• Out of Character • Nashaki Bounty Board

Self-Mod Bounties with various Rewards!

This is an Out of Character forum for the players of Nashaki looking for further information about the area.
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Nashaki Bounty Board


Whether you heard it from a stranger, or found a listing on one of the many job boards posted around Nashaki, or someone sought you out specifically to hire for the task ahead... one way or another, you found out about these bounties. Should you choose to accept, various rewards will come your way!

For each bounty, you should write roughly 1-3 threads (1500+ words).

Please submit each thread here, for approval of any rewards.


Pest Control (Vhalar 30-45): As the winds pick up and tornadoes start to threaten the desert, packs of the normally-nocturnal Hotlands Kalba venture out during the days and encroach on outlying settlements. Tribes offer a reward for any adventurers willing to disperse these packs, while craftsmen in the city seek to trade for their hides.

After Sandstorms (Vhalar 50-70): Recent sandstorms have left traveling caravans stranded across the Hotlands. Runners from these groups come to the city over the next few weeks looking for help, offering rewards for all those who assist in repairing and getting these caravans back on the go.

Trouble In The Sky Caves (Vhalar 110-116): A young smith from the Forge District is reported missing by his wife, after heading out for a visit to the Konkaro Sky Caves and failing to return. Although some of his belongings are found within the caves, the mystics living there claim no knowledge of anyone by his name. Upon further inspection, a necklace is found of the same description as one the young smith wore, but the mystics insist that it once belonged to a long-lost member of their tribe.

Healers Wanted (Vhalar 105): After exploring the desert around the Outskirts, a group of ragtag children come back into the city. With unexplained stomach aches and nausea, they request the help of any healers willing to listen, with only the mention that all of them tried the same fruits out in the desert.

NON-SEASONAL: Repeat up to 3 times per season.

Supply and Demand: There are many caravans transporting all kinds of goods and supplies between settlements in the hotlands. Although most of these trips run smoothly, it is still not uncommon to run into wild animals, bandits, or even weather-related problems in the desert. Guards, repairmen, and anyone else who thinks they can help these caravans make it to their destinations on time, are always encouraged to stop by the city gates and catch the next supply run.

Supply and Demand Reward: 1-3 WP per thread with a max of +5 WP total; knowledge of the best routes through the hotlands; and updated Tier 5 maps of the traveled areas.

Endless Hourglass: The Tower of Glass has a standing request for any unique, colorful, or otherwise interesting sands to be brought to them in exchange for services or reward. Nonlocal sands preferred.

Endless Hourglass Reward: glassblowing services/glass items OR monetary compensation equal to amount of sand (PM a Nashaki mod for an estimate).

Keeping the Outskirts Clean: The Outskirts are a fine place to live… if you don’t mind overcrowding, blistering heat, and inadequate shelter. For many citizens living there, cleanliness and tidiness are secondary to survival. To help improve their living conditions, the Council offers compensation to anyone willing to spend some time cleaning up or otherwise assisting the Outskirts.

Outskirts Reward: +1 WP for each thread; OR One Tier 2 to Tier 6 Gem from the Tower of Gems

Combat Training: Although the need for military force is infrequent in the hotlands, the Tower of Arms stays prepared. Locals and visitors alike with combat experience or weapons-related skills are requested to stop by the Arms District and lend a helping hand in training soldiers. Those who lead training sessions in their chosen skill are then allowed an equal amount of free combat lessons in exchange.

Combat Training Reward: combat training in chosen style/weapon, equal to amount of training sessions given.

Rats!: The crowded markets of the North District are not always pest-free. Every now and then, the stalls and shops along these bustling streets find themselves facing a rat problem - one that they are more than willing to pay to have taken care of.

Rats! Reward: +3 WP total; Four Tier 8 items from the construction/design market.

Something Old…: Found a mysterious scroll in an ancient language? Unearthed an artifact or relic from your latest adventure? Maybe that old doll in your pack looks a little cursed? The League of Eastern Exploration is always seeking relics, artifacts, scrolls, ancient armors and weapons, and more.

Something Old Reward: +2 WP min. for each item (you must forfeit the item; if you'd like to request more than 2 WP, please PM a Nashaki mod). Additional knowledge and information on the item found. Reputation gain with the LEE.

Helping the Hotlands Stay Safe: Many of the tribal settlements across the desert are either defenseless or in need of improved defenses, to stay safe and hold their own against bandits and raiders. Any help is always appreciated… and any who stumble upon these bandit attacks themselves are encouraged to step in and help the tribes fight back.

Helping the Hotlands Reward: One set of Tier 6 weapons or armor from the tribes.

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Re: Nashaki Bounty Board

Supply and Demand: There are many caravans transporting all kinds of goods and supplies between settlements in the hotlands. Although most of these trips run smoothly, it is still not uncommon to run into wild animals, bandits, or even weather-related problems in the desert. Guards, repairmen, and anyone else who thinks they can help these caravans make it to their destinations on time, are always encouraged to stop by the city gates and catch the next supply run.
Ymiden 720 - Saun 720: Nashaki Caravansary:

viewtopic.php?f=315&t=23991 - Demda gets a job on the caravansary. Meets the caravan master and her 'supervisor' of sorts.
viewtopic.php?f=315&t=24010 - Demda gets learning on the job, how to ride a mount.
viewtopic.php?f=315&t=23995 - Demda and the Caravansary make a run from a bunch of hungry and deadly desert wolves, end up losing a couple of carts weighed down with junk and people that Dimza deems disposable.
viewtopic.php?f=315&t=24009 - The run from the hungry wolves continues, with Demda catching up to the rest of the caravansary.
viewtopic.php?f=315&t=23996 - The Caravansary finally arrives back home in Nashaki, and are allowed after paying a tribute, to partake of the oasis.
 ! Message from: Saint
Shade and Water, traveler!

Approved for the max reward of 5 WP; please note this in your ledger.

In addition, the attempted horse-thief left a small leather pouch behind. Inside, there is a compass that never breaks, engraved with the image of a snarling desert wolf's head.
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Re: Nashaki Bounty Board

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