• Closed • Desired Darkness II

1st of Cylus 722

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Desired Darkness II

1st of Cylus, Arc 722
Continued from here.
The first punch was too much force and emotion, and even though it struck true and Rozkia's head was thrown to the side she recovered quickly after taking a step back. Almost immediately she felt a trickle of blood from her nose and smiled. She wiped her face on her arm a sick smile taking over her face to replace her satisfied one. She looked at the yludih with a eyes that spoke volumes. The Naerikk chuckled as she stood back to full height, shaking free of her thoughts and emptying her mind of everything except her want to bloody the shifter before.

"The first ones free," she said pleasantly, though it didn't match her expression. She dug her heel into the yludih's foot, taking them by surprise before she punched them in the face, the collision with their should've been a satisfying squelch. Instead, pain blossomed on her hand and the thunk of hitting something rocklike met her ears. The yludih didn't bleed but instead emitted a strangely bright glow that stunned the Naer long enough for them to recover. They charged her - going low and circling arms around her torso to throw her to the floor of her house. Rozkia's head met the hardwood floors in harsh thud, bouncing back up before she lay still on the ground, eyes fluttering shut.

The shifter huffed from exertion, thier body not used to fighting so roughly if their breathing was any indication. Rozkia kept her eyes closed, strainer her ears for any sounds that might help her ploy. When the shifter moved off her, Rozkia continued to play unconscious until the shifter moved closer to her feet. She swept her out, then up, tripping them as she got to her feet clumsily to force their face against her wall. She pushed them with heavy force, things clattered to the ground in the scuffle and Rozkia's blood pumped with the need to best her current opponent.

The shifter rested their head against the wall for half a trill before throwing it back, smashing Roz's nose with enough force to stagger her as they pushed the Naer off them. Rozkia took a few steps bac with a grunt, but before the next blow could land she filled her cheeks with bloody spit and fired blindly at the shifter. They recoiled and Rozkia botted them in the chest with as much force as she could, causing them to grunt and crumble.

"Not very strong are you, little yludih?" The Naer spat with a sneer. Laying on the floor - crumpled and in pain, holding their injuries - Rozkia couldn't fathom how she'd been so nervous around them before. She circled the yludih carefully, who was just about kissing the floor as they tried to recover. She had questions that the faker could answer, and she'd pull them out with whatever means she had. Among the things that had fallen to the floor of the dark room or had gotten knocked over and thrashed was a single arrow. The rest had, thankfully, remained bound in their strapping.

Rozkia's eye gleamed as she knelt to pick it, taking slow steps as she knew that the yludih wouldn't be recovering any faster. "Now then, yludih," Rozkia began, forcing the now woman to her knees by her hair. "You're going to tell me what i want to know, or," She continued twisting the arrow head firmly grasped in her free hand and aiming it dangerously close to the yludih's eye. "I'll make you." While it was a promise and a threat, the yludih didn't seem to take her seriously even with the pain blooming through them. Instead the yludih laughed and started to taunt her - Rozkia could tell from their smile.

So she went forward with her plan, and jabbed the arrow strait into their eye as they howled in pain. SHe dropped them then, and let them clutch their injury and cry, light spilling from the wound as the Naerikk laughed at their pain. "Oh my, did you think I was joking? That's a shame," She started lifting the yludih by the chin to examine them as they begged for no more. "You sometimes have such pretty eyes." Her malice shined through her eyes as she took sadistic glee in the cries of pain and release the yludih begged for. "After all that big talk, this is what you've been reduced to!"

"S-stop, I-"

"You what? You're sorry? You'll answer my questions? Of course you will! You don't have a choice."
word count: 784
Language Key:
"Common!" | "Grovokian!" | 'Euthic Sign'
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Re: Desired Darkness II

"Why do your wounds glow?" The Near asked sweetly in contrast to her expression. Rozkia had a feeling nothing would compare to the power trip she was having totrial. She wanted it to last... sadly she needed things done, quickly. When only whimpers we're the response, Rozkia flicked the arrows spine, stinging the would it was forced into to coax an answer If pain was the only thing they responded to, pain was what they'd get.

"Its- it's part of our biology!" The yludih choked out, pain throbbing from their eye to the rest of their nerves. Rozkia hummed intrigued by the answer. She let go of the arrow to roam her fingers through their now blonde locks. She wondered if she could get anything useful from them...

"Tell us more about how you change. Is it magic?"

"N-no, it's a type of illusion!"

"Interesting," She murmurs, observing the white light that glowed from the blows dealt to their eye and nose. She remembered punching them, and looking at that hand, the skin had flayed- scrapped away and aching. Like she had punched a rock... Was there a magic that could transform her as well?

"Y-yes, but it's risky," They sobbed, startling the Baer from her thoughts. Ah, she'd spoken out loud. All the better, it had answered the question either way. She narrowed her eyes and gestures with her head for the yludih to continue. "It's c-called becoming- ARGH!"

Rozkia snickered as she adjusted her grip on the arrows spine, jostling it briefly. "What does it do? Keep talking.

"It transforms the body somehow, that's all I know, please let me go," They sniveled, turning to tears and begging. Rozkia hummed, considering get options carefully. If she let this fool go, they'd not come back. And she'd have no way to locate them. But they knew more than she did - she could use the information. There was nothing stopping them from disappearing once he's was through with them... She'd need to get all of her questions answered here and now. "What's your name, yludih." She demanded. They sputtered, confused, but answered quickly when she moved towards the arrow again with her hand. "Avistia... we're confident you won't show yourself to us again if I let you go. We have no way of locating you either," The Naer admitted, letting them go. They almost thanked her before she continued. "So you're going to tell us what you know before we let you go. Don't think for a moment we won't take the other eye or something more important."

Avistia nodded frantically, pledging that they would speak nothing but the truth. "If you let me go, I swear I'll come back. Please, I beg you. If I leave with my illusion shattered in this light I'll be discovered."

"Then stay here," Rozkia shrugged nonchalantly. If it's rest the yludih needed, there was nothing stopping them from doing it here. "Unless there's something you don't want us to see."

"I," They began to stutter as Rozkia moved forward again. "On my name, I will return. Please just, just let me go." They bowed, forehead against the floor and hands placed below their chin. "I will return each night at the same time." They reasoned.

Thinking on it, Rozkia had no reason to believe them. But with the fear of Naer in them and no questions, what did she have to loose? She nodded though they didn't see it and spoke in a warning tone.

"Very well, but you will always appear before us in this form. If you appear late we will hunt you down. Hope that we do not find you, understand?" And as they looked up at her, Rozkia ripped the arrow from the illusionary socket, there loud scream of pain enough to satisfy her. "Now go."

Avistia didn't need to be told twice, they quickly collected themselves and stumbled back out the door, leaving it wide open. Rozkia followed them to the threshold as her laugh echoed in the shabby building before slamming the door shut.
word count: 705
Language Key:
"Common!" | "Grovokian!" | 'Euthic Sign'
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Re: Desired Darkness II

For the breaks following the fight, Rozkia cleaned herself up and set about rearranging her house. Thankfully nothing had broken or shattered in the scuffle, and all her furniture was intact. Once she'd finished putting things back where they belonged the rush of the encounter was fading and where her power trip ended soreness settled. She decided the best thing for it was to do some more mediation - there was no way she could sleep with her newfound information circling her mind! She grinned manically as she took up a seat in the dark room and closed her eyes as she settled on the floor.

She ran through the events mentally, trying to etch every emotion deep into her mind. The exhilaration, the pride, the enjoyment... The power. Perhaps this is what it meant to be strong - being capable of striking fear into your enemies was never on her mind until totrial. She had been blessed with this.... surge of energy and emotion and it had paid off! The high she felt then was not something easily forgotten. Analyzing her motions proved she was still sloppy and uncoordinated - her claws had bit into her palms and drawn blood for one. Those were so little compared to the improvements she had made though! And the glee she felt inflicting pain on another wasn't a strange feeling either If anything it was freeing and nostalgic, as if she'd done it before many times previous to her memory being lost.

It was liberating!

She wanted to know why, but in the moment she didn't care. She just wanted to bask in the feeling for as long as time would allow. Avistia - if that was truly the shifters name - had proved a decent test to her progress. Where there first meeting had the Naerikk unnerved, all she saw now was a possible pawn. Totrial was an accomplishment... She only wish she had someone to share it with. Though empty, the darkness of the house brought her comfort f nothing else. The next fight she had, she would test new things, prove herself again, and repeat the process until she was the best.

Rozkia drifted off to sleep on the floor without realizing that trial, and though she woke up stiff she felt better than she had in a long time.
word count: 390
Language Key:
"Common!" | "Grovokian!" | 'Euthic Sign'
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Re: Desired Darkness II


Player Name:Rozkia

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: none


Unarmed x2
Intimidation x1
Detection x1
Torture x1
Tactics x1

Renown: none
Loot: none
Overstepping: Intimidation Overstepping: You really pushed her intimidation skill above where it ought to be, as an untrained novice. Consider spending xp in Intimidation if you want her to be scary to npcs or other pcs. As such, the following Overstepping penalty I'm handing down:

Scopophobia: Rozkia will be fearful of being watched for the rest of Cylus. Small noises occurring just out of sight, or voices speaking out of earshot will trigger severe fits of paranoia. She can treat this earlier than the end of the cycle if she receives psychological treatment. Otherwise, I'll expect you to play the consequence/overstepping penalty appropriately going forward with newly submitted threads.

Consequences: Sometime after this incident, the Yludih turns up dead, it's crystalline body in shattered pieces. The pieces are laid outside of Rozkia's home, as if in warning. Yet, if someone meant to warn her, there's no message to go along with it! What does this mean?

ooc: Yludih would rarely ever share what they are to a non-yludih. To do so is to invite ostracization of their own kind, possibly even execution, as in this case. The Yludih was murdered by a local enclave that caught wind of her dealings with Rozkia, and the fact that she'd revealed what she is. Please bear in mind, sane and even most insane Yludih would never reveal what they are to her.

This applies after the threads you've already written and submitted.. No further appearances will be possible for this npc. Please submit their death to the Shadow Quarter Denizen list, or wherever her information is kept. You can feel free to rp finding the Yludih's crystal corpse outside her door in a future thread, if you want a thread you can point to where it happens.

Skill Review: Intimidation and Torture Overplay.
Notes: Rozkia is becoming quite the boss lady here. She showed that Yludih what for, that's for sure. But I'm not sure if her intimidation skills are quite there. So I've handed down some overstepping penalties there.

Aside from that, she's definitely got the Naer attitude, even if it isn't quite earned just yet. It was an interesting fight, going against an Yludih that is willing to flaunt its shape-shifting capabiltiies. The fight was well written, as was the dialogue, even if the Yludih was acting slightly strange for its kind.

Please be careful of skill overplay in future threads!

Good writing, overplay aside!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
Last edited by Pig Boy on Tue Apr 26, 2022 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 462
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