Welcome to Desnind!
Ymiden & Saun 721
We've got magical forests! Exotic plants! Animals! Poisons! A new gambling problem! Behold, Desnind, the city in the trees!
No matter your creative interests, there's bound to be something for you here. You could be looking to settle down somewhere you can appreciate lush greenery and rich wildlife. Maybe you're an animal lover in search of the next big discovery... Are you a ruin diver or treasure hunter looking for secrets long lost to the passing of time, reclaimed by the strength of nature?... Or, maybe - just maybe - you're irritated by all these benevolent types and am more interested in bringing a reality check to the hippies. After all... what's stopping you? The roster is one of the best ways to find a writing partner that might suit your needs and it allows me, your handy-dandy mod, know the best ways to delight and surprise you. The more detail you give us, the better I can cater to your tastes.
Come, enjoy the bounty of the forest! Sign up today and take a trip on the wild side.
P.s: Want to connect with our community and get notified on Desnind specific events?
No matter your creative interests, there's bound to be something for you here. You could be looking to settle down somewhere you can appreciate lush greenery and rich wildlife. Maybe you're an animal lover in search of the next big discovery... Are you a ruin diver or treasure hunter looking for secrets long lost to the passing of time, reclaimed by the strength of nature?... Or, maybe - just maybe - you're irritated by all these benevolent types and am more interested in bringing a reality check to the hippies. After all... what's stopping you? The roster is one of the best ways to find a writing partner that might suit your needs and it allows me, your handy-dandy mod, know the best ways to delight and surprise you. The more detail you give us, the better I can cater to your tastes.
Come, enjoy the bounty of the forest! Sign up today and take a trip on the wild side.
P.s: Want to connect with our community and get notified on Desnind specific events?
Join our city Discord!
Code: Select all
[style=max-width: 650px; padding:10px; padding-top:20px; padding-bottom:20px; background-image: url(/gallery/image/20571/medium); margin:auto; border: 5px double #AFB97C; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0.5px black;][style2=max-width: 550px; padding:10px; margin:auto; background-color:#b9c9b9; box-shadow: 0px 0px 7px 0.5px black; color: black][center][googlefont=Newsreader][font size=300]PC NAME HERE[/font][/googlefont][/center]
[googlefont=Lora][b]Status of Citizenship:[/b] Visitor, Resident
[b]Arrival & Departure Date:[/b] (Example: Last season - Saun 12th 721, indefinitely) It's okay if something changes!
[b]Favorite Themes:[/b] What are some things you like to see in RP? No matter how unrealistic, let me know. Do you like happy endings? Horror? Romance? Adventure?
[b]Favorite Immortals:[/b] Whether they're your PC's favorite, or yours, what divine entity make your heart go aflutter with excitement? If you don't really like any of them, hate them, couldn't be more indifferent, that's fine! I'm curious.
[b]Modbomb:[/b] Yes? No? You want me to ask first? Let me know your comfort level. Consent is important!
[b]Whats New:[/b] Since last season, what has your character been up to? Let me know about the plots you're proud of, the things you're aiming for, if anything's changed. If you're a new PC or coming back from a hiatus, what is a moment in your character's life that has defined them?
[b]IC/OOC Goals:[/b]You know the drill. What are you hoping to accomplish and how can I make your dreams come true?
[b]Contact:[/b] Open/Not Currently Seeking Partners? If someone summons up the courage to ask you for a thread (go them!), should they message you on site PM, discord, carrier pigeon? [/googlefont]