Picky Hedgethorn

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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4

Picky Hedgethorn

Full Name: Picky Hedgethorn
Race: Cadouri
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 14th of Vhalar 703
Birthplace: Saoire's Dream

Profession: Jeweler and Prospector
Housing: A tent perched atop his barge, pulled by a Tiny Tuck by the name of Bob Hill

Blessings: none
Curses: none
Factions Joined: none

Fluent: Common
Conversational: None
Basic: Common Sign

Merits: Friendly, Adventurous, Curious.
Flaws: Greedy for gems and rocks, uncautious.

Likes: Gems, rocks, precious metals, shiny things, and hugs.
Dislikes: Thieves

Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:28 am, edited 18 times in total. word count: 76
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4



One Word Description: Erinaceous

Height: 1'9"
Weight: Light, even for his build/height.
Cadouri Morphology: Hedgehog
Fur-Color: Light Gray
Bristle-Color: Tawny-Dark Brown.
Eye Color: Black

Clothing Preference: Picky prefers overalls and rugged clothing that is suitable for long days spent outside of shelter. Usually tough woolen overalls with a longcoat to shelter him from the worst of the inclement weather. He also wears a raspberry beret, and tiny black boots on his feet.

Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:20 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 78
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4



Picky was born to two cadouri living within Saoire's Dream. They come from a long line of treasure hunters and rock collectors. His two parents, Dilly and Pickle met on one of their rock-hunting trips. They swiftly formed a match, and married soon after. He was the product of their union.
Early Childhood
Picky was always a curious and somewhat adventurous sort. He liked to go on long trips into the fields of Saoire's Dream, looking high and low for the shiniest rocks. He had a special fondness for shells and water rocks, in particular. His parents taught him everything he knows about sculpting and jewel crafting. Saoire was a somewhat distant presence in his life, as he wasn't directly raised by her, but he always felt the love of their Immortal creator throughout the Dream.
Idalos Exposure and Initiation to Magic
Upon the Cadouri's release upon Idalos, Picky was elated to find an entire world full of treasures and shiny things to collect. He immediately set out, fitting his Tiny Tuck with a barge that it could pull through streams, shallows, rivers and lakes. His parents reluctantly aided him in his preparations for treasure-seeking, finding him some camping equipment and essentials he'd need for the dangers of Idalos. A hunting slingshot was given to him, along with some non-lethal but very painful salt pellets to shoot at anything that tried to attack him. Thus prepared, he made his way into Idalos.

The journey went well at first. Picky found many interesting and shiny rocks to weave into beads, and carve into nice sculptures. For a time he was happy to create and craft his way across Scalvoris, using anything he could to improve upon his craft. However, he ran into a strange woman in his travels. A witch by the look of her. Now Picky being somewhat naive, took her invitation into her hut as what it appeared, a friendly invitation to tea. However, as she laid down the tea, and took his hands, he felt funny all of a sudden. A strange and excrutiating sound ran through his psyche, and he almost lost his senses. But after a break or so, he calmed down, and found that he could sense things differently. There was something inside of him, that told him what things were. He didn't quite understand it, or even attribute it to the strange woman who'd invited him to tea. So he stayed there and rested for a time.

However, he found his misfortunes had only begun. When he awoke, he shared breakfast with her. This was nice enough, until he got to speaking about what he was doing in Scalvoris and Idalos in general. When he mentioned that he was a prospector and treasure hunter of sorts, she smiled. It was not a kind smile, but Picky wasn't used to perceiving any kind of smile that wasn't kind, and so he surmised she was truly interested in what he did.

He even agreed to take her on one of his treasure hunting trips, into a cave he'd been surveying for minerals. She carried him in a sling, as her legs were longer and it'd be an easier trip. As they went along, he felt funny again, not unsimilar to how he'd felt in the first instance of his teatime with the witch. However, once he arrived, and entered, he felt the ground shake violently. The woman was cackling from behind him, and he felt entirely helpless. Yet as the rocks caved in on him, he covered his head so as not to become unconscious. The rocks, strangely enough, felt light as they fell upon his body. As he began crawling through the gaps, he felt the earth giving way to his passage. Finally, by the time night fell, he'd emerged from the cave and the rock fall. He made his way determinedly back to the witch, to demand an explanation. However, when he arrived, he found her tent gone. No trace of her anywhere. His barge was in the nearby river, and his Tiny Tuck was crawling along the bank.

Inside his storage chest, he found a note penned presumably by the witch. It bid him farewell for now, but she promised to explain and give him instruction in his new magics before long. But for now, she gave him a lead on a great payload lying within the ground in the Scalvoris Mountains. There were also some strange instructions included, on how to utilize the gift she'd 'given' him. Presumably she'd be watching, which put him ill-at-ease.

Scratching his head, he nevertheless carried on, and went about fixing the barge to Bob Hill, his tiny tuck, and began riding down the river, to find the next best prospect.
Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:14 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 814
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4

Skills & Knowledges

Skills & Knowledge
Skill XP Level Knowledge
Attunement 5/250 Novice
  • Initiation by opening the mind.
Defiance 5/250 Novice
  • Initiation by cave-in.
Engineering 5/250 Novice
Jewelry Crafting (RB) 25/250 Novice
  • Starter Knowledge x 1
Mining (FT) 25/100 Novice
  • Starter Knowledge x 1
Mount (Aquatic) 5/250 Novice
  • Starter Knowledge x 1
Sculpting 5/250 Novice

Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:06 am, edited 21 times in total. word count: 66
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4

Skill Point Ledger

Skill Point Ledger

Graded Link Points Awarded Points Spent Running Total Overall Total
Character Creation +50 0 50 0
Sculpting 0 5 45 0
Mining 0 25 20 0
Attunement 0 5 15 0
Defiance 0 5 10 0
Engineering 0 5 5 0
Mount 0 5 0 0
Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:50 am, edited 6 times in total. word count: 49
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4



Picky Loves Saoire, and as far as he knows, Saoire loves him.

Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:31 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 13
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4



Starter Items (Traveler's Pack)
Tier 5 of the following items:

Drawn covered barge/raft that measures eight feet long, four feet wide, and 3 feet deep.
One Tiny Tuck that pulls it along rivers and waterways (Average Training, Average Conditioning).
Two Storage Crates. (And all required equipment)

As well as the following items (from Wealth Tier 4):

Campsite Equipment (Pots, pans, cooking essentials, etc.)
Bedroll and bedding
Camp Knife
Hunting Slingshot (with salt pellet ammunition)
Storage Chest

Travel Wear: Woolen overalls, long jacket, shirt, boots, raspberry beret.
Tool Kits
Hierloom: An average+ quality Mining Kit. With pans for panning for minerals, pickaxes of various kinds, and other assorted utilities.
Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:13 am, edited 13 times in total. word count: 112
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4

Wealth Ledger

Wealth Ledger:

Link/Purchase Adjustment Current Total Tier
Character Creation: Traveler's Pack +46 46 Tier 4
Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:39 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 17
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4

Renown Ledger

Renown Ledger

Table Title
Renown Grant Adjustment Total
Last edited by Picky Hedgethorn on Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:40 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 8
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Picky Hedgethorn
Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:42 am
Race: Cadouri
Profession: Jeweler/Prospector
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Wealth Tier: Tier 4


word count: 1
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