Antagonist NPCs

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Antagonist NPCs

Every story needs a villain, right?

If you have claimed a Calendar Event, Bounty, Odd Job, etc - if you have a story you're telling in Scalv - then you're going to need an antagonist! This is where you can quick-dev one for your RP pleasure.

Use this thread to create NPC antagonists. They might be one-off story pieces, or they might be someone you think of and just submit here. This will allow consistency between players and will mean that you can have more skilled NPCs than the usual "faceless" ones being played consistently without needing to go through the full approval process.

As long as the NPC meets the requirements / restrictions below, you may play them immediately and don't need to wait for approval. They should be submitted before the thread starts, however, you just don't need to wait for approval. Also - please still be aware that Scalvoris is a place with a military and laws etc. Please play within the context of Scalv, and don't go overboard. Maybe your new arch-nemesis is below!

The Antagonists are sorted by Role - as in the Role they will play in the movie of your PCs life.

Not In The Credits

If this was Star Trek, this guy would be seen once. If it was Game of Thrones, he'd be the head on the spike next to Sansa's nurse...
They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 1 expert, 2 competent, 3 novice
Nazik Schmit, 'Scummy Scientist'
Name: Nazik Schmit
Race/ Age / Gender: Human / 29 / Male
Location: Sclavoris Town
Submitted by Shl'drei
Role: Not in the Credits (Scummy Scientist)
Science - Expert
Medicine - Competent
Research - Component
Socialization - Novice
Mathematics - Novice
Psychology - Novice
Personality / Quirks
Nazik uses his education and know how to one up others on the food chain and take their riches and their places at the top. He's methodical, calculated, at least.. he tries to be. The truth of it is Nazik came from poverty - he only has so many resources. But when he finally gets on his feet and gets the nels rolling he'll show everyone who ever doubted him what money can buy. Nazik is a scrawny guy - not fit to punch a pillow - but he figures at the right price anyone would do anything.
Dates & Links
Naddar, 'Mysterious Qi'ora'
Name: Naddar
Race/ Age / Gender: Qi'ora / 98 / Male
Location: Scalvoris
Submitted by: Winston
Role: Not In The Credits ~ Originally created for the Cooking Competition
  • Sculpting (Expert)
  • Cooking (Competent)
  • Etiquette (Competent)
  • Socialisation (Novice)
  • Art (Novice)
  • Politics (Novice)
Appearance: As with most of his kind, Naddar has a plant-like hue and might be described to be of average appearance for his age. He likes to keep himself well presented, clean and precise.
Personality / Quirks: He sports a slender frame and a disapproving 'resting face' that is not tempered by his superiority complex. He has an unwavering attention to detail and a tendency for the practice of perfectionism. This is not always a good combination, where time constraints are concerned, Naddar firmly believes such things to be a concern purely for those of an 'inferior skill and intellect'.
Dates & Links Nothing yet, but going to do the Cooking Competition

Bad Guy in Scene 3

Not enough to actually have a character name in the movie of your PCs life. But, you know,
They may have up to 6 non-magic skills, 2 expert, 3 competent, 1 novice
Konsu Uthalios: Rogue Alchemist
Name: Konsu Uthalios
Race/ Age / Gender: Human / Elder ( 70's) / Male
Location Cabin in the Sweetwine
Submitted by Kisaik
Role: Bad guy in Scene 3; Rogue Alchemist.
Skills: Gardening: Expert, Alchemy: Expert, Hunting: Competent, Fieldcraft: Competent, Basketweaving: Competent. Brewing: Novice.
Personality / Quirks A maddened wizard living in a hut in the middle of the Sweetwine. He's taken to studying tunawa, and has captured several of them in the past in order to study them for his alchemy and gardening needs. He often takes more ingredients from his surroundings than he needs, often over-foraging entire groes of flowers and trees to near extinction.

He has a crooked nose, and a bald patch on the top of his scalp, with a graying wisp of hairs growing long around the balding patch. His chin has a few sparse whiskers that he often takes to twirling when deep in thought.

Any tunawa that he happens across, unless they are accompanied by another person, he will often attempt to trap and keep for his experiments.
Dates & Links Have Fun Storming the Castle - Konsu atttempts to capture Kisaik, but finds him a slippery tunawa. Kisaik uses his mark abilities and skills to help free a pair of tunawa females from his evil clutches, and absconds with them into the Sweetwine, with a promise of protection.

Konsu is humbled, but not defeated.
Qairona, The Cantankerous Mer!
Name: Qairona
Race: Mer - Cat 1
Birthday/Age: 23rd of Vhalar, 684
Languages Spoken: Fluent - Common. Conversational - Common Sign, Scalveen. Broken - Rakahi
Submitted by Woe
Role: Named in the Credits
Dates & Links The Cantankerous Mer: 74th Ymiden 721
Skill Table
Skill XP Level
Seafaring 55 Expert
Navigation 55 Expert
Seduction 55 Expert
Swimming 30 Competent
Combat: Polearm 30 Competent
Linguistics 30 Competent
Detection 30 Competent
Hunting 10 Novice

Appearance/Biometrics: She appeared to have bluish skin with a pink underbelly. Her tentacles were as those of an octopus, and her upper body appeared more humanoid than most, with arms and hands as such, albeit scaled skin of the same color as the rest. Her head tails were gathered into a mess of small tentacles and greenish blonde hair, which fell to shoulder length. Her eyes were red.

Personality: A sultry yet no-nonsense mer woman, Qairona tends toward the civilized and is well adapted to Scalveen culture. As such, she gets on well with non=mer, preferring their company most times to that of her own. She's got a bit of an issue respecting the personal space of other people, possibly a hold-over from her tribal mer past, and enjoys personal contact a fair bit. That said, she's not at all flirty in the sense that she is almost entirely serious about her inclination to seduce humanoids. It's not a matter of romance, however, but of personal comfort and entertainment to her.

Backstory: A former tribal mer of the Akktava, she lived for at least a few decades among her own tribe before removing herself from that life for reasons that she is reluctant to share. At first, her task from the Akktava was to infiltrate Scalveen society, as an Element recruit. In time, however, as she got to know the Scalvorites and learn their ways she went 'native' so to speak. She learned to love the people and ways of Scalvoris, to the detriment of her own tribal loyalties.

She left the Elements as of 721, retiring from service in order to pursue self-employment as a mercenary.

Qairona has no love lost toward her former Tribe. She sees them as a threat to her life in Scalvoris, as the children of Chrien. That said, she's fairly open minded toward mer who are well-adjusted to life among the Scalveen.

Pattis, 'Egilrun Spy in the Rangers'
Name: Pattis
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/40ish/Male
Location Egilrun
Submitted by Oram Mednix
Role: Bad Guy in Scene 3. Probable spy/double agent/infiltrator in the Rangers. Likely stirring up trouble for the Rangers among the residents of Egilrun. Junior Ranger by rank. Took longer than most to attain it.
Skills: Stealth (Expert); Intelligence (Expert); Combat: Blades-One handed (Competent); Acrobatics (Competent); Field Craft (Competent); Socialization (Novice)
Personality / Quirks: Devious and sly, though maybe not as subtle and clever as he thinks he is. Is discontent with his role in the Rangers, feeling that he is underappreciated. He just *knows* he could be someone if given the chance.
Dates & Links
A barchan dune never bites, so it should be seif 24-25 Ashan 721. Tried to ingratiate himself to Oram and invite himself to one of his reconnaissances. Oram gave him the slip.
Teach *your* kids about Ranger Danger! 24 Ymiden 721. Revealed to be in contact with the Egilrun Workshop for Women’s Worries (EWWW).
Sadie Goodwin 'Reluctant Medic of the Raskbuck'
Name: Sadie Goodwin
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 1 Vhalar 683
Location Hollow Sea, Almund
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Bad Guy in Scene 3, Surgeon of The Raskbuck
Skills: Medicine (Expert)
Whips (Expert)
Navigation (Competent)
Athletics (Competent)
Unarmed Combat (Competent)
Ranged (Crossbow) (Novice)
Personality / Quirks Sadie is the surgeon on Henry Kenways ship and as such she has the ear of most of the crew. She's a valuable and ruthless member of the crew who will abandon a lost cause at the drop of a hat if she thinks it would cost more medical supplies than the life it worth. Sadie isn't as sold on the pirate life as the rest of the crew, but she was kidnapped by Kenway and was forced to work as the surgeon. Over the years she has come to accept her role, but it is not the one she would have chosen.
Dates & Links Pending.
Jack Thatch 'Laugh Track of the Raskbuck'
Name: Jack Thatch
Race/ Age / Gender: Lotharro, 26 Saun 684
Location Hollow Sea, Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Bad Guy in Scene 3, Sailing Master of The Raskbuck
Skills: Seafaring (Expert)
Blades (Cutlass) (Expert)
Navigation (Competent)
Athletics (Competent)
Leadership (Competent)
Ranged (Bow) (Novice)
Personality / Quirks The sailing master on Henry Kenway's ship, Jack Thatch is marred with an uncontrollable laugh that emerges whenever he feels nervous or awkward. He is very much a pirate who enjoys the typical things pirates do, pillaging, stealing, and the sort, but he does not seem to revel in death/subjugation and destruction as much as the rest of the crew. He obeys Kenway out of fear more than loyalty and is driven by an urge to hunt and collect treasure. Apprehended 25 Ymiden ,721.
Dates & Links
Judas Morton 'Hired Killer'
Name: Judas Morton
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/34/Male
Location Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Natalia Gregorios
Role: Contracted Hitter - Has been hired by the man Natalia refused to marry to kill her
Skills: Combat-Blade: Expert, Discipline: Expert, Detection: Competent, Seduction: Competent, Deception: Competent, Socialization: Novice

Personality / Quirks Judas is a reasonably attractive human male with a serious personality. He takes his job seriously, completing contract work for the elite of Scalvoris. He's not picky about who he accepts contracts from, only that they pay well and have discretion about his work.
Dates & Links
Vecchi Peccati - Ashan 35, Arc 721 - Intercepted a letter, detailing Natalia's plans
Assurances - Ashan 44, Arc 721 - Is outside her room at the Lodge, tailed her to Egilrun
The Dawn of a New Trial....Ashan 46, Arc 721 - Watched her depart Egilrun, will follow
Sunpha 'An Adulteress'
Name: Sunpha
Race/ Age / Gender: Human / Saun 693
Location Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Goku
Role: Bad guy in scene 3
Skills: Seduction: expert, Socialization: expert, Deception: competent, Endurance: competent, Intelligence: competent, Tactics: novice, Cooking: Novice

Personality / Quirks Sunpha is a married woman to a businessman. She entertains herself by having affairs with people (typically her husband's employees) and relishing the inevitable consequences. Sometimes she let it slip to her husband so he’d seek revenge, other times she wanted only to get the workers in trouble for failing to successfully complete their job.

After the events of Ashan 15 721, with some encouragement from her husband, Sunpha has taken up (or been thrust into) a new hobby in an attempt to put her 'attentions' into something less 'adultery-ish' and a little more 'anything other than adultery-ish'. Backed by her husband's money, she intends to charm, seduce and deceive her way to success, which is something her husband is very happy to encourage, if the success means she continues to make tarts instead of being one.

Dates & Links
Ashan 15 721 /viewtopic.php?f=251&p=173036&sid=a87a42f2ab45feae128fe5d8e0c43b53#p173036
Sunpha got Goku caught up in a bit of trouble with an employer over some adulterous activities.

Hot Cycle 722: Antagonist in the Cooking Competition (Cookery Novice added).
Janne Ur'Phan, 'Almund Racketeer'
Name: Janne Ur'Phan
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaj / 39/ Male
Location Almund
Submitted by Kalortah
Role: Salty Ur'Phan's Uncle. A kidnapping and ransom racketeer operating out of Almund.
Skills: Expert Seduction, Competent Seafaring, Competent Medicine, Novice Blades (Cutlass), Novice Leadership, Novice Intimidation.
Personality / Quirks A consummate charmer, he has been known for running kidnapping and ransom rackets out of a few scattered shanties along the western shoreline of Scalvoris and makes berth out of Almund in particular. He often uses sleeping concoctions to aid in his kidnappings.
Dates & Links 1st of Ymiden 721 Janne kidnaps Kalortah for his nephew Salty.
Salty Ur'Phan, 'Music Critic'
Name: Salty Ur'Phan
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaj, 19, Male
Submitted by : Kalortah
Role: Devin Thorn's most adoring fan. He hates Kalortah and is one of the avriel mortalborn's most vicious hecklers.
Skills: Detection: Expert, Athletics: Expert, Appraisal: Competent, Cosmetology: Competent, Singing: Competent ,Seduction: Novice

Personality / Quirks He adores Devin Thorn with all of his heart, and would love to chase him down and squeeze him until his eyes pop out. He hates Kalortah with a vicious passion that defies all logic. He will stop at nothing to trash the career of Kalortah, so that Devin Thorn may remain the most famous Tarouz in Scalvoris.
Dates & Links Not yet.
Mina Dustin, 'Director of EWWW'
Name: Mina Dustin, nee Bethelsa
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/52/Female
Location Egilrun
Submitted by Oram Mednix
Role: Bad Guy in Scene 3. Executive Director of the Egilrun Workshop for Women’s Worries; wife of Sagro “Saw” Dustin; older sister of Harond Belthesa, disgraced Logging Consortium foreman.
Skills: Writing, Etiquette, (Expert) Politics, Socialization, Logistics (Competent), Deception (Novice).
Personality / Quirks Unpleasant, judgmental, self-important. Mina came from a respectable but impoverished mercantile family. Got a good education, and is especially gifted with her pen. Married for money and got exactly what she bargained for, no more, no less.
Dates & Links Teach *your* kids about Ranger Danger!;
The continEWWWing adventures of Oram Mednix
Is busily spreading gossip/conspiracy mongering against the Egilrun Rangers and their “suspicious” and mischeivous activities, with the help of Pattis.

Named in the Credits

Recurring characters - this is the Draco Malfoy of the Harry Potter world
They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 3 expert, 4 competent, 1 novice
Bastion Ufnaj'lhab, 'Penny Dreadful Egilrun Author'

Name: Bastion Ufnaj'Ihab
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaj/ 68/ Male
Location Egilrun, hangs around the North End Lodge.
Submitted by Woe
Role: Named in the Credits: A penny dreadful author of romance novels, involving seafarers and mer, often.
Skills: Storytelling: Expert, Writing: Expert, Seduction: Expert, Intelligence: Competent, Swimming: Competent, Seafaring: Competent, Deception: Competent, Hunting: Novice.
Personality / Quirks He's an author of dreadful little novels involving romance between seafarers and mer. He definitely seems to have a preoccupation with that trope of star-crossed lovers, separated by two different worlds. He's reputed to have first-hand knowledge of the Akktava tribe, and even is said to be a land-dwelling agent of the tribe, although he does far too much to encourage such rumors for them to hold much credence. Even so, he knows quite a lot about the Mer and their lore.
Dates & Links 73rd of Ymiden 721 Woe meets with Bastion in order to interview him, on what he knows of the mer.
Iver Limb, 'Proving Ground Bully'

Name: Iver Limb
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/ 25 / Male
Location Scalvoristown
Submitted by Kalortah
Role: (Named in the Credits) Proving Ground Bully
Novice: Athletics
Competent: Combat: Unarmed, Leadership, Discipline, Combat: Blades
Expert: Intimidation, Strength, Endurance.
Personality / Quirks Standing at 6'5", with a muscle-bound build and a temper to match his size, Iver is one of the more formidable opponents one might face when coming up from the ranks of the Proving Ground. He's taken part in many tournaments of physical skill and combat, and even won runner up in a few of the melees. However, for all his success, he's insecure and tends to take that out on the new people coming to the Proving Ground to train, often targeting lesser skilled opponents in order to show them how much better he is, and to gain satisfaction that way. He's not above using dirty tricks either, whether pocket sand, or other cheap tricks when he's met a match.
Dates & Links (5th of Ymiden / TBD / Got set up in a sparring match with Kalortah)
Hector Barrow 'Quartermaster of the Raskbuck'
Name: Hector Barrow
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 20 Zi'da 680
Location Hollow Sea, Almund
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Named in the Credits, Quartermaster of The Raskbuck
Skills: Navigation (Expert)
Logistics (Expert)
Blades (Cutlass) (Expert)
Woodworking (Competent)
Athletics (Competent)
Leadership (Competent)
Seafaring (Competent)
Ranged (Pistol Crossbow) (Novice)
Personality / Quirks Hector is the quartermaster on Henry Kenway's ship and the primary navigator. He is a more level headed man than his captain with aspirations to take over should some ill fate befall Henry. Hector is a snake in the grass, looking for his own advancement, not the advancement of his crewmates. If someone were going to betray you because they were given a better offer, it would be Hector. Apprehended Ymiden 25, 721
Dates & Links
Brevdyn Lettering, 'Egilrun's Postal Problems'
Name: Brevdyn Lettering
Race/ Age / Gender: Human / 12 / Male
Location Egilrun
Submitted by: Woe
Role: A street urchin who steals letters in transit for profit. He's rumored to work for the Watcher's Union in Egilrun and perhaps even more shadowy individuals. However, he only works for his own keep in the end. He's a true mercenary pickpocket.
Skills: Athletics: Expert, Largency: Expert, Stealth: Competent, Deception: Competent, Endurance: Competent, Intelligence: Competent ,Detection: Novice

Personality / Quirks He's not at all literate, having skipped out of the school system of Scalvoris in favor of honing his 'craft' and hoarding a personal wealth of personal credit and nels. In just the few years he's been active as a pickpocket, he's improved by leaps and bounds, and most times have been able to filch letters without arousing attention. However, the boy most of all relies on his speed and agility to evade pursuit from those who lose their letters.

At times he's pretended at times to be an assigned courier or crier, carrying sensitive documents for people only to turn them over to those who might want them for nels. Despite his nefarious reputation, he's only a tool of more dangerous individuals, who employ his services in order to blackmail, intimidate, and terrorize his victims.
Dates & Links
Saw Dustin, 'Sawmill Operator'
Name: Sagro “Saw” Dustin
Race/ Age / Gender: Mixed (Human/Biqaj/Sev’ryn)/56/Male
Location Egilrun
Submitted by Oram Mednix
Role: Named in the Credits. Sawmill Operator and affiliate of the Logging Consortium. Supplies much of the lumber used by the local shipyards. Businessman and Politician. Standing to run for Egg. Husband to Mina Dustin.
Skills: Business Management, Woodworking, Logistics (Expert) Strength, Deception, Combat: Polearms, Politics (Competent), Engineering (Novice).
Personality / Quirks Gruff, blunt, and uneducated, “Saw” Dustin is everything his wife is not. He is greedy and ambitious (well, okay, some things his wife is, too), and deeply resents the control that the Scalvoris Council has imposed on his business operations, especially since their takeover of the Logging Consortium. Saw has the support of interests in Egilrun who strongly believe that the “old ways” were better, and who share his disdain for and resentment of outside interference, such as the recently-increased presence of groups like the Rangers and Elements. Saw is pledged to reverse these developments. He wears a bright red fox-fur hat with the embroidered letters MEGA on it. Make Egilrun Great Again!
Dates & Links
Angela Hoskins, 'Mysterious Teenager'
Name: Angela Hoskins
Race/ Age / Gender: Human / 13 / Female
Location: Scalvoris
Submitted by: Winston
Role: Named in the Credits ~ Originally created for the Cooking Competition
  • Cooking (Expert)
  • Acting (Expert)
  • Endurance (Expert)
  • Caregiving (Competent)
  • Athletics (Competent)
  • Larceny (Competent)
  • Detection (Competent)
  • Leadership (Novice)
Appearance: A cursory inspection would give the clear impression of a smartly (if inexpensively) dressed little girl with an endearing smile, blond hair and green eyes. A closer inspection (something she would do her best to avoid being performed) or a dicerning eye, might notice that her cloths were heavily repaired and skin well weathered for someone so young.
Personality / Quirks:
This street rat maintains a thinly painted, but well maintained facade of an accomplished young girl
, talented in Cooking and Caring for those around her. Anyone that does not know otherwise, would be forgiven for assuming that she was on the fast-track to success, given her unusual culinary talent, once her parents have finished paying for what must be a very accomplished education and she moves on to bigger and better things.

The truth could not be further from this. As a child orphaned by the docks collapse in Scalvoris town, she lives hand to mouth these days,
caring for a small group of fellow street rats and vagabonds
. She aspires to do more with her life, but will not elevate herself without taking her friends along with her. Spending every waking hour either leading her little group of thieves, scrounging for food or stealing away time
in a local kitchen's voluntary service in order to practice her passion
she has lived a life much harder than any normal person should (let alone a child)

She has fond memories of her doting parents and is determined to get back to a place of honest graft, but to get there, she needs something to launch her into a place she can do this. Money? Renown? Support of ANY kind is all she needs... and the Scalvoris Chef competition is it. She and her friends have scrapped together everything they can, by thieving, scrounging, begging lying and cheating to get accepted into the competition, Angela is their only hope for salvation and the competition Angelas only hope for a future above the gutters of Almund.
Dates & Links Nothing yet, but going to do the Cooking Competition and hay! Mabey she'll win! I want her to :-)
Easton Huxley, 'Merc Leader of the Briny Bunch'
Name: Easton Huxley
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 29 Arcs, Male
Location: Almund
Submitted by: Balthazar Black
Role: Named in the Credits - Leader of The Briny Bunch Mercenary Company who will employ whatever tactics necessary to ensure that no new mercenary companies try to emerge in what he considers his 'territory.'
Leadership (Expert)
Socialization (Expert)
Deception (Expert)
Combat: Blades (Competent)
Combat: Unarmed (Competent)
Intelligence (Competent)
Storytelling (Competent)
Combat: Ranged (Novice)
Personality / Quirks: Easton carries himself with the arrogance of someone who was raised with a surplus of nels despite the fact that he is the furthest from that. Growing up as a criminal, Easton used his charisma and charm to convince enough people to follow him that he began his own mercenary company. He is the first to exaggerate their success and more importantly to play down their failures. Easton always presents himself as calm and composed until he is backed into a corner. He can spin a story better than he can wield any weapon and it has helped him succeed in the business world more than the mercenary one.
Dates & Links Nothing Yet
Torsten Odd, 'Highly Questionable Private Investigator'
Name: Torsten Odd
Race/ Age / Gender: Lotharro, 35 Arcs, Male
Location: Scalvoris Town
Submitted by: Balthazar Black
Role: Named in the Credits - Private investigator who seems to specialize in planting evidence in order to make his work seem more important than it is- or perhaps to get people harsher punishments than they really deserve.
Larceny (Expert)
Investigation (Expert)
Combat: Blades (Expert)
Detection (Competent)
Psychology (Competent)
Stealth (Competent)
Tactics (Competent)
Business Management (Novice)
Personality / Quirks: Torsten is so much what his last name implies that people wonder if it was truly his last name or just something people got used to calling him. His office is littered with strange and obscure items and he seems to speak in riddles. He talks normally, but it always seems like he is leading towards something he wants you to bring up first. His hair is cut short on one side only and he often spends longer looking at what you are wearing than at you. He's an odd but incredibly observant man with little to no sense of morality. He will do what he is paid to do. You ask him to uncover infidelity in a partner and he will, even if the evidence he presents is fake.
Dates & Links Nothing Yet


Gul Dukat, Inspector Javert, Iago, Joffrey, Your Arch Nemesis
They may have up to 8 non-magic skills, 1 master, 4 expert, 3 competent,
Henry Kenway 'Captain of the Raskbuck'
Name: Henry Kenway
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 11 Ymiden 678
Location Hollow Sea, Egilrun
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Starring, Captain of The Raskbuck
Skills: Blades (Cutlass) (Master)
Tactics (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Intimidation (Expert)
Athletics (Expert)
Navigation (Competent)
Leadership (Competent)
Ranged (Pistol Crossbow) (Competent)
Personality / Quirks Henry Kenway is one of the more ruthless pirates plaguing the Hollow Sea with a fiercely loyal and just... fierce crew. He gains a sadistic pleasure by taking things from other people, be it their wealth, happiness, or lives. He is not a good man by any stretch but he presents himself as if he is honorable and commands his crew through equal parts fear and inspiration. While his word can not be trusted, you can almost always trust Kenway to be dishonest.Apprehended Ymiden 25, 721. Lost his right hand in combat.
Dates & Links
Lucas Mallory, 'Assassin / Thief'
Name: Lucas Mallory
Race/ Age / Gender: 32 Arc Old, Human, Male
Location: Travels around Scalvoris depending on work.
Submitted by: Balthazar Black
Role: Starring, Assassin / Thief
Skills: Larceny (Master)
Deception (Expert)
Combat: Blades (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Field Craft (Expert)
Athletics (Competent)
Medicine (Competent)
Hunting (Competent)
Personality/Quirks: Lucas Mallory considers himself an 'honorable' killer and he carries himself like a gentleman in most social situations. He is not only a polite man, but a kind one who performs acts of philanthropy across Scalvoris in his free time. He kills because he is good at it and because he does not feel that life is a particularly valuable thing. He enjoys seeing people he cares about happy, and he is willing to do whatever pays best to make sure that they can be. He prides himself on the fact that he had never hurt anyone other than his targets and he has never stolen from someone who would not be able to recover from it. He thinks of his work as the cleanest that it can be in his profession. Lucas employs a wide range of techniques to eliminate his target but almost all of them end up close and personal. He likes his targets to know why they have to meet their end, and that it is not personal.
Dates & Links Welcome To The Jungle - 42 Vhalar 721
Journey To The Center Of The Mind - 43 Vhalar 721
Black and The Beast - 43 - 50 Vhalar 721
A Man of War - 16 Cylus 722
Jacob Vane, 'Pirate Captain'
Name: Jacob Vane
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaj, 42 arcs old, Male
Location: Hollow Sea / Almund
Submitted by: Balthazar Black
Role: Starring, Pirate Captain
Skills: Axes and Bludgeons (Master)
Tactics (Expert)
Leadership (Expert)
Psychology (Expert)
Seafaring (Expert)
Athletics (Competent)
Business Management (Competent)
Ranged (Shortbow) (Competent)
Personality / Quirks: Jacob aspires to be a Pirate Lord in all but name. He is the captain of a clever and consistently evasive crew of cutthroats who have sailed the seas for the majority of their lives. He is a good leader and an oddly friendly one for a pirate, but friendly is not the same as kind. Jacob does not like taking unnecessary risks and he can not stand when he is not in control of the situation, but the caution involved to stay in control of each situation has kept him ahead of most who tried to stop him. He wants to spread his influence over the seas by amassing a larger, more loyal crew of other pirate ships but he has no plans to share in the leadership of them.
Dates & Links A Man of War - 16 Cylus 722
Balder, 'Egilrun Ghost'
Name: Balder (Although he sometimes pretends to share the moniker of the hostess fo the North End Lodge, he's no relation to Cornelia, he just pretends to be someone related to her occasionally, in the interest of starting rumors.)
Race/ Age / Gender: Ghost (Empty) / Unknown Age / Male
Location North End Lodge, Egilrun.
Submitted by Woe
Role: A permanent resident of the North End Lodge, specifically the Red Room, one of the entities terrorizing the Red Room.
Skills: Master Deception, Expert Syphon, Expert Possession, Expert Hexing, Expert Psychology, Competent Tactics, Competent Meditation, Competent Trap-Making.
Personality / Quirks A liar of a ghost, whose identity is as fluid as the horrific illusions he weaves throughout the Red Room through the art of Hexing. People who encounter this dangerous entity are known to have years drained from their lives, just by one session of being possessed or fed upon by him. He enjoys the art of deception, and practical pranks played upon visitors to the Red Room.
Dates & Links Pending.
Randian Schattenshel, 'Poacher and Turtle Murderer'
Name: Randian Schattenshel
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/ 41 / Male
Location Sweetwine woods.
Submitted by Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Akoko Nọọsi, qy’akot o'Creede
Role: A bandit poacher of turtles and fairies. A turtle murderer.
Skills: Leadership: Master, Axes and Bludgeons: Expert, Hunting: Expert, Shield: Expert, Leatherworking: Expert, Detection: Competent, Tactics: Competent
Personality / Quirks A roughneck bandit leader that enjoys turtle meat. He wears a lot of leather apparel, armor, and equipment derived from the byproducts of turtle murder, such as shell shields, hats, bones for making tools and weapons, etc. He despises fairies, having run afoul of them lately. He runs a sizeable gang of bandits (flavor npcs) who accompany him on his robberies and turtle hunts.
Dates & Links Pending
Jessil Del Gentel; 'Master Duelist'
Name: Jessil Del Gentel
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, 29, Male
Location Travelling
Submitted by Devin
Role: Starring; Master Duelist
Skills: Master Blades, Expert Endurance, Expert Detection, Expert Seduction, Expert Strength, Competent Tactics, Competent Athletics, Competent Cosmetology
Personality / Quirks To call Jessil Del Gentel a charming rogue or any other kind of rogue, for that matter, would be incorrect. He fits the stereotype quite well at first glance, but he doesn’t engage in criminal acts. There’s more to be gained from being a more or less upstanding citizen in his opinion; besides, prison is not a particularly appealing place!

Jessil is an extremely skilled swordsman that would be able to defeat seasoned soldiers effortlessly if he wanted to (He doesn’t want to though as he considers soldiers and similar people to be dreadfully boring and not worth associating with.).

Once a resident of Lysoria, dark-haired and dark-eyed Jessil moved to Scalvoris after the disappearance of the Pirate Lords in order to take advantage of the countless opportunities that he saw there, sell his swords to the highest bidder and impress people with his talent at all kinds of public events. He is someone that definitely craves money and fame.

Far from a typical sellsword, Jessil is quick-witted, ambitious, seductive and fashionable. He wouldn’t be caught dead in plain and boring chainmail or an unadorned suit of leather armor.

Dates & Links
Giedre Crystale; 'Courtesan'
Name: Giedre Crystale
Race/ Age / Gender: Biqaj/28/Female
Location Egilrun - Two Queens Shy
Submitted by Woe
Role: Starring- Courtesan with a jealous former client.
Skills: Caregiving: Master, Endurance: Expert, Seduction: Expert, Cosmetology: Expert, Socialization: Expert, Athletics: Competent, Acting: Competent, Combat: Unarmed: Competent.
Personality / Quirks A very friendly courtesan with a warm disposition, as far as courtesans go. While many of the courtesans of the Two Queens are more down to earth and business-like, she's an incorrigible romantic, and genuinely cares for her clients. It's this sunny disposition that has broken the heart of one Client, Indrid Yeoman, as he thought she cared only for him. Despite the danger she reputedly poses for clients, she is one of the more expensive courtesans at the Two-Queens, commanding the highest price of any of them. Only the rich can generally afford her services.
Dates & Links (The Pale Edge of the Diamond Queen I /9th of Ashan 722 / Woe Investigates this courtesan, and gets set up with her after a game of Suits.)
Indrid Yeoman, 'Brothel Creeper'
Name: Indrid Yeoman
Race/ Age / Gender: Human/55/Male
Location Egilrun
Submitted by Woe
Role: Starring- Brothel Creeper with a Crush
Skills: Tactics: Master, Hunting: Expert, Combat: Ranged: Expert, Fieldcraft: Expert, Psychology: Expert, Strength: Competent, Endurance: Competent, Combat: Unarmed: Competent.
Personality / Quirks An old hermit, who spends much of his time in Civilization at one brothel or another. He stopped visiting brothels recently, however, after one of the courtesans (Giedre Crystale) refused to see him, when he displayed a temper to her. He became obsessed, and has since stalked any man who dares to hire her as a courtesan.

He is a master at setting of an ambush, and used to work as a ranger of sorts before settling down to a quiet life in the middle of the Sweetwine. He's an expert marksman, who prefers to use longbows and hunting on foot.

So far, he's evaded capture or discovery, usually by using his strategic wiles and woodcraft to outsmart the Elements and Rangers.

He's also nearly bald, with a receding hairline to the back of his head.
Dates & Links

(The Pale Edge of the Diamond Queen I /9th of Ashan 722 / Woe investigates the murders, and the courtesan in this thread, which will be a series..)
Jaques Black 'Captain of the Destiny'
Name: Jaques Black
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, Male, 28 Arcs old
Location The Hollow Sea / Various Towns
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Starring
Skills: Combat: Blades (Master)
Seafaring (Expert)
Leadership (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Deception (Expert)
Musical Instrument: String (Competent)
Larceny (Competent)
Singing (Competent)
Personality / Quirks Jaques Black is a light hearted but equally terrifying pirate. He is the type to crack jokes one trill and burry a sword in you the next. He is the captain of the pirate ship known as The Destiny and he has successfully evaded the Element's pursuit for a few arcs- in part because they can't find evidence to link him to crimes he clearly commit and in part because they often can not find him. The strange thing about Jaques is that he proudly boasts that he is the brother of Balthazar Black for some reason. Maybe he really believes it, maybe he is just trying to make people think more of him based on Balthazar's relationship. He is a kind captain to his crew and a momentarily enjoyable pirate to the ships he attacks.
Dates & Links TBD
Shrike - 'Mastermind of the Shadowed Hand'
Name: "Shrike"
Race/ Age / Gender: Yludih, Male, 56 Arcs old
Location Almund / Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Starring
Skills: Larceny (Master)
Intelligence (Expert)
Deception (Expert)
Logistics (Expert)
Combat: Blades (Expert)
Combat: Unarmed (Competent)
Acting (Competent)
Socialization (Competent)
Personality / Quirks: The Mastermind behind The Shadowed Hand, Shrike's real name has been discarded and all that remains is the alias he has chosen to live his life by. Little is known about him and he remains a mystery to the Elements who patrol Scalvoris, but he has had his hand in a massive number of robberies and calamities over the arcs he has been alive. Whether it was simply pawning off a well thought out plan to another group or assembling his own team to go through with a crime, Shrike has made his living ensuring that the criminals who come to work with and for him do not get caught- and it has been a good living. If there had ever been reports of his physical appearance, they would be just as varied as the crimes he had had a hand in committing due to his unique race. Apart from his recent endeavor to assemble a more lasting unit of criminals (The Shadowed Hand), Shrike has had a tendency only to work with a group or individual a few times before discarding them. He has an even more pressing tendency to pretend he is not actually 'Shrike' and is instead an envoy or agent representing the real mastermind behind the crime. The few who know him can't tell whether he turned to crime for noble reasons or out of a sick desire to become wealthy, but whatever the reason really is, he picked something he is very good at. Shrike does not seem like a fighter and rarely takes a form that looks like they'd be intimidating, but he uses his skills in deception to lull opponents into a false sense of security.
Dates & Links 19 Vhalar 722 Three Strikes To Win (Recruiting talent in the form of a dark haired human with bright eyes)
Erika Wilder - 'Eyes of the Shadowed Hand'
Name: Erika Wilder
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, Female, 38 Arcs old
Location Almund / Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Starring
Skills: Detection (Master)
Larceny (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Appraisal (Expert)
Athletics (Expert)
Etiquette (Competent)
Alchemy (Competent)
Seduction (Competent)
Personality / Quirks: The Eyes of The Shadowed Hand, Erika Wilder is a kind and friendly woman with a rotten heart. She is never one to skip manners or playful banter but she is equally never one to leave you with everything you began with. Referred to as 'The Eyes,' Erika has a special ability to locate and figure out the value of objects worth stealing- even when they are completely concealed. Whether it is slight impressions on clothing or a familiar scent of gold and jewels, Erika always seems to be able to detect when someone had something of value on them. She fell in with The Shadowed Hand a few arcs ago and has done well to earn her place among the group. She is one of the only members who has not been replaced since joining. She is fiercely loyal to her team and any information she give out about them is probably a lie. Erika is not a fighter but she is nimble and clever which, in combination with various devices and smoke screens she has developed, often helps her escape in a chase.
Dates & Links None yet.
Herman Mills - 'Toxic Palm of the Shadowed Hand'
Name: Herman Mills
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, Male, 43 Arcs old
Location Almund / Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Starring
Skills: Larceny (Master)
Discipline (Expert)
Medicine (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Combat: Ranged (Expert)
Combat: Blades (Competent)
Resistance (Competent)
Intimidation (Competent)
Personality / Quirks: The Toxic Palm of The Shadowed Hand, Herman Mills is a quiet but observant man in the middle of his life. He didn't start out thinking he was a criminal but as the arcs drew on he grew to embrace his newfound purpose. He is a killer and a thief but he will never make a move for less than a small fortune. Events in his life ensured that he does not need the ill-gotten gains in order to live comfortably, but he also denies any satisfaction in the work he does. Even his close allies are unaware of why it is that he does what he does, but he has never given any of them reason to think that he'd turn on them to save himself. Maybe it's a death wish? Maybe he really is just seeking a little thrill? Maybe he is just trying to do something different before the end of his time? Whatever the reason, he is a reliable criminal and the member that The Shadowed Hand turn to when something truly dark needs to happen... or when they have found an unbreakable lock that they need to get past. He refused to be called 'The Toxic Finger of The Shadowed Hand.' Some think it was because he thought it sounded dumb. Herman typically utilizes various forms of poison on his blades and darts in order to incapacitate or kill obstacles in the path of his work.
Dates & Links None yet.
Dray Godwin - 'Knuckle of the Shadowed Hand'
Name: Dray Godwin
Race/ Age / Gender: Human, Male, 26 Arcs old
Location Almund / Scalvoris Town
Submitted by Balthazar Black
Role: Starring
Skills: Larceny (Master)
Athletics (Expert)
Stealth (Expert)
Art (Expert)
Deception (Expert)
Research (Competent)
Acting (Competent)
Gambling (Competent)
Personality / Quirks: The Knuckle of The Shadowed Hand, Dray Godwin is a joker and a prankster in every way. He did not learn to be a master criminal through efforts to steal. Instead he learned his remarkable skills picking locks, pockets, and other such things through an effort to do the exact opposite. He was a comedian and a clown in a circus that no longer exists but an important part of his act was planting things in places where no one would believe they should have been. He embarrassed one too many people and his circus kicked him out. Shortly after he was recruited by Shrike to work for The Shadowed Hand and Shrike has mentored him a little more closely than the other two members in order to both keep him under control and to hone his skills at taking things rather than placing them. Dray can rarely resist the urge to make a joke- even when they really aren't funny. People tend to find his humor abrasive and annoying, but as long as he is laughing, he doesn't really care what others think. Dray is a fast and agile fighter but he is more interested in evasion than he is in combat. Generally, if he has gotten into a fight it means that something has already gone terribly wrong.
Dates & Links None yet.

The Director's Cut

Mod Submitted / With Mod Oversight only.

Cutting Room Floor

For our dead who won't live to see the sequel...
Rules for this
  • In your review request - you must link to this thread - showing your submission of the NPC here. These NPCs do not follow the usual rules and our Peer Reviewers need to know that you are playing to your skills.
  • Consider these "flavour" NPCs. They follow the same rules as flavour NPCs , but with more skills than usual flavour NPCs.
  • The same rules for story as Flavour NPCs apply. You can meet them, see them in passing, notice them in a bar, etc. If, however, an NPC becomes a significant part of your story, then they should be submitted as a city NPC.
  • Please use them in a way which makes story sense for their level of experience.
  • Remember that not all antagonists are villains.
  • Remember that not all antagonists are warriors.
  • In the course of your adventures, should you vanquish one of these foes, please resubmit them with the updated information and a link to where you killed them, and they will be immortalized in the Cutting Room Floor.
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Massive thanks to Pig Boy, whose idea this is - both for having the idea, and for letting me steal it so shamelessly.
word count: 7540
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: Antagonist NPCs

Naddar, Angela Hoskins, Easton Huxley, Torsten Odd Added!

Saw Dustin thread added and description adjusted!

Jessil Del Gentel thread added!
word count: 20
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Re: Antagonist NPCs

Konsu added!
word count: 2
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: Antagonist NPCs

Thytrik Schmit, Aeres Moyle , Jaques Black, Shrike, Erika Wilder, Herman Mills, Dray Godwin added!
word count: 14
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Re: Antagonist NPCs

For the following antagonyst:


Originally created for use in tracker event.

Since creation, she has been used in most of the threads listed in the url=viewtopic.php?t=29610]tracker[/url] and is now in the finale with Winston.

As such, I would like to progress her to the 'Starring' category, please. :-)

Here's an updated block for her to replace the old one:
Angela Hoskins, 'Mysterious Teenager'
Name: Angela Hoskins
Race/ Age / Gender: Human / 13 / Female
Location: Scalvoris
Submitted by: Winston
Role: Named in the Credits ~ Originally created for the Cooking Competition
  • Cooking (Master)
  • Acting (Expert)
  • Endurance (Expert)
  • Athletics (Expert)
  • Detection (Expert)
  • Caregiving (Competent)
  • Larceny (Competent)
  • Leadership (Competent)
Appearance: A cursory inspection would give the clear impression of a smartly (if inexpensively) dressed little girl with an endearing smile, blond hair and green eyes. A closer inspection (something she would do her best to avoid being performed) or a dicerning eye, might notice that her cloths were heavily repaired and skin well weathered for someone so young.

Personality / Quirks:
This street rat maintains a thinly painted, but well maintained facade of an accomplished young girl
, talented in Cooking and Caring for those around her. Anyone that does not know otherwise, would be forgiven for assuming that she was on the fast-track to success, given her unusual culinary talent, once her parents have finished paying for what must be a very accomplished education and she moves on to bigger and better things.

The truth could not be further from this. As a child orphaned by the docks collapse in Scalvoris town, she lives hand to mouth these days,
caring for a small group of fellow street rats and vagabonds
. She aspires to do more with her life, but will not elevate herself without taking her friends along with her. Spending every waking hour either leading her little group of thieves, scrounging for food or stealing away time
in a local kitchen's voluntary service in order to practice her passion
she has lived a life much harder than any normal person should (let alone a child)

She has fond memories of her doting parents and is determined to get back to a place of honest graft, but to get there, she needs something to launch her into a place she can do this. Money? Renown? Support of ANY kind is all she needs... and the Scalvoris Chef competition is it. She and her friends have scrapped together everything they can, by thieving, scrounging, begging lying and cheating to get accepted into the competition, Angela is their only hope for salvation and the competition Angelas only hope for a future above the gutters of Almund.
Dates & Links
word count: 510


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Antagonist NPCs

Updates For Characters That Were Used In Threads:
Name: Jacob Vane
100 Ashan 723 - What Do We Do With A Drunken Sailor?
100 Ashan 723 - Early In The Morning!

Name: Lucas Mallory
100 Ashan 723 - What Do We Do With A Drunken Sailor?
100 Ashan 723 - Early In The Morning!

Name: Shrike
100 Ashan 723 - Early In The Morning! (Disguised as a woman with dark hair and blue eyes)
word count: 69
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Re: Antagonist NPCs

Updates For Characters That Were Used In Threads:
Name: Jacob Vane
122 Ashan 723 - Are We The Bad Guys
3 Ymiden 723 - To Die, Just a Little (Murdered by Mallory who was possessed by Ulric)

Name: Lucas Mallory
105 Ashan 723 - The Ghost and The Gander
122 Ashan 723 - Are We The Bad Guys?
3 Ymiden 723 - To Die, Just a Little (Murdered by Vane's crew because he refused to be captured)
word count: 73
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Re: Antagonist NPCs


Giedre Crystale ~33 of Ymiden 723 A Hundred Legs Like Daggers in the Dark and Broken Crystal
Saw Dustin ~ 33 of Ymiden 723 Broken Crystal
word count: 26
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Re: Antagonist NPCs

Name: Arameus
Race/ Age / Gender: Eidisi/111/male
Location Almund, Port Diablo.
Submitted by Rakvald
Role: Disgraced Experimental Biologist/ Secret member of the Centipede.
Skills: Expert: Science, Medicine, Animal Husbandry, Competent: Combat: Ranged, Discipline, Intelligence, Intimidation.
Personality / Quirks Tries to set up mages, sending them hunting after the Ishkhal so as to send them to their deaths. A master of poisons, he carries a supply which he's willing to sell to all sorts of people, and takes concessions from people selling ingredients for his poisons.

He will never fail to send mages on a fool's errand to confront the Ishkhal.
Dates & Links Shadows over Almund 30th Ymiden 724
word count: 110

Fleshbound Tome~
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