• Mature • I Hope You Have an Appetite

Graft Initiation, which involves regurgitated flesh. I'll try to keep it as non-graphic as possible.

35th of Ymiden 721

A beautiful city at the edge of Murk Pass. Though not large in size the people are far more welcoming than most would expect. Specialising in teaching anyone willing to learn how to traverse the wilderness beyond. Everyone is welcome who is ready to work for their share.

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I Hope You Have an Appetite



Evening of 35th of Ymiden 721

The groans and death rattles of Lonely-Hands' wife and daughter could be heard as they shuffled off from the dining room, to busy themselves in tasks about the house. Meanwhile, the Professor turned his eyes to Zemos, expectantly.

"Now, you've met my family. You understand what is at stake, and how dangerous this will be. It's time we talk about your progress in the other matter." Lonely-Hands spoke of necromancy, which, for whatever reasons ( possibly fear of being overheard), he referred to only vaguely. But Zemos being a sharp lad took his meaning well enough. There were developments to share, to be sure. One that might come into play in this very instance.

"Yes, Professor." Zemos began, and then paused. He expected the professor to say something else, but when Lonely-Hands kept his silence, and quirked a brow, Zemos rushed to elaborate. "I have... changes? Something has changed. I have this strange desire and compulsion to eat my food rotten. The more rotten, the better it tastes and satisfies."

Lonely-Hands considered this for a few moments, crossing his arms and holding his chin in his hand. After a moment, he commented on Zemos' change. "A rather pedestrian mutation, but still not altogether common. How fortuitous. Then you may well be able to survive this process."

The magus' confidence was truly sobering. It never occurred to Zemos that there might be a great danger in taking an arcane parasite. Who knew? But seriously, he was too preoccupied with what he had to gain, that he didn't consider the dangers fully at the time he was initiated into necromancy. By the way Lonely-Hands spoke of it, it seemed that Graft was an even more strenuous and difficult process. And Zemos had seen first-hand the results of a failed initiation in Lonely-Hands' wife and daughter. He didn't want to suffer that fate, much as their unnatural decay fascinated him, and the way Lonely-Hands had dispatched them before devolving into mush, keeping them frozen in a state of disrepair forever as undead thralls.

"Is it safe for me then?" Zemos asked the million nel question.

"No, it isn't. Regurgitated flesh is not necessarily rotten, although it will become rancid at one point or another. However, your ability to resist disease will come as a boon, and possibly be your salvation in this." Lonely-Hands shrugged, "Your ability to enjoy food that's rotten could possibly help. I cannot see it hurting in this instance, in any event."

The Sev'ryn thought about this for some time, considering the implications. He had to admit to some amount of nerves. It did look unpleasant, to become a mimai, one of those whose flesh dissolved without reprieve after a failed initiation. He didn't want that to be him! Yet he had faith and interest and passion for magic. He would not be denied.

"Are you ready, Maggot?" Lonely-Hands finally asked.

Zemos nodded, and then folded his hands on the table, waiting for dinner to be served.
word count: 520


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: I Hope You Have an Appetite



It couldn't be denied, but despite the denegrating language he used toward Zemos, Mervani had some manner of affection and trust for him. Zemos only remembered a little before the White Void closed his eyes to a shrouded past. But he'd rarely felt such belonging, such trust, such kinship as he did with Mervani. The Egg seemed to like Lonely-Hands too.

"Take the flesh,
Like Royal Jelly.

The Egg uttered. And then Mervani's life-sized golem butler carried whatever the Professor had coughed up, beneath a tin lid, and placed the platter before him. Zemos took a moment, in reverence of the object inside that tin lid. He felt the alien ether pulsing within the regurgitated meat, crawling inside it in luxuriant abandon. Like so much wrapping for a butcher's product. Then Zemos opened the lid, and saw what he was about to eat. It was red, and otherwise appeared healthy, though Mervani had prepared him to be ready for what it would look like upon the final consumption. It could get quite disgusting.

"Take the flesh,
Consume the meat.

Royal Jelly.

You are the Drone,
I am the Queen.

Zemos furrowed his brow. Before he could stop himself, he blurted a response to the egg, "What? You're the Queen? What are..." Then the reverie was lost, and all Zemos got from Mervani for that outburst was a stern frowning.

The Yithnai necromancer shook his head, and then began to gather up the flesh in his hands, and with a few bites, chewed, and downed it. There it would remain in his belly for nearly a break, before he was set to regurgitate it up again. In the meantime, it needed to reconstitute, for passage from himself to his mentor. They passed the time in conversation, although the conversation was anything but casual. Mervani had real wisdom regarding the graft spark to impart.

"You may think it odd, but Graft and Necromancy, though they be two opposing forces, get on quite well with one another. They compliment each other, like a good mated pair. And the products of this union are to be envied." Mervani nodded.

Zemos had a question then, one that hadn't occurred to him while meeting his 'family'. "Master, why did you not initiate them into necromancy first?" Zemos didn't say, but he felt they might've been more prepared for the graft initiation if they'd had some backing in another form of arcana. And he genuinely wanted to know if there was a specific reason.

Mervani stared at Zemos with intensity, but thoughtfulness as he considered the question. "Perhaps because I didn't wish to throw them at the mercy of an undead, unarmed. Or... I can't really say. Perhaps I had no intention of teaching them necromancy. It was a long time ago, and my memory fails."

Zemos nodded, though he found the part about his memory failing hard to believe. Suddenly, he was taken with a violent stinging in his stomach. The flesh was knitting itself into a cohesive whole, and spirits below did it hurt! Zemos cried out in agony, and Mervani for the first time since knowing him seemed to show a sign of caring for his 'Maggot'.

He offered a soothing drink to Zemos, but the Yithnai waved the offer away. He concentrated, urging the flesh to take root, and coalesce once more, so that it might germinate with his soul, and form another round from Mentor to Apprentice.

In time, the pain subsided, and Zemos fell back into his chair. Mervani nodded at his pupil, seeming almost proud of his composure. "The time is right, Maggot. Spit up what you have, and we'll do another round?"
word count: 627


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: I Hope You Have an Appetite



With nary a pause between one action and the other, the meat found its way into Mervani's gullet again. He instructed Zemos to avert his eyes as he dined on the regurgitated graft flesh. Yet Zemos couldn't help but notice how the ether danced within the object, before Mervani tore into it with his teeth. They stood silent, lest the initiation take another turn for the dramatic and unexpected. But then, Mervani had tried this twice before.

"Third time,
A charm.

Royal Jelly.

So fine,
What's the harm?

Truly, the Egg was a lyricist at heart, but Zemos couldn't appreciate the words before Mervani once more regurgitated the ether infused meat. Sure enough, as the tin lid came up from it as it was served back to Zemos, the meat had taken on a rancid marbling, of greens and yellows. It was truly disgusting, but even so, it went down easier for having been digested three times already. This would be the final time, when the flesh took hold in Zemos himself, and became part of his own greater whole. He wondered idly if the Egg truly would like the company of the Graft spark, and if that was why it compelled and made his process easier.

And it did make it more pleasurable, sending synaptic signals that released chemicals in his body to make him feel at ease. Zemos didn't understand any of that (yet), but all he knew was that he felt very well at the moment, after tearing apart the meat and gulping it down. Finally, in one ecstatic release of ether, it took hold within his body, and he digested the meat, incorporating it into his own flesh. Now he was almost as one with Mervani. The son the man never had, he supposed. Things would change from then on, he'd be nicer...

"We're done now, Maggot. See to it you return in a season, to restore my family again. I don't want to see you anywhere other than the classroom, are we clear?"

Zemos sighed, although he couldn't say he'd truly expected better. Then he nodded, and was escorted from the manor by the golem butler.
word count: 371


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Re: I Hope You Have an Appetite

Experience: +10 xp



Disciplinle: Fighting the urge to retch.
Endurance: Fighting the belly pain, to keep a meal down.
Graft: Initiation is a breaks long affair, allowing enough time to converse with one's Mentor.
Resistance: Eating Regurgitated meat.
Resistance: Surviving a graft initiation.
Resistance: Medicated substances sometimes upset a stomach.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Loot: Graft Initiation
Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Renown: None.
Wealth Points: None. But is knowledge not the greatest treasure?
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: Yes, +10 Graft.


Grafting initiation is described in the Wiki as an extremely disgusting and dangerous process. I appreciate the fact that you pulled no punches in getting across how awful it is, and also that you managed to do so without getting excessively graphic. You also convey well what a sinister, weird, and menacing person Mervani is. He doesn’t even remember, or pretends not to remember, what he did to his wife and daughter *shudder* And the Egg seems to have a flair for melodrama.

I enjoy how Zemos is a bit literal and has trouble with metaphors. How good are his reflexes? :) Also, that he was only vaguely aware of how dangerous Graft initiation was until he was committed to it, left to wonder if he had made a good decision.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 217
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