
This section is for Character Sheets specifically. Please make sure to read over the starting guides, rules, and the lost history information before completing a character sheet.

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Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Milo Magnus

Nicknames/Alias: -
Race: Mixed [Avriel/Human]
Gender: Male
Age: 21 arcs old
Date of Birth: 15th of Cylus, 700

Partner: None
Grandparents: Argus Magnus (grandfather), Gwythera Gofrith-Magnus (grandmother)
Parents: Sira Magnus (mother), Obrean Magnus (stepfather)
Siblings: Adrean Magnus (older brother), Eera Magnus (older sister), Lira Magnus (younger sister)
Children: None

Marks: None
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 100lbs

Location: Melrath
Faction: None
Profession: Alchemist
Education: None formal
Fluent: Melrathi (Common)
Conversational: None
Broken: Rakahi


Being shorter than most in his family has made Milo try to take as much space as he physically can, often with expansive and wide gestures. It's also just who he is.

Lean, he has a narrow and somewhat elongated face and the occasional red and black feather growing from his scalp and mixing with his long black hair. With time, Milo has learned to style his hair to make it seem just like a stylistic choice. What he cannot hide, however, are the two long black and red feathery wings that grow from his back, a clear sign of his half-Avriel heritage. Likewise, his hazel eyes have a soft, almost imperceptible swirl to them. Except for his head, the rest of his body is hairless.

While Milo wears whatever he feels comfortable on, he does enjoy testing out new trends, colours and styles if he can, adding his own personal touch or sometimes just doing his own thing, without caring much about other's opinions. One of the few traditions he takes to heart, fully and completely, is the embla ― his personal marking a tattooed geometrical flower on his right hand.

Tattoos, Marks, Injuries & Others

Last edited by Milo on Wed Sep 01, 2021 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 291
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Life is too short to not follow your dreams ― that's the motto Milo lives by. Friendly, outgoing and often lighthearted, he seeks enjoyment and fulfilment in everything that he does, no matter how small. To those who can deal with his expansive personality, Milo can be warm and loyal to a fault, following those he loves and cares about anywhere, no questions asked. This tendency to take the side of affections, however, can often blind him to real justice at times. Not always his friends are in the right, but he'll still take their side until the very end. Still, when he notices an injustice or wrong-doing, he's not shy or above calling his friends out for their actions.

His enthusiasm seems excessive at times, to the point where he may appear unfocused, jumping from one activity to the other without really caring about finishing what he has started. While this is true, to an extent, Milo is extremely dedicated to those things that truly grasp his attention. He loves what he loves, and he hates what he hates, and is completely unapologetic about it, not trying to appear to be someone he is not. Maybe precisely because of that rejection cuts so deep. While he won't change himself or hide his opinions to please others, he wants people to like him, feeling hurt and personally attacked when he feels others dislike him. When displeased, Milo can be prone to outbursts of anger, finding it hard to hide or control his feelings ― be them good or bad ones. However, he'll refuse to show just how hurt he is, either by fear of it being used against him, or simply because he doesn't want to bother others. In that way, while it can be easy to figure out what he is feeling, it can be hard to talk to him about it, or for he himself to deal with his stronger emotions.

Despite all that individuality, Milo is althruistic and kind, wishing others to have the same kind of freedom of expression and find their own joy in life. He'll do almost anything others ask of him if he feels it's the correct thing to be done, or if it'll bring happiness to those he loves, even to the detriment of his own pursuits at times. Everyone is important, and everyone is connected ― to each other, to the world, to the spirits ―, and unless one honours that connection, they're doing a disservice not only to themselves but to the entire world. Or so is what he believes in.

All in all, Milo is driven by his wish to experience the world, the people in it, and just to see what life has in store for him. His curiosity fuels him to explore the world in the best way he knows how, and he'll always be up to try new things, no matter how crazy they sound.

[other notes (to myself) about personality]


Campaigner (ENFP-T)


the north star


the hill to die on

the mask


the kryptonite

The Explorer
  • Goal: to experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life.
  • Fears: getting trapped, conformity, and inner emptiness.
  • Strategy: journey, seeking out and experiencing new things, escape from boredom.
  • Weakness: aimless wandering, becoming a misfit.


Loves Hates
Birds Dogs
SweetsSour Foods
Noatun Blue Stout-
Ymiden Cylus
Kindness, Gentleness Individuality, Close-mindedness
Bravery, Kindness Loudness, Arrogance
Noatun Blue Hops -
Flying Horses (as mount)


Orientation: Prefers men
  • Not afraid to show his feelings ― romantic or otherwise.
  • Extremely protective of friends.
  • If you need someone to discourage you from doing something, he's not the person to ask.


  • Smokes [?]
Last edited by Milo on Thu Sep 02, 2021 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 624
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1


So, here is where you tell us about your pcs history.

It's important that you are told that - what you write here, in this section, will largely determine your "CS Awards" from the staff member who approves your CS. These awards are knowledge and XP.

Useful Link here!
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Skills & Knowledges

Skills & Knowledge

Alchemy [FT]20Novice3
Flying [RB]25Novice0
Novice | Competent | Expert | Master | Grandmaster | Tier 2





  • History [HI]

  1. Customs and Traditions [HI]
  2. Layout [HI]
  3. Laws [HI]

  1. Layout [HI]


  1. Myrkvior: Induk of the Forest [HI]
  2. Svariella: the Lake Induk [HI]
  3. Vynmur: the River Induk [HI]
  4. Ymir: Induk of the Mountain [HI]

  1. Ashan: Immortal of Spring, Spirituality and Freedom [HI]

Skill Points Ledger

Cold Cycle, 721

Starting Package+5050
Racial Bonus (Flying)2550
Last edited by Milo on Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 92
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



The idea of beings more important than people isn't one that sits well with Milo, and so, he has his issues with the worship of spirits and Immortals alike. If they do not offer protection even when they can, then they do not deserve more thought than he would spare someone who needs his attention. Still, Milo grew up surrounded by people who adored the Induk and spirits of Melrath, and, as much as he tries to pretend otherwise, this worship rubbed off on him somewhat.

Milo respects the spirits as creatures that are part of nature, and while he doesn't really offer them much of his time, he doesn't speak ill of them, nor purposefully does anything he knows will harm or impact them negatively. To him, they are very much part of the connected world he cherishes, and, if not for anything else, he cares for them because of that.

Unsurprisingly, due to his upbringing, Milo knows little about Immortals. While his grandmother tried to instill hatred for the Immortals in him, the endeavour was unsuccessful ― partly because Milo doesn't understand where all the despise comes from, partly because he enjoys contradicting his grandmother's traditionalism way too much to simply accept her religious teachings. While it's true that he spares even less thought towards the Immortals than he does towards spirits, Milo has a tentative curiosity about them, wondering how different they truly are.
Last edited by Milo on Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 243
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1


This post will record any mark (Immortal Blessings / Curses) you might accrue as a PC.

A full list of Blessings & Curses can be found here
A Guide to Religion & Marks can be found here

When you are first awarded a mark, the awarding Prophet will give you the code to put in here.
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Here you list the possessions from your Starting Package .

You must also identify which Starting Package you used.

Useful Links
The Shoppe here
  • List your possessions here!
    • Sublists like this!

Where does your PC live? Give us a brief description. Be sure to mention in which City or Location you are starting out!
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Wealth Ledger

Here, you keep a track of your Character's Wealth Tier and the spending of Wealth Points. Information here!
Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Wealth Thread +1 WP 67
When you need to put another row in there, just put this code in below the last /tr] and before the /table]

Code: Select all

[td] Link to thread / Item [/td]
     [td] Adjustment [/td]
          [td] Total  [/td]
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Renown Ledger

Renown Ledger

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Wealth Tier: Tier 1





Before 721

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