Your Skin Makes Me Cry...

Almund is a thriving township with a dark side. With houses made from the wooden bodies of decommissioned ships, there are many opportunities here, coupled with many dangers.

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Balthazar Black
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Your Skin Makes Me Cry...

14 Zi'da 721
It was a dark and cold night in Zi'da, which was to say it was the same as any other night in Zi'da. There was little about the night to make it remarkable. No terrible storms or howling wind. It was quiet and it was dark. In the black silence, a cloaked figure seemed to hover across the floor to the door of a house he'd kept on retainer incase he found himself in a situation like his current one. He unlocked the door, opened it, and made sure to lock it again behind himself when he went inside. His little hideaway was not decorated intricately. He had a large table with two wooden chairs and a more comfortable chair in the corner with a little bit of padding on it. He had a cot rather than a bed and a lone dresser where he could store the few pairs of clothes he had stashed away. He pulled off his cloak and cast it absently onto the cot before sitting in a chair by the table and beginning to work on the laces of his boots.

"Keep them on, you won't be here long." A low, gruff voice said from the shadows.

"Oh shit!" The formerly cloaked man exclaimed in shock as he rose from the chair and put his back to the wall. He unsheathed a dagger hidden at the back of his belt and held it up in a defensive position, his eyes darting around the dark of the room in search of the one who'd spoken to him. "Who's there?" The man demanded as his back hit the wall and startled him. He pushed forward into the middle of the room and held the blade out in front of him, eager to slash at whoever had come to his domain.

"Simon, John, whatever, put the knife down." The darkness said, "or I will make you."

At the sound of a threat, the fear seemed to retreat from Simon a little. The man in the darkness could see the expression shift from fear to determination. Simon wanted to find him. Simon wanted to kill him. Simon could not see him. Maybe it was time to let Simon try? Maybe, just maybe, that was the justice this man deserved. The man in the dark could take the blade and plunge it back into the serial killer before his allies could breach the door as planned. It would all look like the situation had just gotten out of hand and the streets would be safer forever... but that was not what Vri had taught him.

Pulling the cloth mask off of his mouth, Balthazar revealed himself to Simon. As his sparks began to awaken from being soothed, the etheric cracks over his hands and eyes burst forth with light. For a moment, the visual of two glowing blue eyes appearing in the corner of the room startled Simon again but only for a moment. Simon leveled his dagger at Balthazar as the made stepped forward from his spot in the shadows. "How did you get in here?" Simon asked in a small rage. He recognized the mage from the docks and Balthazar recognized him. The killer who'd almost got away. The killer who would have gotten away if not for Balthazar's decision to attune to him.

"I walked through the wall." Balthazar said before waving a hand to dismiss it, "You were smart, you almost made me look dumb." Balthazar said as he tossed the poster for the tournament in Rharne onto the ground in front of Simon. "You left a false trail and I followed it. I wasted so much time in Rharne looking for you and you were never there." Simon said nothing in response to the accusations. While Balthazar felt a swell of pride that the case was finally coming to an end, Simon felt the draw of his raging fight or flight response. He was an animal who'd been backed into a corner. He'd been caught and that was the one thing he swore he never would be.

"How did you find out I was still here?" Simon asked as his eyes shifted quickly towards the door and then back to Balthazar. He was thinking of running but it was always his second impulse. He had a different plan first.

"You don't get to know that." Balthazar said. The answer, the real answer, was attunement. He had projected his senses to Simon several times and he'd watched the man moving about but he didn't know exactly where he was. He could only learn about the surroundings through omnivision so it was when Simon returned to the Four in Hand that Balthazar deduced he was still in Scalvoris. Simon had made a mistake doing that because Balthazar was familiar with the voices of the servers and had been able to make the connection when he heard them around Simon. As for finding Simon's current hideout, also attunement. "I didn't come here to explain how we caught you. Just to bring you in."

Simon exhaled with a small smirk on his face and he nodded his head. "Well... good luck with that." Simon bolted for the door expecting Balthazar to chase after him but the mage made no moves to pursue the killer. Simon reached the door, grabbed the handle, and in a moment of panic seemed to forget that he had locked it.

"You didn't think that through, did you?" Balthazar asked as he began walking towards Simon. The killer turned quickly and charged with his knife. It was not a wild charge. Simon knew how to use a blade to kill someone. He'd done it many times. The problem was, the ironic problem, was that Balthazar had probably killed more people than Simon throughout his already shorter life. He was not going to fear one man with a knife, especially one who'd just tried to flee.

Simon reached him quickly with a wide swipe that Balthazar stepped out of range of- forcing Simon to press forward even more. Failing the swipe, Simon went for a thrust into Balthazar's stomach and Balthazar caught Simon by the wrist. Before he could wrench the wrist back and knock the blade out of his hand though, Simon dropped the dagger in his left hand and caught it in his right. It was an impressive move and for that alone it surprised Balthazar long enough that Simon's next swipe actually cut into the mage. Balthazar recoiled back a little, his mutation already working to burn shut the area he'd been cut. Simon, confident now that he'd drawn blood, pushed forward with a downwards swipe and this time Balthazar exercised his superior speed. Before the blade could even complete the path it was meant for, Balthazar delivered a fast punch to Simon's face.

His head snapped back and blood began pouring down his nose. He dropped his blade and both hands quickly covered where Balthazar had just broken his nose. He groan in pain and Balthazar delivered a hard kick to his side in order to knock him onto the ground. "You didn't think that through either, did you?" Balthazar said a little more aggressively than he'd intended before walking over to and kicking open the door. "Trooper Bean! Trooper Blanc! I have him." Balthazar called out to the other Flame Troopers who had been positioned outside. They really thought Simon would make it out of his house and run but he hadn't.

He shouldn't have locked the door.

word count: 1288

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Your Skin Makes Me Cry...

14 Zi'da 721
It was over. It was finally over. Balthazar had worked many cases where many people were hurt or killed. He'd brought a whole crew of pirates to justice for the forest of the dead they left beneath the waves and yet he didn't feel as relieved then as he felt now. Balthazar, Osmond, and Hercule were sitting in an office at the Element Hall filling out their final reports on what had happened. Simon Mickelson, known to them as Riverboat John, the killer who had left dozens of bodies cut up in boxes across Scalvoris, was finally apprehended. For the first time, probably since he got the job, he actually enjoyed writing the report. Well... as much as one could.

As much as the trio wanted to pat each other over the backs about the victory, they did not. They all felt that they could have solved the case sooner but were happy that it was solved now. No one could forget how Simon had slipped out of their hands the first time but he would not do it again. Not to them, not to the Lightning Knights of Rharne, not to anyone. The court would decide his fate now and if they were anything like the court Balthazar had seen, Simon would never be seen again... and if he was then Balthazar would just have to get him again. The fact would not change that so long as Balthazar had his magic, Simon could not escape forever.

At the end of the trial, when the report was done, Simon was locked away behind bars, and the three detectives were clocking out for the night, Balthazar asked Bean and Blanc if they wanted to go out for a drink. Osmond turned him down because he was tired and Hercule turned him down for the same reason. Balthazar wasn't tired though. He didn't think he'd be able to sleep just yet. So while the other two went to bed, he went to the Four in Hand. He sat there among his memories for a few breaks, and then turned in as well. There had been far worse trials than that one.
word count: 369

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Your Skin Makes Me Cry...


Player Name: Balthazar

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: none


Stealth - Staying still in a dark spot to avoid being seen

Loot: A case solved
Renown: 10
Injuries/Overstepping: None.

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level. I would have included INtimidation as one of the skills used, as one of Balthazar's opening salvos was an attempt at intimidation. And while it failed, it's important to include all skills used to a significant degree.
Notes: I'm surprised with the Riverboat John's lack of discipline, he wasn't more afraid of Balthazar ,but almost perked up at his threat. Balthazar has competent intimidation against John's 0 discipline, so he ought to have had maybe more of an effect. Even so you played the skill well here.

That said, this was a clean tidying up of an oldish plot for Balthazar. He solves yet another murder case. Hopefully the murdering going on around the island will calm down now :lol:

Even though Balthazar is no longer an Element, I think he made a good investigator/detective for them. Just a slightly off-kilter type that doesn't always play by the rules. But sometimes that works in his favor. As it did here. It was an exciting scene, all told.

Good writing!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 235
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