Dar was born into a small trading Biqaj family along with her twin sister. They haven't had it easy. Their trading ship was struggling to make ends meets and their father's temper did not help either when in negotiations. So from Dar's young age, the family was forced into smuggling where there were better chances to earn easier coins. Eventually, whether by a way of being tricked or choice, the Qy'Lin vessel became involved with the black market. On the outside, they were still an honest trading family who had good and bad times. On the inside, their mother took to hoarding the extra wealth for rainy days and ran tight ship with no secrets spilt anywhere. Even the girls only had an inkling at best on what was going on. Yet, as it often goes with the black market and clandestine activities, Dar's family got entangled with some people that were best left alone in the first place. By the time her life changed forever, they were delivering precious albeit unlawful packages of nature that Dar either never knew or had forgotten. One thing was for sure however, the highest bidders always had the best and the most ruthless trackers when a deal went wrong and when Dar tries to remember the days before her memory blacked out, dread drowns her like an angered Mer.
Unfortunately, during Cylus 721, her family's boat suffered a fatal crash during a particularly heavy storm near the shores of Scalvoris. Her mind blocked out the memory of the event and to this day she suffers partial amnesia which rid her of the majority of her past, her family's name and left her with extreme fear of the sea.
She was found by a local fisherman who told her she was dragged onto the shore by a Mer and left there. No one else from the ship survived or so the fisherman told her. He took her in and nursed her to health along with his wife and two younger children. The family was already struggling to get by so as Dar got better, she decided to stay and help them as a way of returning the favour. Fishing was not an option for her to the dismay and suspicion of the man. So instead, she began running the odd jobs here and there for the family, bringing in her share of earnings and a little more when possible from her jewellery making to which she took as though it was a part of her from before.
The sea still calls her but she still doesn't know how to answer.