”Your eye will be fine. I know just how to pull it before it does permanent damage.” And it was no boast. Woe was perhaps the foremost grandmaster with the whip in the southern continent. And that was saying something, when in the company of Naer dominatrices of Augiery. A whip was not a weapon of war, nor a weapon meant to actually cause permanent harm. But gods could it hurt, and give one pause before tangling with a real master.
Balthazar didn’t want to dance anymore, apparently and Woe couldn’t blame him, judging by the reddened welt on his neck. Woe smirked as he closed the distance, yet with that break in his offensive Woe took the opportunity to coil the whip around his arm. As the blade came forward, Woe brought his own up to meet it.
They clashed back and forth, Woe now handling his blade in both hands while the whip was wound about his right arm. Their bind went back and forth, the blades clashing and slicing against each others edges. Woe couldn’t let him slip his cutting edge too far over the bind that he was forming with his crossguard, however, and so maintained the bind high on Balthazar’s blade, near his own crossguard.
This gave Woe more leverage and control over the bind. Yet the damage it was doing to the tienite edge would be considerable, if the intense heat coming off the sword was any indication.
Woe took a gamble, and disengaged at the last moment, rolling backward. Yet Balthazar was quick enough in his advance, enough to slash at Woe’s mantle of magpie feathers. The contact of it’s edge seared through the Magpie feathers, causing them to flare to life for but a moment before Woe’s roll backward put them out, smothering the flames.
”Ach!” Woe complained audibly and cursed. It was a hit, and a good one. He rose from his rolling maneuver, yet he didn’t backpedal. He turned around completely, and began running in the other direction, unwinding his whip again and grasping it by the flexible handle.
What Balthazar may not realize, and perhaps not be quick enough to react to, was the fact that a whip was just as easily used on the retreat, as it was while maintaining a circle of distance. Woe sent the whip flying at his opponent, over his shoulder, intending to crack him in the abdomen.
Whatever the result, whether it connected or not, he’d turn around once he had the distance again, and begin maintaining a circle while holding his sword out at length.
”You had a good hit with the sword. Shall we call it there? Or best two of three?” Woe smirked, waiting for Balthazar’s answer, either in the form of his voice or in an advance.