Viden Hot Cycle Calendar

Old calendars, sign ups etc. OOC threads which are no longer used.

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Prophet of Old
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1


Viden Hot Cycle Calendar


A Storm is Coming...

Viden Hot Cycle: Ymiden Weather

1st: The heat has began meeting the snow with temperatures hot enough to start melting. Places that were harder reach have become easier.

12th: With the heat, rivers, lakes, and the bay have began to rise due to the melting ice and snow.

20th: Bugs begin to show themselves in the city hanging around Tundra Ranch and both conservatories.

30th – 41st: A freezing rain hits the city in the early breaks of the 30th. It rains off and on for a full eleven trials.

50th: The bugs have returned after the freezing rain has passed.

75th: A huge storm rolls in during the early hours of the morning causing a tornado to form on the outskirts of the devanti mountains

Ymiden Event Calendar:

1st: The Hot Cycle has began for the city of Viden. The Snow begins to melt some, but not enough to change the look of the landscape.

5th: The flowers brought in from the Forrest during the Rebirth cycle began to decay faster than any other known plant life. (Unmodded)

7th: After the flowers die, two children are reported missing suddenly while in the forest with their families. The garrison urges citizens to be careful when leaving the city and to keep a watchful eye on the youth of the city. The garrison asks for help to look for them by any who is able. (Modded, sign up will be posted)

15th: The people are urged to help keep the reserves full for the impending cold cycles. Hunters find it easier to hunt with the melting snow pushing animals closer to town (unmodded)

20th: The bugs of the cycle have finally began to descend on the city focusing on the Tundra Ranch and both of the conservatories trying to get in whenever possible.

30th: The freezing rain makes it hard to travel anywhere in the city due to the ice and rain. The rain feeling like needles hitting exposed skin. Those that bundle up with find frozen icicles on their clothes after entering a building. The rain goes for a long eleven trials.

42nd: New bounties have been sent from the surrounding town for anyone interested in traveling for the prizes

54th: A shipment of metal and ore makes it to the city from Black Peak with the news of bandits along the roads.

63rd - 73rd: With the heat wave coming even stronger the cold air causes everything to become humid. A strange feeling in the often freezing city. The humidity stays for ten trials

83rd: The end of Ymiden has arrived and the city is preparing for the start of Saun which is expected to be hotter than ever.

Viden Hot Cycle: Saun Weather

1st: The double suns cause the temperatures to rise even higher when Saun arrives

10th-12th: A rain storm hits the city cooling it down some from the heat of the two suns

15th: The double suns have began to “dry” up the puddles left from the previous storm. The ground starting to harden so that travel is easier.

28th-30th: A wind storm blows in causing loose snow to fly through the air. It causes anything loose from clothes to papers to be carried off.

Saun Event Calendar:

1st: With the start of Saun the entire city of Viden prepares for the Cold cycle. Viden takes the entire second part of the Hot Cycle to replenish food stores.

7th: The salt quarry in Hok sends word for any one from Viden to help move the cycle’s worth of salt to the reserve in preparation for the Cold Cycle

12th: The rain from two trials prior is finally subsiding making the areas not covered in snow hard to track through. The exposed ground not much more than mud.

25th-35th: The grain reserve puts out a call for anyone willing and able to help bring over vegetables and fruit from the conservatories. With the cycle end nearing there is a dash to get both reserves filled and ready to go for the Cold Cycle.

40th: The end of the Hot Cycle has arrived, prepared or not the Cold cycle will be starting soon.

word count: 701

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