. A man who knows his place.

And didn't that burn most of all?

"Your demonstration was, by the by, quite impressive. And that was but one of the disciplines you have mastered, yes?"


"Transmutation and Abrogation?"


"You can use them both at once?"


A longer pause between the next question. "You could have killed all four without even moving, couldn't you?"


No pause.

Shieldarm Heinneheim had to struggle not to squirm in his seat. Those black eyes made him want to hide in a hole. The constantly roving blue-white mass prowling under the man's skin. The writhing black chains on his bare arms. Odds were something horrible was under those gloves he never removed, too. He was magical power and mundane lethality both, but it was his gaze, his manner than worried him most of all.

Thank the Fates he's killing for us, he thought to himself.

"Would've drained some outta me, sir. An' I'd have had t'move, as in, me arms and such. But I wouldn't 'ave needed any weapons. An' I doubt they'd put a scratch on me."

Heinneheim stood abruptly, if not forcefully. Some decision had been made in the canny old sod's head. He cast a last look at Nader... and gave a sigh hat managed to be both sarcastic and congratulatory.

"You have my answer, Flightmaster. You were right. We are unprepared, and this knowledge needs to be disseminated amongst the rank and file."


The man spared both of them a look, then stood to attention and gave them a salute. They returned it as one, and kept it up until he was out the door. Only when it closed again did the air seem to thin, the tension drain from it, and they permitted themselves to almost sag away from each other.

"Arrogant sod."

"Aye, an' yeh knew that when yeh hired me on, so-"

"I was talking about him, Kasoria."

Now Kasoria was officially surprised. The silence after Nader stretched to after he sat back in his chair, after he tidied up some papers, and until he realized Kasoria wasn't going to give him a response. So instead he sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and explained himself.

"We're not friends, Kasoria, and we never will be. But you're under my command, and when some bully-boy general staff thug tries to murder one of my men, I take that seriously. So of course I took your side when he wanted you drummed out. And I'm as bloody angry as you, knowing that disgrace Jagdson-"

Jagdson. Jagdson attached to the staff of Shieldarm Heinneheim.

"-won't even be going up on charges for it!"

He was practically shouting by the end, and Kasoria's expression said more than his words could. Nader managed a tired chuckle and a a hand through his hair.

"Still... our objective was accomplished. He understands the need to expand basic training to include mage combat."

Kasoria sat without asking if he could. He started rummaging for his pipe without asking, either. But he still bothered to ask, "Permission t'speak freely?"


"Dunno what good that'll do overall, sir. Best tactic fer a normal man t'kill a mage? Don't try. Run, and find a way t'scratch 'em when they ain't lookin'. Onna battlefield, though? When yeh can't do that? Jus' have t'advance and face-to-face it?" He shook his head slowly. "Youse saw me out there. That didn't work for 'em. Even when they got dirty an' all I had wasn a stick."

"Not all mages are at your level of skill, Kasoria. You are a master in two fields-"

"Even an expert or a sharp-minded middler could be lethal t'those boys out there. Distance an' blindsides, dat's how yeh fight mages. Unless youse 'ave yer own."

Nader settled back in his chair. If they had been friends, he might have smiled in that moment. But they weren't. So he didn't.

"Lucky we have you, then."

"Aye," Kasoria said, lighting his pipe. "Yeh are."
word count: 1721
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Pig Boy
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Re: Who Better?


RPG Rewards:


  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 10
  • Knowledges:
    • Abrogation: Abrogation - Shackle: Tripping Targets by Hardening the Air at their Feet
    • Politics: Politics: Collecting Favors By Not Making a Fuss
    • Tactics: Tactics (Master): Keeping Track of Multiple Opponents Simultaneously
    • Tactics: Tactics: Best Way to Kill a Mage? When They're Not Looking, or from Far Away
    • Tactics: Tactics: Using Magic to Split up Your Group of Enemies
    • Non-skill: NPC Jagdson: Personal Guard to Heinneheim, Tried to Kill Kasoria
    • Non-skill: NPC Nader: A Stiff Sod, But Protects His Men
    • Non-skill: NPC Nader: Believes Army Should be Better Prepared for Fighting Magic
    • Non-skill: NPC Shieldarm Heinneheim: High-Ranking Etzori Army Officer
    • Non-skill: NPC Shieldarm Heinneheim: Eventually Convinced the Army Needs to Learn More about Fighting Mages
    • Non-skill: NPC Shieldarm Heinneheim: Travels with a Personal Guard
Link to Review Request on the Forum: Standing Trials

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: Heya, magic use was good here, much improved from the prior drafts where he had his 'Darth Vader Scene' There's one passage that made me raise an eyebrow, wondering if you were using abrogation as a telekinesis (which isn't possible really through Abro)
-the air around him became like granite as Kasoria pointed at him with his gladius. His arms snapped to his sides as if chains were wrapped around him and with a furious slash to the side-

-he hurled Last Man away, sending him crashing into the wall with a cacophony of clattering metal and bruising flesh.
But it was vague enough that I suppose possibly Kasoria slammed him into the wall the conventional way. Still, just be aware that Abro can't be used to move people. At most form barriers/things to trip/tie them up maybe (shackle, you know it well).

Anyway, this was a fun action sequence, and a good opportunity to see just how effective Kasoria can be as a front-line fighter.

I do wonder if the Etzos military will have success in training their men to face domain and other forms of magic, though. Psychological preparedness is one thing, but knowing what they're capable of is also key.

Good job!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 388
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