Blue Dust Fairy

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Blue Dust Fairy

Name: Blue Dust Fairy
Overview: The Blue Dust Fairy is a flowering plant that can only grow in conditions many might deem toxic or dangerous for many other plants. It creates and spreads its own toxin on the winds and by pollinators.

Description: It has been noted that The Blue Dust Fairy is dangerous, spreading toxins to many creatures that come into its vicinity. It often grows in solitude and its reproduction method hasn't yet been discovered.

The Blue Dust Fairy is a woody flower, with soft blue flowers, with a large, central crevice in its stalk. It is a perennial and never seems to cease growing so long as the conditions allow for it. Most of them average about 2-4 feet tall, though there have been some discovered much larger. In the winter, the petals fall away, but the rest of the stalk remains alive and dormant. While in active growth, the central crevice can be seen producing a light blue powder that gets spread by the wind or pollinators.

Location: The forests around Desnind. It is only found in places deemed too toxic for most other plant life (festering bogs, areas with high acidity/alkalinity, areas affected by the natural run off of too much fruit fall, etc)

Hazard / Toxicity: The powder produced by this plant causes lethargy, weariness, and apathy in many creatures that get affected by it. It must be inhaled in order for this to take affect. The larger the creature, the more dust it must inhale to be affected. Inhaling enough of it can induce a coma. It isn't known if it can kill a person outright through this method, though many have died from being made vulnerable in the dangerous forests, becoming prey for creatures and the like. Only the dust is toxic, and the rest of the plant can be used for typical uses of flower petals and woody stems.

Uses: Currently it is typically avoided heavily due to the danger surrounding it. The powder could be used by both poison makers and medicine makers alike.

Credit: Hankley
 ! Message from: Bumblebee
I like this, just a couple questions. Do you have a rough approximation of how close someone can get before they are affected by its spores?
Last edited by Hankley on Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 378

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