Race: Tunawa
Date of Birth: 25 Ashan 719
Marks: None
Factions Joined: None
Languages Spoken: Fluent = Tree Talk
Fluent = Common (Melrathi)
Broken = Xanthea
Evie is all pointy knees and elbows, long limbs on a tiny eight-inch frame. But despite the whip-thin limbs and the hard angles of her narrow body, there is something incredibly soft about Evie. Perhaps it's something to do with her hair; a great frothy wave of moss the same pale green as her skin that ripens to an autumnal red as it cascades down her back. Maybe it's her eyes, that same autumn red staring wide and curious out from behind dark lashes. It's not hard to see that Evie is young, but even so she is often much younger than the Tall Folk expect. Though full grown, in many ways she still thinks of herself as a child.
Evie does not wear the adornments her people seem to favor. There are no special marking or decorations to mark her out as this Tunawa; no cloth or shells or bits of interesting natural flotsam. Even her hair, always crowned in useful herbs and a protective wreath of baneberries, is well maintained and nothing more. Her appearance is almost a vacuum of personality, more plant than person. Her only exception being a bird skull helmet she wears while riding her Fliegned mount.